(and yes...I had to re-upoad this again..One of the "country" songs got flagged on youtube...so I re-edited it...I like it better this way, anyway! ha ha ha)
Beauty is all around us...and sometimes the most beautiful things, moments...and even people don't get appreciated and celebrated like they should!
I love this: "don't be anxious and troubled about anything about your life, about what you will eat, about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, the body, and clothes."
It is the moments in life...when you feel a flood of joy,happiness, and peace in your heart...like when I saw this huge creamy yellow moon, slowly peeking above the purpley desert...my eyes wanted to slow down time...and my heart felt the beauty...
My life is not anything near perfect....bad things happen...i feel overwhelmed...situations in my life scare me...i cry....i get sad...but one thing I do know is....
them more you dwell on your problems...the more you allow them to rule you and your emotions.
If you have a spiritual life that is filled...peace will dance around your heart, and joy will shine like the rays of the sun into your heart....and it won't make sense to others that don't have it. But you will know that "happy" is something that there because of some circumstance ( i am happy I got a new pair of shoes......that's an example)...joy is when your heart feels happy for no outside reason...it's just there...
If we meditated on spiritual nourishment...instead of meditating on our problems...talking about our problems and letting them rule our thoughts...we would be much better off.
I just had something happen that made me so upset, I was crying, I felt like throwing up...and I had my airbrush class to go to the next day...I could've either thought about the "bad" stuff all day and let it rule and run my day...right into the ground. But instead I thought, "God knows the outcome....I am going to trust in Him, and hand all my worried over to Him", "my problems are going to be there, whether I think about them or not...so I might as well enjoy each little moment...and cast all my cares on God...that's what he's there for....
And when you do this, your heart will be free to enjoy simple pleasures in life...like moonrises and sunsets...seeing a balloon flying through air...smelling beautiful flowers...the list goes on..and on....
today i will look for beauty...and as always...I hope I can film it and share it with you!!!
let's go be beauty hunters....and trouble-forgetters...and in the process, you just might discover the solution to your problem....
typed with love.....kandee
I am so excited to see your hair!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! You are my new idol!
Wow... you just have NO luck with this video! :)
Wow that guy was a bit of a pain! I look forward to watching the video when I get home xx
A lot of musicians who offer royalty free music want links posted to their sites. However, all that guy could've done was send an email making the request. He didn't have to flag you. What a jerk
Good video hun
Yea. I agree with Geeky Mac Boy. The guy coulda just emailed you. Owell. It's still a great video.
I can't wait to see your new hairstyle!
you really are the sweetest girl ever:)
Ha ha, have a great day Kandee:)
From Norway, have a great day, sp
That was grate !!!! Now I wanna go there ! Thank you for sharing and YES I love the music !
I'm so curious about your new hair!!!! Can't wait!!! love ya!!!
I meant to say new haircut lol ...anyway can't wait!
ahhh can't wait to see your new-do :D
I also agree with Geeky Mac Boy...but the scenery in that video is AMAZING! I wish my daily commute looked like that!
Hi Kandee! I love your videos! I used your Michael Jackson one to do my son's make up for Halloween, and it turned out really well! Check - Check - Check it out!! http://justjen68.blogspot.com/2009/11/dylan-was-mj-for-halloween.html
On another note, what site do you use for your copyright free music for videos?
I love the music! It's 11pm in singapore and I am watching your video~ Love you for your personality!
How long is your drive from LA to home??
Wow Kandee! Beautiful video! I love the music and you filming the moonrise! Gorgeous. :) xxx
Hi Kandee. I found out earlier this year while writing a paper for a Media class that Youtube has software that automatically detects copyright infringement. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF.org) has articles on this. So you have to be really careful about that! Sometimes it even detects audio not protected by DMCA- so it is always good to note all resources just in case! They have removed videos of little girls singing popular songs because of that...
I love the scenery in your vid...and I can't wait to see your new haircut!! Have an awesome week!
I couldn't watch the original video because it froze every time at about 0:50, but it works now! ^^ You are such a darling! xoxo
can't wait to see the new hair cut!!
That is such a pretty song, and Kandee you are too cute! I love watching your videos!
Hey Kandee!! I think you are so adorable!! I blogged about you on my blog because I think both you and your work are amazing!! You're such an ispiration!! check it out when you have some free time:
You are so inspiring, thank you!
Super inspirational! you motivate me to be a better person every day! (8
You are a wonderful person Kandee. Thank You!
I saw your Go Get your dreams & my story vid... I was crying all day and I was thinkin "Why I'm not really happy? I still dont know...but now I have two dreams in wich I really want to acomplish...one is meeting you one day...if you allow me of course:)
Love to see how you are walking things out through an act of your will.. the will to maintain joy no mater the circumstance. You Inspire me! I Love You!
My hubby used to live in the desert at Edwards AFB. He's always telling me he wants to go back and visit. Now I see why, it's gorgeous. :) Thanks for posting.
Great words. You are such an inspiration! Hope you checked out what I wrote about you on my norwegian blog (www.victoriadesiree.com)
thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts about worry and thinking positive. i have a problem with worrying too much and dwelling on all the bad things and forget to ask God for help. since i've started reading your blogs i've been just trying to put those things that worry me out of my mind cuz i know God will take care of me and everything will work out. it doesnt do me any good to worry about it anyway. i thank for helping me remember that God is alway there for us cuz sometimes we forget....
Stephanie ☮&♥
Kandee- I feel like a dork writing on your blog because I've never met you before I just obsessively check your blog and youtube videos. I just wanted to say that I think that cooler than all your make up tips, cooler than all your hair dos, cooler than all your incredible talents, is how you are unafraid to share your faith. It's really amazing to know that there is someone else out there who has made mistakes but is still trying to live with/for God. Is that quote at the top from Luke chapter 12?? I love when God reminds us not to worry. Thank you for this Kandee. I hope your day is blessed.
Love, Kala
oh kandee...i've been praying for you the last few days. know that what you do is not in vain. you touch more people that i even think you realize. The Christ in you shine's so bright even on paper. Keep pressing in tword the mark... you can do it.
I was searching Etsy the today and ran accross this ring...it looks like your yellow flower ring...i am not sure if you found it yet. anyway. Hope you have a blessed day.
oops i forgot to add the like to the yellow flower ring... here it is
You are so stinkin' awesome! Your words are uplifting and encouraging. The Reward is Far Greater than the Sacrifice. You are blessed and Destined for Greatness! Thank you for being that daily encouragment. God Bless you!
Andrea Delsandro
Are you able to do a Penelope Cruz Make-up look? Please :-D
kandee, you have no idea how much this post helped me. im going through such a hard time right now and this has totally helped me in so many ways. i just want to thank you so very much. you are an angel from god and you are so blessed by all he has given you to share with the world! you are truly beautiful for giving love and encouragement to everyone, thank you
love your biggest fan in the world, katie
oh Kandee maybe you be blessed a million times over for all the blessings you give others! my heart is always so warmed when i read your posts--sometimes i even go get my sister and show her or tell her all about your day haha :) i just love you! and will be praying for you! Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance, Kandee! (Jude 1:2)
Thanks Kandee, I really needed to hear what you had to say today. I need to lose 10 lbs that I have been fighting with since my last baby, and it has been an uphill battle. You are totally right. God can heal me and help me love myself and the little things. Thanks for the reminder.
hey kandee...I´m not sure If you´ll understand what I´m saying but...If you´ve ever felt like literally crying out of the love you have for someone...of just thinkiing about how much you cherish them...but if you have then I hope you know that you really are loved and that every post you have well...posted haha..really does turn people´s lives around...the essence of your genuine care and concern for us simply leaps out of our computer desktops...I hope our love leaps out to yours too...you mean so much to all of the girls that need some soul-healing from time to time...huge love..
Kandee, I love reading your blogs! They are very inspiring:) I hope you don't mind me quoting your inspirations and sharing it with others. You are a true inspiration effect that ripples and touches others. I'm keeping your quote of leaving all my worries to God. Thank you for reminding me of what simple pleasures in life like that moonrise.
Great post Kandee! I wrote about something similar today myself. Life is too short to dwell on things that make you feel bad but at the same time, a good cry can be very healing sometimes. :)
Thank you.
The section about anxieties and worries consuming every thought is how I live my life every day. I always tell myself not to let these types of thought and worries consume me because all it does it feed on itself and I make myself ill, but I can never manage to stop doing it. Your words are very encouraging, and your ability to let go of those anxieties amazes me... one day, I hope to be able to do that, too.
Kandee, I believe these posts of yours are sprinkling little drops of hope onto people and we are beginning to blossom in the sunshine. If that makes any sense at all. LOL. No really, you are getting us to think and want to seek something greater than what we are and what we know. I am finding it all very powerful. Thank you, and much love.<3
Beautiful post!
Amazing thoughts, amazing moments.
we get so busy that we forget to smell the roses esp. these days.
but you helped to slow down our 'busy-ness' to take a step back and see the beauty that surrounds us.
I love that you are so vivacious and full of life. I can sense that you are grounded by the creator of the universe. He has only good plans for you, plans to bless you.
Thank you for sharing His beauty thought you. YOu are a blessing.. you have no idea...
Hi Kandee!
I wounder if you could do some 1930`s makeup and hair? I have a party that im going to and i need some advice;)
Please help me!!!!!!
Hi Kandee,
You are the most sincere person i have seen on Youtube. I am an aspiring Beauty Editor and just started my own blog emanticoff.blogspot.com so i am a newbie. I have been obsessed with everything beauty since i was a little girl but people would always put me down for that. I love giving people beauty advice and tips. I have a passion that i want to shout to the world and you have released the hands that have been covering my mouth. Thank you again sweetheart!
I am so excited to see your hair!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! You are my new idol! [2]
You're very especial in my life huaihuiahuai :p ... thank's for the positives things you say!!! Wish you allll the best :)
i agree with everything shannon said! i too had a person hurt me this week...i was in target with a new friend and i felt like crying and throwing up...but i just put all that aside and had a great day with my friend! thank you so much for your encouragement and God bless.
Kandee!!!!! You're so loveable. Thanks for writing these beautiful words! God's word can be so uplifting:) I'm proud of you for rising above the negativity and Standing up for your rights to be free & joyful!! lots of hugs! muah!
Hey Kandee, just wanted to say I'm a new big fan, came across your videos looking up makeup tips etc. Never really got into the whole makeup/girly stuff, always was a tom boy so never really learnt any of the tricks of the trade.. always had mom do my eyebrows haha. Just wanted to say thanks been doing my eyebrows now Myself! and trying new makeup ideas I would have never of thought to do. So thanks again and keep makin thos videos it really helps us!
It's been 2 days...still waiting on that new hair cut... do I sound crazy? lool hope not!
luv yah...
new hairdo new hairdo new hairdo new hairdo new hairdo new hairdo new hairdo new hairdo. I'll stop... have a brilliant day!
Hi Kandee... love your videos!!
Can you show a video on eye makeup for girls with glasses?
Keep up the good work... cheers.
Love this video!
So, so great!
You are so right Kandee! That is my favorite verse because I have trouble, like alot of people, with worrying and getting upset about things I can not control. You are such an inspiration to me, and now to my friends I have shared you with! You are inspiring us to be more positive and to appreciate life to the fullest. Luvvv you!
That was awesome... I totally feel you on that one.. Reading your entry has made me realize how important it is to live and let go... thanks for sharing with us... : )
Hi sweetie,
Beautiful note... if you ever have any questions about God, Christianity, Catholicism, message me, I would love to help you deepen that wonderful relationship with God! I just recently became a Catholic and it has made my life so peaceful and joyful :) I know I sound crazy and like a Jehova's Witness, but I'm not and I really would love to share what I do know, books I've read, people I admire.
xoxo God bless,
you are beautiful.
I read everything you wrote from start to finish! I watched all your youtube videos, and thought you are one of the most inspiring people i have ever seen. it was like i could see you gain more wisdom, more joy and become the woman you are today with every new blog about you, that you post.
I know you get compliments out of the wazoo, but i want you to know that you really should take them to heart, because you are a very special soul. Its funny, your cute sillyness reminds me of me! too bad i didn't live closer! anyways, don't stop what you are doing! you are amazing! and maybe when i become a successful singer, you could be my personal makeup artist lol!
Take care kandee
Hi Kandee,
I LOVE your blog! I just came across it and am very interested in your school recommendations. I have currently been freelancing, but am looking to attend school in Phoenix Arizona area and was wondering if you have heard anything about Maxima Academy? Also, do you know what genre of the industry would be more methodical or precision work(aka not to rushed)? I had brain surgery and am looking for something that is not too too hectic ya know? lol ;) thanks for all of your help. You are a true inspiration and I cant believe we share so many similar interests!
Hi! I found your blog through Youtube by chance. And felt my heart was hugged when i read your recent blogs - thankyou! :) Since i started drawing my characters (i call them 'Chubbi's), I've had a dream to bring happiness and hope to people through them. And you are the first person i've come across with similar hopes! I would love if you checked out my blog sometime :) Love what you are doing, Chubbi.
The necklace is AMAZING, you seriously know how to rock a look. Watch out Rachel Zoe....when are you getting a TV show Kandee?
kandee i think wt uv written is very very touching and inspiring..thnk u sooo much for giving hope to ne1 whos sad or goin through a bad phase...thnks for all d vids ..much luv..xoxox
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