things I don't like....
having a face that is more pale than my body...ha ha ha
and since I have a little skin cancer scare last year...(it runs in my family...great! On my mom's Danish side....)...and I used to be a "sun-sleeper"...in high school I would get a towel and fall asleep in the sun listening to music for about an hour...
Yes I was super tan, but not so great for my poor ol' skin....if only had my little hands on some self tanner back then, it's easy, and some of them make you darker (and NOT orange) than the sun would.
I have tried a lot of them, from druggystore brands to the "you-better-have-a-fat-wallet" kinds...
and even a certain celebrity endorsed one, that was HORRIBLE! Talk about looking orange...I looked like a Oompa Loompa from Willy Wonka!
Everyday I put self-tanner on my face...and when the body needs to look tan, wearing a skirt....or arm or shoulder revealing tank-top...I fake-tan-it-up!
Here's a linky-dink for the SUN Labs self-tanner I use in the video (there's a deal right now, the ULTRA DARK SET, what I have, is normally like $59, but you can get it for $39 right now)
this is the same self-tanner that they use in celebrity tanning salons...
and being darker makes you look skinner.....hee hee hee, I love that! I'll take baths in this stuff then! ha ha ha
check back later....I have some fun videos to post....
today the sun is shining...
our hearts are ready to love...
our face is ready to give off smiles...
and most of all, our hearts are ready to receive love too...
the more you love, the more you feel loved...
huge love from my heart to yours, kandee
Oooh perfect, will have to try this one! Thank you Kandee!! XOXO!
Being Puerto Rican, I have always tried to stay out of the sun to keep my skin lighter... I hate looking so dark. It's funny how the lighter people want darker skin and the darker want lighter...
i need to try this once i run out of my jergens! thanks for the info kandee :)
i love your product advice! you always have great info to share. And that pic of your pale face looks like the chick from the johnny depp movie "Sweeny Todd" haha
Good self tanners are hard to find. I can't wait to try this one! Thanks Kandee!!! Hope you have a wonderful, sun-shining day!
~Cassidy Z.
i thought that you used just a cream on your face after the shower and not on your whole body. or is this product something new your using instead?
HA! Im glad im not the only one who has trouble getting to my back!!
just discovered you blog and am picking up some great tips from you so fankooooo!!!
i have just written my first blog on my 10 favourite beauty products pls check it out!!! what are yours??? xxx
i agree with the sun being bad for you and i fake it to the max! i also dont agree with sunbeds but dont get me going on that one :)
great post hun hope your having a fab weekend!!
I just made my order! Can't wait to try it!!! Thanks Kandee!!!
I would love to self-tan, but I'm so pasty white that everything looks unnatural! but I like it, it makes everything look dramatic!
I love how you are always giving love to people, how sweet you are, I really hope that one day I'll be able to make everyone feel loved like you do!
Love you,
Love it! How long does it last? You don't re-apply every day do you? i just bought it and I'm kind of excited. Hope all is well!
i really like dove energy glow, it's got a teeny smell but nothing extrodinary, and i also use some plastic/latex nurse gloves when i apply it all over my body! yay no orange palms!!
I loved the video! You're such a beautiful person inside and outside! I'll give this a try :) I love the bogs keep 'um coming!!! Much love & GODbless :)
I have dark skin, but I use a higher spf on my face, so it is paler... I might give a self tanner a try sometimes...
Thanks for the video!
You have pretty feet! <3
Well, I guess you're just pretty all over!
i am so pale right now & hate!! I am def. looking into that!! Have you tried the spray tan beds?? Are they any good??
I love watching all your videos, Kandee!! You are such a sweetheart and you inspire me!!!MUAH!!!XOXO
I love all your stuff Kandee! Your so funny and inspiritional to watch. :)
Though I wish you'd update the adventures in kandeeland bc I think your kids are so cute and they are lucky to have an awesome mom. And Happy bday Jordan :)
Hey, should I be scared by the words 'ultra dark' self tanner? I am about an nw20 at my palest. I lean warm toned though. I don't know what your mac skintone is at your lightest. I have dark hair and blue eyes. I sure hope you respond so I can buy this!! Thanks! -Gia
Do you use this with the St. Tropez?
I am the whitest white girl there is!! This stuff looks awesome, and from what I've read it's a really good product. Just wondering how long it lasts?? I don't want to spend that much money if it's only going to last me 3 or 4 applications.
hey, love your videos on youtube. I just found them today. I noticed in one of them you suggested st. tropez as a self tanner. I was going to order it and then saw your blog. Do you not use it anymore? just curious! Thanks Lisa
Honestly? You must be the most inspirational person ever. I read your blogs religiously now, + the bits at the bottom like spread the love, feel special, believe in yourself, realluy bring a smile to my face! Thankyou from the bottom of my heart.
I was also wondering about St. Tropez. Is this new one better?
Haha, I have the pale-face syndrome too! After a bad sunburn a few years back on my face, I've gotten a bit paranoid about keeping it from the sun! Luckily, not many people see my face without makeup, and I can match it to my body!
Hello Kandee! I'm Virginia from Argentina and recently discovered your videos on youtube and I love them!
Can easily realize that you're super nice and than you got an very positive energy.
You're a true artist, and I know because I am also, in my own may =)
I loved your videos of pin-up makeup, since I saw use all your tips everyday.
Sorry if you do not understand much that I wrote, but I'm using a translator than I suspect is not very good Ha ha ha ha!!
I wish you all the best! You are divine!!!
XOXO Virginia
your dope! Keep loving its honestly to most refreshing and rewarding thing you can do in life.
Side note: Im pretty dark but I just might use this self tanning lotion in the summer cause your absolutely right being tan makes us beautiful women feel and look skinnier =0)!
Much love and respect,
oh no i recently just got st. tropez self tan. now i wanna try this one too! wish i knew ealier haha. thanks kandee =)
hey kandee... did u hurt ur thumb?? it looks bruised! i ordered some of this right after watching the video... i went to a tanning bed last night for the time in years and i burnt of course!!! i really am excited to try this instead! haha since ive watched ur videos ive ordered stuff from dermanew, laura mercier, mac, urban decay, st.tropez and now this! i know ur not paid to do this but you SHOULD be hahaha you would be an excellent saleswoman...but a makeup artist is much cooler :)
Oh my... i hate putting on self-tanners.. i allways came out streaky and orangy looking... :/ And yes.. the smell.. ugh... Maybe i should give this one a try :) Thanks for sharing, love from Europe ;)
Kandee! How am I supposed to read your adventuresinkandeeland blog if it says I need to be invited :(
Im a HHUUGGEE fan and I check your blog multiple times in a day to see if you've posted anything new!
You are so inspirational and beautifully honest. I love waking up to read your blog because it always puts me in a fantastic frame of mind for the day ahead!
Huge amounts of love all the way from Australia - Jess xx
hahaha don't worry my face and legs are white as snow compared to the rest of my body, which is slightly tanner.
YAY~ Thanks for the link :) You look so great and natural with a tan so I always forget you have such light skin(gorgeous either way!) :D I don't know why but for me a tan makes people look healthier
In some cultures, it is thought that lighter skin is more beautiful (I went to Chinatown in LA yesterday and was complimented by a Chinese lady!). I think whatever skin tone people naturally are is beautiful. (whether light, dark...in between) I don't think there's anything wrong with tanning (if you do it safely!), but if you're doing it to be skinnier-looking, forget about it! you don't need it! :)
Do you use this instead of Saint Tropez now?
Question :)
1. does the color leak on to white clothes when you sweat or working?
2.Do you know if I can go swimming in a pool while using a self tanner or will my color leak due to the bleach used in pools?
3. I am quite pail what color do you recommend so that I can get a healthy glow without looking to dark
thanks Kandee
a really useful post and video
I posted your video on my blog :D
Hi Kandee,
What happened to the other selftanner you used to use ? Saint Tropez if i'm correct ? I know it smels strong from the reviews i've read but did it make you look orange ?
Thankx !
I'm very tempted to get this. I burn super easily in the sun, and living in Texas, that's not good!
hey kandee, since you give some cool tips i have a question for maybe another theme - how to cover up a tattoo..? i work with people in a bit serious environment in a conservative country, but have a small tattoo that i should hide on my neck on the back, and every shirt won't go over it... so, if you could be so kind and help :))
One of your best posts! I hate the stink of self tanners! I totally went and bought this!
Hi Kandee!! I'm a little confused.. Which self-tanner is better? I was about to buy the St. Tropez (finally found some), but now you are using this "SUN" stuff... Are we supposed to use both? What is the difference between the "SUN" brna dand the St. Tropez? Is each used for different purposes? I know you use the St. Tropez every day, but should the "SUN" brand be used every day too or what? Please help! :(
Awesome Kandee!! Thanks for this video! I just ordered some yesterday! Cant wait to use it! Can you do a video on the after look of it after you put it on..And does it streak or anything? Thanks again!! Have a great day!!
kandee you are so pretty just out of the shower ahhh! Have you tried the Guerlain Mineral Bronzer powder? For make up I mean, not as a self tanner. It's great for all skin colors because it works for darker complexions and tans lighter complexions. I did a review on my blog.
Yey, thanks for this video a lot! I'm so afraid of the sun and the lotions cause my skin it's very white although I live by the sea :P
Yay! Thanks for the info. I just placed my order!
Hey Kandee!! Thanks for this video. There have been WAY too many cancer incidents in my family,and the most recent was a few months ago, it was my mom, so I haven't tanned in over a year. I use st tropez, bc of u :) and i loved it, and i just put my order in for this one. thanks for all the great recommendations :)
lots of love, take care
Thanks for this great tutorial. I remember you once saying you liked St. Tropez tanning lotion, would you recommend this one over that?
great video.. however im with some of the other girls... i just bought the st. tropez mousse because you said you live by this stuff! now you've changed! ahh!! is this stuff better? im pretty happy with the st. tropez and i've gotten a ton of compliments. love all your videos so keep up the good work! ;)
thnx Kandee!! Just placed an order!!! I'm excited!!
can you do prom looks please!!!!!!!
I just got mine and it is still stinky. Not as stinky as some that you buy at the drug store, but you still get that burning skin smell. The color is AMAZING. I am really white (like you can see my veins - I usually use a foundation in one of the lightest shades like light Ivory) and the color was perfect. It took some time to get used to but the next day at work, my co-workers did not even notice. I put the product on my arm and the washed my hands and I could already see my palms were turning brown. So, I put gloves on for the rest of the application. I would recommend using some gloves if your palms are very pale too. The smell is strong. I don't think I could apply this and then go out. I can still smell it even after I put my cologne on - I wear Juicy Couture which is a heavy scent and I wear quit a bit. I think I saw samples available on the site. I wish I would have ordered those first so I could have known about the smell.
aaaahhh my face is always darker than the rest of my body.... well.. darker than my neck and chest.
and being in cold Denmark doesn't help on gettin a little tan on the chest. dammit. lol
Hey Kandee love all the tips you share! Was wondering if you still use st.tropez bronzer mousse...will it causes breakout for oily skin...I also saw you said you were algeric to soy how did you find that out?
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