2 things I did do yesterday..and 1 thing i didn't:
1. drove around the Hollywood Hills (and saw them setting up a huge party with red carpet ropes and crazy swirley balloon sculptures....very fun...It was some celebrities house for sure!
2. met Dineh Mohajer...the awesome girl who created Hard Candy....she is so fun and funny...I want to live in her house...she has a huge white patio...that has a twirling staircase that goes up to a "patio" on the trees...love it...she made me a yummy tortilla wrap and we ate ice cream sandwiches...I had so much fun with her
1. I did not dress up in any costume....or go out...but I had fun anyway!
other things I thought about:
Fear and being afraid are a huge part of Halloween...and a lot of people live with fear in their lives everyday...
afraid of being alone
of going after your dreams
of confronting people
afraid of going after your dreams
of being who you really are
telling people things
of going after things in your life
telling people how you feel
...so many other things...
fear is what makes you want to run away...
but we should..."do it afraid"...
if you're knees are shaking...plams are sweating....stomach feels all shakey...
do it with all those things....
I heard once, fear is F-false E-evidence A-appearing R-real....
don't let fear steal your confidence away...
be bold, be strong, be brave....and you will be so proud and amazed at yourself for standing up to your fear....
everytime I have I have been amazed at myself....
Instead of chickening out at a hair show many years ago...I forced myself to talk to 2 owners of famous salons....and big make-up artist...and they all offered me jobs or opportunities...all because I didn't chicken out...now I have faced more fearful situations than those...but it just takes you taking hold of your thoughts and saying....no, I can do this...don't let the "feeling" of fear stop you, and don't let fear steal away the victory in your life...
be bold, brave...and find out the wonders of your bold confidence...
David defeated Goliath...because he had faith...and belief...not fear!
Sending you brave thoughts and lots of love.....kandee
so the coolest....and so inspirational
I adore you, Kandee! Thanks for all the inspiration ;)
Kandee, how does one hire you? My husband is doing an indie music video, shooting in LA, and I might be in it.
Oh Kandee... words can't describe how thankful I am for you writing this for all of us to see! This is exactly what I have been facing for the longest time, and just by reading these precious words of yours lifts my spirit so incredably much! Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such an AMAZING person!!! You truly help people every single day and I just pray to God that I can be like that someday! Love you, Kandee!!! You are one of those people I don't think I will ever forget for as long as I live! God bless you in everything that you do :)
Reading this made my day. You are such a great person. I love watching your videos, and reading your blogs. You are my role model!!!
Kandee you are fabulous! I tried to copy you Michael Jackson tutorial for halloween, hmm hahaha you can see the photos on my blog! You definately made a better MJ than I did!
wow, never thought of it that way... i'm afraid of taking risks and i will be til i graduate... i'll finish my pre-med course and see where i go from there.
U are super!!!!!
I needed this! I'm starting my own business as a Pure Romance consultant but am painfully shy, so have trouble approaching people to hand out my cards, etc. Thx for giving me the extra push to face my fears and hopefully make my business a success. Lots of love & "kandee" coated hugs to you.
thank you for your inner strength! thank you for showing it to us! and thank you for sharing your journey as well! you are more than loved by all your fans! you wonderful person you!
Thanks Kandee! That spoke volumes to me! I'm right in the middle of an life alternating decision now moving to LA, and it can be so easy for me to have fear because I have no idea what I'm going to do when I get there, God just told me to go, LOL. the first step is to go to MUD and the next step, I don't know, lol
but i love the acronym you used for fear.
this year has been a trying year for me. a year of heartbreak and a loss of friends. it's been a battle. so many times, fear has crept up on me.
but there is no reason for me to fear because God is on my side and if i just have faith and believe God will work all things together for good!!
I love you Kandee! You're such an inspiration to me!
thank you so much for all the positive energy you send out! and thank you for sharing what i'm sure many of us are thinking! you are awesome!
You have no idea how much I needed to read something like this right now. I was crying out of desperation before I started reading it, but it's so true David defeated Goliath because he had faith.
Thank you Kandee. Have a good night and God bless
Hey Kandee, I came to your blog from youtube, and I really want to thank you for all your videos. A lot of guys say that 1) looks are everything and 2) you can't improve your looks with make up. But you've really helped to brighten my day and give me a lot more confidence because I see how much change a person's looks can get from knowing how to do make up well. You look very beautiful when you are done up, and it's nice of you to say that your colors and ideas can work for all sorts of people.
What you do is really important.
OOO dear beautiful kindred spirit, your words are so KINGDOM and I am so blessed to see the way the Kings presence in your life radiates in all that you do. You infect every part of a disease ridden world with a source of life that fills the hopeless with hope and gives the creative a reflection of the creator and reason to dream. I love that the impossible is not impossible at all with you. Dreaming is one of the Kings best gifts. Dreams are the desires of his heart for us in waiting.. His promises and he wants to fulfill them. You are your own sign that makes us wonder. I shall call you MIRACLE! Be blessed beloved...
Thanks, Kandee! SO encouraging! Its so easy to be "fearful" of the unknown...but u r so right...Thanks for being such an inspiration!
It is so great to hear others stories on how they faced their fears. I am a big believer in "Feel the fear, but do it anyway" If you feel it and walk through it, the other side is always so much more rewarding.
Oops, forgot to write that I think you are the coolest and very inspirational!! xoxo
thank you kandee! i needed that bit of inspiration to start off my week. have a good one!!
Hi there Kandee! You got awesome vids, tips and coll stuff. No wonder lots of gals really love yah! And i'm one of them. Though, I have a request actually. Yo mentioned something about the moisturizer and foundation. I hope you'll have a video of that as well. So i'll get to know more a=on how to apply it. HOpe you can help me with this. Plus, I don't know exactly what foundation suits my skin. I'm having a hard time choosing. Every time I apply it, it's caky and cracking on my face.My skin is really sensitive. I dont even know the best moisturizer to use.
Hope you can help me with these..
So very true! I know so many people who live in fear on a daily basis and as a result, they are stuck in neutral. What a horrible way to live, IMHO. In order to create things in your life, a better way of life, you need to take risks, which means stepping out of your comfort zone.
You're such a great source of inspiration - love ya :)
kandee, have you read or watched The Secret(it comes in book, movie, or audiobook)? its about the power of positive thinking and manifesting things into your life. i honestly think of you, because i believe you are a true example of how someone can manifest with the right attitude. you are sooo inspirational. NEVER give up.. i can't wait to see what the future holds for u!
this post just made my day and made me realize that we have nothing to fear but fear itself (old saying, but so true). because if you have faith- what is there to really worry or fear?? i love meeting beautifully creative and confident women like yourself- keep it up girl.
kandee, you're definitely a beautiful gift from above. xo
greetings from singapore
You've been awarded a "Lovely blog award" from me :) Congratulations! Check out my blog! x
Kandee reading your blogs & watching your videos are some of the best parts of my day! I could just watch and read them all day!
i had an english teacher named mrs mohajer. unique name. she was friggin AWESOME. inspiring.
very true, also very much easier said than done haha. thanks for sharing your thoughts kandee =) your a super inspiration.
Hey. I just wanted to say that if you didn't see it already, I posted a msg to you on the most recent Snow White make-up video post on here. I really want you to read it, as I really just spilled some thoughts.
I hope you do. =D
I just wanted to say that you are SO RIGHT, Kandee!! My cousin and I started an online support community for this exact purpose. So many people EVERY DAY live in crippling fear and are made fun of, laughed at, ignored because people are ignorant and don't understand how much it can control and take over your life.
Thanks for being an inspiration, we need more people in the world like you :)
Sammy Knuckles
Do you normally post on your "Adventures in Kandeeland"
Heyy Kandee this is my 1st time i comment in your blog but i read it from a long time and i watched most of your videos i reallyy love your work!! great job!
Hey its Monkey Queen,
Your amazing! lol I happened to have stumbled upon your blog with an ex friend and i have been obsessed with your videos and blogs.I got my whole family to love you...even my dad lol. Anywayk keep being amazing.
I think your wonderful. Anytime I need inspiration from someone genuine. I always come to your blog and I ALWAYS find something that makes me think.... shes totally right! i can do this...then...i do it. so thanks.
Kandee you have been such an inspirarion to me. I watch all of your you tube videos and I just about cried when I watched the video of your story not because of how sad it waa but because of how you came out of that experiance as such an amazing and loving human being! You have inspired me in so many ways possible and I just hope that one day I can be inspirational to people also because you make my day everytime I read your blog or warch one of your videos so thank you for just being such an amazing person!!!!
Wow Kandee! I almost lost it when you wrote about David and Goliath. Yes, I'm a strong believer of God and have complete faith in Him. And I am absolutely happy that you find your refuge in Him too. Love ya lots Kandee!!! you are truly a good example of a virtous woman. Like Ruth in the Bible. Anyway, have a great nite. <3
Kandee, I love you soooo much. I had the opportunity of finding you in Disneyland lol I can't tell you enough of how you ALWAYS touch my heart. I live so close to you, I wish I could spend a day with you. With your loving, amazing self. I can honestly say that whenever I am down, I do think of you and how much you love me and believe in me... the inpiration you have brought into my life, it amazes me that through youtube, I've found an amazing friend. thank you for being so wonderful. keep being your beautiful self, inside and out <3
love, Ashley
i love hard candy make up. it rocks
i love hard candy make up. it rocks
Yeah, well, at least I'm not afraid of frogs! :-) I am a little afraid of the Hollywood Hills though.
Hey Girl,
Thank you for being a light. You seem to be the type of woman to always rise above the circumstance. That makes you More Than A Conqueror <~~~ Spelling error Hooked on Phonix did not work for me! lol Thank you for being a blessing! You are awesome!
Andrea Delsandro
Kandee you are amazing! Your son is so handsome and must be so proud to have you for his mom. I love all of your makeup tutorials!
So I must say I don't think I've ever had a real role model before aside from my mother and grandmother, but
everything about you has just made you mine. Continue what you're doing Kandee! You are being a light unto the world. You help so many of us who have found ourselves in our slumps afraid or just sad about our days and just a glance on your page or videos sends a smile our way, where for that moment we are inspired and motivated and feel a joy that hasn't been there in a while.
You are such a strong beautiful woman. There need to be more people out in the world like you. Thank you so much for all your encouragement, your perseverence, your creativity, your joy, and most of all your vulnerability, letting us in to a little piece of your lives so that we may all benefit. Again Kandee, Thank you!
You touch my soul Kandee.Tnx for the all encouragement,I need that in my life right now:)You are so strong and brave.I will tray your way the Kandee brave,strong way:)))
You are seriously the most awesome person ever. Loved this post...
I love you!! I wish I knew someone like you IRL. You're so cute and happy and hopeful... really picks my mood up every time I watch your videos and I don't even where makeup. You still make me smile even when I'm in a really bad mood and I really love reading your blogs too. And you're special for that cause I don't bother reading ANYONES Blog... but yours are just so happy and full of feel-goodness and hope, they just make me smile.
You say and do so many wonderful things for so many people. I wish there was somthing I could do for you! Love you Kandee!!!!!
Thanks Kandee! This made my day I am going to face my FEARS of not being able to dress the way I want, or wear my hair the way I want!
kandee, my name is Maria, I'm from Russia. I just picked your video at random on youtube and fell in love with your smile and your attitude to life. I've spent the whole evening watching your pictures and videos and listening to your voice. I don't want to sound pathetic but this was the most inspiring experience for the last few months. thank you! be happy!
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