I love this look!!! It's like a modern day, edgy, pin-up look! Clean eye...sharp cat eye, winged liner......clean, pouty mouth.....gorge-ay!!!! (everything's gonna end in "ay" tod-ay! ha ha)
Rihanna doesn't care what people think...we shouldn't let people other people that have tongues that are ready to make fun of anything different, because they are too scared to be "non-boring"....ruin it for us making us scared to get things said to us like:
"nice shoes!"...."where'd you get that shirt"..."what is on your face?".....
OUR RESPONSES: I like it....and that's all that matters!
It doesn't matter what kind of car we drive, how big or small our house is, what we wear, how we talk, what color our hair is, if we are covered in tattoos from head to toe, what we look like....
no one has the right to judge us...
and if they do...they need to get the telephone pole out of their own eye...before the try to pick on a toothpick in our eye...
God gave us the creativity to think they way we do, put outfits together the way we do, and the desire to like something....if you want to wear a pink tutu and cowboy boots....do and wear it with confidence...and if anyone says anything to you like: "oh, nice tutu"....say "thanks, nice jeans!"....hee hee hee....or if they say "what are you wearing!?!"...and that sass-tone we all know....
"helloooooooo, a tutu!"...ha ha ha ha....or "same thing as you...just fancier sorts of grape leaves to cover the body"....hee hee

(for some reason...and I even say it in my video....the hot pink lips I did, looked the same color as Rihanna's in real life, but in the video and pictures...it looks light pink...argh!)

Be bold..be free...and don't let anyone stomp on you being you.....be the boldest, most confident you....and if y ou don't feel confident...fake it! Pretend you're going to meet up with me, we're going shopping....and we don't care what people say about how we dress.....Let them stare!
(i know kids can be mean in school, so if you're in school.....know that I used to wear weird outfits....and I got told mean things....but I didn't care, I'd show up with my bright red baggy jeans and white doc martens the next day too)
May the Fashion & Beauty Force be with you! ha ha ha ha
enjoy the video...try it and make it yours!! huge love all my lovelies....you beautiful and wonderful...and I cheer on any fun and creative shoices you make today!!!! Let's go and paint the world "non-boring"!!!! love you all!!!! kandee
Thank you so much for this blog Kandee. I have zero confidence and have social phobia (I always think people are talking behind my back too), and by reading your kind and inspiring words, I get like a jolt of "I don't care what people think". I wish it lasted forever! I love you Kandee!! Thank you! :oD
always love your positive attitude! keep it up!
i love it...beautiful make-up and hair :))
Love it! You're gorgeous! So is Rihanna!
I'm doing this look today! Love it!
And I agree, I love how Rihanna will be who ever she wants to be, no matter how different it may be from day to day. Love you Kandee!
I totally agree with you Kandee! It's fun to be different. People always seemed to stare at me a lot growing up, I'm not sure why, but they did. So when I finally got into high school I colored my hair crazy brown and red. I figured if people were going to stare, I might as well give them something to stare at! Thank you for posting this. God created us all differently! Why look like cookie cutter people in this world? Insult my style if you want (saying that to the world), at least I make your life more interesting than if I looked just like everyone else. Life would be terribly boring if there weren't "out there creative" people in the world to add a splash of color and interesting. Plus, the "normie cookie cutter people" would have nothing to gossip about if there weren't interesting people like us to spice things up!
You are Awesome Kandee!
I'm not a fan of Rihanna, but I like this make up look!
Thanks for being who you are and inspiring others like myself.
I made a Blog a month ago i was inspired by you to make one of my life and happiness :D
check it out:
you are fabulous! I totally agree with the boldness! I love being diffrent and I wish everyday could be a dress up day! how funny would'nt i be to see obama dress up as a princess and oprah in a lady gaga outfit!
Btw Lady Gaga should be an inspiration to all! as well as you Kandee!
Much love and happiness to you from me <3
Love this look and you made me feel like i can wear what i like and not be bothered what anyone thinks. Going to see Rihanna in May...Sooo excited :)
rihannas lipstivk looks liek its schiap by NARS.. im obsessed
Hey Kandee, keep up the great work on your videos. Always fun to watch. Question, do you mind including information of the products that you use on your tutorials? I really like the cream blush that you use but cannot understand what the brand is or the color. Thank you!
Beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifull, as always my dear! I love her to! Lots of hugs from me! /Tess
i love rihannas look too!
kandee your such an inspiration! im so glad i found your blog, you have inspired me to follow my dreams of being a makeup artist and im hoping to attend a makeup school in the summer!! thankyou kandee!!! <3
yes...if we dress and look like non-boring, then the world will be NON-BORING!
with love
Angel Ramirez
Hey Kandee, this blog totally made my day. I was having such a bad day because someone who doesn't even know me made a hurtful remark to me. For awhile I let it bug me but then I totally started thinking about the things you say and how we shouldn't let others hurtful mean attitude affect us. Then your blog totally made me feel a lot better. Thanks Kandee for always having the right thing to say. Have a great day :)
wow, I again love this look! It seems that I'm totally addicted to your blog because it is the first thing that I visit when I turn on my computer in the morning (I actually should check my email first and do other important stuff.. but oh well..:)
love it!! totally wanna try it sometime!!
This is really pretty I`m gonna use it for my DMV permit picture!! =) THANKS KANDEE!
You are a smart and cute girl...
Great video!! I will def try this... okay Ms. Kandee, i need your help. Have you ever seen small women but their faces look kind of like they still have baby fat. Im trim and only weigh 120 (28 yrs old), but my face looks very chubby to the point that in some pics you can see creases from the inner corner of my eye, down across the apple of the cheek then stops!!!! Its not dark like under eye circles...just dented looking. i know this sounds funny, but do you have any concealer tips or tricks or anything??
Beautiful as always. Hope all is going well for you Kandee. You are a sweetheart.
Beautiful as always. Hope all is well for you. You are a sweetheart.
Very nice, Kandee, Thank you!!! and this makeup looks great on you.
You are so pretty, much prettier than Rihanna ! I'm gonna draw this picture for you !
Love from France
i LOVE this look too!!! i am so excited you did this video bc i believe this shall be my valentine's look :) thanks Kandee!! love ya
This is one of my favorite looks from you, Kandee. Simply gorgeous! I've been doing the winged eyeliner look for awhile, but this one is so much more fun and edgy. You've inspired me to be more daring and fun with my makeup. I usually stick with nudes and boring browns, but now I think of you whenever I'm in the makeup aisle. Pretending to shop with you is majorly fun. :D Have an awesome day!! <3
i think rihanna is a very btf woman, and do know how to style herself...
great vid you've done...
thank youuuuuu
and keep on smiling..even if its hard sometimes..
but you know, smiling to the problems makes them a bit lighter :)
kiss and hugs from luxembourg-fan
I love it....
great recreation. and you are right we shouldn't be afraid to do something we want just because someone else doesn't approve. its important to stay true to yourself! <3
I adore you KaNdEe!!! You are just so sweet!! I wish I could meet you!!!
I love your attitude! You are an inspiration and a counsellor for someone who is feeling low!!!
I love all your videos. I have a request if you can make a tutorial on how to apply eyeliner - liquid/gel and pencil. That would be so kind of you! I still don't know how to put eyeliner on! As a kid I had an accident with a sharpened pencil and I nearly poked my eye out (but thankfully just scratched my skin)...since then I've been scared to put any sharp pencil thing close to my eye!
Lots of love and hugs,
Your friend,
oh my gosh!! this is my first time posting, millionth time reading and i just want to say you look gorgeous here kandee! no joke! :)
Very cute! Love your stuff!
Kandee, I have a question about some of the brushes you use. What brand of brushes are the ones with the white bristles w/black tips? In this video it's your blush/contour brush, but I've seen you use a couple of eyeshadow brushes like that as well.
i love this look!it's amazing!i love your site and i attend all your videos every day!thank you Kandee!you inspire me!
i love this look!it's amazing!i attend all your video's every day and i love your site!you inspire me!thank you!leta from greece!
Very Pretty look!! Have a great day Kandee! Thank you for doing videos!!
I think that you look a lot like Debbie Harry (but with dark hair) when she first got big wearing this eyeliner shape. Looks really good. Thanks for the tutorial.
ooh i like, its kinda different than your other looks, more natural looking than your usual smoky eye (which i love too)
Omg U Are So Pretty I trye it OnMe And I DO nOt LOOK Good at all but aways i watch ur youtube all the timne
i'm loving the lips in really bright colors like purple. i was wondering if you could show how to pull off these awesome bright neon-y lips.
what's the name of the hello kitty mac lipstick u used?
Hi from New Zealand!
Love the edgy looks - more please!
Your videos are amazing...I have been subscribed to you on youtube for almost a year now. I loved the movie looks you did a while back. You are like the female Johnny Depp - amazing bone structure and a face that can really hold up to major stage make-up.
HI Kandee. I just fell upon your blog a couple weeks ago and when I saw your picture on top I thought wow that model is so pretty and her makeup is nice. Lo and behold, you were the gorgeous lady, and your positive videos and messages make you even better. I've been meaning to write for awhile in regards to your court issues and I wanted to let you know that at the end of the day the most important people who know you are a GREAT mom are your kids! From what I've gathered, me just reading your blog I find that your kids have the most amazing and loving mom and they will be great people when they grow up. I just wanted to write this to send you positive affirmations because you send positive messages to sooooo many people. Keep on keeping on, kandee!
HEY KANDEEE! I wanted to tell you that I am huge fan of your's, your best makeup guru on youtube by far! I want to put in a make-up request. If you could do like really funn rainbow look or like a yellow, pink, and orange look or even something with a lot of color it would be awesome!
wow kandee that's so true a lot of people tell you things like "hey where did you buy that? In Freaky's palace??" and you just feel bad cause in the end you care about what people says but you shouldn't cause you could wear whatever you like you´re free and people who say that kind of things are people without personality so they try to make you behave like the rest of people so in that way they could feel normal and accepted by the society, well at least that's my theory of why people behaves like that when you look "different" of the other people.
Kandee I can't even begin to tell you how much I look forward to your daily blurbs and videos. I truely feel like a friend, or feel like your a friend I suppose since you don't know me. I love all the looks you do :) I already tried this one out tonight. Love it think I'm just gonna keep fine tuning it so that one of these days I will wear it out ;)
hey Kandee! great video!! how do i give you a 5 star rating?? id like to do it for you but i cant figure out where i do it... thanks Katie!
loove it! you are so beautiful! I wish I had lips like yours...
this blog made my day!!! yay i feel the same way sometimes people whould ask me like what are you doing whereing that and now i will respond in a differnet new way!! thanks soo much!!!!
p.s i love rihanna and ima going to try this look for this weekend and rock it out thanks kandee xoxo
-sasha!! =]]
ah this is so amazing and you're so great to watch, i feel like i'm right in the room with you and we're having a conversation. i think i've watched this video like 5 times already!
Lots of love, big hugs!
Loved the video last night. You are beautiful Kandee, inside AND out!
~Cassidy Z.
Thank you so much for the inspiring words! They always make my day and make me feel more confident about myself. You have an amazing personality <3
Just a question about the lip liner; I've been trying to find places that sell Hard Candy product. Would you happen to know any in Canada?
Thanks so much <3
You are so great Kandee!! I love everything you have to say! Reading your blogs and watching your videos are like a mini vacation!! they are so fun to watch and read!! and your messages are so inspirational!! love you!!
okay so.... pretending that i am going to be meetin up with you later really does make me feel confident to wear what i feel-crazy/fun clothes. i usually dont care if i dress down, people stare and i just walk tall...when i dress nice i feel fine cause im 'normal'...only once in a while i have the confident to wear what i feel...fun and me...i think i can get back to that, looking at it as not being the only one. Kandee is doing it too...we stand out :)
i love the video, i cant wait to go shopping for make-up. it will be my first time! lol (sounds funny, i know :) it's true though!) i'm going to watch all your videos and make a list of things to buy :)
okay goodnight! i heart you!
you have an ability to word things in such a special way. its a way that really makes me think about what you're saying and how it applies to my everyday outlook on life. theres always a positive or silver lining in every blog post, and your words are always honest, encouraging, and insightful. i love reading ur blog for these reasons.... thanks for ur words....
ps.u should compile ur posts into a "self help" book for people who love a daily pick me up! it would sell millions im sure!
perfectly said!
i love your style kandee :]
its fun and creative
Hy Kandee. I enjoyed this video so much, you look lovely as Rihanna. And I'm so happy you wrote this text, because I've always been like this. Wear make up or clothes or hair the way I wanted and never cared about other people and it turned out good for me, because I am unique, no on else can be me, ever!
:D Have a super fun day!
Hey, Kandee!
I dress differently and I act differently than others and they stare too, but I kinda like that attention that I get. Now I'm re-designing my clothes, cutting skirts and wearing puzzles as my earings. It's confidence that makes me be happy and positive. I know that things are great and the more I think that way, the more greater things get. And now, when I realize that outside part of humans I get to the inside part too. And now I finally understand how stupid most of people are, who are all money-sex-alcohol-motivated.
Valentine's Day is coming and I hope you give your friends the most precious time that you have!
Have the best days of your life,
Krässu, the make-up artist.
Kandee, it is such a wonderful makeup look! I love how you can pull off ANY look. For example, I haven't used my eyeshadow in FOR EVER, and the color isn't that great. You could pull of that look and would still be beautiful!
Thanks for inspiring me!
Fantastic! Both the look and your attitude. I love it.
Hi Kandee! Would you consider doing a video where you put together a complete makeup bag? Maybe $200 of color essentials and tools (any brand) that can create gorgeous and versitile looks?
Hi Kandee can you please tell me what bronzer brush you use!!! I have been trying to figure it out in every video you do, but cannot, LOL! thanks!!! btw love love love you!!! you are truly an inspiration and a blessing, i read you every day:)))
You make me happy, you make me laugh, feel free, confident and trust myself, the things I need the most.
Not a surprise as you are my DIAMOND.:)
Love you.
Yours Giedre. (gianthug)
I've never posted but I read all ur blogs and watch ur videos like a religion lol! Ur so gorgeous I would love to have eyebrows like you! Where did you get ur flat top brush u use for shading i love it!
this look is so fresh n young i lov it thanks kandee mwah ::)
this look is so fresh n young i lov it thanks kandee mwah ::)
I'm writin' your words into my notebook, so if I'll be sad or lost in the outfit and I'll be on the plane, back to my country, and I won't have the internet, I'll read your words straight from my notebook. I'm 199.5% sure they will help me. Haa :D
Yours Giedre. (gianthug)
Thank you so much for that. I really really needed some encouragement in life and so I went to your site, because I know that you can always bring me back up. I am in cosmetology school and everyone hates me. I am beautiful, drive a nice car, have a wonderful boyfriend, and live in a very nice apartment.....I guess people just can't stand someone that is like that? I am the nicest person too, I bake them brownies and invited them to my house and made them dinner, and today at school, no one would talk to me no matter what it was about or anything. I love the encouragement you give. It REALLY helps me get through my day. (I only have 200 hours :s so I have a long way to go!!)....also, if you ever go to disneyland, you should let me know...I live right down the street!!
Hey Kandee, you really inspire me. I love your make up looks, they make me want to do different things. I used to be pretty boring with my make up until I found you. I love being different, I've always been different. And btw, shopping with you sounds amazing. You seem like you would be a great friend!
Loving the Rihanna look!!! I trying out this weekend for sure!!!!
- Jess
I tried this look and I love it!! I am wearing it right now! Too bad I have no where to go so I can't show it off. I am going to try it with purple on the eye next time.
Keep up the good work! I love it.
I nominate Kandee Johnson to be the next Bachelorette!!! Who's with me??!?!
Amazing!!! Thank you for such a bold rocker look to try out :)
Well, after watching this video, I ran to the pharmacy and bought electric colors!
Fantastic video! Thank you so much!
Hello Kandee...
I ♥ the video! Rhianna has that "edgy" style that I like and you pulled off her look with flying colors! I just want to know what type of blush you used? It's the pink tube...It seems like it's an easy application and I want to know where I would be able to purchase one. Thank you.
"keep up the fantastic work!" :D
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