Thursday, March 4, 2010

need a lift!?!

and sometimes....your heart just needs a lift!
ha ha ha

My Grandma said:

If your hear feels low, your smiles seem a little more slow to show up....and perhaps your mind feel more like sleeping, than being awake...
I pray that you think about the balloons....may your heart be lifted higher than helium lift balloons....
and may each one of your bringing our the brightest rainbow in your soul...

sometimes we feel hopeless....lost, alone...scared, tired, frustrated.....heartbroken....
I know how awful each of these are...
And I want you to rejoice, right now....that:

A. you are alive...ready to start really living

B. you are wonderful..and no matter what anyone says, you have a beautiful future waiting, and don't let anyone have the power to slow you down, or stop your great thinking

C. the love of you life is out there, and they wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you, so if you are being hurt, this isn't someone that truly treasures you heart

D. hope is there in your heart, your amazing greatness is in their too...don't keep it locked up! Set it free for the world to see!

You are precious, you can be powerful...your words can touch someone's heart today! I had someone smile at me today and gently say some kind words of encouragement...and I can't tell you what that meant to me and my heart!

I feel so honored to be able to have each one of you, read my words, and that they inspire you, is the greatest gift to me! Somebody once said, after I wrote a little note to them on the internet, "The whole Johnson family, is the most encouraging group of people"....I am so happy I get to encourage or at least write a little something to take with you in your day....a little "daily kandee" of a different kind! ha ha ha

1.tell someone, especially a stranger, something kind- examples:
"have a great day", "you are so beautiful", "I hope you have the most wonderful day today!". "you have a great smile" get the idea.

2.  write a little list, or just think about it, and write about all the great "treasures" you have locked up in your heart...what are your dreams and desires for this precious life of yours.

This is your are you going to live it!?!

As you lift the spirits of will notice your own heart is going to start floating like those fun colored balloons in the picture!

I love  you all! And I want to thank you for sharing your positive, kind, and lovey words with me! May I be the first to tell you today: "you are precious! you are adored! you are brilliant! you thoughts and ideas are so precious and simpley cherished! Be that amazing you that is just waiting to get a little boost from you to come dazzle the world!

Huge love from your friend Kandee!!!!


Unknown said...

Thank you for lifting my spirits early this Thursday morning. I have a midterm I must study for that is in 6 hours and I don't know what I'm doing, but with hope in my heart (inspired by you) I know I can do it.
You do so much for us all, I hope you realize the positive affect you have on people.

AmélieC. said...

Thank you soooo much Kandee! ♥ ♥ ♥ ! It's amazing how your words have given me butterflies in my heart! I'm going to copy and paste this blog entry of yours today, so that I can PASTE it into the front of my new journal, because I've been thinking of starting to pour out my thoughts and feelings in a journal, and your words would be a reminder to help me remember to come back to happy place, and to try and touch another heart each you have touched mine!!! Thank you dear treasure earth star! Thank you for helping to brighten my path! Remember always that YOU have warmed and uplifted many a cold and bowed heart!

Rachel said...

Thank you so much for the loving things you always write to your viewers! : ) They are so encouraging!

Beansieleigh said...

Gosh, I LOVE reading your posts! They are just what I NEED first thing in the morning, to lift my heart to say "Hooray for this day! Thank God for this new day!", instead of "Ugh.. Another day."... Kandee, are you writing a book yet? Maybe you SHOULD be! ~tina

Unknown said...

THANK YOU for your joy, brightness and your enormous heart!

Farina.xo said...

Kandee, WOW! Im sad to admit I've only just discoverd you a few weeks ago and I can't even begin to tell you how much of an AMAZING person I find you to be. Not to toot my own horn (haha) but I see a lot of me in you and that's something that makes me happy. Seeing all ur fans loving the POSITIVITY, it's super great! I'm happy for you and all ur wonderfull succusses! Have I mentioned yet how CRAZY TALENTED you are?! You'r art BLOWS ME AWAY and only makes me want to work harder and get better. This is my very first time commenting on any blog ever, I know I'll be visiting this site more often =) Thank you BEAUTIFUL! Mmmmwah!

Farina (Toronto, Canada)

Anonymous said...

Just what I needed today (to get myself out of bed while feeling a little down)

Thanks Kandee!

With love,

Unknown said...

yay im 1st to comment, finally! haha
kandee i just want to say that although i have never met you, i feel like we're connected. you are my friend, and like a sister to me as well as to others im sure...because of the inspiration and happiness you bring to the world.
i hope you choose seattle as your glaminar city because i would LOVE to meet you!
love brittany

Anonymous said...

i like what i just read...kandee,you are truly a beautiful person!!!

Unknown said...

I LOVE KANDEEE!!!!! LALLALALALA! this was just what i needed. thanks kandee for staying strong and staying for saying something nice to strangers. I've read in the Bible that basically said not to forget to entertain stangers, for some have entertained angels without knowing. :)

Anonymous said...

Ur grandma has a holy truth! :) =o*

Elsa Frescata said...

I must say Kandee,
You are one the most kind persons i have ever meet ... never meet you in person , but i feel i know you just for reading your sweet words ... I am sure , that there is someone special for you somewhere out there , someone that will make you the happiest girl in the world beacuse you do deserve it ... i have had troubled times .. and about 3 years ago i have found someone that brought me joy and happiness ... so ..wend i thot that i was all alone .. destany gave me something beautifull... at this time ... i am trying to get pregnant ( 1 year now ) but i will keep trying ... hoply i will be blessed ... Kandee dont ever stop smiling you are Beautiful :-)
- Forgive me for my English !!
Lots of love from Portugal !

Kbear11 said...

Kandee, you are precious, loved, adored, and sooo brilliant!!! :) I hope you have the best day today! You deserve nothing but the very best :-D

MickyD said...

hey Kandee,
just wondering if you got my letter and how you are doing. know that you are not alone.

Unknown said...

I always compliment random people bc I've had random people compliment me. It feels good to both give and receive. You have such kind words and actions all the time. I love reading your bog. But unfortunately I start moving (like you just did) tomorrow and will be without Internet for a while :( so so sad. But I'll be excited to get on and read all of your blogs and even maybe watch a new video!! You rock Kandee, many hugs coming your way!
~Cassidy Z.

Bekah said...

Kandee - A new video from you would be very uplifting. :)

Unknown said...

wow that was wonderfull <3 i will do the love mission for sure! you are great kandeeee

Unknown said...

wow that was wonderfull <3 i will do the love mission for sure! you are great kandeeee

Forget Me Not said...

The pastor at my church was at a gas station and there was a homeless guy sitting there and looked sad. He walked up to him and just started talking to him and bought him some dinner and asked him if he needed a ride and told him he believed in him and he just seemed like he needed a push in the right direction and he gave him his card if he ever needed to talk.
A few weeks later her returned to that gas station and the homeless man went up to my pastor and told him that he had decided to kill himself that night before the pastor came. he said he didn't have anyone and no one believed in him and there seemed to be no point to his life. When the pastor told him kind words and showed him that he cares he went out and is now staying in a home and stopped drinking and is actively looking for a job! What we say truly affects people so we need to follow our gut and when you feel that tug on your heart you need to follow it and be kind!

cingr said...

Hey Kandee!! I just want to thank you for all your words of encouragement. I had to show my daughter your blog and some of your videos last night. She has her own sense of style and it is so much like yours. I LOVE how she is her own person. She doesn't let people dictate how she should dress. So I LOVE how YOU are your own person. I also appreciate that I can let her watch your videos and read your blogs and I don't have to worry she will see something she shouldn't. Thank you for being you! Have a joyful day! XO Cindy

Cosmefash said...

I feel even better after reading your post...Thanks

Lindsay said...

Great inspiration!!! [as always :)]

Flowers that Bloom said...

Oh so needed to hear this today..Thank you so much for the words that you expressed.. I have been alittle stressed for just being busy and can't seemed to jump out of that and back to my routin of easyness. Well I know life is a curve ball sometimes and that is what makes it interesting. I just lost control of not wanting to exercise and eatting junk that I so don't really want.. But I think for me I just keep saying tomorrow is my day..Then I go to work and Im swamped then i start getting worried that to day is not my day.. Well im going to try it again as I think to day at work will be slower and maybe that is a start for the rest of the day..I just love reading your blogs and watching you make a difference in peoples lifes..I wanted to tell you when you were sad that day and video taping it about how sad you were.. It touched me to listen how you felt.. You really look like your all put together but really your insides are hurting.......

Ronandez said...

oH KANDEE I just love your words, your work, your hair, your clothes ha ha xD.. you`re so GREAT! I knew you by youtube make-up tutorials! ;D they helped me a lot :) ..... thanks for be this amazing person who you are!.. I wish you the best.. God bless you! ... I`d like to invite you ... to pass to our in spanish but somewords are in english.. so you can pass & comment our work.
Gabbi Roncess from Ronandez- instintofotografico

Unknown said...

Thank you Kandee for the post, I absolutely love the pic and your beautiful kind words.

Unknown said...

Thank you Kandee for the post, I absolutely love the pic and your beautiful kind words.

MychyRee said...

Great timing! I needed to read something like this.. just now actually. Finished crying my eyes out. If it is okay, im going to borrow your quote from your grandma! Love it & you!!

Giedre said...

You're are saying that we are the gifts, you are my gift, that I found under my Christmas tree and that's why this year is goin' to be an amazing year. You are just everything I cannot express in words.. :)

Yours Giedre (gianthug)

Unknown said...

you are just amazing... so strong and so positive... i hope to have this type of mentality soon... .thank you for everything you've done for your fans... you truly are amazing

Kaitlynn said...

That is some beautiful life advice :)

Charity said...

I always love that FEAR post from a while back. False-Evidence-Appearing-Real I think it was, and it really pulls me back up when times are bad cus I get scared all the time.

btw! I went to see the Alice In Wonderland film and I could not take my eyes off the makeup. I fell so in love with all the cute costumes and Johnny Depp's eye makeup is looking better and better- such vivid colours, your vids kept popping up in my head and you were kind of prancing around instead of him so I had to rub my eyes when he was doing that funky dance of his at the end :P

JoJo said...

Thank you so much! Feeling incredibly down today and there were tears streaming down my face as I read this. No matter what is or isn't happening in my life, God holds my future in His hands and He has created me to be who I am, and not to imitate others.
Lots of love, every blessing.

Anonymous said...

Kandee you are so amazing. Thank You for putting a smile on my face and helping me keep my head up in hard times. Your words are so motivating and heartfelt. We are all blessed to have you and your amazing words. Never stop being you! Thank you again.

With Love,
Jenny :-)

Merari said...

I really needed a pick-me-up...and your post was perfect! thanks and you have a glorious day!


Biljana said...

I think that you're one of rare people who're telling other people what they want to hear.
These days, I don't feel really good, I'm quite sad and disappointed, but when I read or look at some of your positive stuff, I feel better immediatly. Thank you for being such wonderful person. Luv ya <3

Unknown said...

Have you ever thought about writing a book?

Take care!! Thanks you very much for this post!

Love and smiles

Angel Ramirez

TaylorKeats said...

you are honestly best role model, you have seriously put a big smile back on my face. i have been have a shitty day. you saved me. thank you so much (:

Corliss said...

Kandee God bless you -you are such an old, wise, sweet, soul in a very young body. Keep offering your happy words of wisdom. You make so many happy. Oh, BTW, I've found the most beautiful rose ring. I'm so excited to get it. It will be just a little different than yours. Thanks for the inspiration.

corfneyadvice said...

I don't think this could have made my mood better, but it did. Thank you kandee, I had such a rough day with my mood swings and I don't know how to stop them. My boyfriend and I had a fight because of my poorly chosen words, and this totally brought a smile to my face. Your really are inspiring me to become more postive like I used to be and always think happy thoughts. I don't know what I would do without these encouraging words. Such good karma on your side!

Lots of smiles all around,


ninateresa said...

oh my kandee dear
were to start tell me the right things I need to know everything don't you I love that :) and I love "daily kandee" I need you always I watch your videos every night to be happy kandee I would love it soo much if you wrote me I would be excited forever :) I do all your things you say to us I do feel better and I love your picture I thought you would be floating already lol float to texas :) lucky new yorkers..but you have a wonderful day :) you are amazing kandee in every way I love you bunches hun

FaithHopeLove said...

By Kandee Johnson's Grandma.....I love this. I am a quote collector and this one is a heart warming one and one to remember in those challanging times.
One blogger mentioned you thinking of writing a book, i would buy it :-) Let me go to my quote box and send one back to you, hold on......................okay here is the first one I picked out kandee, that means its for you. I do think you will like it. "Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of Gods kindness, kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting." By Mother Teresa.
Have a great day Kandee.

bryseana said...

Thanks kandee!!

You're incredibly talented with makeup and hair, etc...but you also have a way with words that helps heal and motivate others. I originally started watching your videos on youtube just for the hair and makeup advice, but I ended up getting so much more out of it.

I think you're the true definition of beauty. On the surface you are a pretty girl, but you have an inner beauty that shines out and brightens the world around you.

Btw, I really like the picture!

Yvonne said...

hey kandee!

just wanna let you know i'm a huge fan of yours! love all your makeup tutorials and your blog! thanks for all the warm, loving words. sending hugs and well wishes your way. xoxo.

keep smiling that beautiful smile of yours! :)

Unknown said...

heeey your videos are ubberrr great! you have so much confidence and personality i love your wackiness! recently iv been using your videos to get ready almost every morning! They always make me feel upbeat and churpy for the day ahead KEEEEPP GOOOIN! I was watching americas next top model this morning and was wondering if you could do a Tyra look? I also saw one of your videos the other day and it was a sad one :( they clearly have issues of their own and feel the need to make other people feel bad FOOLS! wheres the love keeep being happppy! churpy churp! rambling! ramble ramble you should do more random videos too they're funny! keeep brightening mine and all of your other fans days! I'm not as wacky and churpy as i was because my confidence has been knocked a lot and a lot has happened but your videos really put me back in my churpy confident moods! ANNYWHOO have a great day! MUCHOS LOVE! mwaa x

Blonde Mafia said...

I love grandmama Johnson quote!
I write down good quotes all the time and keep them in my phone for the "bad days" so i can read them.
A LOT of my quotes i have collected are from you Kandee. THANK YOU SOOOOOOO much for all of your words you have spoken to us all.

I agree I think you should write a book also! Id buy it =)
And id love to meet you as well. love from bama

Vanessa C said...

Positive. A great role model. Inspirational. Beautiful. All of these describe you! I see a lot of myself in you... even though you are older than me. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face through your blogs and videos.

:):P:D~LiZZiE~:):P:D said...

Omg, I love you!
Plz follow my blog at
I love all your looks and I hope that you have a great day!

Frances said...

Kandee, thank you so much for your encouraging and inspiring words! You have inspired me so much, not to mention always lifting my spirits whenever I read your words!

I love the quote from your grandma :D Keep the "daily Kandee" coming!!!!!!!! :)

love, Frances

Anonymous said...

Initially I started following your blog because I love makeup and your tutorials on youtube were fun and honest and easy to follow. Reading your blog I can see that you aren't just a makeup guru, but an incredibly insightful and wise person. I found this on a fairly bad day for me and I wrote the list you suggested. It really helped me to literally see the things I want to do and the things I can achieve. For months now I have been asking myself what I want to do with my life and haven't been able to put it into words. This list helped me articulate what I wanted and helped me explain to the people in my life how I knew I could achieve it. Thank you Kandee for being an inspiration to me in so many ways. You live the life, from what I see, that I dream about and that I wold be blessed to achieve. You are incredible. Thank you.

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