we're takin' it back to the days of red lipstick, panty hose with the stitching up the back of the legs, and high heels....Rosie the Riveter!
My gramma used to do her hair like this...it makes me feel like putting my apron, baking a pie, or going swing dancing! (and you know how I love to dance!)...
Here's the original Marilyn Monroe video....
enjoy and dance along!!! Swing dancers, rock-a-billy's, and retro fans unite!
click on the lower RIGHT HAND corner (the YOUTUBE logo) to watch it bigger!
beautifull lady!!
your vidéos are so great and so inspired!!
I was unable to find the yellow flower ring you wear on Nordstrom.com If you can, can you check with your sister to see if that is infact where she got it. It'd be much appreciated! Thank you!
Wow, you look so different. But beautiful as always. Love the look!
Wow!! Love it!! You are totally awesome!
Oh my goodness Kandee you seriously make my day. You crack me up!!! I've told all of my girlfriends about your blog and your youtube videos and now we're all rocking Kandee looks. Thanks again for being an inspiration!
Thanks so much for all your videos. I've tried a lot of your make-up looks and have had so many compliments! One person even asked where I got it done!
I've been pretty make-up savvy, but this has just "up-ed" my level from good to great!! I have whiter teeth, my skin is beginning to clear up and look flawless and my hair has never been so shiny and manageable!
I've been working towards a degree in nursing, but after seeing you and your passion and excitement, I'm now leaning towards turning my make-up obsessed hobby into a career.
Anyways, this is kind of a long cheesy comment. Haha but seriously because of your talent and inspiration, you were able to boost the confidence in at least one person!! :) And I'm sure many more!
Keep it up!!!
lol, great video, really cracked me up, hihi :)
Big hugs to you, have a splendid weekend! :)
you are such a doll. i just recently found your blog. one word. LOVE. haha keep doing what your doing girl.
-Alex from AZ
Hey Kandee just wanted you to know that yes we do read your blog and watch the vieos too.
Thanks for being such a fabulous you!
Hahaaa soooo funny!!! I really like your videos!!! :)
Hey Kandee,
Love love love your funky side swept bang but way too scared to cut it myself, when i go to my salon, what do i tell them?? how far should it come from etc?? often i go there and know what i want but not the right way to describe it
Thanks :)
Bella Rouge
Great looks Kandee!!! Ya look awesome!! Loooooooove pin-up style, so good u made these vids!!!
I'll try and then tell u whether i could make it with my stubborn hair or not!!
Cheers from Argentina!!
Kandee your personality is the cutest thing ever and YOU are beautiful! You make me laugh out loud. And as the above poster said, I have always been pretty makeup savvy too but you have really taught me a lot and people tell me all the time how pretty my makeup looks. Thanks Kandee. Love ya!!!
Where is your top from, Kandee?! That is my favorite color and I've been looking everywhere for a shirt with that cut!!!!! thanks! we love you!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Kandee,
You're making me wish I had long hair again! I've worn my hair in a modern version of a 20's inspired bob for the last year 1/2. Now I'm TRYING to grow it longer. And it's AGONY. I think if I had the extra fundage I would go get extenstions to get myself through the hard growing out phases.
Hey Kandee!!!I absolutely love you and your make up tips are very helpful! I am just in need of some help. I really like the Megan/Katy Perry Pin up Make up look, Kim Kardashian look and the Kat Von D make up look and the Selena Gomez look- the only thing is I only own two palettes and I am on a budget and I am wondering what would be the alternative colors for those four looks when using the Ludwig Palette by Kat Von D and the Urban Decay palette! It would be oh so very helpful, thanks!! Loveeee youuu Keep up the good work beautiful lady!!
I read your blogs!! LOL
My roommate and I have been obsessed with your videos for quite some time now and while she's completely makeup savvy I've still been super scared to try anything new... Well times are a-changin and with the help of my latest paycheck I decided to update my makeup bag (I actually had to buy a makeup box to fit all my new finds!)... So what's the problem? I've NEVER used foundation or concealer and have only used loose powder and only when going out. I'm nervous that going from a practically bare face to full makeup will be too drastic at first... If I were to only use either foundation or concealer which would be the smartest route to not making me look sloppily put together?- Please please please give any tips you can for easy transitions for choosing/using products for this makeup challenged gal!
that video was great :D
I just LOVE the 50´s!!!
So cute...I was watching "A league of their Own" last night and Gina Davis wore the rosie the Riveter look and I was trying to do it during the movie...then you show up with this great video today...it's KISMET!!! love ya doll from Florida!!
I think you are WAY cute and you do a good job of describing and showing how to do this!! YAY!
Okay, I'm officially requesting dance breaks in every video from now on!
Nice pin up replica.. great job Kandee! :D
Hey Kandee
Where'd you get that animal print hoodie you are wearing in the top pix?
That is my fave pic of you! Soooo pretty!
i was having a horrible day before i stumbled onto your youtube video's. they say happiness is contagious, it must be true, now im in a wonderfull mood. keep up the good work. love all your video's
you're a cutie fa sho
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