Friday, April 23, 2010

me in the shower....

thank God, that the awesome nurse with the short spikey hair, gave me lots of blue hospital trash bags...
I have to wrap and tape my leg up...spin around and try to balance on my left leg....
there was water on the marble floor in the hotel bathroom the other day...and my crutch slipped...and I thought, "oh, great, know I'm gonna fall and break my other leg! ha ha ha ha".....

last night we had to change my dressing on my hurt so bad....the problem is not the top part of my skin, but because the glass went down and hit my bone...deep inside and all the muscles down to the bone felt like someone took an ice pick and slammed it into my shin bone....
I was up til 4 am trying not to cry (but I did cry a little)...

my leg was itching, feeling numb, hurting, stinging, was driving me nuts....I just wanted to run away from my leg! ha ha ha

 I have to go hobble down to check out of the hotel right now.....
good bye room service and maids cleaning, I'll miss that! ha ha ha
have a great day everyone....huge love, kandee and the leg


Anonymous said...

gosh i was thinking how you were going to shower, i still am in shock at what happened to you. I am praying for a full recovery muah

Casi Yost said...

First of all, I love your make-up videos. Thank you for those! And second of all, I saw the pics of the leg, and that looks insane. I sure hope they're giving you lots o' medicine. :( Feel better, lady.


Anonymous said...

i'm sorry girl, God will get you through it!


Anonymous said...

hope everything heals well and fast. God bless!


Katherine said...

Sending wishes for happiness and a speedy recovery. Katherine

Anonymous said...

Dear Kandee,

I am sooo sorry to hear about what happened to you. I've been wondering: are you going to meet with a lawyer to see about suing the hotel? You *really* should. It is not right that they inconvenienced your life in this way. You should meet with a lawyer ASAP just to assess the situation.

Unknown said...

hope you feel better soon sweetie! <3

Anonymous said...

aww I hope you feel better now:)

777 Butterflies said...

That a girl! Starting your blog with a "thank God". You are too pretty and too smart and talented to let this leg get you down - you just keep that smile and btw, the leg looks amazing - healing so nicely! Hug your sweetheart for his knight in shining armor actions in taking good care of you - you are blessed! Look how many people came to your rescue. It's amazing. It only shows your inner beauty is even brighter than your outer beauty! So keep that smile and keep thanking God for the small things - even for trash bags. :) ((BIG HUGS)) Much love! Just keep trucking through this and you are going to be amazed at how strong you are when you come through this, girl. You will just look back and look at these blogs and say "Wow! Look what I went through and survived to talk about it!" God Bless you sweetie! You are doing good!!! Just keep hanging in there! It's going to be just fine! :) Keep that beautiful smile shining through - don't let the bad times ever cloud your smiles! Ever!

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon, Kandee!

Kissa said...

April showers bring May flowers, dearest! You're in my thoughts. I wish I could feel some of the pain for you. :)

sibelle said...

kandee i'm so glad that you are ok. I love that you are always smiling and full of love. kisses!

Skater Girl said...


Here's a tip:

Try not to eat eggs too much.. especially the yolk.. it's an old tip from where I came from... that is if you want your stitches to heal nicely..

Take it easy.. and try to take a rest.. I think you need it though... I know I do.. ;)

hugs.. Get well soon!!

Jade said...

oh my gosh, i hope it gets better soon that is rough! at least people are taking care of you! good luck.

Janet said...

Bless your heart Kandee :( You are stronger than you think and more special than you know! Just keep your head up and know that lots of people have you in their prayers! Keep up the amazing work and amazing smiles!! Nahum 1:7 - The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble, he knows them that trust in Him!
You can do this girl! <3


Nan@NDGo Irish! said...

Ouch! I had my hip removed after it became infected & know how bad you must hurt.Take your pain meds and the key is to stay ahead of the pain.I used a really cool waterproof dressing to shower & was even able to float around in my pool.You may want to check those out.Hope you start to feel better soon.
Hugs & cupcakes to you, Nan

KT Nielsen said...

Get well soon Kandee. You'll be in my prayers.

2espresso said...

Oh dear.. I'll be thinking of you and keeping all my fingers crossed your body makes it heal quickly.
Hope you'll have around many beautiful things to distract you ;)

Unknown said...

haha..your so funny..hope you start feeling alot much more better soon..and hope the pain and stuff go away super fast!
Its going to be alright!
there are alot of people praying for you..:)

Raven said...

awe, i feel so bad for you!
that looks like it hurt soooo bad.
your a trooper, i hope you heal up fast! you should start putting vitamin E on it so it doesn't scar so bad. My mom broke her femur right in half and had to get a rod put in her leg, now she has a 17 inch scar up her thigh, her doctor recommended she started putting vitamin E on it, she didn't listen and scared really bad! But, no matter what your always gonna be beautiful :) xoxo , Raven!

Buzybugs said...

Your just so darn cute- I feel so sad for you- I wish I could take your pain away- I just love ya and think the world of you- I hope you start to feel better, I cannot imagine your pain.

Fatima said...

Be careful dear Kandee when you shower!!! I also used to wrap a garbage bag on my foot when I had a cast in 2004. It is scary as you tend to slide with it! Take care!!!

Unknown said...

awwwh, kandee and the leg! i hope you're BOTH feeling better soon! you're such an inspiration though miss kandee! most people would be going on and on about how horrible it is and poor me stories but you're just a ray of sunshine saying "things could be worse". if the world had more people like you, it would be a much better place!

Unknown said...


I cant beleive this has happened to you. My heart just sank reading about your pain and not being able to sleep. With all of the contacts that you have I wonder if there is someone that could help you with your pain in a hoaloistic way. (Excuse my spelling)I know that you like to take more natural medicines I am sure there is something you could take or do to help with the pain to get you through this. Thank you for keeping everybody informed of your recovery. I will be praying for you sweetie. Luv Jennifer

Marly said...

Kandee): i hope that you begin to feel less pain. I can only imagine how big of a bummer this is for you. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Take care pretty lady(:

cArLa said...

oh my gosh, i'm so oblivious to what just happened i had to read a couple of posts back... you poor thing! i hope you feel better soon... if it makes you feel any better, i had a c-section, when i had my son... get well soon lovely kandee!

Unknown said...

Have a great day Kandee
take care and take it day by day
Your Strong we know it ;)

lieron mclean said...

Oh my gosh! i couldn't even imagine going through something like that, must have been the worst!

the worst part is hopefully. feel better soon Kandee.. stay strong : )

Susie said...

So sorry to hear what happened to you.
Hope you heal up quickly. That must have been beyond scary.

Jeanine Legarda said...

Hi! I commented on your last blog about my mom and how she had a similar accident with her knee. Then I was driving today and thought about you! Thought, "I wonder how she's gonna take a shower?" And what do you post? and the shower lol. I had to help my mom too with showering b.c of her leg...its tough, but moms are strong =)

Noelle Garnier said...

Hopefully you will not break anything else trying to take a shower! I'll keep praying ...
God bless and xoxo,
kandee fam lil sis

Felicia said...

Ouch! It hurts me just reading about the pain you are in. Stay strong Kandee :)

FitterTwit said...

OMG!!! You POOR THING!!! Hang in there, a few months from now all this misery will be just a memory. I remember when I shattered my ankle that feeling you described of all the blood rushing to the injury and feeling like it was going to explode... yah, just a crystal clear memory! Hang in there! Honestly, I've never seen anything more gruesome than your injury... I'm VERY surprised it looks so good this soon. You really MUST be healing fast.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying that you heal quickly and that everything turns out okay!!! You have tons of people praying for ya girl! Stay strong. Love you!! <3

SacodePalha said...

Dear Kandee..I sincerely hope that you get well as soon as possible and that this bad thing will be over, keep strong, keep smiling, you are beautiful person and your leg will be fine..I´m sure! I´m sending good thoughts to you for a smooth and quick recovery, hang in there sweety!

All the best!

Stephine said...

Glad you're doing okay, your leg already looks much better, but I'm sure that doesn't help the pain at all. Hope it eases up soon!

Amy said...

Hi Kandee
I read your blog all the time but have not commented before.
I just wanted to let you know I am praying for quick healing for you. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED!!
Your attitude is amazing, like always.
It makes me sad to think of you in pain:(

Unknown said...

Oh honey, I'm sooo sorry!!!!! I hope you recooperate completely!!!


Unknown said...

Aww Kandee, you poor thing. I'm keeping you in my prayers and hope it heals fast, it seems as though it is. Everyone's gotta cry sometimes! ;) Can't always be that strong girlie! Take care of yourself!
~Cassidy Z.

iShadow21 said...

Thinking of you kandee :-( I pray you have a speedy recovery!

PoochesForPeace said...

Glad to see you're doing kind of better at least!... :)

Tina said...

It must be tough.


Tiahna said...

well at least your leg is all closed up! i hope you get better makes me sad that your leg got all beat up :( i hope you get better! HUGE love back at you and "the leg" :D


Anonymous said...

Kandee, don't be afraid to cry! Sometimes we just need to cry, and you totally deserve to cry after all you've gone through. I guarantee you'll feel loads better. :) You're such a strong woman.

Michael said...

Ohhh god Bless you Kandee! I know your pain!!! Lost story short I cut my wrist really badly on a glass bracelet and I almost hit the vein. I needed stitches and everything. scared the living daylights out of me.

After it's all healed use mederma on the scar and it'll disappear fast.

Hugs and love!!! I hope you feel better soon!!!!!

and please don't go break the other leg! I miss you!!!


Desirée said...

So sorry to see you in such pain Kandee :( You always inspire me and lift my spirits when I'm down. I'm sending many positive vibes to you all the way from NYC! Feel better. :)

Unknown said...

So sorry you are going through this right now, you are such an angel, sending you lots of wishes for a fast and pain free recovery.

J said...

Kandee, I am so sorry that you're going through this.

I know that, when it rains, it seems to pour. Just remember it's making you stronger.

Biggest, warmest, hugs.

Denikanika85 said...

awwww im so sorry this happened to you. crap happens to the best people well get well soon! and im sure your awesome boyfriend will be your slave for a while lol smooches hun!

Melissa Dale said...

Kandee, a year ago I was in injured in a car accident. I was on crutches for over 3 months. The photo of you trying to take a bath has brought back so many memories. Above all else, I felt FRUSTRATION. Not being able to do simple daily tasks is endlessly frustrating. I would suggest that you keep yourself as busy as possible (even if you can only work from bed, keep up with your blogging and add info to your website)...anything you can do to keep yourself focused on your future is important. One day, you will be like me, a year away from this hard time. You are beginning your road to recover and a journey is made up of a thousand steps. Good luck!

sugarbumpkin said...

stay strong girl! gosh that gash is a pain in the ass now but later on you can laugh about it to your grandkids while they stare at you in shock!

Mariam K said...

This just brought tears to my eyes. I can seriously feel the pain you went and are going through...
Just be strong, we are all with you here.
Take Care xOxO..
Mariam Khan

Heather said...

Wow that is so horrible I am soo sorry. I know how much it must really hurt, I've had stiches in my foot and I had only 5, so it must be nothing in comparison. But hey at least you had someone next to you the whole time. They didn't let Harrison, the sweatesf guy friend I have, who came all the way to the ER when he heard, come with me. Only my mom was aloud. Anyway, I really hope you feel better and I just want to say I'm praying for you and hope you make it through with the least amout of pain possible.


Anonymous said...

oh my josh, kandee! use lots of neosporin (triple antibiotic) and mederma the life out of that scar when it's good to go! feel better and don't scratch!

johanna said...

I saw how you hurt your leg !!!! it looks really bad, super painful, your really brave to have gone through that and still find a way to be so positive.
i think you are such an inspiration to so many girls. This is just one more thing you will have to grow from. Some day i would love to cook for you( that is what i do for a living). your blogs keep me so positive and give me exactly the tips on glamour and make up that i need . Best of luck to you and your family and I hope your leg recovers really quickly . Maybe when your stitches come out you can try argan oil to help the skin mend . Much love to a great lady your beautiful inside and out!!johanna

Ashley said...

omg kandee!!!! you are the bravest person EVER!!!! i saw those pics and was totally shocked.... you deserve some sort of metal of sort of shows how we are only human... we are breakable. but man, i wish you the best of luck - this is merely a small setback in your life of HUGE accomplishments. Thanks for being such a strong person. We need you.

Jewel of Eden said...

It looks so much better!
Like a cool shark bite!
I cut my toe the other day. It was a teeny tiny cut, but it bled like crazy! I was kind of experiencing what you went through. So I can imagine how uncomfortable this is.
I'm sorry you are in so much pain, but we all know how strong you are and you are going to get through this!
I wish you lot's of strenght, love, care and speedy recovery!
Get well soon! <3 xx

edenapple said...

I have you in my prayers. Wish there was more I could do to help.

Abby said...

lol since i have a cast up to my kne on from breaking my ankle. i have to sit sideways in the tub with my casted leg sitting on the edge with a towel under it for cushion lmao. i wash my hair in the kitchen sink, and have learned creative ways to shave my good leg hahaha. i shave my poor arm pits in the bathroom sink lol i can't wait to be able to shower again lol!

Anonymous said...

Kandee, you are so brave. I know if that were me I wouldn't be blogging! I'd be crying all day!

Know that we are all praying for you.

You are such a strong person.

Keep it up :)


Fancylooks said...

I am terribly sorry for you, great girl, but, at the same time, I'm glad you are being so strong about this whole issue. You are a great reference for all of us in each kind of event that happens in life.

ashleyreynolds said...

Feel better Kandee! It may seem hard now, but you can do it, and you will be in amazing shape soon! If anyone has the optimism and drive to get better, it is you. I will pray for you. Have a good night =)

amoralysia said...

Stay strong Kandee! Everything happens for a reason, you'll be back to normal before you know it. :) xxx

Navibug said...

You really are an incredible woman
Kandee!!! I pray that I can one
day...maybe, be as amazing as

I pray that the pain subsides and
that you're back on your feet
soon enough!

I thank God for Bobby and all the
hospital staff for their love (I
have to as I work in a hospital!)

Now you can have time out, so
people can deservedly make a fuss
of you :)

Much love and hugs xxxxoooo

Lacey said...

I'm super sad you got hurt Kandee J!!! But you're smiles and humor make it seem not so bad. Get well lady, I anxiously await your next video!!!

Lots of love and smiles,
Lacey Loren

Meyke said...

Aw you poor thing! I'm sending positive vibes to you, hope it makes you feel a bit better.


Marmotte BEAUTY said...

oh god, It is really an enormous wound!!! How it is to arrive? (sorry for my bad english, i'm french)!!!

InspiredVintage said...

I feel so horrible for you!! :( I don't blame you for crying a little! I probably would have been bawling! Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

hey girrl!! i am sorry to hear about what happened to your leg!! the same thing happened to my little brother a few years back when he was like 5 years old...he fell off of the monkey bars and he shattered his arm...he had to get pins in his arm....anyways, i am praying for you and hope that your pain stops soon!! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Many prayers for a healthy and speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

your the best! even when you down ! I love coming by your blog and getting a sugar high from you Kandee !! inspire soo many people and seem to be such a dear ... Even hurt your nice !
hope the kids and the guy friend is pampering you and helping you recover quickly ...peae and luv

Kylie Mc said...

hang in there!!! you are SOOO brave. one day you'll look back and say, "remember when...". ;)

FashionSugarBubbles said...

wait to be fine again kandee! :'(

if u want visit my blog and subscribe guys! :D

Ari said...

aww kandee your such a trouper ! they did a awesome job sowing you up :) hope you feel better fast <3 lots of love ari xoxo

Renee said...

Hi there Kandee,

Wow, what a trooper you are, hang in there!! In the mean time may I suggest the xero sox, it is a caste cover that keeps your cast dry while taking a shower or bath, you can even swim in a pool and your cast will NOT get wet! I read and look forward to your blog every day, you are a TRUE inspiration keep up the good work!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Elizabeth said...

hey kandee! your blog has brought so much joy to me and my sister! we follow it everyday and get a high from your incredible spirit, and peace in our hearts knowing that you can stay positive through all the overwhelming events in my sister and i want you to know how much you mean to us as you struggle through this difficult time, and like you said somewhere in your blog, everything that happens though it may seem bad is actually an opportunity. you've been pouring out so much love, this is your time to sit back and receive it! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for being beautiful you. we love you so much.

Makavelina said...

Awww, I can totally feel the pain you are going through, when I was 6 or 7 this happened to me too, it was so itchy! I was scratching it in my sleep, so I had to sleep in a sleeping-bag so I couldn't reach the leg so easily :D
Hang on sweetie, get better soon, we all are thinking about you :-*

Stephanie said...

You are so strong Kandee, get well soon! Be sure to find the best attorney! Your case is a million dollar (if not more) suit, and you deserve it for the trauma. Stay strong girl! I love you & everything you post on youtube & blog :)


DSK Steph

Brandi Wentworth said...

Im so sorry! praying you heal quickly.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that this has happened, Kandee! We don't always know why God allows these things to happen; it may not have even been in His will for it to happen. But, He did allow for a reason. For whatever reason He did, I pray that He will use this terrible situation to draw you closer to Him. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and may God's great love and mercy be a comfort to you in your time of need.

Heidi Parson
2 Corinthians 1:3-5 (KJV)

florezitta10 said...

You are so funny even in pain Much luv.. my daughter is bugging me cuz she wants your necklace lol glad your doing better

coxynell said...

Kandee, I hope you'll feel better very soon. I send you love and hugs from France! Tu es la meilleure (you're the best)

Divija Reddy said...

Where do u get the courage frm Kandee? Lucky mom to have a daughter like you! I wish I was as brave as u :)

Yes, the pics were too bloody...I almost fainted....

God Bless You and your family, Kandee

((Love n Warm Hugs))

Donna Marie said...

Hope you get better soon Kandee! I'm praying for ya!

Sencillamente Kyra said...

Recover soon handsome(pretty)!
A greeting from españa

Sarah Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hope your leg gets better super soon!! =D x

Anonymous said...

Kandee, you're such a trooper! I can't imagine going through such pain. Your strength through this makes me feel foolish for making a big deal over headaches and silly things like that.

Good luck throughout your recovery.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you are okay! I had no idea you had a leg injury. I scrolled down and almost FAINTED just looking at it. I actually just had my big toe nail completely ripped off and thought that was bad. They even gave me vicodin for it. I never realized how painful it would be but now just to know you just had your leg sliced in half is AWFUL!!!!! AHHH

Beautiful You by Laurie Lombardi said...

Kandeee! sending lots of love and hugs your way. You're hurting so much and you're still updating us on how you're doing. I consider myself lucky to have you as a role model and hope you get well real soon.

DianaM said...

That really is one nasty wound, hope you'll get better soon, Kandee.

You are really amazing – even when experiencing all that pain, you still remain a very positive and funny person. I usually prefer not to comment on people I don't personally know, however you really do seem to be a genuinely nice person, and that is an increasingly rare quality in our world.

I'm from Armenia (don't feel bad if you have never heard of it, it's just a tiny country on the crossroad of Asia and Europe), and I've greatly enjoyed your blog entries and especially YouTube videos. You're really great, both as a make-up artist (your videos are awesome) and as a person.
Get well soon!

Best wishes,

DianaM said...

That really is one nasty wound, hope you'll get better soon, Kandee.

You are really amazing – even when experiencing all that pain, you still remain a very positive and funny person. I usually prefer not to comment on people I don't personally know, however you really do seem to be a genuinely nice person, and that is an increasingly rare quality in our world.

I'm from Armenia (don't feel bad if you have never heard of it, it's just a tiny country on the crossroad of Asia and Europe), and I've greatly enjoyed your blog entries and especially YouTube videos. You're really great, both as a make-up artist (your videos are awesome) and as a person.
Get well soon!

Best wishes,

Carolicious said...

feel better Kandee! you are still beautiful on that wheel chair =)

Unknown said...

Sweetie I just want to give you a big hug and tell you everything is going to be alright. Sending you heaps of love from the other side of the world

Unknown said...

Hi there dear Kandee from Russia,poor porr girl,love u very much,im so sad about your leg((((((((((when i saw the pics of ya your leg i started to cry,i am sosososososoosososso sorry((((((((((((i'll pray for you,love u very much kissssssssssssssssss

Unknown said...

I love reading your blog, it's not so much about the makeup but I do find it really inspirational on life.

Just because I thought you might want a bit of comfort and I can't do much I have nominated you for an award here

Take care

Diane said...

If it helps with anything, you look great in that picture!!! Still glamorous!!! :D:D:D


Nele said...

Girl, i've been following your blog and youtube posts for a long time. and i just wanted to say - hang in there, the pain will eventually subside and the sun will shine again! ;) i've been through a similar thing myself a couple of years ago, and i remember it all too well. and nevermind the scars. they will be stories to tell and moments lived in the past. and they make you unique! just keep smiling like you always do. you are an inspiration!

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee, I hope you get better soon, Unfortunately I know what you are going through as I too had my leg hanging off after an accident, make sure you keep it elevated so the swelling goes down. Don't worry too much about the scar it will fade. lots of love...Lisa xxx

Moon Winks Artistry said...

I'm sorry you're in such pain...but what happened to the MAKEUP ARTIST we started following in the first place? Where are the tutorials you once did and we loved? I'm sorry, I think you're a sweet person and everything but I haven't been following your blog because it seems you just have random inspirational stuff now instead of KandeeTHEMAKEUPARTIST. I'm just sayin...what happened?

~*geena*~ said...

your so strong and positive Kandee!! its such a great attribute to have!!! Love you! hope your healing well!!

The Average Irish Mammy by Conni Murray said...

Hi Kandee,
Hope you're feeling much better.
You poor thing.
Huge love and smiles,

Amber said...

Kandee I'm so sorry!! I hope that hotel helps you, better yet pays all your hospital bills. I hope you get better real soon.

Miss Vu said...

cosmo told me what happened... i hope you get better soon!!! we wanna see your beautiful face in the store! :)

J Fresh said...

Johnson Power!!!

Anonymous said...


Aww kandee,
that must be so painful, and hard to deal with. :(
i cant belive this happend to such an amazing kind person!
i hope your leg heals nicely and that you dont have a too big of a scar!!
take care Kandee..
and remember we are all praying for you.
love you heaps my sister!
love Ashleigh Lilley
from New Zealand

Anonymous said...


Aww kandee,
that must be so painful, and hard to deal with. :(
i cant belive this happend to such an amazing kind person!
i hope your leg heals nicely and that you dont have a too big of a scar!!
take care Kandee..
and remember we are all praying for you.
love you heaps my sister!
love Ashleigh Lilley
from New Zealand

Amore Rent A Car said...

Hope you heal quickly and the hotel really should help you out. Keep up the energy and take care of yourself!

Jill said...

Kandee, I know what you mean about wanting to run away from your leg! I sliced open two of my toes the other day and they are SOOO painful right now. It's so difficult to walk and I just want to run away from my foot right now! Keep your chin up and try to relax as much as you can. **hugs**

Morgane said...

I am sending you positive thoughts!! You are very courageous!!! said...

OMG Kandee - I've been Kandee-less for a few wks due to work etc., & I'm catching up today & cannot believe how badly your leg was cut! Soooo glad you're okay & pushing through the pain. Get better soon! =)

Lupita :) said...

i feel so sorry for you kandee :(
you know ill always be here! i admire you so much for beeing so strong and positive!

Melacthe said...

I'm very glad that you are ok. Hope you'll get well soon.

Unknown said...

You're such a positive person... it is so inspiring. At least this didn't happen BEFORE Glaminars... right? That would have been awful!

hindadib said...

I know how it feels when it itches and u just want to cut if off ur body! I had to remove a mole off my neck (right under my chin)
It was sort of a plastic surgery, they had to cut it and stitch, it was so annoying.. i would itch it with a feather pen hahhaha! Oh and the worst part is that I wasn't able to move my head up, left, right, for about 2 or 3 months!
But it's all good now =) It will pass..
Stay strong! =) xx

Anonymous said...

im waiting for my 5th knee operation this summer..

Unknown said...

hey kandee!
i know this is not funny at all but when your leg heals up it looks like you might have a nike swoosh scar. sweet lol! i hope your leg is starting to feel better!! smiles

MommyLifeMK said...

wow Kandee!
when i started reading ur post i didnt think u had been tru pain with this..n den i saw the pictures n my mouth dropd ur such a strong woman!! keep it up grl!! u got this..i hope ur recovery is going great!! keep up the positive outlook!! =0) god bless!! much love!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you will heal as fast as possible and go back to what you do best! My whole game testers team supports you!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, I remember the days when I had to wrap my arm up in a trashbag and shampoo and wash myself with one hand. Hahaha!

I'm seriously glad you're okay, though. <3

CarrieA said...

I know I seem late, I just found out about you on youtube. You are so sweet and your personality is like mine. I saw the pics of your leg all I can say is WOW and you were truly blessed. You are strong, and its good to see you are doing well. :)

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