i get asked all the time..."where did you get your yellow ring?????"....so I'm going to tell ya', how you can get a flower ring for your digit (finger) too!
#1 This ring is beautiful (and turquoise, one of my favorite colors....) Purva, at Morado, made this for me...and sent it to me....I love it! If you want one too, go to www.morado.etsy.com, only $15!

#2 these are fun & definitely Kandee colored...and cheap, only $10 at FRED FLARE (i love this site)
I tried hunting forever 21 and some others, but I guess they don't sell them anymore....I did get my green one in the "pin-up hair video....." at a street vendor in Soho....for $1!!!! I got my zebra one there too....I've never gotten a ring for dollar before..unless it was out of a kid's toy machine at the grocery store! ha ha ha...I love deals!
Happy ring hunting!
huge happy thought to you!!! and hugs.....the Kandiest of them all.....
here's the video if you want to see the green ring....
Thank you! I googled this anyway I could and kept coming up empty handed. You mentioned that your sister got it for you @ Nordstrom in one of your videos & I stalked their site trying to find it, but nothing! Love this ring!! Thanks a ton! You rock (as always)! :)
Awesome! Thanks for telling us where to get these!
OMG Kandee I love what you do and everything you are! I wanted a ring like yours soooo much and now I see that i've got the same ring as yours! Mine is grey, i bought it only for 1€ at a french store called "Reserve Naturelle".
I apologize if my english is weird! I came from Reunion Island it's a french island.
I like you soooo much!
Oh, I know you made your anchor necklace and have you ever thought about selling them on etsy?
Hi, Kandee! I actually have a question (okay, 2 actually) for you and I'm hoping you'll answer it in your next FAQ video. :)
How many hours a week are you at your job? How many hours do you devote to youtube videos?
Kandee, I love the rose rings, trying to find some in stores around here (South Florida). But I was on Forever21 and saw a ring with a little similarity to your old yellow ring you loved..and lost. So I thought of you and wanted to post! x3
I will buy it and it will remind me to stay cheerful and bright like you :)
Thank you mucho for the info!
I just ordered a pink one as soon as I read this post!
Hey Kandee, are you wearing the OPI matte nail polish?
One of my favorite rings is a zebra print faux glass ring from a 25 cent machine. I will forever cherish that one above my more expensive ones :)!!
I love the music you have in this video :]
What is it?
You can get them at claire's too! i went there today and saw lots of different colors - including yellow! :)
Ms. Kandee, theres a lot of cool rings similar to these at DownTown Fashion District and everything is a dollar!!
Hey Kandee, please please please do this Gwen Stefani look from NYC fashion week, she looks amazing!
Hi - I loved this post ! Thank you so much & best wishes...
Sephora has a Black rose ring with the new Kat von D Fragrance inside:
Kandee, you are awesome!!! Just as an FYI the rose rings are on backorder due to an overwhelming response!!! Thanks for being so bubbly!!!
I read your blog! I don't comment much because I just assume you don't read the comments bc I know you have a ton of fans. But I love your videos and your blogs. I'm also subscribing to your new channel. So fun!
Love the rings there sooo cute, your my fav blogger & I love all your videos your sooo funny it makes me laugh :)
Ive just started a beauty blog & hope its as popular as yours someday but nobody is following me yet ha ha
Anyways keep up the good work xoxo
Kandee, I found a website that sells not only the rings you posted, but also the earrings that you have in a pretty wide variety of colors!
Thanks for the ring sites...got a green one cant WAIT to get!
I just recently found your youtube videos and i instantly fell in love with ya! Youre so positive and sooo super talented!
Ive watched a ton of your videos and ive been writing down ideas like crazy I cant wait to try them all!
And thank you for letting us all in on your incredible story, its truly inspirational!
You rock!
i am so impressed by your attitude,
i saw you do the marshmellow gig with the boys....and you are just a sweetheart!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i loved your passion in your long 20 minute vid....encouraging everyone....
you have so much passion and you are a cuttie.....so good at what you do....
want coffee?
hye kandee.. ;D i LOVE the green ring!since im not from the states,so its really hard to find those like urs(no shipping n all).i'll try find a similar one from any local stores n i'll post it to ur facebook..hee hee.maybe all kandees' fans should have a flower ring..a salute to u!!i do follow ur blogs n im a big fan.hehe.hope u'll have a wonderful day everyday!luv ya ~~xoxo~~
hey everyone i watch kandee's videos all the time and wanted a ring exactly the same as her's also...well i found some but they were only available for wholesale so i bought them and i'm going to put a bunch of them on ebay for everyone else that wants one also because i don't need that many of them lol...i will list them in the next two weeks (they are the exact same shape 3 different colors)
I found a flower ring (that looks just like the red one in the picture) at Party City! Out of all places, at party supply store! haha
So sad Fred Flare doesn't ship to Europe! I love the red one. And the pink too, ahah. Mine is teal, I got it on ebay. And I desperatly want a RED one!
H&M has flower rings too:)
New Look in the uk has them in a soft pink, navy blue, black and cream for only £3!!! X
you are just looking a little bit like Caro Emerald, watch her on youtube.com
I really enjoy your video.It gives me a big smile!
greetings from the netherlands
I like your blog,Totally interesting also extraordinary blog.Give more pictures related to this topic.Thanks for sharing this wonderful detail.
So I was pretty bummed knowing that this ring didn't come in my finger size. yay for girls with fat fingers haha
Torrid just rolled out with a black one and a reddish black one($10), they also have Black & Red with rhinestones, as well as the black one. Here's the link! Happy ring hunting! haha
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