May I present, Her Royal Highness...the Queen of Hearts!
(this is my version of the Queen of Hearts, played by Helena Bonham Carter, in Tim Burton's, Alice In Wonderland....and her royal make-up!
Video FACTS: stay tuned til the end for a special treat for all of you precious blog-family!!! I heart you- from Kandee of Hearts! (hee hee) I show you how to get rid of your eyebrows - temporarily I used an Elmer's Glue Stick (like 50 cents at the store and a spatula...you can use a butter knife...I got my spatula at www.naimies.com
I was up until 6 am editing this video....I hope you like it...my eyeballs are burning! ha ha ha
ENJOY!!! Have a fantastic day!!! I heart you all!!!!! xo Kandee
I had a great time watching this video. You're talented, amazing and funny!!! I can't wait to see the next one!! And the best part, are the nice things you write and say at the end of your videos, they always make me smile :D Thanks for doing this!
kisses from a spanish fan! :P
You truly made me smile! The tutorial is awesome... and so are you ^___^
A true inspiration...
Kandee, I absolutely adore your videos. They always make me crack up and laugh hysterically. Thank you for always making my day! I love this look for the Queen of Hearts - it is absolutely a-mazing!
You are amazing. This is fabulous!
hahahaha!! can't stop laughing! you're so funny! love the viraity in you're videos, cartoon caractors, cloths, and make up totorials. you make it so fun i could watch all day;) don't stop being the great person you seem to be:) (sorry for my english, I may spell it wrong. my exuse, i'm from Norway)
I Love Love Love your singing at the end :]
You are so adorable!
Looks like you have so much fun with these videos, it's awesome that so many people have discovered them!
I work in film (sets and costumes) in LA, and if I ever need a makeup gal, I will contact you!
As for the costume makeup videos, how about an animal of some kind? Maybe a cat or a mouse?
Keep up the great work, you seriously rock :)
(read all about my thrift store shopping road trips!)
Your awesome Kandee!!! Please do a Betty Boop look!
I loved this tutorial. Thanks Kandee :)
I'm so amazed. You KILLED this look! :)
Kandee you are amazing I love this video so cute I love your hat too!!
love it and I agree that the stick glue works better. I love the song you put when u r puting the white stuff and u have use it in other videos. Can u tell me the name??
oh and thank u for your words it enlights my day.
Kandee if you love the creative look so much, you should consider going to a cosplay convention. And lucky for you, California has the largest one in the states! It's called "Anime Expo". Cosplay is where people dress up as their favorite characters from video games, animes, or mangas (japanese comic books). This kinda makeup is HUGE there. If you're interested you can go onto cosplay.com and try typing in like a disney princess (or something familiar to you) and you'll find TONS of people who recreate the looks into reality! You could even get your own panel at anime expo and try to sell makeup classes to people who need to learn makeup for photography. This is a HUGE business and is growing immensely!! If you did a few vids on popular characters I think that'd be a great start!!
oh we did hav fun watching this! totally worth of some eyeball burning :)
betty boop sounds good...or mabye a reptile of sorts! and you are one of the brightest sunshiniest people i have ever not met, kandee.
from houston with love,
Ok that was one of a kind video, you're always so cute and funny, but for once you looked SCARY in there! haha no eyebrows Kandee is just wrong! but bluffing nonetheless... I can't wait for more~
Have a great day Kandee!
These kind of videos are so cool. Most make-up gurus would be scared of looking silly, but you're so confident! You don't rely on make-up like most people as a mask but to enhance what you've got! You always cheer me up and make me laugh :) Also can you do marilyn monroe make up or audrey hepburn. PLEASE DO TWIGGY MAKE UP!
your too cute kandee
I would love to see you recreate a Mermaid Look?
Thanks sooooooooo much :D
kandee you are soooooooo great, your videos always make me laugh,
i liked so much your videos from your new kandee show, cuz it just shows all the people how great you are, i hope you can do more of those :) (K)
hey kandee this look is awesome! can you show us the full costume you wore in this video as well as the mad hatter and jessica rabbit thanks byee
KANDEE!! what is the music that is playing during the lapse parts of your video ! i love it and really want to know who it is.
thank you for brightening my day everytime you upload a video.....and when i rewatch them..........
kandee your are so talented and i love all your videos and blogs!!! i was wondering if you could do a sexy mad hatter look also because I am going to be a mad hatter this halloween and need some makeup ideas!
this is the costume http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/sexycostumestore_2072_16369703 so if you have time could you please do a video please?!
thanks a bunch and keep posting!!
hey kandee..love dis look on u!! u look so funny n yes i love da song u sang . . . keep posting more videos! u made mah day!!
a big mmmmmuaahhh frm a Indian fan!!
You are darling! Your video blogs always make me smile.
The last part was THE cutest! haha.
Thanks Kandee, x
Thank you so much for everything! I only found you a few days ago and I just can't express how inspired I feel and how much I love you!! I've learned a lot and I can't wait for more!
Thank you, thank you!
I love the gluestick idea! It totally makes sense! And I think it may even look better than the spirit gum.
I had an idea for another Haloween tutorial - what about Betty Boop???
Love this one!! Great Job :D
Thank you so much for working so tirelessly on these awesome costume videos for us! They are super fun to watch and you're so funny too!
Kandee...I have just recently discovered your work. I am really enjoying your blog and videos. I searched through your entries looking for reviews on store brand makeup. You seem to really appreciate a great bargain and I was wondering if there are any steals in the drug store brand cosmetic lines that you think could effectively create some of your glam looks you do tutorials on.
OMG! yous is seriously better than the real thing! also i tried those nutiva hemp shakes it's going well. they're surely better with flavored yogert!
thanks for being awesome!
Hi Kandee,
I just started watching your videos today and absolutely love them. I was wondering if you could show a video of how to curl/friz your hair. my hair is naturally straight and I want to give it some life. It seems plain and I want to do new things to it. (which I will try some of the videos you've already made) But adding some curl or friz to my hair has been something ive always wanted. If you could help that would be GREAT!!!
Thank you!
you are so great for doing this for us!!! thanks <3
I am going as a vampire, and my little sister and brother are going to be hansel and gretel, i can get by without the vampire look, ill figure that out, but hansel and gretel are impossible to figure out. ive searched every where!!
help kandee!!!
i love this video by the way i didnt even recognize ya! i love you!
*Smiling* Awwwww Kandee :) I just LOVE your perky personality and your videos ROCK!! I think Ive watched all of them in the past few days AND applied my make up while watching your tutorials on my ipod touch. I had to watch the cougar make up video several times LOL, I will be 40 next April and I am tottally dragging my feet ALL the way. You have a lovely mom by the way. Shes so pretty. I would love to see a video for "bedroom" eyes I guess they're called. I have them and sortof droopy lids and I have no idea what to do with them. Everyone says I look like Candice Bergan so you can refer to a pic of her "bedroom" eyes. OH I had to watch the getting rid of double chins a few times to...thanks for the awesome tuts its like magic I tell you *laughing* Ive never looked so good in pictures! *HUGS*
You did absolutely fabulous! I've been planning on doing a Queen of Hearts look myself but nothing at all like this. Something I just have in my mind. Your look is so dead on to the Alice in Wonderland look. Love it! <3
I loved this video, you're so funny! also you look kind of like a harajuku girl, so adorable. also very nice singing as always :)
kandee you are the greatest! these days i watch your vids just to see your spirit and personality (the makeup tricks are nice too lol)... i am a total kandee video addict!!
anyway, i have a request for a costume look... lady gaga from the mtv VMAs, she has this awesome double winged eye and cute curled hair. i was thinking of putting on a bodysuit with this makeup/wig and wiping some fake blood all over me to mimic her "paparazzi" performance- ha ha!!
thanks for all the positivity!! hugs n kisses :-D
Hey Kandee so I bought scatter rays from mac (I can't remember the name of it I want to say solar bits :x) unfortunatly it was A. Taken from my beloved make up bad B. misplaced (haha woops) or C. ??????? grew legs and walked away ... I was wondering regardless of my misfortune for the moment if you would be so kind as to grace us with one of your how to videos since you seem to be as much of a mac fan as I am (probably more), I loved scatter rays but it was a bit tricky to use some tips would be greatly appriciated have a fantastic day :)
hey again,
i tell you a little something about me, i'm german. And since i have read your blogentries and watch your videos, I understand english better.
I know my english is bad but i try to do it better.
thank you for your Queen of Hearts Make-up. And i look forward to see the Harley Quinn look if it's possible.
Thanks for all Kandee (:
WOW this was soooo amazing, you are so talented!
Your videos really inspire me to do more with my life - and go for what I really wanna do instead of wasting precious time being sad and wanting what everyone else have.
NExt video could you PLEASE do Barbie, or Cleopatra?? P R E T T Y P L E A S E :D
Have a great day Kandee! <3
Big Hugs from Mie, Denmark - yeah that pretty far away!
lol, so funny :)
Amazing tutorial again Kandee, thanks a lot! :)
I've been a fan for quite some time but now I just had to write something. You are such an OSSOME chick that I think my head might just expload watching Ya!! Keep up the good work!
Waiting for Your first CD.. ;) (cause You also sing like an angel!)
PP from Finland
love it!
Kandee- This is wonderful!!
Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
God Bless :)
Just Trinity
Kandee- This is wonderful!!
Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
God Bless :)
Just Trinity
i LOVE this look! where did you get your wig?
I loved the video and the makeup, of course!!! You look great as the queen of hearts! lol
Which programs do you use to edit your videos???
I absolutely adore your videos, especially the inspirational video and halloween series. You are soo talented and I LOVE all the looks so far! can't wait to see the next halloween one. i think bettle juice would be a nice choice or a look inspired by Kevin the rare bird from the disney movie 'Up'
love your vids i adore the fun makeup so you coud do a tinkerbeel kinda look tnx love u
Totally loved this!! Looks fantastic! It was pretty surprising how well the glue stick covered your eyebrows! I will defiantly use that trick this Halloween. Can't wait for the next one!
Your amazing!
u r soooooooooooooooooooooo amazing Kandee.
i wasnt goign to do anything for halloween....but after watching all your video i'm so tempted..hehe hehe
n thanks for the love in the end...awwww ..... i heart u Kandee..
Once again Kandee leaves us all in "awe" of her!! She's so amazing at what she does... and to see somebody like her that truly LOVES what she does.. it's such a breath of fresh air!!
I loved this video and this look! All of these costume make-up videos are great! I can't wait to see the Barbie video!!
Thanks for being so inspiring.. and awesome!!!!
Your talent is incredible - I love reading your blog because you always bring such light and joy. You're a perfect example of someone who lives what they love.
Brilliant Kandee, once again! I love all your videos and this creative series is just fantastic!
You're amazing!! :)
I Love this video sooo much and your 'little hat' is very impressive, you are so funny and cute! makes me :-) Keep up the good work xx
Hehe this video is too funny...thanks for the smiles! The transformation of white make-up is incredible. Thanks for the glue stick trick tip- very informative.
I've quote you on my post on my blog !
i love all your halloween looks so far! can't wait to see what's next
This video is brilliant as usual. The point where you kept squinting your eyes and talking with an Engish (?) accent really reminded me of Norma Desmond and Sunset Boulevard.
I'm having a dress up soon! Thanks for the video instructions, I don't think I'm game to glue my eyebrows down though! I think I might just use low tac masking tape.
Hey Kandee!
I was just wondering how you wash off the glue from the eyebrows. Not permanent right? Is there a special way you did it? Thank you!
- Shaleen
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