this is my toothless tribute...
sometimes when I get bored....on a photo shoot...ha ha ha ha
I had my tooth-black-out color...and thought it would be "amusing" to "knock-out" my tooth
so in case you ever wanted to know what I'd look like "sans" a front tooth..tada!!!

more toothless photos...via my self-photography and my iphone

here was the make-up table at the studio....make-up palooza!
part of the studio in downtown LA...it had beautiful windows
and now for the TROUBLES.....
most mornings you wake up...thinking the day will be good....sometimes even great, and by the end of the day, you will have faced something TROUBLESOME, painful, frustrating, troubling, stressful.....
We never know what trouble lies ahead...all I know is that you need to be mentally prepared. We can't let things bother us so much that is destroys the rest of our day. We need to remember that we can't let anyone have the permission to make us feel less-than, or to let a situation steal our joy.
We can take comfort knowing that God will give us double for our trouble! ha ha ha Remember we can give all our cares to God..and he will give us the answers and strength to deal with anything. Troubles are a part of life...we just need to work out our mental muscles and prepare ourselves to be strong and ready to handle things with strength and pass it on to God to do the rest.
I pray that all of you have a wonderful day...and your troubles will be running the other direction!
PS...Hi to Kristel from the H & M store at the 3rd Street Promenade, for recognizing me and saying she reads my blog and is a youtube subscriber!!!! yay!!!!
Imagine I am there, to give you a "mental" hug, to go through whatever you are going through...and say, "you can do it"!....this will pass, and we'll be stronger!!!
huge love, kandee
Your positive outlook on life and life's stresses and troubles is so encouraging, and I'm working hard to adopt a similar "give my stresses up to God" outlook. Its very difficult, but I think I might get there.
I wanna meet you sooo bad. you seem like such a sweet woman!
Saw your Twitter status... and OMG I thought you were serious at first!!
love your pics the studio pictures though! (:
Stay strong & smiling... thank you for being such an INSPIRATION to all of us! :)
Aww, I feel your hug you beautiful, toothless woman! :))
kandee, I love you. Truly. Not in the stalkerish way, lol. But you have seriously made me smile everytime I read your blog. It gives me a little more hope for a better tomorrow.
you are so adorable! <3
Love your toothless look haha! :P
This message came me to at the right time. :)
Thank you!!
By the way, what is that lip combo you are wearing, Kandee? It's perfection!
I enjoy seeing you heart jump out each day! I also love that you have an Amazing talent! Make up, style! I love your rose rings plllease tell me where u got them because LIME GREEN,YELLOW and BLUE are my FAVVVE! check my room lol
I see you have some CoverFX concealers and setting powder, how do you like the brand?
LOL! You are so kooky! You look like you're always having a blast ^_^ It makes me smile ^_^
I'm going through finals right now and I was about ready to burst in tears when I read your entry...
Thank you so much for being such a positive source, and for always reminding us of the larger scheme in things...
Thank you Kandee. <3 ^_^
Kandee, Girl you are just such a breath of fresh air in this doom and gloom world we live in. So many are afraid to say the name of God for fear of offending, and I gotta tell you, it does my heart so much good to read your posts! God bless you abundantly for spreading so much Love!!!
i imagined that you were here and gave me a huge hug <3
love you kandee
Thank you so much for this post! Your words have given me some much needed peace.
Ummm I think I love you.
thank you for this post you totally gave me inspiration because although my day started crazy i realize its not worth being mad over my day is what I make of it no one else!!! Luv your blog!
Thank you for your honesty, i agree with Powerlifterchick, for staying firm in what you believe and not being afraid to say it. May God continue to bless you. I really enjoy your posts. I look forward to them, you always seem to put a smile in my face. My girls are so funny, everytime i try some new hair style or make up and i ask their opinion, they smile and say your name! Love you girl. Keep on doing what you do.
I'd love more pics with your make-up table ! I like seeing so much make-up in one place :P
We want more !
Hey Kandee..I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your outlook on life. I have been trying to make that the way I see things in life and to hear someone like you confirms to me that it is possible. I love the fact that you see God as loving as He His and willing to do anything for us. So many people are fearful of Him and it blocks them from seeing HOW MUCH He loves them and how He wants to take care of them if they just let Him. Thank you Kandee. Thank you from me and thank you from everyone else out there. I'm sure there are a lot of people that feel the way I do about your encouraging words.
Kandee is incredible. Every time I'm not having a good day I've been reading your blog
and I feel better.
Thanks for exist.
Kiss Thalyta From Brazil
haha you're hilarious! thanks for cheering me up!
Your amazing!! (8
Kandee... Thank you! I really needed this today! Your amazing! Im going to start printing these and putting them in my daughters journal for when shes older. These words of wisdom will come in handy one day for her, Im sure!
Love you...D
I just discovered you and your blog/you tube videos, etc today and i have to say, you seem like a really great person. Not only are you talented and successful, but you are humble. You seem like somebody i would want to be best friends with. Keep up the good work, and keep being you. You are such a sweet soul and i'm so happy i've found out about you! :)
These pictures are great!! haha!! Love the first one especially! ... & Thanks for your encouraging words, its so nice to read something positive :)
Keep writing kandee!
I adore this jacket! So happy you had such a beautiful day! Keep smiling! x
ha ha ha ha!! You're so funny Kandee. you always make my day!
I Love youso much!! ♥
Thanks Kandee :)
I'm so glad I came to check out your blog... you have an awesome outlook of life and your words always inspire me and make me feel better. We're only human, and we need constant reminders. Thank you for reminding us to be positive and everything
love, Frances
about 5 months ago, I had to have my front tooth pulled (same one you blacked out) due to a severe root fracture and I have been so depressed over having to have a fake tooth. You have been the first person to make me smile while being 'toothless'. My boyfriend told me after the surgery that I was a "cute hillbilly" and now I can actually smile about it!
Kandee, you encourage me everyday. Thank you for all your kind words you post here and say in your videos. You're beautiful, inside and out. :) I hope I'm lucky enough to meet you one day!
Sending love and hugs to you, Kandee! :)
Hi wow i never commented on a blog thingy lol but anyways i think your the most smartest most coolest person ever i hope i get to run into you someday lol- but id probably be too freaked out, like this one time me and my boyfriend saw hilary swank at the lobster in santa monica- and i freaked lol i just stared like a big coco lol but anyways love your blog
Kandee, i truly believe that God talks through random people and your troubles blog completely spoke to me! My problem has always been that I am too sensitive and I let people's attitudes get the best of me. I let a bad situation get the best of my day but now I'm dropping it on the floor to be swept away! Thank you for your encouraging words! You truly are a SHINING STAR!!!
I love this Kandee! What you said reminded me of 2Corinthians 1:3 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God". It's so inspiring to see Him use you to bless everybody and you're such a light :) thanks girl!
So tonight I came on ur page to see what's new and ur words caught me off gaurd. After being exhausted of all the daily struggles, ur words really hit me like a ton of bricks. Thanks for ur positive outlook. I really needed it today! :o)
Keep smiling!
Awww. Kandee, I certainly hope those feeing weren't spawned by any of us at the shoot. I personally, thoroughly enjoyed the time to get to know you and the girls and though we were crunched for time and education it was well worth my trip. I hope all was not a loss for you. Sometimes it's hard when we are all running here and there and trying to balance plates on sticks (so to speak.) Travels, kids, networking, last min. projects, jobs, fundraisers... it's tough to find time to look at what all is going on and say, "YES. I AM DOING IT." and YOU ARE and you inspire others to find it within themselves to be able to say the same.
We all have overcome hurts, habits and hang ups... addictions, loss, death, divorce, homelessness, abuse, poverty, out of control children, shattered dreams and broken hearts. What may be a boring simple "another day in the life project" to one might be the beginning of a fresh start and the first hurdle to another. Thanks for enduring.
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