Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I can't believe this was my DAY!!!

ME & PATRICIA FIELD (she is the designer and wardrobe genius who dressed all the girls on Sex & The City, Ugly Betty and movies like , The Devil Wears Prada!!!)

I woke up this morning thinking that today would be amazing, because I was having breakfast with the girls from ELLE, since I won the ELLE and COVERGIRL Video STAR contest for the WHOLE year! (I couldn't believe it...I thought I had just won another month of the contest! Not the whole year!!! I was so honored and excited!)
We had breakfast at this cute place with zebra print booths right across from Central Park...and all the girls from ELLE (I'm so sad I didn't get a picture with them!)...are so wonderful, cute, and so sweet...it was like just hanging out with friends and not editors of a magazine (how awesome is that!?!). 
(To Emily Dougherty: you are wonderful...since the moment I met you last year I loved you! So glad people at ELLE are so incredible...I love ELLE Magazine even more, knowing how great you all are!)
then my friend Andi Elloway who lives in LA,  happened to be in NYC working on another shoot...and she asked if I wanted to do a fun NYC shoot! YES!!! So this was a picture of me and her cute lil' self! (I'll show you the pics as soon as I get them! 
then I got to go to the biggest FOREVER 21 I've ever seen, in Times Square and had to pose with this gi-normo Lipstick!!!

Then the icing on my already unbelievable day......we had plans to meet my friend Lauren for dinner, and she tells me that Patricia Field (one of her good friends!), is going to be at dinner with us! Oh my gosh!!! I was so excited!
She is so funny, down-to-earth, nice, and a great business woman! I asked how she got started, where her favorite places to shop are, how long she's has her amazing red hair....It was so fun!
(my mama, my friends Tina and Lauren, super excited Kandee, and the Ruby-Haired Patricia Field!!)

I was so tired from my "unreal" and dreamlike day....I was so excited to blog about it all...and my mom came into the room to find me asleep on my laptop...smiling in my sleep! ha ha ha
You know you had an amazing day, when someone says you're smiling in your sleep!!!

This is going down in history in my life as: one of the best days of my life!
Breakfast near central park with the awesome girls from ELLE Magazine...a fun photoshoot....giant lipsticks...then dinner with PATRICIA FIELD!!!

TODAY's roster: (awesome-ness too!):
going to get my moms hair chopped off at the Ouidad Salon...super short, I'm gonna post it on here tonight!
Going the Patricia Field Store...where Pat herself said she would come and meet lil' ol me!!!!

I want to scream this is so awesome!!!!

Hyper-excitement and giant lipsticks....your kandee

giant lipsticks


Christine said...

Kandee this is AMAZING :D :D :D
Im so happy for you :)

x Christine


Cindy Swanson said...

How fun to live vicariously through you, Kandee! That was indeed an incredible day...good for you!

...Live.Love.MakeUp... said...

How cool is that! What a great day you had! Good for you girl! :)


Elena said...

cool pictures :) you're awesome kandee! you deserve the best!

Anny said...

picture with lipstic are so cool!

Eric Anthony Johnson said...

You are Self Made K-Jo. You are a mentor to me like it or not! - Javaboi

Anonymous said...

Kandee, you are thee best! You made me laugh at my desk when you said "you know you had a good day when someone tells you you're smiling in your sleep!:).

You're a wonderful addition to my life, and my fb page! I enjoy reading your blogs and watching your vids, keep on being amazing at simply being YOU!

Renee said...

AMAZING amazing. What a wonderful life. Gives me hope that good things really do happen to good people!

Dannygirl said...

Yay!! So happy for you:))

Eden Angel said...

WOOOOOOOOW!!! You deserve to have this amazing day xx

Liesl said...

How exciting, Kandee and it looks like you had a really FUN time! Super cute pictures! I got to work with Patricia Fields years ago in NYC when I was on "Sex and the City"...she is such a creative and fun person!

Liesl :)

Erica said...

I looooooove Ouidad!!! I use practically nothing but Ouidad - gotta love the curly girls!

Cheryl said...

Yaaa, So awesome Kandee. You totally deserve it. Oh, and the next time your in Vegas the largest Forever 21 in the US has opened. Its HUGE!! 2 stories, Its like the size of a Macy's.

CandyDoll Couture said...

This is great! Glad you had a fab day :) You are so lucky to have met Patricia Field too!

When I was in NYC I went to her shop (how gorgeous is it!?) and she walked past me and my friend outside, I wish I had said hi but im too shy haha! x

. said...

So I found a website that I'm positive you'll LOVE.


it's got lots of crazy jewelry and clothes. :)

Anonymous said...

What kind of foundation are you wearing in the pictures? Especially the one with your friend Andi?

Thank you- you gorgeous, fun, traveling, inspirational Kandee!

Veronica said...

I really would love to meet you kandee.. The only chance i would get to see u is the glaminars in miami but i don't even have the money to go.. I even have a part of my blog dedicated to you (blondieyumyum.blogspot.com).. your amazingly wonderful!
I guess maybe one day ill meet u.. thanks for being you and inspiring girls like me!

Unknown said...

Sounds like an absolute fantastic day!!!

Unknown said...

That is an awesome day sweetie. So happy for you. That would be a dream day for me lol Can't wait to hear what you get up to when you go to the Patricia Field Store, with Patricia Field. It just keeps getting better.
Have a blast honey

Lola said...

That is so awsome Kandee!! Wow I can't even believe you had such an amazing day.. It's like from a dream! You give me so much hope and a smile on my face every time I read your blog or watch your videos! Thank you!<3 I just wanted to tell you that I live in Finland, so your positivity and love is spreading around the world!

Beata said...


Anusk04 said...

I'm so happy for you. Enjoy!!

philippians4:4 said...

Kandee where are your black shiny boots from?? they are exactly what I have been looking everywhere for!!
love, love, love them <3

Megumi said...

Whaaaat xD That's incredibly awesome! It's great to know you had such a wonderful moment!
Keep on nice work Kandee <3 Love your work 4ever!!

Anonymous said...

yay u had a great time !! :D

My Hoppy Prace said...

* * * W A R N I N G * * * For those with little eyes looking along, Andi Elloway's site has topless ladies and some suggestive photos, just so you have a head's up! :oD

Kandee Johnson said...

@My Hoppy Prace....thanks...I didn't know she had topless ladies on there! thanks for the warning...happy top-covered day...hee hee

Unknown said...

I am happy for you Kandee, seems like it was a great day!


Lipsticklullaby00 said...

Congrats! you deserve it! :D

Unknown said...

Hey Kandee if you're ever in San Diego you have to stop by the Escondido North County Forever21 it's unbelievably HUGEEE! not sure if it compares to the one in time square but i swear this forever21 will have you in there for days! :D

Unknown said...

Hey Kandee if you're ever in San Diego you have to stop by the Escondido North County Forever21 it's unbelievably HUGEEE! not sure if it compares to the one in time square but i swear this forever21 will have you in there for days! :D

Unknown said...


-xoxo- jiLLy

Sophia said...

Oh Em Gee.
Sooo lucky to have met her! Shes such a genius!

Im so happy you had a greattt day!

Thanks for sharing K!

Miss Vendella said...

i'm so happy for you Kandee!!! :)
And just a little bit jealous you got to meet Patricia Field. Awesome post! :)

Take care hun

Smiles and kisses



Natalina said...

Everything sounds like an amazing dream come true! I', really happy for you that you are able to experience all of it!! Love you kandee! You're a true inspiration!


Alessandra said...

Kandee I am speechless... I remember when I first "met" you on youtube more than a year ago. Its incredible how your life has changed since then... But you have never changed at all. And I really love and admire you so much for that... Thank you for letting us be a part of your life! I am so happy for you right now!!

Nozomi said...

kandee, i love how we can all feel your excitement and how infectious it is!! you've brought such joy to everyone's life and you're just so amazing!
(and i couldnt stop laughing at the final "giant lipsticks"....hahaha!)

tons of love, please keep posting, it's a highlight of my day!

Anonymous said...

I think this day is a present directly from God,because you're a good person...and God always rewards good people :).

Anonymous said...

You are such an AMAZING person and you deserve everything that comes your way.....Congrats!!!

Abbey said...

ELLE is my favourite magazine ever, you are so lucky to have been able to meet the ELLE girls!

Glad you had a good time, you deserve it!


Unknown said...

Dear Kandee,
You amaze me! I have been following you through your blog & tutorials for several months now, & I feel like you're a friend even though we have never met. I just wanted to say, THANK YOU!, for always being true & so positive. You are an inspiration to all! Should you ever need to borrow fashion jewelry for a shoot or an event, please contact me. My sister is a fashion jewelry designer, Erika Pena (www.erikapena.com) & we love would to accessorize you. Oh, before I forget...Congrats for the little cupcake baking in the oven. You are blessed! Have an awesome day!

Ktew Inc said...

Hey Kandee,
I had a makeup question and the only person I could think to ask was you. I have really long eyelashes but they are So blonde! Even though I have dark hair. So I ALWAYS have to put on mascara to show off my nice long lashes. I had a makeup artist suggest I dye my eyelashes. Which, I didn't know was possible. I wanted to know what you thought of dying eyelashes and what to use?

Anonymous said...

Your comment box booted me off earlier, so I am trying again!

Hats off to you for always appreciating the joy in your life. And thanks for sharing it, it always makes me smile too!

Sarah said...

WoW! I might feel the same way if we had lunch!

Tiffany Marie said...


Holy Lava Cakes! That's awesome!

My heart just swelled with so much love and joy for you! So excited for you! You are special and an inspiration no matter what you decide to do.



Jennifer of JennySue Makeup said...

wow what a day!! i'm not quite sure how you'll top that one;-) let us know if you got any style tips from patricia, she's a rock star...but so are you;-) where's that baby belly in the pictures?!! jennysue

Unknown said...

I am so happy that you had such a great day like this while you were in NYC. Andi is also adorable. Now get some sleep Ms. Smileyfaceddreamer! Peace, Meli

Diane said...

Wow! This is a dream! Amazing people!!! You're very lucky, Kandee! The optimism is paying off! :P


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