Monday, March 1, 2010

free your heart!

is your heart in chains?
did you let someone chain it up?
did you chain it up yourself?

hearts were meant to be free and love freely....
but sometime something or someone makes it so we feel we have to chain up our precious hearts!

I want you to know we were designed to love, that's one of the most important things that this world lacks.....
I read things people write, on facebook, myspace, comments, and the list could go on and on...pretty much anywhere and everywhere...just listen to people talk...anywhere....people's status comments are mostly...angry, rude, negative...."my job sucks"...."i hate________", "______is so dumb"......

this could even be your friends or family, someone and work or school...or a loved one....a boyfriend, girlfriend.....

people are so empty of love,  most people just have no love to spread.... complaining, rude, mean, put-down, type comments...

If someone is pouring out negative, discouraging, hurtful words your way....
let it roll off you like "water-repellent" just beads up and rolls off!

No one said you have to listen, believe, or even tolerate they bad things that people say!

Know that you are loved, you are wonderful, God thinks you are the most precious thing in the world! And I do too! The letters that you guys send to me....I read, and tears roll down my face, taking in the love that you guys pour out...I hope, and I feel it is my responsibility, to type my blog, to be here for you like a friend....I love you all! I truly do! And I am so honored to be a part of your life, inspiring you, and being the friend, big sister, and hopefully someone who gets to add some love to your heart!

Someone is going to think the sun rises and sets in your heart....that you are the best thing they've ever seen, talked to, and experienced in their life!

You will have friends that will be there for you even when things are bad, not fun, and sad. (like my precious friend Amy, I can't thank her enough for how much she helped me yesterday! I love you Ames!!!!)

Free your hearts today! We really are the ones that hold the key!!!


Write a love letter (note) to yourself: what you love about yourself....
example: (things I might write, just to give you ideas, not to let you think I am inlove with myself...ha ha ha):
I like that I am sensitive
I like my brown eyes... (even though I used to want green or blue so bad) (God thinks that brown eyes were perfect for me....and he makes things amazing! The colors of sunsets and rainbows!)
I like that I laugh a lot
I like that I dance in my room with music on
you get the write yourself your love note....
*Now spread some love...let's' work on  only saying loving, encouraging, kind things today...
*Post something positive and kind on your facebook/myspace/twitter
*Try hard, all day to say only positive things....(it might be hard if you're not used to it....but soon it's like a game...the KINDNESS game! hee hee hee)

I love you're precious, you have great style, because it's yours.....your voice is perfect, you eyes are beautiful....that's how people see you're precious soul...everything you have to say deserves to be hears....especially by loving listening ears....

huge love......kandee


Anonymous said...

i absolutely love your necklace! where did you get it?!?!

Live.Laugh.Fashion.Beauty said...

Well said Kandee, I agreed 100%
Take Care

Unknown said...

i love this idea. another great idea is something my dad used to do for us when we were kids, and it built great habits for me and my siblings. when we would sit down for dinner every night, he would ask us "what did you do for someone today?"

it ended up being almost like a competition we thought about all day. we all tried to be able to say the best service at dinner =] and now it's just a habit to do things for others, whether i know them or not (and i love that about myself haha ;-) )

PBunnieP said...


ALPHAFORCE Blog | Fitness, Entrenamiento y Alimentación: La Guía Definitiva said...

Um let me say that you do not add some love to my add lots of love, you add so muuuch love. You just make me feel good :)

Thank you.
I hope you are not very very tired!

I love you so much! Like a bee loves honey but a lot more!! (you cant even imagine haha)

ally said...

kandee u are amazing and such an inspiration. a person with such a beautiful soul...ive been feeling a little down and reading ur blog tonight lifted my spirit and made me feel better. u have such a great way with words and know how to express ur self. much love kandee. forever and always!

Charity said...

You give out such positive energy kandee :)

Naiomi said...

Kandee, you are amazing i read almost everything you write, i have watched every video you have posted, but this one really touched my heart and made me cry, so just a big THANK YOU for everything really your amazing! i will be extremely loving today more than ever!! and ill write my love note to myself, lots of love X

Amber said...

You are so positive and upbeat! It is so nice to read a blog like yours. It makes me smile! I get tired of "downers"! hehe

ninateresa said...

oh my oh my kandee dear were to start...
kandee I can't thank you enough like ugh my eyes watered you say ur saying this to us ugh it's so beautiful for you to say things I'm very happy and I will put positive things on my facebook tomorrow(cuz it's midnight over here) and I wanna start the day wonderful :) I love this so much how you are just the best new york people are lucky to meet you I would cry if I met you! I wish you were coming to dallas but thanks again kandee doll :)
lots of love
nina :)

honey b said...

I had a completely horrible day today and I was at the point of giving up..on school, goals, trying. I kind of lost direction. Then, i ran across your blog and I just have to say that you have no idea how much you helped me. I needed this...all of this. I kept reading your entries and the more i read.. the more my little flame started burning again. Also, im a nursing major who, since i was little, have always dreamed of being a makeup artist. At this point, I was just afraid of taking the risk and my family didnt and still dont support that. But you have inspired me so not be afraid, to do what makes me happy, and live the life ive dreamed. YOU came right on time! I think you are amazing and a beautiful soul. Continue blogging because you are truly inspiring people!

Nat said...

Love you!!! This post is my favourite! Love how you give us exercises to do with our hearts and minds!! You are amazing!

Melissa Dale said...

Kandee! I'm going to start practicing your 'love mission' tomorrow! My heart is ready.

monavampire said...

I will write a letter for myself.
Sometimes I need more love especially from me.

TeaWhyWee said...

you are the most positive person that i ever met (on net n RL) ur words bring smile to my life, it encourage me and make me love myself more. thank you, I will try best not to think of negative thoughts. GAMbateh! love from singapore <3

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee!!
Thank you for all those beautifull things you write. And all your youtube videos!! :) You are such an adorable girl, like a LOVEBOMB :) that spreads love around you. And I really congratulate you for being such a courageus single mum.
I would like to send you a little gift :) Can you tell me where I could send it??
I send you back some of mi love to you ;)
Kisses and hugs

Znachorka said...

hi Kandee I hope you'r ok now. You shude try hot tee whit raspberries juice it's very good and help :))

Beansieleigh said...

NOTHING but positive words from my mouth ALL DAY?!!.. This is a workout of sorts.. a definite challenge.. but I LIKE IT! Thanks Kandee! ~tina

Lahni said...

Thank you so much Kandee!! I've been feeling really down lately about some negative stuff other people said and this just made my day. I'm gonna try extra-hard to take your advice and be positive! <333

Lahni said...

Thank you so much Kandee!! I was feeling really down about some negative things other people said and this just made my day. I'm gonna try super-extra hard to take your advice and be positive! <333

Shelby Renae said...

Your words are a shot of energy to my heart and soul each time I read them. Thank you, sweet Kandee! I will most definitely make time to write a love letter to myself. I think we all need spend time reflecting on our good qualities for once. :)

Sending love and hugs your way! Hope you don't get sick again! xoxo

Irish3 said...

Thanks for another uplifting post, and I made my daughter very happy yesterday when her "I am a Ninja" tank came in the mail as a surpise!!! Thanks for the heads up and the discount, she loves it!

Amy said...

Would love to see more makeup tips, finds, tricks, ect... I love you positive notes, but it seems that this blog is more becoming just that, and not about the makeup, which I used to love reading about.

Kayla Humairah said...

Hey kandee..i love that ur optimistic bout things and always have something good to say for people to read and feel good bout themselves..i love that you're being you..thanks for being my inspiration..i'm gonna link you at my blog kaez!

Diane said...

I really struggle ever day to be more possitive and to have that kind vibe towards others. And usually when I saw or do somthing mean I regret it and think about you, and I day to myself : "If I want to have that happiness in my life that Kandee's talking about I have to be better to other around me!"I really do think that, all the time!

kiss, Kandee!

Blonde Mafia said...

you always know the right words to say that I need to hear! this is a huge thing i struggle with. i protect myself way to much and am just scared to love which is dumb because i have sooooo much amazing love to offer. thank you kandee i needed this reminder. keep pouring out that love sunshine =)
much love...bama girl Casey

Blonde Mafia said...

Oh and I forgot to add earlier.
Today I was at Starbuck and the line was REALLY long. so i order, wait in line, wait in line some more, and wait a little bit more and then realize im super late for work now. As I am waiting i see this lady at the bar gathering all these coffees and drinks together. Really she must of ordered like 10 drinks. I guess everyone in the office sent her to get Starbucks this morning. You could tell she was already defeated because she had the look om her face of "I dont know how im going to carry all of this to the car"...So i of course think of YOU kandee =)
So i ask her can i help you carry those to your car? At first she insisted No that she had it and was going to just make 3 trips. Instead of letting her at the SAME time me and this other way step up and just take her drinks and start walking with her to her car. she was so thankful and you could tell from a situation of "how am i going to do this" to a little help it made her day. like you said kandee its the LITTLE things that start changing and helping make the world a little better place. thanks for reminding me =)

Everyone do something for someone!

love from Bama

Fatima said...

This was an amazing blog! I really wish that the world was full of love and kindness, but unfortunately it isn't all good!

I do think of you as my big sister!!

Love ya tons!!

Allison said...

You're so optimistic, it's contagious! :)

Katia_Dmm said...

i LOVED the post! hey btw did you got a letter from mexico? im preety concerned if you got it or not.
Love you! and i love me because God made me perfect :D

loladfrog said...

Kandee...I can not thank you enough for encouraging people to stay positive even on their hardest days. You give us all at least one reason to smile everyday. I am so incredibly thankful for youtube/facebook/this blog for helping me find you. I always know on a tough day that I can check out your page & feel like all I have to do is dig down deep, take a deep breath & smile. You are a BEAUTIFUL person.

Unknown said...


i love your makeup artizity! (made up word i just made up)! lol

id love to meet ya some day

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Flavia said...

Kandee, I have just made an facebook status with my favorite sentence from you: "Remember: you are more talented than you think, more beautiful than you know, and more loved than you can imagine - kandee" and I also put your blog's adress so that people can come here and feel the love being spread!! =)

FaithHopeLove said...

Hi Kandee,
Sorry you were not feeling good. Glad your taking good care. All your fans need your heart warming affirmations. You have a special gift - so many actually. You have a gentle, loving and humorous way to send your positivity and faith out to everyone and encourage others and really ensure they know that they are worthy. Your blogs and missions and words definitely inspire me and I can read here - so many others as well. We are one big circle of helping each other from all around the world. Thanks for sharing your heart so freely with your messages and videos and yourself. Love ya, FaithHopeLove

Emma said...

i was feeling pretty good before...and now i feel even better! thanks!

emilytpa said...

please do some more make-up related post, these are nice and all but getting a bit..tiresome?

Unknown said...

Kandee- You're my favorite! I read your blog just about everyday & it never fails that you write about what I am going through at the time & I'm always encouraged! Thank you for your positive words & fun videos :) Sending you lots of LOVE!

mijizanine said...

Thank you so much for this, I truly needed this reminder of love in spite of everything is the healer! My coworker spat some mean ugliness and I let it sink in too deeply & truly appreciate your words. You always know how to cheer a girl (& a guy I guess!) up. Bless you, may your new home be filled with a wonderful blank canvas for you to splash your love brush on! Peace & love from Chicago :-)

Anonymous said...

"I really struggle ever day to be more possitive and to have that kind vibe towards others. And usually when I saw or do somthing mean I regret it and think about you, and I day to myself : "If I want to have that happiness in my life that Kandee's talking about I have to be better to other around me!"I really do think that, all the time!"
Hi it is great
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Anonymous said...

Thank you for the "TODAY'S LOVE MISSION" portion on your blog now... I was very mad at my fiance today because he decided to have his niece come over to do homework and then went to bed! Seriously, when you invite someone over for any reason, you should be UP and AWAKE to "entertain" for anything they need/want. What's wrong with people? Instead he makes me stay up and entertain while he is SELFISH. *sigh*

anyways, your blog is the only thing that has brighten my mood up. Thank you Kandee for being my savior today. And thank you for listening to my rant... I really needed someone to just listen. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blogs and watching your videos. You always make me smile and I think that what you do is a great thing. I never really leave comments because I'm always so nervouse, but reading this blog made me so bubbly I had too.

Thanks again for all you do.

Anonymous said...

Kandee,thank you so much for your uplifting words...My life has been a bit complicated lately,with a lot of sad moments, but reading your blog brings hope to my heart and makes me believe that i will be ok in the end...
And you are so right,there's not enough love in the world..but right now, i'm looking out the window and the sun is setting and the clouds turned candy pink, so i feel like you're right here telling me not to worry,because i will find peace and love in my life.

There should be more people like you in this world!!

Unknown said...

I've been finding it hard for a long time to free my heart from chains when I feel like I'm close something else comes along. I hope there isn't many who feel like this. Its great to see that you can give some help to people like me with your experiences and as for young people it is hard to find coping mechanisms without help. You are a great inspiration to people Kandee and I certainly appreciate it. I love you make-up videos. Ive got so many styles to do in the morning now. God bless and take carex

Lucelle said...

It's so hard to always be positive in a world like we're living in now...
I admire you for that, wish I could be the same...

Abby said...

what happened to your advnetures in kandee land blog????? I just went to go read it and it says its invited readers only!!!???!!! :(

Kim said...

I love this post! the heck do you wear nude lipstick? I can't figure it out! I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong, or if I just have something too cheap or too creamy or something. Can you do a quick video on it?

cass said...

hey Kandee i would love it if you told us your views on sex. when you think girls should have it and when they should like marriage in love. and my problem is i got dumped after loosing my virginity to him now we were friends with benefits until he starting having sex with someone else. what should i do to stop still being in love with him???

Kat said...

thanks for this kandee,i was just hurt and screwed over by a friend,crying my eyes out i read some of ur latest blogs and they helped me alot...thank u for being a positive person in the place we call earth.

-gatherina- said...

But you know, it is also hard to try all day to say only positive things to other people, if Other say bad things to You.. And that makes sad. And If one is sad, it is hard to say anything positive...

asy said...

hi kandee i love ur make up ur the best i have learnt alot from u.iam from egypt the pyramids country and i would love to see u doing some arab stars make.for me i would love to c u doing hifaa wahby make up and cyrine abdelnoor makeup.thxxxxxxxxxxxx alot kandee hope u get whatever u want in ur life

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