In front of Harrah's Casino in South Lake Tahoe
(a beautiful place that is very familiar to me)...
a RED CARPET went from the front of the hotel to a long white limo...
and guess who got to walk down that red carpet and get into that limo?!?
lil' ol me!
I saw the the tiny, Connie Chung, walking up to the limo...she greeted me with a huge smile, Starbucks in hand, and said, "HI Kandee!!!"....she new my name!
Her tall hubby, Mr. Maury Povich, climbed in the limo after her....as I reached out to introduce myself...he already new my name too....!
We talked about their house in Montana..how I've always thought I wanted a big ranch there...even though I've never even been there..ha ha ha
Connie was the most gracious, kind, friendly, and funny woman! She asked me if it was alright to listen in on the tv show she would be joining...so as not to be rude and interrupt me talking to her. She was so kind, sweet, genuine, and adorable. She made funny faces at me while we were filming...made me laugh...and inspired me.
if I wrote her a letter it would say this:
dear connie,
thank you for showing me the true meaning of being a gracious and kind, successful woman...
you thanked everyone, told them they did great jobs, you treated everyone the same way...and didn't act as if you were too important to be kind and willing to help...
you have inspired me to greatness!
Her face lit up with kindness, she had loving eyes, and you felt her being honestly interested in what you were saying. She included and made everyone feel equally important, from me to the camera man, to the photogaphers...to the man that was working with the celebrity golf tournament there. She made fun of her herself, she made others feel special and important...that is what I always want to do.
At the end of this life....who cares about what you've accomplished...but if you've touched other people, made their hearts feel better...then, and only then are you a success.
She was talking about Walter Cronkite, who was a legend in news...he told her to always be herself. And that is when people really like you....when you are genuinely the you that your heart wants to be, not the you, you think is safe to show the world...but the real you that will shine brightly!
I have more...but it'll have to wait til tomorrow...
I saw the sunrise
I saw a hot air balloon rise up over lake tahoe
I saw the majesty of the mountains hugging the lake and it made me feel small...and I liked it
And I have Connie Chung's phone number in my cell phone...I feel like Oprah or some important person with important person's numbers in my phone! ha ha ha ha
like Where's Waldo.....where's kandee.....click here and hunt me down:
I am soooo happy for you! Honest and humble people like you deserve the best, You have inspired me to be myself, and dream big. I thought because I was getting old, hitting the big 30, i couldn't dream anymore, but thats not true!
May God bless you with more oppurtunities!!
yay that is so exciting! glad you had a good time! wheres your top from? LOVE it!
wow, what an amazing experience! so happy for you. it's so nice to hear that there are still some real people out in that industry...sometimes you hear some horror stories, but she sounds like an incredible woman! congrats, she looked STUNNING!
I personally think you should actually send her the note - who wouldn't love to recieve a note like that?! What's so great about this post is that all of your subscribers/admirers/fans think the same thing of you. Your kindness and bright light shine through...truly. I'm so happy I found your videos first and now your blog. I'm looking forward to watching your star rise even higher.
Bright Blessings!
Looking great Kandee
That looked like so much fun! haha did Maury tell anyone they weren't the father of some kid? just joking :D
That's lovely. I'm really happy for you too!
You´re sooooo lovely! You always thanks to the other. You always lift the advantages of other people out. For other people YOU exhilarated the day. Let´s thank you. You INSPIRE me. THANK YOU kandee. Blesses to ya :)
wow :) I want your life haha!
How exciting for you! I'm so glad you got to meet such a wonderful celebrity. If only all of them could be so real!
That is amazing!!! It's nice to know that Connie Chung is such a kind a gracious person! P.S. love your youtube videos!
Thats amazing you got to meet her!! I really loving watching your videos and getting your updates. I am still anxiously waiting for dates of when your coming to NY!!!!
Please let us know as soon as you know, really looking forward to taking classes with you!!!!!
I think Connie would love that letter, Kandee. Realy really good for you:)
Have a great day today.
Hi Kandee!
I am 13-years old girl from Finland, and i just LOVE your videos! You have so nice style, you're so beautiful and nice! I love watching your videos and learning from you! And sorry about my bad English..
I keep watching your videos.
You have amazing tips!
♥ Liisa
OMG, Connie Chung!!! How freakin' lucky are you?? Congrats! I know u hear this a lot, but you are so awesome and such an inspiration. I just got done watching your Megan Fox Face #1 and you truly inspire me to go play with my make-up b/c i have been feeling bored with makeup lately. I love that you do videos of wearable makeup too b/c I'm not 15 anymore and can't wear bright green makeup to work, hahah..only one the weekends. I hope you never stop making videos, regardless of what anyone says, because they really make regular joes like me have a brighter day. But more than that, I just hope you never stop reaching out and connecting to your viewers/fans b/c your work does make a difference. xoxo
You two look so cute! Love your makeup too! So happy you're having exciting things happen in your life and are getting to meet extrodinary people. You deserve it Kandee!
All the best to you!
Traci from Alaska
i think its soo cute that u guys took pictures with ur heads touching like you two are close friends or family.
I live in Montana actually, and I can assure you that you want a ranch here! :p
SOOOOO happy for you honey!!!! You channel happiness where ever you go!
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