I woke up this morning...got ready to get to the airport on time....
and the driver of the car, Edward, that was taking me to the airport and I started talking...we had such an encouraging and incredible conversation, I will never forget him. At one point our conversation had been so moving he confessed he felt emotion and didn't know why but he felt like crying...tears swelled up in my eyes too. We both had opened up our hearts and shared very dear stories, which I promised him were so precious I would lock them in my heart and never tell anyone.
After he dropped me off at the airport, and we gave each other a hug good bye, and I thanked him for making my day...I was told I missed checking in by 5 minutes.
For one second I thought, "OH GREAT!"....then a peaceful rush of thoughts said, "it's ok, you were meant to be encouraged by Edward, and you were meant to encourage him...now you can go back to the hotel and each lunch with mama...come back to the airport...there is a reason for all these delays!"
and said, "no she's just warming up Heaven for you!"
He smiled at me with a smile that lit up the airport....when he left to go back he said, "you have a great day! I love ya!".....
THEN when I got to the counter...the lady said...you are so nice, I wish there was more I could do to help you, I don't want to charge you the $150 to get on the next plane....can you come back and I'll get you on for $50? I wish I could do more because you are so nice!"
Everyone that I saw, I smile at....
said thank you VERY MUCH!...and
have a GREAT DAY!!!
and I asked how they were doing...and somehow from my smile and shining some love out onto them....all these strangers....said I made their day or that they "loved me" when I had to leave their presence!
It's amazing how a smile, listening, and pouring out a little love, in just a conversation, changed my whole day. And it changed the day of these wonderful people I was honored enough to meet today!
If the only reason I missed my plane was to get to encourage these people and shine some love into their lives....it was worth it!
If you want to, you can read more about my day at my personal blog-diary at: www.kandeeland.com
The best thing to travel with is a HUGE SMILE and letting people feel how HUGE your HEART is!
Please share a smile, a kind word, a compliment, and a big "thank you so much" or " have a great day!".....with everyone you see or meet!
huge love and even huge-er smiles...from kandee (typing this from the 3rd largest airport in the world...Atlanta)
so sweet :)
Kandee, I love the background in the picture! Loved how you warmed peoples hearts!
"I expect to pass through
this world but once.
Any good thing,
therefore, that I an do
or any kindness I can show
to any fellow human being
let me do it now.
Let me not defer nor neglect it:
for I shall not pass this way again."
-Stephen Grellet
That's all I have to say to that. :)
I couldn't agree more! A smile is so contageous! And as a former Dental Assistant I used to tell our patients that their smile is their biggest assett! Something you are very good at Kandee! I think that experience was a win win situation for all! lol
Kandee, I totally agree that everything always always ALWAYS happens for a reason! I learned that the hard way less than a year ago, and I'm only 19 years old. But I see this theme pop up in everyone's lives so much, and it just makes me so excited to see that even bad things happen for a reason that leads to ultimate good in deserving peoples lives, because that means that, in retrospect, nothing is bad unless you make it out to be. So go you, for wearing that smile! Love you, Kandee :) and by the way, congratulations on your new on-the-way little "cupcake!"
Kandee, you truly are an angel sent from Heaven. What a delightful and uplifting message. I'm a huge believer in passing on those little rays of sunshine to people every day. It's true what a massive difference it can make to yourself and to others. xxoo
This brought tears to my eyes, you are such an amazing person to look up too. I want to be half the person you are Kandee. xx
Oh see things are meant to be and yours was to just brighten someone's day because often times things can go wrong, many times it's Momma Nature holding people back. You are a gorgeous human being with a great big heart and that happiness glows inside and out. You are an awesome beautiful woman and glad I stumbled upon your videos. :)
Wow you are so right! Your amazing attitude and ability to find positivity in everything is such an inspiration to me. I will definitely try to start doing that. You're the best, Kandee! :)
Don't you just love the south? And they clearly love you! You're from L.A. and are full of southern charm just like them!
You truely are an amazing spirit. YOu always bring a smile and make my heart happy!
thank you. just reading about you touching others lives, touches mine. :)
i completely agree. you're an inspiration.
ur a beautiful person =)
WOW! i got chill bumps reading this! everything happens for a reason! and i was encouraged just by reading this! so thank you!
That was so nice of every one being nice to you all in one day! And yes every thing happens for a reason!
Kandee, you have the most beautiful mind. I hope I have the honor of meeting you some day =]
Love this post, love your spirit, love your mission and purpose
That's amazing Kandee. You are one of, if not the most amazing person I have ever been able to talk to. Your constant words of love and encouragement always make me smile.
Wow Kandee!! That's a beautiful story! :) I also have had days like these, when everything seems to be wrong and the you realize that this is the way it was meant to be to be perfect.
Take care. :*
it's true! i totally agree... it's always good to be a positive and nice to everyone because they'll share with you a piece of them. i'm glad you're traveling safely :)
I took your advice to heart today, Kandee. I complimented 5 or 6 girls on their makeup today, had an amazing conversation with the lovely woman who checked me out at the grocery store, and got a hug from a little girl when I told her that her shirt was pretty.
You're simply amazing. :)
Thank YOU so much for just being who you and letting the rest of us share in your life!
O wow..your story is so inspiring that you make me want to work on thinking more positively, which I know will have a domino effect of more positivity in my life..thank you for that! =)
Have a wonderful day Kandee :) your smile is felt around the world, I hope you have a GREAT trip! and a marvellous everyday..
Very true, your day made MY day! THANKS! :)
Kandee, you are so right! I've commented on your blog before, that I believe all the positive things you're speaking into the internet and the world around you have a ripple effect...and you have no idea how much good it's doing. Blessings!
God is so great!!
She's just warming up Heaven for you
I'm going to remember that one. A smile is always the best accessory!
Kandee, I am truly in awe of you, you are such a warm hearted person. You teach me so much about life in the blog posts you write! you have truly changed my life for the better. I used to be negative... but by you sharing your Kandee Love I am starting to see this world and the people in it in a different light! So thank you for always bring a smile to my face everyday.
Hope you enjoyed atlanta. And I had no idea it hartsfield was the 3rd largest! Come to atlanta again and I will hopefully not miss you. My lack of transportation and money prevented it this time :/
there are lots to learn from you..love ur every writing.save a copy and whenever i cant understand what to do i go through ur notes..:)
u r special..can u give us suggestion on how to improve personality,or can u describe ur personality which really attracts me.
love u..may God bless u with all the happiness on earth...
there are lots to learn from you..love ur every writing.save a copy and whenever i cant understand what to do i go through ur notes..:)
u r special..can u give us suggestion on how to improve personality,or can u describe ur personality which really attracts me.
love u..may God bless u with all the happiness on earth...
OMG Kandee you are the sweetest, nicest person ever! I couldn't help but tear up as I read this - you're just so full of love and you're soo open to people. You make me want to go out and do the same thing. I love ya girl!
Kandee, you are such an amazing person. I'm soo glad that you gave me that wonderful oppurtunity to meet you in person. Thank you!
Your SOOOOOO amazing Kandee!
I cant imagine how many peoples lives you've touched.
You have not idea the impact and impression you leave on people. I know personally youve helped me BEYOND belief. I aspire to be like you more and more each day...your such and admirable person! truly an example. I just wanted to tell you how amazing you are. everyone needs to hear it! Keep strong sunshine.
love from the south
You are truly incredible! It baffles me that somebody can take so much and still be smiling. Yes, you are completely right. It makes you feel better and others as well if you would just smile. It must not be easy for you, but somehow you make it seem as if smiling is like breathing. I really wish I could be as determined as I would like to smile as much as you. Unfortunately, I am such an angry person, who has only so many smiles to share. I at least have you and your blogs to read to put a smile on my face. Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Awaiting your next blog,
Your post made me cry. I had the saddest/toughest two days yesterday and today, and you just lifted my soul! Thank you so much, and God bless you!
This nearly made me cry. You really a blessing to everyone who meets you xx
that's so sweet :)
If you have some free time check out my blog and follow :) http://jjbeautysecrets.blogspot.com/
It's kinda new so i don't have a lot of followers :)))
Love you Kandee! You are the nicest person i know :)
Kandee you truly are an inspiration to us all. You are the kindest, most warm hearted young lady I have ever come across. Me and so many others learn so much from you!
I am a little delayed here, but I have been reading all about your little 'cupcake' and I wish you a huge congratulations.
Lots of love <3
do you still make make-up videos?
I kind of miss them
Proof that manners cost nothing, but look how much it brightens someones day.
I'm going to try this next time I go out - just brightening one persons day would brighten mine in turn.
Im also nice to people and treat people how I'd wnat to be treated...I dont like mean, bitter people!
And yet being nice gets me walked all over and just taken for a ride..I get no respect :(
I dont get it...but Im glad people see what a sweet person you are Kandee
Kandee you are such a DOLL! Who wouldn't love a little Kandee :-)
I LOVE this post! thank you for this ;) huge love :)
Such a sweet post:)
This is a Secret of the Universe. Kandee, you have this effect on people (like Edward opening up and people doing favors whenever possible) because you are a bright shining light that radiates in the cold, dark and vast world. Every person you touch, every heart you effect in this way is another point of light! I'm astounded that you sound surprised, maybe it's just appreciation, but it is obvious to me how important you are to this world! Love you!! Peace, Meli
Thanks for sharing this Kandee!!!
I need to remember to smile more... you never ever know what someone may be going through.. and how you may brighten their day just by being nice.
You rock girl!
Keep pressing on!
its so crazy that youre in atlanta!! i live only a half hour from the airport. im so close but i wont get to see you :(
I wish i had you today with me to make me smile and encourage me too in my first day at school!
I honesty believe that you might be the kindest person in the intare America!!If my dreams come true and someday come to America i would be HONORED to meet you!
Your kids must be really greatfull and happy with a mummy like you!!
Serius every time i read your blog you encourage me to be more nice and less mean with people..
God bless you Kandee take care<3
Hi kandee..
I've been following you for a while now and you've always made me smile and inspired me to be and stay positive and nice especially because its hard with the negative people (and also with the ones who warn you of them eventhough they just say things like you have to grow a thicker skin because they care, it can eventually make you a negative person). Your message today made tears swel up in my eyes but not of pain or anything like that but of hope, joy, happiness and of so much more.
So just as I received your warm hug of Love&Hope I'll sent one right back at you of mine.
Those are the best days! Those are he ones that keep you going.
I'm like the others and I totally teared up when I read this. Even though we may all have such incredible role models, it's hard to remember to be nice to everybody all the time. Especially when we're feeling sick or sad or hurt. But it really does come full circle and I always feel better after I help someone *else* feel better! Bless you!
I Love this Kandee! It is so true that if you share some kindness with strangers it can make their day:) I know that if my day is sucky and someone goes out of their way to be kind to me,it really does change my attitude and I remember to be thankful for small blessings:) Beautiful words doll,Love ya lots xoxo Gwen
I cannot express how much your words and videos mean to me. I am a senior in high school and struggling with all of those tough college and relationship decisions all high school seniors must make. Your blogs and uplifting words have made a huge impact. You remind me to look to God for ALL answers! I just know it was in God's plan for me to stumble upon your YouTube channel. Thank you for all your encouragement and "huge" love! God bless!
You attract beauty wherever you go. Thank you so much for sharing that love and beauty with all of us. Things looked bleak and then what an example of attracting the beauty that there was, hidden from view.
OMG!!!!! love & totally want those pillows.. a lil help mabe do a post on pillows ???? loves them!!!!
Its a rarity to come across someone that is genuinely nice at the airport. Sometimes I feel that when I try to be nice to passengers they feel the right to ruin my day. I keep being nice because they are leaving and I have to stay. I have far more millions of passengers that come my way that I have to protect. I am there to serve my country and block any and all threats to the traveling public. Its hard doing my job at the TSA but I do it because I believe in it. I give people respect... just hope I get in return.
Stay sweet Kandee
Kandee, Just wanted to share, My son and I had a fortune cookie tonight. His said, "Live your life to the fullest each day." Mine said, "Smile! A smile will make you young forever." You are wisdom too Kandee. I am so glad you share yourself with us. You are too precious to hide and make me want to be a better person.
i love you Kandee. You inspire so many people!
I totally want those pillows! can you help me find something like them? love it thank you!
You got that right :) a smile and a grateful personality makes everyone else want to help you with all their powers.
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