Tuesday, March 3, 2009

T-shirt Cutting 101 & my style inspirings

Thank you so much for all the kind things you've written to me....it has made my heart feel so much better! Kind words don't circulate enough...so I will thankfully soak up any and all kindness! Thank you so much....

Today kind of had some overwhelming moments...I really tried to be as positive as I could, but sometimes it's okay to just be sad...I had some tears slip out of my eyeballs today...some moments my sister made me laugh...and what's kinda funny is....in the t-shirt cutting video...the black shirt I cut up in the video....I was wearing that when I had my little car-smashing! how funny is that! so now you know what I looked like when I got out of my car that now has a new shape...ha ha ha

so here's the video I made....
you're gonna need some fabric scissors (or just really nice and sharp scissors)
a t-shirt that needs to be re-vamped, renovated, or redesigned
(my fav are thrift store shirts or ones that are ill-fitting and new a make-over)

oh yeah, I did another style shirt too..but it made the video too long...so I'll post T-shirt Cutting 101 PART 2 tomorrow!

thank you so much everyone for sending your love my way!!! I feel it and my heart is feeling like it got a huge hug!!!


Aberdeen said...

Yay!! You got so much e-love goin' on! I love it.

Video is awesome!! :)

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade...like making an unlucky shirt into something more loveable!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to go out and get some shirts to do this too. Its so nice to see someone in the beauty industy who is so down to earth. Thank you for teaching us all that you have so far. I really enjoy watching your videos. You always put a smile on my face :)

misslawstudent said...

aww your like an older sister that i never had lol, i admire your sense of style and fashion,you have so much knowledge and so much to teach all of us!! I cant wait to see more of your videos and i think in a little while your going to be the most viewed guru on youtube!!! and thank you soo much for posting up this video even when your going thru a lot!!!


Anonymous said...

I wasnt too interested in the tshirt cutting but watched the video anyways.
Its so cool, I am definitely interested now.
I cant believe how hands on you are with your accessories too.
You are unbelievably smart and creative.

madison817 said...

you are so positive and bubbly in your videos, i love that. especially after your accident (glad you are ok) but yet you still managed to film another video. you are so awesome kandee! and i really love this particular video - you're a true inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for everything you have shown us. I am learning so much.

I am looking thru my stuff now and anxious to start cutting up some shirts. I cant wait to see the video tomorrow and what else your gonna put out there for us to see.

I hope everything with your car works out. Your are such a positive person.

Unknown said...

I'm going to have to try this!!!

You are SO easy to watch. I love make up videos & tutorials but yours are definitely my favorite now!!!!

Thanks for all the inspiration!!!!

ohlalaitsamd said...

I LOVE your personality..you're the cutest thing..you've def. inspired me to be more creative and to check out my thrift store for cute vintage items..PLZ keep the videos comin =)..and I hope you're recovering ok from ur accident =(

Anonymous said...

I loveeeeeee your website and youtube videos. You give amazing tips. I' ve been doing makeup for years and I'm debating on whether to make it a career choice or side job. Your tips are very helpful and I love off shoulder shirts!! I would love to see your huge collection, it would be sooo helpful. Keep up the amazing work you have a lot of talent!!

Anonymous said...

I started watching your videos and I got hooked. I check your channel daily to see if you have a new one and when you dont i just watch a video that I liked again and I keep learning! Your awesome and take good care of yourself.

Tashah said...

hi there!

I'm from singapore and I was surfing online cos i needed a quick hair & make-up do for my birthday till i came across your videos on youtube.. Thought maybe I'd drop a comment.. Just like everyone else here, i am completely awe-inspired by your sense of fashion! I'm completely blown away by it and i'm even hooked on your videos now! Your THIS much of a HUGE help :D


Anonymous said...

I came across one of your hair-do videos on youtube earlier and ended up here at your site. I absolutely LOVE your videos and now I am so ready to go through my closet and go out to the thrift store for some shirts to cut! I really love your makeup videos too. I don't wear alot and I never wear eyeshadow because I don't know how to do it or what to use... it's sad I know! But I will be watching more videos until I have seen every one... :D

I love the 80s style so watching the videos and seeing your fashion style is so awesome!! Keep it up! :D

Anonymous said...

Kandee Hii! I'm from Venezuela and always see your youtube channel to know if you posted a new video,I love your makeup style ... U are so sweet ... and as we say here in my country super chevere. Suerte y exitos!

Anonymous said...

Your tutorial was so simple yet really helpful to me!
I cut up one of my old t-shirts right away like you did in like 30 seconds with fabric scissors and it turned out beautifully~
Good job with your presentation too!

Anonymous said...

Heyy im Chelsea Jarrett, i love your website & I wanted to know if you would email me or be my friend on facebook so i can get your advice on something i want to do for my senior project at school. My email is n2cheerin1@aol.com I hope to hear from you i could really use the help! Thanks :)

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