Tuesday, February 23, 2010

a love letter....

are you ready?

to jump into life?

to shake things up and make thing happen?

do you know how many people are wasting their time right now?

do you know how many people are whining and complaining this very second?

do you know how many people are getting a kick out of bringing other people down right now, making you feel like whatever you are thinking is dumb?

the world may not cheer you on and tell you, "you can do it! Keep going darlin'!"....

you can do it! I know you can!

I don't care if you are not where you want to be in life yet...
you may live where you want...drive the car you want...have the career you want...

Do you realize how precious the gifts you have are...the gifts and talents that you are still discovering...

Do you realize how important you are to someone, and how important you are going to be?!?

You don't need to DO anything to be important, special, or unique...you already are, with your one-of-a-kind, heart and mind!

You don't NEED to do anything to feel good about yourself....or do anything to deserve happiness...happiness is waiting for you to release it, right there waiting in your heart!

Stop waiting for a certain event or something, or someone to happen to
love and appreciate who -you- are.

YOU are great - today and always!

Just be great today! Live, lovely today...tomorrow can wait for tomorrow.

Realize how great you are! How amazing, talented, how filled with love you are!

Your best days are just waiting for you! They really are!

Live with excitement, that if you're not where you want to be, thank God, that life keeps moving forward, and sometimes if it looks like we're going backwards-

it's only because God is pulling the catapult backwards...so that we will launch even faster towards where we are supposed to be!

I love you...you are great and amazing....and today we will live it amazingly!

Smile more, tell people have a great day more, think about your future and your dreams...and imagine me giving you a huge hug and saying...."you can do it! you are awesome!!!!"

big smile and huge love, kandee


Obsessed.Makup.Addict said...

you always say the most beautiful things <3

Penny Richardson said...

very inspirational I love you Miss Kandee j.

Crystal said...

Wow Kandee, you made me cry with that one. You are amazing and wonderful and full of so much positivity that it truly infects all who love you. Your blog is inspirational and funny and just plain lovely. Keep up the fantastic work!!!! XOXO

Soo said...

I really needed to read something like this right now. Thank you so much for this inspiring post! <3

amal said...

Thanks Kandee. I'm not feeling all that great with how things are going for me right now. Your messages always make me feel much better coz its so sincere. You're a great person Kandee. Always know that.


DarcyWong said...

Hi Kandee,

you are such an inspiration. Such wonderful words. Thank you so much :)

Lauren said...

I was almost in tears before I read this, and your blog just put a smile in my heart :) thank you so much for sharing your love and joy to everyone Kandee, you inspire me to do the very same. I <3 you

Nabaht Shafiei said...

Thanks so much!!!! You're awesome.

bianca.duarte said...

Kandee, thank you for this. it got me all teary eyed because what you say is so true and if only people will realize how precious life is then maybe they'll change and be happy people. just wanted to let you know that you inspire me, i love all your videos, and uplifting spirit. thank you for everything you do :)

wunndonly said...

Thank you. i just wanna say thank you i lost the love of my life recently and i havent smiled in a long time you made me smile. thank you so much. i wish i had someone like you in my life

montana krista said...

you are so sweet:) thankyou! YOU have a great day tomorrow & keep up the amazing work!!!

Ashley said...

mk Kandee, dear :)
you always seem to make me happy with what you say cause you always say something that I just NEED to remember. I am encouraged and ready to take on what is ahead of me!!! I know now what you felt when you didn't want to mention to people about what you were persuing in life-I have been feeling sad and discouraged because of people's reaction when I tell them what I want to do.... but I am going to keeping it to myself. I know I have you cheering me on :)

my favorite part of this post is this: "Live with excitement, that if you're not where you want to be, thank God, that life keeps moving forward, and sometimes if it looks like we're going backwards-

((it's only because God is pulling the catapult backwards...so that we will launch even faster towards where we are supposed to be!))"

I heart you, Gorgeous Kandee!!!


lovelashesandlipgloss said...

I absolutely love your blog! :)

Paola ♥ said...

Kandee, your words always come at a time of need. Whenever I'm feeling sad I see an update that you posted something new and when I read it, it makes me feel so much better and grateful for life. All day today I had people putting me down. Someone very close to me kept saying that when I'm something in life then I'll deserve to be happy. I try my best to be something but sometimes things don't go the way you want them to. Your words have lifted my spirit. I think I feel a bit better now :]

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this Kandee. You are such an Inspiration. I needed this today and you lifted my spirits up. I hope i can meet you someday and become close friends. I love you and will always support you in whatever you do!

<3 Lana

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kandee!!!!!!!!!! You lift my spirits everyday! Right now, I'm currently in a place I don't wish to be in my life and work in a place that is nothing but the color grey to my soul and everyday you raise me up and give me hope.

Unknown said...

you are so amazing! thank you so much for posting this. it literally is a Godsend. today has not been the best day for me and to have read that made me feel so much better and gives me hope and much needed motivation to keep pulling forward. thank you sooooo much!! :)

Sarah said...

I really needed this! You have a very sweet, caring spirit. Your optimism is so refreshing.
Thank you, Kandee!

Amy said...

Oh Kandee, you're so inspiring. I really needed that post right now, thank you so much =)


Charity said...

It is such a lovely day outside. I haven't seen the sun shine like this in ages, it is like winter over here has finally subsided :) Anyway, I've been lazing about the house and I couldn't be bothered to go out although I knew it was a really good idea. In other words I was being lazy. Then I read your post and now I'm thinking, 'gosh I've wasted half the day!' :P So I'm going out if only for a walk

Have a great day kandee
much love!

Anonymous said...

You could write a book-seriosly;)
That is so true that happiness is waiting for us to release it.The problem is that people often don't believe in themself, futhermore the don't have anyone elso to cheer them up,so this post is really motivational! Than you for it!
Have a WONDERFUL day!

Vatanya said...

And you are so awesome for being so energetic and positive for everyone who cant be for themselves! Much Love Kandee!!

Natalia Villava said...

Kandee this is so beautiful! I swear this is just what I needed to hear right now! currently Im REALLY tired but I need to do some work for school!! thank you for the words!! I'll finish this work really soon for you :) I LOVE YOU!!

Unknown said...

You're a true inspiration to many pple Kandee! Your positive personality makes this earth so much more beautiful!

Luv Ya!

SoapDoc said...


Unknown said...

Huge love to You too! You made my day at the very beginning :) You're awesome!! =)

San said...

*sigh* Kandee, you are absolutely amazing. You always seem to know what to write to give me the boost I need that very day. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Big and really comfy hugs to you girl.

Cheers, Sandy

Kiska said...

You are awesome & I send my love to you. Thank you for being you. xoxo

vs said...

beautiful! :) love you too

olivia said...

this letter really hit me..i feel like most of the time i can't do the things i like and it involves money..but with this you changed that..you are an inspiration..

Michael said...

You make me cry, Kandee!

Where were you a year and a half ago?! I needed to hear this! I am having surgery (nothing huge, just something that will make me feel better about myself) and I chickened out because I swore I would die during surgery. Your entries and your words mean so much to me. I am making your video tomorrow, please watch it! I want you to know how special you are to me and so many other people.


Inspiring! ♥
You always have such inspiring words and the positivity you give out is so incredible. I must say your quote
"you're more talented than you think
more beautiful than you know
and more loved than you can possibly imagine" is right there on my wall when I wake up everyday. So thanks for your inspiration and giving me something new and empowering.

Elise said...

I really like this :).

You keep people smiling.

Your energy and positivity are contagious.


melissa said...

always a thought-provoking positive thought from you! thanks! your words make me think about my day and how what may seem so big and bad at the time could always be worse, and that theres a silver lining in there some where!

lnknprkgrl said...

Hi, Kandee! I am a huge fan and I read your blog almost everyday. Anyway, I just wanted to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your positive and heartfelt blogs. I am going through a really rough spot in my life but I can always count on your blogs to give me a bit of needed encouragement and bring a smile to my face. You are truly a beautiful person, inside and out. =)

Anonymous said...


thats soo cool did you write it?
makes you really think ae.
thank you fro making my day always so special..
whenever im sad or just want to have some "me" time i just come see what your doing, or watch you on you tube !

thank you for living!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love you Kandee Johnson. In a world of smoke and ashes, YOU are milk and honey.

Pa+anda said...

I really love that...

Janie Rosar said...

You have the most loving heart. You are so positive, people are drawn to you because you are so sincere. You are an amazing person. So kandee.... Much love to you and your sweet soul <3

Stephie said...

Now i can have a great day.
Thank you Kandee. :)
Love your Blog so much.

Have a great day, too.
"you can do it! you are awesome!!!!"

XOXO, Steph

Caroline said...

your so inspiring.
i love reading your blog and watching your videos.
so i start with your advise and say
and stay the way you are. you're beautiful outside and inside

monavampire said...

thanks for all warm words!


Christine Riojas said...

Thanks Kandee...I needed it. You are truly inspirational. Hugs & love right back at you <3

Sophie said...

I kinda needed to hear this today...thanks kandee xo

Giedre said...

You brought smile to my face again.. I can't even tell. I'm so happy you are here..
I'm smiling!

Yours Giedre (gianthug)

Enrico Foschi said...

Spot on, Kandee!

If you want it, you get it! We're all surrounded by moaners. Not listening to them and working hard, going beyond any obstacle and dedicating a lot of time and efforts overcoming tough challenges is what is going to differentiate us.

Hard work, patience and persistence always pay off!

Unknown said...

Thank you kandee for theese words. I'm a 33 year old girl from Norway, and I love your blog. You allways get me in a good mood:)
You made my day with this post:))

Maria Karla said...

Thank you Kandee! You are such a huge inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

i love u kandee..i wate everyday for u 2 say something or put up a video i wish i new u in person ur such a positive person and u make me laugh alot and most of all ur so BEAUTIFUL really stunning and i cant stand when people leave bad comments like ur the only person that iv ever seen that was just doing make up videos and everybody loved/loves u so much that they just want more and more and u give it outa ur time 2 show us how 2 cut t.shirts what products2 buy just everything like a real best friend and really encourge us because alot of us dont get that and u dont even no us,i no u dont no me but id like2 tink i no u and call u 1 of my friends keep up the good work kandee i hope u read this..xxxx
from lisa in ireland

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this post, your such a wonderful spirit and an inspiration to so many, including myself. I really needed to hear those words today to keep strong on my journey, it helped so much so thank you, you are such a blessing, always remember that you are loved :)

selenity luz said...

That's just SUPER COOL! Have a great day, Kandee!:-*

Znachorka said...

hi Kandee you are amazing and awesome. Thanks for this post it's so great :)))). Love from Poland :*

Unknown said...

Hello kandee,

I'm from singapore, i love your watching you videos and read your blog post! Reading them just booast my confident. thank you! keep smiling (:


Unknown said...

Thank you! I really needed this. Yesterday I could not even manage to get out of bed. I was so sad. My sadness is getting worse and im struggling. Somehow you inspire me and your words reach my heart even though its closed for everyone else. Thank you for that. Because of you and your fantastic and so amazing words im going to get up now, go to the gym, hike in the snow and get things done that I have just ignored. LOSERS make excuses, WINNERS make it happen. I sent you a letter on feb 10, hope you got it! Have a great day Kandee! <3 <3

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I really need this. I've been lacking motivation in my life for quite some time now. I've been unemployed for about 6 months and I just dont know what I want to do, I've been applying for jobs but I've had no calls back. I applied to go back to school but I don't want to sink further in to dept, i want to follow my dreams so bad but for some reason, Idon't know where to start, but I think I just have to go out there and do something, thanks Kandee!

Malayka said...

Wow thank you for that! After having been down in the dumps a bit the last week that really helped!

Iga Jarzębkowska said...

I love you Kandee!! I'm living in small town, where everybody are the same, there's nothing to to. I'm almost 18 and I want to move to capitol of Poland - Warsaw. One minute ago I thought like "maby it's not the best idea..." and right now I believe again, tha I can do it :) thanks :*

S said...

i love you too kandee!!!
i dont know what i would do without you. you give me strength and love and hope to keep living life.
i love you..aaand you're balloons...and all your work

i want to say a gigantor thank you for all your effort and time you give

lots of double chocolate fudge w caramel n choc chunks and rainbow sprinkles love


Elle Watsizzle said...

this is JUST what I needed to read. thanks girl for all your insight and beautiful thoughts!

Unknown said...

Make no mistake - YOU! All of YOU are "Somekinda wonderful"

masha said...

i allways get to read your posts in the morning... and just so you know- they make my day so much better!!! so thank you so muck Kandee i think your'e a wonderful and amazing person!!! :)

Anna Paula said...

Kandee, you're so great!
It makes me so happy to read your blog and find exactly what I need everytime I read.
You're an amazing person!!!

I was talking to my parents the other day, telling them I wish we could fly you here to do my wedding makeup in a couple weeks (we live in Brazil haha). I WISH.
But soon I'll be living in the US, ready to attend the glaminars!!!!!
Thank you for all the inspiring words!!

Rita Silva said...

=) Sweet lady, can´t complain about my life cause it´s really good=) I am in love with my job (make up artist), i have a beautifull sister, a good family, an amazing man! But reading what you wrote made me smile! thanks for making me smile=)Love ya gorgeous =)

Ann said...

YOU are the one who is truly amazing!! I love your spirit and love of life--it's absolutely contagious! :)

Diane said...

This was really nice, especially because I had a very very bad day and it seemed like nothing could go any worse and then I get this call from my mom and she told me some good news. So, thanks for reminding me of this attitude!


Bekah said...

You are soooooo awesome Kandee! I always love to hear what you have to say. Your messages are full of positivity! Keep it up girl! ;)

Suzanne said...

Thank you for all your love Kandee!!! Yesterday I had a not so happy day. Negative comments were trying to bring me down. Your words always lift me up. I love your blogs. Love your videos. You are a blessing to me. Thank you.

Karina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee!! I think you're awesome! :D I'm 24 yrs old and working on my Master's degree in Family therapy from a Christian university. I love how you inspire everyone who reads your blog! I really love when you bring Biblical points into your blogs. I think that is SO important! Not only to encourage other girls but to fill them with God's truths!! And I'm sure, through comments, that you get just as much out of this as we do. Anyway, just wanted to say THANK YOU and KEEP IT UP! Also, I hope your struggles clear up soon! You're already trusting God with them, so I know you're on the right track! I was reading my Bible the other day and this verse made me think of you and what you're doing, Hosea 12:6: "But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for you God always." I think that verse is awesome! Anyway-thanks again!
P.S. Since I started watching your videos my make up looks great! And people compliment me every now and then!! Can't wait for more!

Christiane said...

Dear Kandee, thank you for being there. You are my little sunshine! I have a chronic disease and when I feel bad I check your blog and your videos and I forget all about the pain and tiredness. I hope every thing is going well with you.
Big hugs!

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee!! I think you're awesome! :D I'm 24 yrs old and working on my Master's degree in Family therapy from a Christian university. I love how you inspire everyone who reads your blog! I really love when you bring Biblical points into your blogs. I think that is SO important! Not only to encourage other girls but to fill them with God's truths!! And I'm sure, through comments, that you get just as much out of this as we do. Anyway, just wanted to say THANK YOU and KEEP IT UP! Also, I hope your struggles clear up soon! You're already trusting God with them, so I know you're on the right track! I was reading my Bible the other day and this verse made me think of you and what you're doing, Hosea 12:6: "But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for you God always." I think that verse is awesome! Anyway-thanks again!
P.S. Since I started watching your videos my make up looks great! And people compliment me every now and then!! Can't wait for more!

Unknown said...

thank you, Kandee - some of us (especially me) really needed to read that this morning :)

You are AWESOME!

XOXO & Love

Wallflower said...

I love how you are so optimistic and inspiring.
We'll be cheering you on too!
Rock on!

Tay Tay said...

KANDEE! You are just amazing. I can't tell you how much all of your posts brighten up the saddest of days for me... thank you for your high spirits and the wisest of wisdoms :)

:)GOD BLESS YOU! You are a very special person, and we are all SO lucky to have someone like you in our lives!

Unknown said...

Thanks kandee... u brought me up! You always know what to say. Keep them coming I love reading them

Unknown said...

You are awesome too Kandee! You give people so much inspiration and joy in their lives, we REALLY need more like you in this world! :)
~Cassidy Z.

Mitsuki Hayashi said...

I'm spanish and I can't speack english very well, but I love your blog I try it. Sorry for the mistakes.
I love every thig what you write *-*
It's very... energy (?).
I'll try comment you blog more often =)
See you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for ur letter Kandee..... you may not know me, i'm one of the people you've touched with your wonderful soul, beautiful words ande ecouragement..... i've cried with your vid, i've laughed with them, but the huge deal here is you encourege me to go after my happiness whatever that is.... Hope you have a wonderful Day!
Thanks for being the mirror i needed....

Michelle said...

when I read this post and Psalm 90:12 came to me. I think you do a great job of remembering how blessed you are every single day - something I believe in! You have a great attitude and outlook on life, and I think your videos are so uplifting and fun. Continue doing what you're passionate about because you are shining the light God wants you to :) God Bless. -Michelle


Summer said...

SO good!
Thanks Kandee! I always get SO excited when I see you've written a new blog. You're actually one of these reasons I decided to start my own blag--to rant/reflect etc.
I'm on a journey of regaining some personal strengths and your posts have been a huge part of it. THANKS!

kathyb said...

You really can't know how much I love your blog! I look forward to seeing what you have to say everyday! You remind me to smile, praise God, and be a light! And that's what it's all about really.
Big smile and HUGE LOVE right back to you! XOXO

Kim Harding said...

I'm sure when you wrote this, you were looking to make people feel good and look at the positive. I read it, and took it and directed it towards my own life. pretended like you were talking to me and my exact situation. Thats what so great about writing like this, and being so positive and broad with your thoughts.. You can reach and touch so many people, in so many different ways. What you wrote reached me, and maybe took what you wrote in a diff way than someone else would take it.. But I took and, and i'm going to read it every day.. Bc those words... just may help me get through something that has been eating away at me for the past year and even more intensely the past month. It has completely consumed my thoughts and my life... But if i can start to live by those words, I can turn my life around and into what i want it to be. And like you said in one of your videos that your grandma told you, boomerang joy i think it was. That could not be more true and thank you for reminding me of what life CAN be like..but Ultimitely.. its up to me to make it that way..Thank for your inspiration an positive words.. You have reached me in a way that i wasnt expecting today...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the little bosst of confidence you put in every one of these blogs, I want to be a professional driver one day, and people make it sound like its impossible to become, but I got GOD on my side, and I know he wouldn't give me the dreams he's given me for no reason, I'm gonna make it because GOD said so, and because Kandee said so, thanks for the extra little push to go forward, THANKS!!!

Unknown said...

That was so nice and inspiring. A big hug to you Kandee X

erictheviking said...

You are a superstar Kandee! Thank you for that letter xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for such an inspiring post. You always brighten up my day and encourage me to be a happier person! Your awesome kandee thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kandee! Thanks for all the uplifting posts. I think of you often, I hope all your troubles will be over soon. Praying for you. Love Brandi

Andrea said...

Hey, loved the test!! Very motivated : )

ninateresa said...

kandee I love what you have to say always! I am going threw some things right now and you just know what to say its weird cause everyday you say something that means what I'm going threw(if that made sense) but yes I thank you for being the sweet loving awsome beautiful...just everything person you are you do great at everything and the funny thing is me too I love makeup now I love making jewlery I sew all kinds of things I am such a creative person but I'm not quite sure what I want to be so I don't have a dram yet but I will and I thank you for your insperasional things you say you mean alot to me kandee I wish I could meet you. Lots of love nina :) I love you kandee doll :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kandee, I will now smile more today because of your uplifting words. Your amazing! :-)

Jenny :-)

Fatima said...

I love you Kandee!!!...I wish you all the happiness in the world!!! May you find your ultimate soul mate soon!!! YOU are simmply a kind hearted person and I hope you achieve all what your heart desires!!!

I would love to meet you in person, but don't live in the US, but I feel as you are my friend!

Sending you tons of hugs and warm wishes.

Your friend/fan,


julian said...

You are so cute!

Kelsey said...

I needed to hear this today! I don't know if you realize it but you are changing the world maybe one day we will all live in a Kandee-land :)

love Kelsey

MorningDew said...

Love letter Indeed. I love Me! be happy for who you are, and cherish each other.

Compostelle said...

thank you kandee. i love you to...
your kind words. really chears me up..
you deserve the best, like we all do...

but you today, even more..
i love youu
big hug

Unknown said...

Kandee, this was just what I needed to hear today! Thank you so much for sharing your kind words and your BEAUTIFUL sprit with us!!

Have a wonderful day!!

Unknown said...


I WISH THERE WERE A MORE DEFINING WORDS THAN THANK YOU FROM MY HEART. IT MADE MY DAY. I READ YOUR BLOG EVERYDAY AFTER I FOUND YOU ON UTUBE... I went through depression for being used by people and for a stupid guy that cheated on me...

Thank you for shining our days!!!!

SidnacGlitz said...

Thank you Kandee. I needed that reminder. Thank you thank you for encouraging us.

I want you to know for every negative thing someone has to say there are two positive comments.

Thank you for being strong and not letting the meanies get to you.
We need you. :-)

The people that truly see you for who you are, accept you.
May I be cheezy and borrow a line from Mr Darcy in Bridget Jones' Diary........."We like you just as you are" and that's the truth!

SaraBethMayBeDreaming said...

"Stop waiting for a certain event or something, or someone to happen to love and appreciate who -you- are."
The best fortune-statement I've ever gotten, from a cookie or not.
I needed this to keep truckin' through today.

Rosy Soto said...

I love this post!! its all so very true. Thanks kandee love

Michelle said...

Thank you sooo much for being so positive and inspiring every single day even if you aren't having a good day yourself. I am sooo much more of an upbeat and happy person and you are helping with that because if I'm down a little I read something you write or watch a video you make and your so cheerful it makes me cheerful, and if I'm already super happy then watch out world cuz I'll be so energetic that day cuz I'm bursting with love and a go for it attitude. I have no idea what I want to do with my life but i have faith and hope that I will get there some day and you've helped me realize that so THANK YOU KANDEE!! :D Xoxoxo

Beanie said...

Thanks Kandee... I really needed this today.

Gaby said...

Awwwww Kandee. You have the most beautiful expressions. You are a true role model. You lift everyones spirits up high, eventhough many of us may be passing through tough times. Thanks so much for always being so cheerful and so positive. Being positive is one of the best virtues a person can have in them...even though at times even positive people need encouragement as well. I love You kandee. You are amazing indeed. Thanks so much for those beautiful phrases.

Mamarazzi said...

I love you too!..your so amazing, ive never had anyone tell me these amazing things..i just wonder where u get all ur strength from I wish i could be as strong as u!

Unknown said...

beautiful post

perfectionishuman said...

I love this, it's so so true.. and so motivational/inspirational too :)

Unknown said...

You always have positive, motivational and encouraging things to say, always .. and I love it!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Kandee, you're great!!!

Huge hug__ Sandra

ALPHAFORCE Blog | Fitness, Entrenamiento y Alimentación: La Guía Definitiva said...

Thank you, you always make me feel so good and happy. And you always write awesome and beautiful things...

You are unique.

Thank you
Have an awesome day full of love :)

Angel Ramirez

HI, My name is Willow Rose Grace. said...

Hey kandee, you should write about yourself more. :)

NicolaCosmeticsmile-x said...

such an imspiring post, you always say the most beautiful things thanks you xo

Unknown said...

Kandee...I was having such a bad day and I read this and was like..HOW DID SHE KNOW? haha

I wish I knew you personally. We'd be best friends.

Unknown said...

Thank you for raising my spirits and bringing a smile to my face.

FaithHopeLove said...

my name is suppose to say faith hope love by the way...i was to quick when i created this - just to respond to kandee - casue your so wonderful, thanks for your words today and always...your spreading your love and light into the world, God bless - keep all those positive words and makeup tips coming....thanks

Forget Me Not said...

Thank you. i really needed this today! :)

Heather914 said...


Unknown said...

Kandee!!!!!!! You are amazing person!!!!!! You are giving your love to that live and it will come back to you triple!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica said...

Hey girl! I wanted to let you know that I am doing the Susan G. Komen 3-day walk in november the 5-7th. And it would be awesome if you could share my page with your family and friends:) http://www​.the3day.o​rg/site/TR​/2010/Dall​asFtWorthE​vent2010?p​x=4675790​&pg=pe​rsonal​&fr_id​=1465

Unknown said...

Kandee I know u have tons of fans but I just want to say thank u for all of ur nice words. I luv the fact that u put God I ur messages. U r truly helping thousands of people. U r truly an angel on earth. Thank u for all of ur hard work. Lots of luv and hugs back to u sister. God bless

Anonymous said...

I was in pain and this helped me feel happy anyway. Thanks Kandee!

bryseana said...

Thanks kandee!! You have a great outlook on life, which is refreshing and encouraging. I read your blog everyday because I know it will lift my spirits.

Stephy said...

I really needed this. Thank you! Hugs.

Ang said...

Kandee- You are such a beautiful, positive person. I've been having "one of those days" for the past couple of weeks and your "love letter" was exactly what I needed to hear.

"if you're not where you want to be, thank God, that life keeps moving forward"

Thank you for writting this. I hope you know how truly inspirational you really are. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kandee! I read your blog everyday because you always have something inspirational to say! You make me feel so much better about myself!!

ndoodles said...

You are such an inspiration to read. I love these positive posts. Please never stop writing them... they've truly got me through some tough tough times. Thank you so much!!!!! You are an angel <3

Lauri The Artist said...

Thank you so much for writing this Kandee, it meant a lot to me. I started to tear up a little just becuase I know you mean this lol I've some things that I want to do with my life, now, but I'm not sure how to do it and I've been putting them off. I think if I reread this a few times I'll get the courage to go it the things I want! Thanks Kandee, I love you!!

Anonymous said...

That was great. THis is my first time reading your blog and I already love you! btw, you are soooo pretty!!! :)

LAF said...

Kandee, I go to your blog every day for inspiration and a little pick me up. You're such an amazing artist. Thank you for sharing your inspirational stories with us. I had a crazy day and was feeling down about being stuck in a job I hate. I've chosen not to settle and to quit being unhappy. To go online and read your blog expressed so much about how I feel about life but also made me think about how I need to go after my dreams and quit making plans and excuses. to just do it! Love you and your videos.


Unknown said...

thank you kandee <3
you are amazing !!

Marianne said...

Perfect timing !
xx :)

Unknown said...

Kandee love is from the heart,
even thou you do not judge a person by there looks.
You know who they are just by looking at them.

People for destroying this world,
People what more and more.
I love animals and natuur and don't let people mess up my life with theres.
Taking a step back, to get further in life is not the way.

Teach your kids to teach there kids. So we can live together.

kandee i think you have one a place in my heart and others.
Bless you and all who love.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for posting this! i was having such an awful meaningless day and this made it so much better! much love back to you<3

Linda said...

Thank you Kandee, this just made my bad day good! I love you!

Mariah Serrano said...


Laura said...

love you and all you do!


sarah m said...

You are such a beautiful soul. Thank you so much for your inspiring words, from the bottom of my heart

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