sometimes when we feel discouraged, hopeless, or like giving up....
something comes along, that will change or thoughts and heart....
Oscar Loreto, who's in the picture above...and who filmed and edited the video below, was born without hands and the lower portion of his left leg. He is a hero and inspiration...with so many things, seeming to say, "you can't"...he's made it in the world saying, "I can!"....
We've all felt like the road before us is too hard, and I've made small things seem hugely, impossible, then I listen as Oscar tells me, it can take him up to 15 minutes just to tie his shoe, I realize how small my thinking has been. He's accomplished so much, without even thinking that it would be hard, or "he can't". Oscar is kind, funny, has an captivating personality, and a great laugh...and his story will move you heart into a new level of hope! Thank you Oscar!
I am honored to share with you the inspiration of the , ENABLED PROJECT...a hope filled, collection of images, by Ian Ruhter, with amazing stories that will remind you, "You are ABLE to do anything!"....and that our disabled thoughts are the only limitations that we have.
Click here
and become a fan,
for the official invite to this awesome EVENT.....
Ian Ruhter Photography
I will be there and I hope you will too!
huge love and heaps of hope, kandee
awee this is sweet, kandee! keep it up!
That´s a beautifull story. And in fact we can do anything, we just can´t be affected by the small things in life. Stay true, stay real, stay happy, but most of all stay free...
Oscar's story really moved me, and it's a known fact that people who had to pass thru hard times are stronger than us. You for example had a lot of hard times an now you came up a strong, powerfull and extraordinary woman. I admire you so much.Me on the other hand I know all I have to do, it's all in my mind and in my heart but i think I also need to be more patient for my dreams to came true(as you said once). Thank you for everything you are shareing with us, you help me a lot. Oh, and you must know that I have a new dream...I wish to vist LA once and meet you. Till then I give you a big big big hug from far away. Kisses from Romania. Cristina.
Wow Kandee, this is beautiful.
This story truly is inspiring and it really made me think about a lot of things that I take for granted.
Thanks you SO much for posting this.
God bless you,
Kandee, thank you so much for continuing to inspire all of us with your posts. This video was incredible, and it really gave me something to think about today!
That is so inspiring, Kandee, Ian & Oscar! I wish I could go to LA to see the photos and to be part of the project, but if my partner and I can't, I'll be praying and cheering you guys on! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Aaah I'm getting choked up this really touched my heart :)
@ Cristina
I love your statement, "it's a known fact that people who had to pass thru hard times are stronger than us." That inspires me. Thanks. And, yeah, Kandee passed through tough times too and I doubt she received the same sympathy someone with a visible disability received. We, all of us, have our share of suffering. And to say, "I'm suffering more", diminishes what someone else has to bear. But, yeah, it's inspiring to hear when someone overcomes what they've been given to bear whether it be physical, mental, or emotional.
Great video. Love the photo with the crossed arms and the 'missing' leg. If the other photos are this creative, it should be a great show; Ian has a great eye. (I used to be the executive director of a non-profit art association) Art is supposed to make us think and feel - not be just pretty pictures of comfortable things. Good job all....
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Kandee, what you're doing here is beautiful, thank you and keep up the good work :)
love, Frances
Kandee, I saw this video on youtube (which is how i found your blog) and I just wanted to say I think it was really sweet of you to interview these individuals and let us hear their stories. My brother was in an accident a year ago that left him paralyzed from the waist down and before the accident he was very involved with sports. I think it's so amazing that these people are so compassionate and are taking the time to help those who are disabled to get up and moving again and not have to let go of what they love. It's so difficult to seek out people who are compassionate and those who are genuinely kind to others until a tragedy actually strikes. I hope you know that you are a very sweet person Kandee and this video really touched my heart as I'm sure it did many others.
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