Wednesday, November 26, 2008
what a heavenly shoot

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
how I got started..kinda

I watched this show and didn't even know that Myke was going to be on it...and I had just talked to him a few days before it's premiere...
so this is the fast story...
I was almost done with beauty school (didn't like doing hair..but I'd have tons of make-up applications on my completion lists for each week in beauty school...) and by the way Bonnie is amazing because she let me go to beauty school for free at her school International Academy of Style.......
I go to a hair show in LA....I start talking to Myke Michaels (who has won Emmy's for make-up, has done everyone from Janet Jackson to Demi Moore to everyone......) he asks of I want to work on a movie....and within a month I'm on set, in a make-up trailer, on location in the desert...
I also got offered a job that day, by Laurent D, owner of Prive salons and products in Hollywood....
I was so excited leaving that hairshow......and then I got rear-ended on the 101 freeway going home in my mom's new Lexus that was just a few weeks old!!!! Ahhhh, what's a little airbag smoke, compared to what I had just been offered! ha ha ha
so anyways....I like this show....because it makes me think of what I would've done for the assignments they are given....my friend had told me about the show looking for make-up artists...and I didn't really think too much about it...I had other things cookin' in my life...
Myke is a really great guy....no matter how the show tries to make him look....he's the nicest 7 foot tall man...he's not that tall, but this biggest make-up artist I've ever seen....
Monday, November 24, 2008
i have a LOT of brushes...these are just my personal brushes...not my kit brushes.....
but they say..."you're only as good as your tools"...
so here'e my top 5 must have tools.......
#1- (i know it's not a brush but......it's right at your fingertips...ha ha ha)
your fingers- yes, i read an article a long time ago by a famous make-up artist from Hollywood's glamour days (40's-50's)...that said his fingers were the best tools he had...
foundation and concealer are best applied with yor fingertips (they are soft and warm...and help emulsify the make-up and "melt" it into your skin...where a sponge, brush, even airbrush...can't duplicate what the human hand an do.... But as a make-up artist, for sanitary reasons, you wouldn't want to really use your fingers, although I do know of lots of make-up artist that do!
#2 fluffy eyeshadow brush-i use it to put the base color all over the lid, blend, and to do the crease blending
#3 rounded blending brush-use it to soften up the edge of your liner and to do the corners of the eye....(making a sideways triangle from the outter corners of the eye)...and to to the crease of the eye...and for a soft smokey effect under the eye
#4 angled brush
i use it to do my eyebrows....and to go over liner...or just dampen the brush with water, dip it in my eyeshadow and draw on liner with it...and to darken the rims of the eye with black shadow
#5 flattish curved blending-this brush will blend colors for a smokey eye..i use it to dab on a highlighting color on the eyelid.....towards the inner part of your eye (where the lashes start)
happy brushing!
Tweezers in Taiwan
Saturday, November 22, 2008
dude, where's my eyeshadow
this is a make-up melt-down intervention......the first in a series of Make-up Mistake Interventions....
Friday, November 21, 2008
J-Lo and Mascarry stories
Who: Another make-up artist
What: talking about how much she loves Dior Show mascara....as it think..."you only like it because it's expensive...and sounds good to have in your kit..."
and then my opinion:
i don't care how expensive your mascara is....$5 bucks from Target....or or $24 from Dior...
and I've tested them all.....I have discovered the most amazing mascara......don't let the description gross you out.....DoubleExtends Beauty Tubes.....
i have NEVER seen a mascara that really makes it look like you have lash extensions...and it won't flake off at ALL! It coats your lashes with a "glove-like" coating...and when you wash it off the whole "glove-coating" (i can't use the word tubes, i grosses me out)...slides right off with warm water...
I love this stuff.....the one thing you should know....wash it off before you go to bed....or as I realized one lazy night...that your face can heat up the "glove-tube" and then it tries to bond with your bottom lashes...not so fun....
But, by far the most amazing mascara I've ever used! Try it..you'll like it...and no, I don't have any ties with L'oreal...happy eyelash batting!