Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My dream job!

me..this is what I look like listening to my voicemail (ha ha ha)...in NYC (soho)...in September

I love NYC, the second I saw the night skyline...as I entered the city in the taxi!
Not to mention...I have grown up designing clothes....for hours, as a little girl I would draw whole season collections of clothes.

My mom was at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising when she was pregnant with me...and gave up her dreams of becoming a fashion designer, to be the most amazing mom I could ever be blessed with.

When me and my mom were in NYC, I made sure we went to Bryant Park...where NY Fashion Week has been held in the past...
(mama in front of Bryant Park)
my special prayer for my mom, is that someday her dreams of designing will come true...

Well.......fast forward from NYC to LAST WEEK!!!!

I get a message from the wonderful, Kelly Kirby...asking if I'd like to cover backstage interviews at FASHION WEEK in NYC!!!!

INSERT: huge amounts of heart palpitations and wanting to do back flips (if I knew how)

MIRABELLA Cosmetics (an awesome line of make-up created by a make-up artist, who's worked with huge companies like Estee Lauder- the queen of cosmetics, Saks, and Nordstroms)...
would be the official make-up for the Richie Rich (of Heatherette fame) show and the very last show of fashion week.....(right after GWEN STEFANI's LAMB show on friday the 17th)..the IVANA HELSINKI show!
I would get to interview the make-up artist, models, and show you what fashion week is like behind the scenes!

Not to mention I got invited to the a Fashion Week party at Patricia Field's store too! (how I would love to see what new treasures she has!)
(NOT that I could afford these....but please look at the awesome-ness of these wild shoes! I would just frame them! ha ha ha)
 I just had a baby 2 weeks ago! Why couldn't fashion week have been 2 months ago or 2 months from now?  ha ha ha ha...I wouldn't trade these moments with baby for a thousand fashion weeks though!

CLICK here to see just how much my baby means to me...and how easy it was to give up fashion week for her!~ www.kandeeland.com

This is would have been my dream job....NYC, fashion week, showing you guys make-up and hair, and what other people don't get to see...all done Kandee-style....
oh this would have been soooooooo, fun, I can't even...don't even...have words!

My heart was sooo sad as I typed Kelly the text, saying I couldn't go...!

well...at least there's a fashion week every year...I won't have a precious newborn to hold every year....but I'm pretty sure there will be another fashion week again!

huge love and fashion...your friend,


Anonymous said...

Awwww Kandee!! I'm sure you;ll get offered again next year! Keep well!

Unknown said...

those shoes are intense-ly gorgeous!!!

angelprincess said...

Bless your heart Kandee...you will get it one day! A dream job is nothing compared to a dream life!!

Unknown said...


Jennifer Belle said...

what a bummer! but i'd take that beautiful little angel over fashion week any day!

Unknown said...

There's always next year! I'm so sorry for the bad timing!

samwells87 said...

Awwww, least people know you have your priorities straight :D xx

Novelette P said...

Wow what a decision to make! I guess it was a no brainer tho right. Cupcake comes first for the time being. But to be offered such a opportunity must boost the ege for sure. Congrats hun even tho it didn't work out this time. xxx

Vijeta said...

Awwwww, Kandeee, your mum gave up for you, now its your turn to show her, it was worth it for her to give up on her dreams to have a daughter like you :)

Oneday, your daughter will also be proud of this fact as to how you gave up on your dream job just for her :)

Lotss of Love <3

Anonymous said...

That was the ultimate sacrifice. Always a fashion week, only once a brand new cupcake.


Unknown said...

you are a fabulous makeup artist & also a super mommy & yes theirs always next yr,but for now the best job u already have it and that's being a beautiful gorgeous mommy to 4 wonderful kids :) i know god will send a job offer like that pretty soon again...

Fer Castro said...

kandee you have such an amazing heart! you are a great mom! dont ever doubt it!!! we love you! im sure God will bless you in the future with a bigger opportunity than this because of your BIG BIGGG heart! i love you..

Collette said...

Aww Kandee!! Well as we say in Ireland.........
If it's for you, it won't pass you!!!
God bless your family, xxx

Unknown said...

I have to give you major props for not going and leaving your baby with your mom... That's what most people would do, and it makes me sad lol.

You'll get it next year for sure! Don't worry =]

Summer said...

Awww My heart sank a little when you said you started saying things like would have been...I was like wait what?! then you said you told her you couldn't go and I was like awww :( Kandee you're amazing and if you got offered this job once then you'll more than likely get it offered to you again!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Awwwww Kandee sadly sometime you have to pick what best fits you and like you said there is always next year.... ALL the best

Helen Weaver said...

Congratulations Kandee! You were also one of my inpirations in following my own dreams and I started my own blog. You can click on my name to view it as it is powered by blogger. BLESSINGS and JOY to you!!

beautylogicblog said...

Kandee, I'm covering Fashion Week this year,can't wait.


Kyndal said...

I love you so much Kandee! For all of your warm and loving words. I'm sad that you don't get to fulfill that dream of yours. I'm about to be 23 and haven't wanted to have children because of all the heart-wrenching sadness I see from the young mothers around me who have yet to see their dreams come true. I am frightened to think that when I finally have a blessing of my own I still won't have reached my dreams. There are other friends of mine who feel as though their TRUE dreams in life really came out once they had children. One friend said to me she finally feels like she is who she is meant to be and I guess that's all any of us really hope to achieve--Our Greatest Potential.

You are a mother like no other and such a beautiful light of inspiration to those who know you. Maybe my dream is to befriend you and get to share in the warmth that surrounds your gracious soul. :)

Monika said...

awhhh! That sucks but I bet you will get offered for the next one. I hope you do, you would be amazing at the job.

shawn said...

if fashion was your mom's dream, too, then why not recommend her to fill in for you? this would be a great opportunity for her to get back into designing

Dalila said...

I`m from Finland ! and IVANA helsinki is Finnish ! hesldinki is Finlands capital ! and i love you kandee i wish you and your family all the best !<3

Michelle Murray said...

Your a real momma ;) Don't ever change :)

Jewelz said...

Aaawww...there will be so many more opportunities for you!!


Ellie said...

There will be another chance! Don't you worry! Cupcake needs her mommy! Good luck to you and ill be reading both blogs and catching each video!
So much love is here for you and not to mention your own momma!

My heart goes out to you Kandee!
Something bigger and better is in your future! (although the present is pretty wonderful!!!)
Much love and support,
Love, Eileen

Shutterchic said...

Kandee you are SUCH a wonderful mom. You know how many women would have gotten a babysitter just to do this? This your DREAM job and your baby comes first. That's what makes a great mom. I love that about you. I can honestly say, that I'm like you in that sense. Although I don't work, I love that my job is staying at home with my kids and even if I got the opportunity to get a fantastic job that I would love, my babies come first and always will. Keep up the mama-awesomeness Kandee! :D

Anonymous said...

Wow! CONGRATS on the offer Kandee!!! So many awesome things happening to you! You so deserve them all. Cupcake can't go with you though? Along with a babysitter for when you work of course though. But yeah, you're the wise mom :) And you're so blessed! A better offer will pop up when the time is right. MUCH <3!/Jo

Carla said...

I know that you will be there next year. You are an amazing makeup artist.

PeculiarRoyalty said...

oh that is a major bummer but you have to take care of your little bundle of joy!!! I'm positive that you will get asked again next year for something bigger and better!!! Your awesome!!!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

Even though it would have been great you are absolutely right, these times with little cupcake are irreplaceable.
I know something bigger will come your way

Kandee Johnson said...

thanks you gusy so much for your words...it's like i just got the most encouraging words from a bunch best friends! thanks guys...I wish I could hug you all right now!

Krisztixx said...

you're such a sweetheart Kandee! I'm more than sure that this was NOT your 'only' chance to make a dream come true! As soon as little Cupcake gets older, you'll be back on the road to make another dream come true! :) 'There is a time for everything and each time is the preparation for the next!' Now it's your time to relax and be with family and all the dreamy things will come when timing is perfect :)Everyone who gets to work with you and be around you should be very lucky and these are the people of whom I'm very jealous of! haha
huge love,

Lynneth... said...

AWWWwww!!Hopefully you'll get another opportunity like this one! I bet you will!!! and I could totally relate to your mom, I almost enrolled in that same school ( I too wanted to be a fashion designer), but I had my daughter. But as it turns out, I wouldn't change not going to that school; being a mom is the most important job!! and I have been able to pursue my dream of being a freelance make-up artist. =)

Housewife said...

You are a great Mom! What a fun story to tell your little girl when she grows up....it will mean the world to her to know that she came first! I have always said in my life, God first, family second and work third....I believe that by following this I will be blessed...and so will you! Cheers to great Moms! :)

Unknown said...

i really hope you'll be offered the job next year too! you would be perfect :D

Jasper said...

you don't even have to wait until next year, fashion week happens twice a year!

Di Di said...

BUT it is better when you show us your baby smiling for the first time ! There will be a lot of people looking to buy material treasure which will be covered with dust after few days,AND you have your new healthy,happy baby ! BUT then again there is always a next time ! ;)

Unknown said...

Okay... I know I say this every time... ha ha ha- but thanks for doing posts when you're so busy being a Mom and everything. Every post you do brings so much joy to my day... especially this one! I pray that you and your Mom will all the wonderful opportunities to be at NY Fashion week, and design clothes! You deserve it... maybe this is just the beginning of stuff like that. You're amazing... who WOULDN'T want you at fashion week! There will be more Kandee! Everyone loves you!

Unknown said...

Kandee, just getting an amazing offer like that means you've made some amazing accomplishments in your life.... congrats!
Babies are a lot of work but always worth it. You'll never regret the decision to cherish your child's first few weeks.

loapio said...

The sacrifices we make for our babies.....

Love you KANDEE

Love me all the way from HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!

Renee said...

Can you tell us more about your Moma, she is so sweet and cute, I think it would make a great video to have a Q and A with your Mom!!

She seems a little shy about the camera, but it would be so lovely!

Haley said...

I think Cienna(See-en-uh) would be perfect for your little cupcake:) It's pretty and unique, especially since it is spelled with a "C". Hope you find a name soon!


(BTW: Your baby is ADORABLE<3 she's lucky to have a mom like you:D)

Megan Kelley Hall said...

You are not missing a thing by coming out here to the east coast. It is FREEZING and miserable. Stay where it is nice and warm and sunny and beautiful and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future for you. I'm sure of it!! Things certainly have a way of working out for a reason, and I think that your reason is to stay on the beautiful west coast with your new bundle of love.


ms.michelle said...

Aww..cheer up my dear kandee!,I'm sure ull get another amazing opportunity like that again...after all ur amazing who wouldn't want u for something like that ^_^,look on the bright side,u get to spend more cherishable precious moments with that precious cuppy cake...i totally love u kandee...be cheerful ^_^ xo.

vs said...

good on you!!!! i can't wait to be a mom! gotta find me a man first... ha ha ha

BTW KANDEE - i commented earlier asking about the SEARCH feature. well i noticed on Tiffany (your sister)'s blog she has a search bar!!! YOU SHOULD ASK HER AND GET ONE TOO

Natalina said...

Your post on kandeeland about motherhood is simply emotional! It is fantastic how you describe every single emotion. Fashion week will come again! And I can teach you how to make a backflip!! :) LOL

Catharina said...

So sorry to hear that you had to say no to your dream job at fashion week! But as you said - there will be more times!

JackieA said...

Sorry you had to turn that opportunity down Kandee! I do hope that you will get another chance to do it - which I am sure you would have nailed!!
In Malaysia, once a lady has given birth, she is required to rest and this means no going out (usually the first 40 days after delivery) and she will not be allowed to eat whatever she desires. Special food will be cooked for the new mom which does not include strong spices to prevent the pungency permeating her milk. There are many other do's and don'ts which is unique to each race (there are three major races that live in Malaysia - Indians, Chinese and Malays). Just thought I would bore you with that rambling!!

Georgia Elise said...

There will always be other opportunities in the future for you Kandee, you are so talented and hard-working that you will create your own second chances at jobs like this! Wishing you every happiness with baby and the rest of your beautiful family =] Thanks for all that you have given to us!!!
Love Georgia x

Georgia Elise said...

kThere will always be other opportunities in the future for you Kandee, you are so talented and hard-working that you will create your own second chances at jobs like this! Wishing you every happiness with baby and the rest of your beautiful family =] Thanks for all that you have given to us!!!
Love Georgia x

Unknown said...

Hey kandee hope all is good. don’t worry about that opportunity god is going to give you more opportunities like that you'll see good bless you and you family mucho love, makeup and fashion. :) <3

Tillinenz said...

You will most probably be invited to go to Fashion week again and I think that you did exactly what you were supposed to. Greetings from Helsinki and huge hugs to you :)

Blonde Mafia said...

Dont worry Kandee God will give you more opportunities and since you chose the right thing to do it will be bigger and better opportunities. Gods going to bless your socks off. Your such a great and wonderful loving person and a amazing mom. I hate that the timing was bad, I know it has to be disappointing.

to next years fashion week,

Essi said...

I think NYC is amazing too! It's so unbelieveble that I have been there once 'cause I live so far away in Finland and I'm just 13 years old! I have the best mom who took me and my sister to NYC last summer. I had to leave this comment because you mentioned the Ivana Helsinki.. I WAS BORN IN HELSINKI (and I live in Finland like I said). I really want to see you some day.. and it felt really good how you mentioned Helsinki in your blog, it suonds weird but it was really nice to read! You should come to Finland some day ;)!

Kelly said...

Thanks for mentioning Mirabella in your blog, Kandee! We will definitely keep you in mind for future events:) Kelly

Anabelle said...

Very touching...
Yes, as mothers, we sometimes have to sacrifize... You did what you thought was right for you and your baby, and that's the most important.
That's where you show how strong you are...

cindy said...

Maybe someone will buy you all the things you show, it you listed, in your not so subtle way...you should stop accepting things from people, it's wrong. Either you share what your blessed to know with nothing in return, or you shouldn't do it..it's not right.

Unknown said...

Kandee For starters I hope you read this: you're
A M A Z I N G at what you do being a mom,makeup artist,daughter,sister and everything else. you're SUPER MOM!! Forget about the nasty.ugly people who hate on you, don't forget you have all of us who love you and respect you and your lovely work you do on your videos,blog posts etc. Through your videos I have learned soo much. My MOM who I love and adore couldn't teach me about makeup but that's okay I have you to watch to help me out. <3 Alianna

bohogirl said...

CHANGING HATERS OUT THERE!This is one of the most inspirational messages I have ever heard. I am sure your messages have helped a lot of people. I hope that some of the haters are getting the message and it turns them around. Good for you for spreading love and hope instead of negativity, and raising your children in that way.We are kindred spirits for sure. <3

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