this is Stephanie Nielson...
she is more beautiful than she knows...
I found her story and blog from a visit to etsy.com, she was on the front page
She was cute and had an adorable love of vintagey, colorful things and little precious treasures, and a love of hats...which made me think we would be great friends, if we ever met! She has the most adorable relationship with her husband...and made me dream of finding a wonderful husband someday, that would adore me like he adored her!
I read all her blog posts (http://nieniedialogues.com/)from the beginning..and cried and cried.
She doesn't know how much she has inspired me! (not just starting a blog about my babies, but so much more, you'll have to read her blog to know! I love her!)
she is enchanting, creative, adorable, and a wonderful mama
she also was in a fiery plane crash with her husband,

she returned to her babies with an entirely different looking face, has to endure daily rituals of scrubbing her delicate flesh, sometimes until it bleeds, takes many medications, has to wear special burn "healing" suits that cover her hands...
and she said she longs to feel "beautiful"....that beauty that makes a girl feel cherished and adored...
that someone thinks she is the most beautiful thing in the world...
God says he will give us beauty for ashes...and when all these hard or difficult things have happened in our lives...he will restore that with beauty in our lives....
NOTE: if you are a guy, and happen to be reading this...please, make a point to tell that special girl in your life, everyday, that she is the most beautiful girl in the world! Every woman was designed to feel beautiful...soft hair, delicate hands, gentle features...and eyes that show you they love you...you'll never know the gift you give their heart by telling them they are beautiful...it's like setting a caged butterfly free...to soar and fly and it makes their heart feel huge!!!
Stephanie (or Nienie), is more beautiful than words or the human eye can explain! Beauty is something more than dolling up to impress people...it is more for your own eyes, than anyone knows. When you feel beautiful, it makes you walk like you are beautiful, it makes your heart feel like it got a huge hug.
And the beauty that Stephanie has, that gorgeous heart, that sparkles out into the world with through her twinkly eyes, and her kind words....and gentle spirit, make her more beautiful than any supermodel on any magazine cover.
I have seen some "beautiful" people...models, actresses...just average people...but when they spoke, or I saw how they treated people...they became uglier faster than you could imagine. Like looking at one of those old cowboy towns, where the front of the building looks all fancy, but tha back just looks all ugly!
And I have seen some people, that, the light from their eyes, and the joy in their heart....makes them look like the most gorgeously, captivating person you've ever seen!
As the wisdom from my son and his friend told me: "girls are like milkshakes....they might look all good with whipped cream and stuff....but then they might taste horrible! A girl might look cute, but then she talks....and has a bad personality and that makes her real ugly!"
I wish I could meet Stephanie Nielson, one day, I wish I could do her make-up, and make her outside feel just a fraction of how amazingly, breath-taking, her "inner" beauty is! She is one of the most beautiful women in the world to me!
May beauty shine from your heart today..and please, please, release compliments from your heart...you never know how it will make someone's day!
typed with love....from your kandee
Wow. What a beautiful story.
Hi KanDee,
Your blog post has moved me to tears. I hope you're not offended, I'm going to pray right HERE and right NOW for you and Stephanie to meet. Thank you for sharing her story. I will be visiting her blog later this afternoon.
Lord Jesus,
I lift KanDee and Stephanie to you, that your will be done - if they're meant to meet. How amazing you've connected these two beautiful ladies together. They both reflect beauty in seperate ways, and yet the same, inside AND out... how amazing and wonderful. May you use KanDee's talents and Stephanie's story, faith, love and determination to do a powerful work together. Thank you for your goodness and may your light shine through these two amazing young women.
You're SUCH an inspiration to me, KanDee. My daughter brought you to my attention and I also featured you recently on my blog too, if you have an opportunity to check it out.
I design digital scrapbook elements, if there is ever something I can do for me let me know!
~ Barb
You always make me cry!!! I don't read this blog as often as adventuresinkandeeland, bc that one just seemed more real to me. But this entry was really moving, moving me to tears, which is really not hard to do I am a sap for that kind od stuff.
Wow! What a story! Stephanie sounds amazing! You have alot of wisdom and insight into life which is refreshing. Sounds like your son does as well!
such a beautiful story!!!
I too, found the nieniedialogues and went back and read every post. Her life, even before the accident was most inspiring.
Well done for introducing many more to this lovely lady!
I have followed her blog for the longet time. She is amazing and seeing her on Oprah was so cool! Her love for God and her family is breath taking!
Beautiful story...
I just visited her blog...and her eyes sparkle! So full of life and just stunning!
Thank you for leaving this...very inspiring, and neither of you have given up hope to seek out what true beauty is. You are a super yummy milkshake that I look forward to every day, and I am so happy that I can help spread this positive beauty movement, by being a good looking AND yummy milkshake myself :) Thank you kandee, I'm crying and smiling at the same time, but those are the best tears.
um.wow....i've blog stalked you for a while now but never commented...but i couldn't pass this one up...just couldn't...as i sit here in tears over how incredibly true every word of this is...and today...oh today i needed this...thanks lady for your awesome words and reminders!!
this posting really made me tear up. Its amazing how you really can get deep into things and even though you were talking about someone else,i look inside myself and try to make myself feel beautiful.thatnk you.
i wish her the best and you also kandee<3
Thank you for posting about Stephanie and linking to her story. Her story made me cry, but they were happy tears; the light in her eyes and her obvious love and devotion to her family and her joy in the sheer act of living makes her a beautiful person, indeed, and reminds me just how important it is to tell the people you love how you feel.
Her inner beauty is the most important beauty there is, the light of the soul, reminding us to be good to one another, to care for one another, to find joy and wonder in the simple and uncomplicated, to look inside ourselves and others for the true beauty that lies within us.
I found her story last year. Her beauty is timeless. She has real beauty that kind that shines from the inside out.
I am so, touched that you understand and know Stephanie. I am 15, but I have been reading her blog since before "the accident" She touches me in ways nobody else can. The flight instructor that died that day lived only a few houses awway from me and my uncle treated them for some of their recovery. She is the most inspiring person in the world and it was amazing to me to read your blog- your such a beautiful person and you see beautiful people daily, you help make people more beautiful, but you can see Steph who, in the worlds definition, is not pretty, but see the beauty and light and life she has!
Thanks for this post.
Kandee your blog posts always make me so emotional! I am sure that with the love her husband and children things will work out for that lady, I said a little prayer for her x
Hi Kandee,
I have followed your blog since few months although I have never left you comments before.
I want to tell you something what wasn't told so far but it is not possible :)
The girls are great and all of them told you already how great you are and how fantastic this blog is.
But last week you have wrote something which was just amazing. You said:
'You have to work hard to think the right things...'
Its just remind me this song. And I would like to dedicate it to you and all this special people here. You are secial and that's why special people are around you. All this place is just special :):)
From Anna from London for all of you:
"Everybody's Free"
Dear Kandee,
I pray to God that He will help you through this time you are going thru. I watch and listen to Joyce Meyers and she talks about how God can turn something terrible around into something beautiful.
I pray that all who read this blog will find peace and have a closer relationship to God.
In Jesus Name I pray,
i'm crying right now, but it feels good and reading your blog and NieNie's blog just makes me feel good. You two are so inspiring and make me want to be a better person. Thank you. ♥ kylee
I read her blog daily too! I saw her on Oprah and was just so moved by everything she said. I don't think I'd be able to put on a brave face and go about daily life as usual like she does. She is truly an inspiration and I hug my baby and my husband a little tighter each night.
I saw her story on Oprah.. omg I couldn't stop crying.. its an amazing story and she is such a beautiful person and such an inspiration...
Thank you so much!! I never knew about this wonderful woman.You never know how truly blessed you are until you hear about someone like her.
With everything she has been through she is soo beautiful. The kindness in her eyes is amazing. I think we are all better off knowing there is a woman like her in the world.
hey kandee!
i nominated you for this award: check it out~!
I think I saw them on oprah! An amazing, sad, hopeful story!
Oh my God...I cried too reading her blog
Wow, this post is really heartwarming. I just wanted to tell you Kandee that you are such a great person. I love what you said about Stephanie, you are so amazing! I hope that one day you do get to meet her so that you can give her some of that positve attitude you always have and so that you can make her feel how beautiful she truely is.
Much Love
I feel that you and her are very similar almost like sisters. You have that wonderful spirit and beauty that shines through your eyes and words. You and her are so beautiful-inside and out.
I have been a faithful reader of Stephanie's blog for over a year and I agree she's amazing in too many ways to list.
Whenever I'm feeling sorry for myself she is the kind of person I think of and realize I'm being ridiculous in comparison.
I love your blogs too Kandee! I'm a momma and makeup artist as well and you inspire me to get back into the business. That I could figure out a way to make some "pennies" and be a great mother at the same time. Hugs from Tx!
Thank you so much for posting this. I just got done spending HOURS reading Stephanie's blog. I am so inspired and touched to the soul. She is such a beautiful and amazing person. God's love and light radiates from her. I pray that is something that she can see in herself.
wow, such an inspiring story... i am definitely going to check out her blog. she is in my prayers and thoughts for sure.
and kandee, you are such an inspiration to me... i'm quite a bit younger than you, and i look up to you so much. i truly hope we are able to meet someday :)
I am so glad that I stumbled on your videos on YT.. and finally landed up in kandeeland.. You indeed are an amazing soul!
take care!
Yes, women are like the most precious jewel, like the most beautful flower, women are unique
I dont find the women of my life jet, I think I once did...now I dont know...
This is why I adore you. you look beyond the BS in life and see people for who they really are.
Thank you for being that human being.
beautiful story Kandee!! :) <3
Kandee, thank you for sharing this amazing person and story with us, i have learned to feel more beautiful since I started to watch your videos and following your blog and i tell you it has nothing to do with concealers or foundations..you helped me realize that as a person, as a whole i am much more than the eye can see..quoting someone.."outer beauty may capture some attention but its your personality that will capture hearts"
A super day for all the beautiful girls out there and a special kiss in the heart of K.J. :)
Aww..this is touching. When most of us complain about simple stuff in life this woman endured a lot. Thank you Kandee for sharing her story it is truly inspirational.
oh my so touching `` I have gotten threw a battle with cancer `I didnt feel and i knew nothing was ever going to be the same that bad news day `` but your so happy be just be alive and see the people you love nothing else matters `` looks `makeup fancy clothes `` live and the people in it mean more than anything ```
I used to feel beautiful but last March I nearly died in a car accident and am now paralyzed. It made me realize that it's more important to be pretty on the inside and that inner strength (which I found in me through this trial in my life) is more beautiful than having a sexy walk or taut behind!!
You are inspiring to many, keep it up <3
it is an amazing truly inspiring. such and amazing woman, mother, and a wife. she has a special mission to share...i wish her all the happiness and more beautiful things to come...
Kandee, Stephanie lives in my city and I have many friends who are friends with her. If you'd like, let me know, and I'll see what we can do to get you two together!!
She is an amazing person, and has such an amazing spirit. I can say the same thing about you as well :) Thanks for all you do!! <3
Hi Kandee dear! Thanks so much for sharing this story of such an amazing women! I really do hope you find your way to her, bec. I believe that it is not by chance that you stumbled upon her blog! Keep in prayer, And if it is GOD's will, your prayers will surely be answered. You are not short of an inspiration either Kandee. I really feel blessed to have gotten to know through this cyber world of ours! Hope to meet you one day sweetie! Take good care of yourself :) We have a lot in common and I'm praying for you Kandee <3
You aren't too terribly far from her. Utah is pretty close to you actually. Maybe you can head up to Park City for skiing or something and say hi to her. Provo is pretty close by! She expresses herself similarly to you. I think you guys need to make it a point to meet.
Thank you for this Kandee!! You are both very beautiful women.
I had to hold back my tears when reading her story. Beauty is truly found inside. If everyone were blind, you would have to depend on your words and actions. Not your looks. So, beauty is more than skin deep.
Thanks Kandee for sharing this!
Oh Kandee, thank you so much for sharing this. Truly inspiring woman, as are you.
Love is out there. There is so much love in this world. God never forgets those who never forget to love even in the hardest of times. Que Dios te Bendiga.
- Dalila
Hi Kandee!! I think you are so wonderful..too bad there aren't more people like you in this world!! You are such an inspiration and I love to watch all your videos. I actually did the Michael Jackson makeup and people were astounded to say the least!! Thank you!! I was wondering if you have any tricks for eyes that are kinda close set and have bags(which are hereditary)? I have contemplated plastic surgery but can't really afford it right now with the economy the way it is. So, thought perhaps you may have some tricks to make me look fabulous w/o plastic surgery.. God Bless you and the work you do!!xoxoxo Tracy
omg she's so beatiful i get what you're saying I have seen people who have suffered severe burns like her,and their eyes are full of sadness but god her eyes are sooooooo full of joy,they are so bright and shinny(like I saw once in lie to me she's smiling with her eyes too)her smile is also very big you can only smile after a pic like that.
Thank you so much for this post! I really needed to hear Stephanie's story today and it came through you sharing her with us.
I read her blog after I had heard about her crash...not only was her blog inspiring, I felt like I knew her.
I couldn't wait to play hooky from school with my boys!
I also read her sisters' blogs after the crash and was so moved by the love story that was unfolding. Her husband tried to be by her side as much as possible, even though he really needed to heal himself.
Her story was moving, inspiring and reminded me about what it important in life...FAMILY.
Thanks for reminding me that simple beauty is out there...just need to open my eyes!
She's amazing, isn't she? My life turned a bit for the better when I found her blog...
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