when I was 12...I auditioned for the role of Alice, in Alice In Wonderland..it was a musical.
I got the part (insert...YAY!)...I made my outfit...a NEON Alice In Wonderland...3 tiered neon orange, green and pink skirt
neon shirt...neon headband, and some sort of brightly colored footwear, I'm sure....memory is a little hazy...ha ha ha
I sang, I wandered (under pink and orange stage lights)...talked to caterpillar's...
it was fun....every night, I loved it!
My favorite part about make-up, is the art and creative thinking that is involved...
this look was so fun to come up with...as an artist, this is my favorite...really "painting" and "designing" a look...

for the EYEBROWS...I first tried a gigantic pair of fake eyelashes...they looked bad....then I remembered I bought feathers for the Marie Antoinette look....so away I went to glue some feathers for eyebrows....I like the "Artsy" feel that they gave...very ethereal!
may I mention, that I really like Johnny Depp...(even when he was on 21 Jump Street...ha ha ha)

HAIR COLOR TIP: spend an extra dollar and buy the good hair color spray...mine was the store brand (Target, Wal-Mart, etc)....and it stunk, didn't really cover well....spend the extra 75 cents or so...it's worth it!
(before the ceremonial 10 face washings....to remove all feather-glue traces...)
watch and enjoy...please feel free to make a video response on youtube if you do this look! I'd love to see!
have a great day...remember "It's NEVER TOO LATE, to be who you might have been"- George Herbert (Julia Child was in her 50's when she started cooking!)
huge smiles, kandee
hey darling,
i really like your mad hatter look. i think thats a good idea for halloween (:
You're so creative and also talented in your job. Amazing you!
i got a little question, could you show us the make-up of the The Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter)?
that would be wonderful ;)
thanks for all kandee
that's so creative! well done...this'll be perfect for a halloween makeup look :)i'm in awe
Absolutely amazing!! One Kandee to rule them all, I love it! 8D
The resemblance is uncanny. You are one talented girl!
I think you look so cool as the mad hatter! really good job. and I didn't know that about Julia Child, that's crazy awesome.
kaaaaaaaannnnnnndeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeee r following u everywhere!!!!!!!
oh god what a gooood work u've done!!! come and visit our blog its in portuguese :S but u kan see pictures and stuffs hope u like it!KISSESS
great make up, funny video as always it's delightful, thank you Kandee! though poor you look tired and you doing your videos at night!
you love your fans that much don't you?
Hey Kandee!
Could you tell us how to do Adriana's make up. It looks so good and I just can't do it.
Thanks already! Love your videos
Absolutely amazing! You are so talented, it is a sin! Love you, Kandee!
Wow Kandee this is so awesome! I love Johnny Depp and I love Alice in Wonderland :) Can't wait to see the movie when it comes out! I also really loved your Jessica Rabbit look. I absolutely loved Who Framed Roger Rabbit as a kid. You really are talented at this! Keep it up and can't wait to see what you have in store for us next! :)
I have a question for you. Since you always have such flawless looking skin, I was wondering what sort of face wash you use.
you are beyond amazing. truly truly gifted!!!! thanks for all you do!
Kandee, you never cease to amaze me!!!!!!!!
Kandee!! that was awesome! Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are my favorite!! im sooo going to do this for halloween. hopefully it turns out as good as yours. hmm. you should to the 'queen of hearts' look played by Helena Carter in the Alice in wonderland movie!!
When I seen the screen shot of your video on youtube I was like Johnny??? you really look like him in this movie! Great job!
this was interesting!! but you did a great job Kandee!!!
this was amazing!! im actually going as old school alice in wonderland for halloween this year. maybe u could do ur version of how to do her makeup?! keep up the AMAZING work!
<3 kasey
that is crazy-good.
do you have any pics of your past halloween costumes? I'd love to see what you dress up as.
LOVE IT!! You are so creative Kandee! Thank you again for doing it for us! Love ya!
LOVE IT!! You are so creative Kandee! Thank you again for doing it for us! Love ya!
This look s crazy! But I'm so impressed with how perfect looking the face is! It's perfectly matte and totally smooth just like Johnny's good job! So awesome, and also, I just dedicated my last blog entry to you, and i would be so touched if you checked it out! Please and thank you! Much love as always!! <3
Kandee! lol, I love this! you do an amazing job on your makeup tutorials. I love alice in wonderland, and I love johnny depp! thanks so much!
Wow. That was amazing!! You can do anything and everything with makeup! You are soo gifted. Thanks for all you do!
Wow. That was amazing!! You can do anything and everything with makeup! You are soo gifted. Thanks for all you do!
Hi Kandee
I really love this look. I was wanting to know if you could do a
Sexy Vampire Look for Halloween.
kaadeee =)
thank u again for another great tutorial, my sister and i have been anxiously waiting for this one lol we're a big johnny depp and tim burton fan and a big fan of you so this is a just ubeerrdupperrr .... hmm i cant even think of a a word after acutally lol ohh and kandee the flower ring that u have, they have a similar ring at walmart but instead of all plastic all around its on silver but the flower is still the same, and i think its 5bucks .. i was tempted to get one but my financial aid hasnt kick in yet lol if books only doenst cost so much these dayS!
have a wonderful day keendee!
Thats awesome!!!!! I always like the crazy costumes better then the atractive ones their just more fun last year i was the joker for halloween!!! Aaaaaaah i cant decide between this and edward scissorhands two johnny depp charecters hahahaha what do you think???
Just watched your video, it's amazing. You are so talented!!!
Hey Kandee!!! Did you know you were featured in a Brazilian magazine. Here's the link of the scan I found through another make-up guru (Mischievous)
Here's the other link to see the rest of the article
I love that you made a Tekken reference.
That is absolutely amazing. I am SO going to go as Mad Hatter!!!!
this is seriously awesome! you still make it pretty lol...i cant wait to see your other costumes!! thanks kandee!
As a child I never really liked Alice and Wonderland, but the Mad Hatter was my favorite character and part of the whole movie. I absolutely love your tutorial...I think I just might put him at the top of my "what shall I be" list for halloween 8) Thnx Kandee!!!
I dont know where I should post a request so dont hate me if i posted this in the wrong area.
I noticed earlier you had a poll up for the next LOOK you should do. I was wondering if you could possibly do HARLEY QUINN from batman.
Not the old school Harley Quinn - I think the new school Harley from ARKHAM ASYLUM IS HOTT - and I want to be her for Halloween. I want to look as Legit as possible but i dont know how on earth to do it! PLEASE HELP
Below is the link for The Look Im Mentioning.
<3 <3 <3
i agree with megan.
the harley quinn look would be amazing. i got that idea for halloween, too.
thanks kandee (:
waouh, thanks for this video, that was not a simple MU, but a total work to do ! great !
I was between pain and fun at the end, when you put off feathers.. !!
KANDEE KANDEE..This is great..but did you know that you are featured on a Brazilian magazine????? OMG..Go to MissChievous blogspot and you'll see yourself on the article, along with that European girl whom inspired you to open a YouTube account..CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
KANDEE KANDEE..This is great..but did you know that you are featured on a Brazilian magazine????? OMG..Go to MissChievous blogspot and you'll see yourself on the article, along with that European girl whom inspired you to open a YouTube account..CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
Hey Kandee! Did you know you were in a Brazillian magazine article??? I just found this on a blog, and I noticed you hadn't said anything about it.
Here's the pictures I found of it..
Absolutely brilliant. I can't wait til your super famous one day. You deserve it honey will the amount of talent and personality you've got. ;)
I just wanted to add my two cents! :D This is amazing work! You really have some talent there! Just one word to describe it all AMAZING.
Hej Beautiful!
Wow i have never seen a makeup artist with such a big talent as you! This is so amazing!
I hope you are really proud of yourself!
Could you do a CLEOPATRA LOOK - a really bronzy, strong beautiful look!
Or else please do "Barbie", maybe the really retro Barbie like the pictures on ur blog from semptember 1.... love it! Keep doing what you do, everyday i rush to my computer to read ur blog!
you are AMAZING!
Hugs from Mie, Denmark
Its so cool, you have a beautiful imagination, xoxo:)
wow you are so talented at what you do! seriously great work!! :D
I love it , like everything you do Kandee!!! You r awesome!!! I would love to see your versions of Queen Amidala from Star Wars, Edward Scissorhand (love this movie) or Corpse Bride (sexy version). Lol !!! High on Life always!! ME
i´m from Mexico and
you are too creative really you are fun!!
One word "incredible"
it´s amazing find people too creative as you
Hey Kandee.
I watched your videos just today and gosh I really love what you do! Thanks for these vids I'm also a stage performer so I find these helpful :)
More power, and God bless! :)
hey Kandee,
Thanks for the video tutes, you're amazing at what you do :] i'm a guy and a toootal noob when it comes to makeup, but after your Hatter vid i'm kinda leaning towards it; i've got three weeks to finish building the costume and figure out how to put things on my face! (i'm going to fail so bad, haha it'll be fun!)
Anyway, wish me luck! And thanks again :]
Okay so i totally ran out of time on the outfit, i got the costume but couldn't get makeup for it :/ BUT i did go by your orange hair spray idea, and i think i must've bought a similar brand to yours because it smelled SO BAD like petrol mixed with fart and bacon or something. Also there didn't seem to be much in the can, but like you i have dark hair so the colour was probably just less effective than it would've otherwise been.
Anyway the rest of the costume looked amazing if i dooo say so myself, i'll link a pic :]
Hmm i don't know if Blogspot will let me link that but yah. Anyway take care and God bless you dear! You're SO AWESOME. Don't ever doubt yourself!
Interesting interpretation, I love the feathers.
It's so wonderful to see real painted on (well, airbrushed, same difference!) makeup looks in a mostly CGI film.
Depp looked marvelous and fit right in without lots of prosthetics or overly complex makeup tricks. I teach a theatrical makeup class and my first rule is simple usually is better. Depp's makeup was beautiful, believable, and contextual -- what more can a makeup fan ask?
Hi Kandee! I'm Andri from Venezuela! thank you for the tutorial.. it was usefull! I went to a Halloween Party this year as the Mad Hatter... The Makeup was AMAZING!
I used 2 variations: for the face i used regular base and baby powder... it worked pretty well!!! and it came out easily
For the hair i used "pintadedos" i don't know the name in English, but is a waterbase painting that kids use in preschool...
I have used "pintadedos on my hair and/or skin for several custumes such as Wilma Flinstones, Lisa Simpson, Bellatrix Lestrage... and sooooo on
In a party I ran at my place for Carnival few years ago somebody left a GREAT hat which i used for the costume... Check out mi picture as the Mad Hatter!
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