Saturday, March 27, 2010

Leaving Los Angeles...

I'd like to welcome you all to...visions of leaving Hollywoodland...

Randy's LA landmark near LAX airport...if I wasn't so worried about all the junk I had to take on the plane and being late, I would've stopped to treat my smelled so good!
can you find my luggage on the airport shuttle?!? ha ha ha
my glittery card-wallet, out to buy a hot mint tea at Starbucks...
still lovin' my manicure, from my friend, Kym from the Luxe Beauty Team at the LA Warren Tricomi here to see what colors she used...
me and my posse of animal print carry-ons....purse (click here to get your paws on one too)
my zebra computee bag to carry my laptopper...
and my ZUCA bag to carry all my make-up on the plane, the last time I checked my make-up on the plane, I landed with a powdery mess of broken shadows and blushes! (click here to find ZUCA bags)
me and my always ready photographer (myself), taking in fine photo in the LAX airport...I think people think I'm weird taking pics in the bathroom, pics of my bags....but I do it all for you guys, so you can feel like you came with me on my trip! so here we are in the bathroom..ha ha ha
view from my window of the LA tarmac...after we were in the air the stewardess asked if a doctor or nurse was on the plane, a little old lady needed some medical help...we had to wait to get off the plane for the Emergency Medical Team to get on the plane and help her....poor little lady.
my boyfriend, was there when I came down the escalator with a dozen beautiful roses, with red-tipped petals...(insert my heart melting..hee hee hee)
and after a trip to Whole Foods to buy groceries, a Synergy Kombucha drink, and eat a bacon & cheddar stuffed burger.....I'm back in my room...with crazy hair from my shoot the other day...and still wearing my new addiction....these amazing feather earrings from Cardi her at:
she is so nice...and makes the most beautiful feather earrings....the feathers are from "molten feathers", no birds were harmed or killed for their feathers too...

and that was our trip...did you have fun?

mission of the day: treat yourself to an inspiration yourself a hot tea, wander through some fun art of fashion magazines, sit in a coffee shop and right your dreams, or if you can....make necklace, paint on a canvas to your favorite music....or just sing in your car!

typed with love and a box of kleenex next to me.....your kandee!
have the best day today....may your heart sing songs of joy to you all day long!


Εvi said...

[ I never knew you had a boyfriend, I'm so happy for you! May he give you the love and support that you deserve ;) ]

Eden Marie said...

i just love you kandee. :)
your posts always make me smile.
i know how it feels being sick, i've got the same crud right now. boo!

xoxo, Eden

Flawlessly Freckled said...

That is so cool, you were near Randy's, I live a few blocks away. I stop there on Fridays to get donuts for the office. It's a landmark favorite.

Anonymous said...


You're beautiful as always..
Hope you feels better.. Have a great weekend Kandee..


Unknown said...

Hey Kandee i.m glad you had fun and thanks for taking us along, its nice to get away once in awhile! lol 8 ) <3 Kristin

Persida87 said...

Kandee, you have a boyfriend now?!?!?! Pray do tell!!!!! :)

Unknown said...

ooh! kandee you have a boyfriend? Congratulations Kandee :) Hope you had a great time. We all love you! You're one of a kind :)

Unknown said...

Loved the trip and your amazing pictures! You are ADORABLE! Didn't know you had a boyfriend....awww so cute! Hope you're feeling better Kandee!! Take care of yourself!
~Cassidy Z.

Anonymous said...

boyfriend? dream girl please tell me this is not real :(......

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee!!!!
U are so beautiful and so nice person...And u inspired me so much...Thank u ♥ ....I wish u all the best!! Hugs

Rock Couture said...

You rock!

Chiara Reinoso said...

awesomeee!!..i've never been to LA but i love to go some day! you ever go to NYC for work?...i'm going to new york from august to october!!...cant wait to go...i hope you can visit ny in that will be so great and you will also make my dream come true!!!!
well hope you have an awesome time in los angeles... chao chao
besos y abrazos from venezuela.
con mucho cariño KIARA

xoLauraox09 said...

Your posts make me smile :)

VickieandMatthew said...

kandee! i saw this on youtube and had to check out their real website. when i noticed the "limitless dress", i thought of you! enjoy!


VickieandMatthew said...

haha, i forgot to give you the website:

its under the multifunctional collection. again, enjoy!


Live.Laugh.Fashion.Beauty said...

Looks amazing!

I have nearly the same laptop bag as you, only with red lining =) with matching carry on roller bag. yay =D

Addimando's said...

Yes you must tell about you bfriend! :)

Jeanine Legarda said...

I enjoyed this one...all those LA landmarks are too familiar =). Love LA! Never eaten at Randy's Donuts, but always see it haha. And can't leave out the info about the boyfriend...I was waiting for you to say it was "your little man" greeting you with the flowers =), but nope! So there emerged this giddy, happy smile on my face for you! God Bless and continue to seek Him with all your heart, always put Him first in all you do.

Jeanine Legarda said...

I really enjoyed this one. Not just because of the discreet way of inserting the word "boyfriend"...but those LA landmarks are all too familiar too! I've never eaten at Randy's Donuts, but see it all the time =)!
Now, as I read the part about your boyfriend. I was waiting to read that it was your "little man" who greeted you with flowers...but NO! SOO happy for you, and a giddy girly smile came across my face for you!...All in the middle of Barnes and Noble haha. Continue to seek God in all you do and commit it all to Him.
-Jeanine Faith

Anonymous said...

Thanks for always taking us along on your trips! I love all your animal print bags, they're super cute. You have great style as ALWAYS! I wish I could pull off all the outfits you wear! much love :)

AmandaS said...

BOYFRIEND?!?! When did this happen??? You need to update us! I hope he treats you like an angel, that you are! Best wishes, sweetheart! :)

vs said...

boyfriend?!!??! :O :O :O
you've got some xplaining to do, kandee johnson :P :P


Ashley said...

i heart you Kandee!!!! <3

may i post the like to the page i created for your family on facebook? if it is okay with you. if not, you can reject this comment and it wont be posted :) i heart you!!!!/pages/Kandee-Johnsons-Family/107658059258657

Hello Kandee Family!! if you have a facebook and would like to be a part of our Kandee Family there please click on the link above. this is where we (fans/friends) come together as a family and show support and love for our lovely Kandee Johnson! she says we are all her family, and i believe we are cause she says so. She started a spark and lit up our candles, lets continue to light up this world!

-Ashley xoxo

Nova said...

Boyfriend? Oh go Kandee!! So happy for you babe :D :D :D

Beansieleigh said...

Oh I treated myself alright! I just bought myself a guitar, ON A WHIM! I have always wanted to learn to play an instrument.. and now, at the age of "40-something", I'm GONNA! (0; LOVE that luggage!.. And hope you had lots of fun with the boyfriend! ~tina

siniann said...

Hei Kandee! I have decided to give you and award because of your amazing blog,

Have a nice sunday!


Anonymous said...

I've been wondering where can I get that glittery wallet!? I've been looking all over And cant find anything similar! Help, I love it(: you make me smile and boyfriend? Get I get a what what? ha ha ha. Feel better, I had the same thing

Anonymous said...

Where did you get your glittery wallet!? I can't find it anything like it, please help I love it:) oh and boyfriend can I get a what what? Ha ha ha. Feel better, I had the same thing

Diane said...

Kandee, you never mentioned your boyfriend around here! I'm so excited to find out more about him! I respect your decision if you don't want to shoe him to us, but that would be so nice!

I'm glad you're happy!


Pug and Sue said...

You are just too cute. :D

Anonymous said...

No way, u have a boyfriend?! Who who who! Thats awesome!

Hello*Pretty said...

I found you on YouTube.. (wedding make-up) It was like a 19 minute video and you totally kept my attention. You are the cutest & so talented! xo

HOB TO SHOP said...

ahh your so cool! and yeah definately tell us about your boyfriend ;)

check out my blog


Unknown said...

I see you use your iPhone for a lot of pictures, this product might help you out!

It's a flash case for iPhone!

Anonymous said...


that sounds like a fun trip you had thank you from taking your fans with you hehe ..
i like your lauggage its so cute and colourfull.
thats so annoying about ur eyeshadows getting broken, those laggage men just throw it on dont they! grrr
im happy you have a boyfriend thats cool dont you just love getting spoiled hehe ..
love the flowers so cute lol.
thank you so much for your dedication to keeping us updated ..
and thank you for taking photos lol (even when people look at you funny haha)
have a great day ;)
take care and get better soon !
love Ashleigh Lilley
From New Zealand

Ari said...

love your luggage bags ! And that's so sweet that he got you roses <33333

sarahjean143 said...

I love this! so sweet! :)
and now i want to go paint...

Unknown said...

it’s really great to post my comments on such a blog. I would like to appreciate the great work done by the you and would like to tell everyone that they should post their interesting comments and should make this blog interesting. Once again I would like to say keep it up to blog owner!!!!

Giedre said...

I kept laughing and laughing, even bite my cheek.. :DDD

Some things you say, thtroey are amazingly hilarious :DDDDDDD

Unknown said...

I know this is sort of off-topic, but I absolutely LOVE synergy kombucha drinks! they work wonders on my skin (I have naturally very crater-like and oily skin) and hair, nails and even my mood. Do you find yourself being almost "uplifted" by these drinks like I do? Have you had the grape flavor? It's the absolute best, and I think you would love it; knowing your sweet tooth! Have a great day!
-Marissa L.

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