I loved the bright white, dishes that were in pristine condition....well, right before they got shattered! The explosion of broken dishes and spoons, forks, and butter knifes..flying outward in an explosive, bursting...and this bright beautiful lights...glowing so beautifully from the very heart of the piece....was stunning!
I thought about this as I read something this morning...
sometimes the most beautiful, peaceful moments....are ones that are found in the middle of "life's explosions"....
It really isn't a sign of peace, when everything is always perfect and calm....
I think real peace, is when our emotions do feel like little bombs are going off, our happiness is exploding right before our eyes, by circumstances...but while everything feels like chaos and craziness.....we are the bright beautiful, glowing light of peace, while all the "dishes" are blasting apart around us.
I have been in some "dish breaking" moments in my life..but the most amazing times, were when I felt peace in my heart, even when it didn't seem like I should....
If it feels like your world is falling apart, that "dishes" and/or emotions are exploding all around you...
this is the time, when a storm of troubles may be "hurricaning" around you, but you can be safely covered in a big umbrella of safety and peace...the big arms of God can come down and wrap you and your heart up, in a safe place for your mind and heart to rest.
Our lives will never be free from every trouble or pain...after all, this isn't called heaven...ha ha ha
But we can rest in the fact that

this is one of my favorite verses....(not to get all Bible-y on you...but some of the greatest quotes, even the song "Turn! Turn! Turn! from the Byrds is straight up verses from the Bible!)
Do not let your hearts be troubled, and don't let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]
—John 14:27
I hope that whatever you are going through...no that each one of us is dealing with "broken dishes" right now..and if not right now, we probably just got through a "dish exploding experience"...we are all in this together! We can all band together and with our encouraging and loving words!
I am sending big hugs...and hopefully some new "mental sunglasses" that will allow you to see the beautiful glowing light, coming from the center of the "exploding dishes"...remember, don't focus on the "pieces of dishes" flying around...but on the soft and beautiful light of peace shing on your heart!
huge love all my precious hearts.....typed with love and peace for your day...kandee
I love this song...it makes my want to dance my cares away...and feel sunshine on my heart....I want to sit on the beach and hear the ocean....see palm trees dancing in the breeze...and my heart glowing....
This is AMAZING and the artist REALLY deserves to receive this blog post (I hope you find a way to get it them) as that, I would venture, is EXACTLY what the artist was going for. I just think it would be so wonderful for them to know that the message was received loud and clear. And as far as getting all "Bibley", anytime... ANYTIME! That just so happens to be the source of my own peace. Thanx again for this! JUST AMAZING!!!!
you're so inspirational. <3
Thank you Kandee I am going through some health issues and friendless issues and I HOPE AND BELIEVE AND PRAY THAT I CAN AND WILL GET THROUGH THEM! like one of your blog post said: God doesn't give you more then you can bare!! I am starting to really believe that now! and I`m trying to look at the bright side of my "broken dishes" ha ha ha! I know I will get some wonderful friends and my health issues will be over soon enough! Plus your my friend your my BEST FRIEND! you motivate me to be a better me to see the real beauty in me and share it with everyone else!
I have some wonderful doctors who are so loving and kind and nice and that means God answered my prayer for wonderful doctors! I always hated going to the hospital and doctors office but my doctors and nurses are so wonderful and nice they even call me to check on me! I couldn`t ask for more wonderful doctors! I know my health issues will dissapear and I will get better I AM GETTING BETTER AND HEALTHIER NOW!!!
I just got an A on my health exams for school I`m very proud of myself and am going to buy myself a special treat! =) I hope you ave a wonderful day and see the beauty in everything God has made.
From Shaheen <3
Hey Kandee,
I love how positive you are, it really makes my day to read your posts and today's you reminded me of this album http://payplay.fm/robgardner2
not trying to talk too much about religion here but I absolutely love this CD it is SO powerful, tell me if you would like to have it, I'll send it to you.
The Bible is His Word, His confession of unending love for us. =) I pray you continue to rest your cares on Him! God Bless!.
AWESOME piece of artwork. WOW
My boyfriend is leaving tomorrow for his last mission in Iraq, unfortunately its on a road he's never traveled on...[the road that happens to be the most dangerous and known for attacks..an explosions] to a base he's never been to, unsure if the items he's retrieving are still even present. He said his whole platoon is really nervous and intimidated, and he's shaking..I started praying for him and a prayer group is going to pray for them, but most of all..He said he just doesn't want his heart to stop beating during this last mission, because after this...he's going back to a safe zone for a month before coming home. As God would have it and send us signs, I read your post and saw the verse you posted. How fitting for him and his platoon. I took the verse and sent it to him along with a prayer from St. Michael, he is more at peace right now, and I thank you for allowing God to work through you and inspire us and those around us.
From the bottom of my heart,
Melissa Ann
My boyfriend is leaving tomorrow for his last mission in Iraq, unfortunately its on a road he's never traveled on...[the road that happens to be the most dangerous and known for attacks..an explosions] to a base he's never been to, unsure if the items he's retrieving are still even present. He said his whole platoon is really nervous and intimidated, and he's shaking..I started praying for him and a prayer group is going to pray for them, but most of all..He said he just doesn't want his heart to stop beating during this last mission, because after this...he's going back to a safe zone for a month before coming home. As God would have it and send us signs, I read your post and saw the verse you posted. How fitting for him and his platoon. I took the verse and sent it to him along with a prayer from St. Michael, he is more at peace right now, and I thank you for allowing God to work through you and inspire us and those around us.
From the bottom of my heart,
Melissa Ann
Hey Kandee! Thanks for the encouraging words. Your a Ray of Sunshine yourself!!! I love what you do. Keep it up!!!
hey Kandee,
I really admire you and I like what you wrote here. also I am passing through difficult times and sometimes I find my inner peace and really cant understand how I do this...
but I guess it is inside us all the time, we just need to rediscover us sometimes.
we are the only enemy for being afraid and not making the best of it, not the others.
Hi Kandee, I read your blog everyday,
I don't to talk english yet, but I want to learn soon.
love you
I'm brazilian and live in Portugal
Hey Kandee, You are so right it is very important to beleive in your heart that you will come out of the explosion and you know as I looked upon that piece I also think that in trouble times you might need to break the dishes yourself to start anew ...thanks for your great input everyday I look foreward to hearing from you
You are so right!! This is just what I needed. :)
You are such a beautiful person, Kandee! Inside and out!
You and this post are so beautiful. I know what you mean about exploding dishes. But even in that chaotic scene there is beauty. You have brought me so much happiness since I discovered your Youtube channel and blogs. Who knew make-up tutorials could bring so much to my life! -Shannon
p.s. I got my Lady Gaga lipstick today. AMAZING!!
Beautiful! Your are such an amazing writer Kandee. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It really makes my day to read your wonderful blogs :-)
Thanks for the positive post, it was really relevant to how I've been feeling recently and to a lot of what I've been talking to my friends about. Really, God gives us a peace "that transcends all understanding." =)
Hi Kandee! I'm sort of a new reader, just started following you yesterday!
I love your blog.. you are a huge breath of fresh air! You probably hear this a lot, but it's so nice to come home after a tough day and read your uplifting posts. Your bubbliness and happiness are infectious. I'm inspired :)
what you say really speaks to people. I think that your gift is one of compassion and encouragement. I think that you inspire so many people. And those who have found you, are lucky and blessed to have this little bit of you in our lives. Thanks so much.
PS> not get all bibley on you...but I told my girls' bible study about you!!
u inspire me so much. I have been having a very hard time at skool with drama and people lying about me 2 make themselves look better. ur blog posts rele lift me up and help me look on the bright side of things when they r rough. thx so much! u truley inspire me in many wayz! (about the bible thing, even tho u might get ridiculed 4 saying it God is all tht matters nyway) -XOXO- Kendall <3.
For sure! I understood and I agree.
Sometimes you feel you cant explain things but when you really feel it you can let your readers feel it too!!
Thank you!!
<3 <3 you!!
Angel Ramirez
Kandee! Once again, you have touched me with your words of encouragement, hope, and peace of mind. You are so right, and that Bible verse is so AwESOME, it's strength building for our spiritual muscles!!! Love you lots Kandee girl;) May God continue to bless you!!!
Cheer up Kandee! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Kandee,
I love how you can see the beauty in so many things. You are so positive and optimistic-what a breath of fresh air. When you think about it every one of us is beautifully broken. In order to let the sunshine in there has to be cracks. With every situation that seems to break us we end up getting stronger and stronger. In order to appreciate the good we sometimes need to go through the bad.
This post and yesterday's post has helped me so much. I've been going through some stuff lately and these two posts have really spoken to me. You are such an amazing person! Thank you for all of your inspirational messages!!
You are amazing! Thanks for all your inspiration. XOXO
Hy, I did woke up with a huge headache, my paycheck it's 3 days late and I think I got a cold, but today I'm not thinking about that, cause my inner peace is there and I try to reach it :)
thanks Kandee, kiss
Thank you so much, Kandee, for your inspiring words. Once again you have made my day.. today is my birthday and I am going through a crazy time right now. I have to study A LOT for my final exams and sometimes I feel like "what are you doing here?!" "is this what you wanna do in your life?!".. I don't know.. and I don't know how everythings going to turn out in the end but I know that your words have helped me a lot in the past months.
With your help I decided to change something in my life. To step out of my broken dishes and create something new. I am thinking about painting pictures or creating my own jewelery.
So again I just wanna say THANK YOU for being you! You are amazing and you have a place in my heart!
hugs & kisses
everyone has left amazing comments
i cant find words to decribe how much i love you!
so.... what they said :P x
kandee thank you so much for taking the time and making the effort to write this - i especially needed it today. i too am having plate shattering times and all your posts just encourage me so much to approach certain situations in a more productive + positive manner. THANK YOU - you are a treasure and my heroine
blueberry & white chocolate kisses
Let me explain myself...
I have never really ever read your posts. Or had much reason to look at yer bloggie. It's a girl's blog.
My better half...
(I call manager/spouse),has you as a blog she follows because she loves your work and she has shown me your videos and I like them.
With that said...
I check my blog once a day...(I HATE BLOGGING), but am encouraged to do so by...manager/spouse. It IS nice to see the wonderful comments...
oh wait...got sidetracked..
once again...
I check my blog once a day...and on the main page is a scrolling list of the blogs we follow...you as one...
and everyday I see the happiest face in the scroll box...you.
I always stop to look at the happy face. I may scan the header of the post...but ALWAYS stop to look at the happy face.
On a subconscious level, just seeing that smiling face has always me think what a happy person you must be...and that of course affects myself...and likely others.
In the grand complex scale of life, God, karma...that infintesimal image of you smiling on the side panel has always been a calming and encouraging effect on moi...
So...for some reason...I stopped to actually read your post...today.
Your right...peace for me has always been faith. That is key for everyone...and like you...art, seeing someone else's art is calming and inspiring..such as the piece in this post was to you.
So thanks!!...for the nice post and wonderful work you do!
I may not read your post ALL the time..it is girlie post :)
But I will love seeing the happy face...and that is encouraging...heck, I may read it more often...
PS- K, I also find that a really nice cigar relaxes me so I don't go breaking any dishes!!
Try one! :)
that would be a great vid!!
tout a vous
If I didn't have your blog to read everyday.... I would be in the deepest depression ever. I just recently got into some "legal trouble" myself and it felt like my whole world was collapsing around me. I feel like everything that's important to me could be ripped away from me. But all I can do is keep praying to God and find my inner peace. Thank you so much for proving that there ARE good people in this world. I just wish I could meet you. You are one of the rarest gems in the world. Please don't ever stop writing!
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