Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A little bit of "heart" reality...

I wanted to post an update video about the Road To Reunion series:
now you can watch the families being reunited with the their mom's and dad's that have been overseas for up to a year!
Can you imagine...when we think we miss someone when we haven't seen them for a few days or weeks!

My heart goes out to all the precious families that are missing a special loved one right now. I can only imagine what that must feel like.
To all the families...who are not with their mom, dad, brother, sister, husband, fiance or boyfriends...I pray for your strength and their safe return to your loving arms!

huge love from my heart to yours....kandee


morphine said...

hope,you'll never know how it feels..

beautylogicblog said...

I have a family member who has been away for some time, I can't wait to see him again. hopefully soon. thanks for posting this


Reeciedarling said...

Seeing Donnie for the first time after 15 months was unbelievable. It was a beautiful feeling but something I never wanna go through again.


I got to spend Christmas with my Soldier this year... I am so thankful!

Unknown said...

You've totally motivated me to work harder and look pretty while doing it!! Keep up the inspiration!!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine what it must be like for those whose loved ones will never return...Let's count our blessings!

Unknown said...

my sons dad is about to leave to the marines in july.. i don't know how im gonna be able to handle that. ='[

Lauren Seay said...

My husband and I are getting ready to take on our second deployment. The first was in Iraq & this one in Afghanistan. Thank you for your kind words Kandee, it is always so nice to hear that people appreciate not only what our loved ones that are overseas but what we sacrifice as well.

Anne-Mette Højbjerg said...

Hi Kandee..
I hope it's okay I write to you in here now you don't have a tagwall..

But I just want to tell you how big a inspiration you are to me.. I dream about beeing a make-up artist, but I don't have the money to start.. so I'm just doing it on amature-basis..

I just found your blog, but I've seen a lot of your videos on youtube and I just love your personality..

But yearh.. Just wanted to say hai and tell you how great I think you are..

A little "hi" from Denmark.. (;

Hugs from GiZmo -

Anonymous said...

When I was 19 in the Army, I met my bio mom for the first time in 16 years. It was unforgettable

Anonymous said...

I feel nervous knowing the fact i'm going to have to go through this very soon. I'm currently at university in England, in July i have to go abroad for a year, this could be to the USA, Australia, Dubai, anywhere.. it's part of my course. I will be away for next christmas, my birthday, families birthdays etc.. it upsets me thinking about it, specially because i am so close to my mom, she's like the missing piece to my puzzle, more than a week apart and i miss her so i cant even begin to imagine how im going to cope a whole year without her, suppose i'll find that strength to do it, i just have to keep reminding myself it's a year! i'll be back :)
Leah x

HeWearsCombatBoots said...

I am SO GLAD you posted this Kandee!! My family was supposed to be on this series(they contacted me through my blog- our base wouldn't allow it because our base houses Central Command which is where the headquarters for the war overseas is. My husband returned September 12 on our two year wedding anniversary and reunions are the most amazing things. Deployments are so tough and my daughter and I had a really hard time with it but the second we saw him getting off that plane it was just the most wonderful feeling in the world:) :)

Unknown said...

I know what it's like to not be able to see or hear from a family member for months and months on end... my brother was in the Marines and was sent to Iraq during the worst of the war in 2003-2004 and again in 2005.... it was horrible. Seeing Marines on tv and hearing that more had been killed.. you just prayed you didn't hear knock on your door and men in suits standing there to tell you he wouldn't be coming home. Thankfully after 3 horrible tours.. he's out and healthy and we couldn't ask for more. We thank God all the time for keeping him and his fellow Marines safe.

sara said...

I have not seen my parents who are oversees for 3 years. I only wish for the day that I can be reunited with them happily and safely.

Dawn said...

What soldiers and their families go through for us defies description. It is beautiful to see reunions like that. That said, soldiers aren't the only ones that are away from their spouses a long time. My husband lives in England, and we've only spent a total of not quite 4 months together over the past three years, and none of that all at once. We're finally able to start the immigration process and will be doing so in January. The day he comes here, and doesn't have to go back, will be the most amazing of my life. It will be about a year and a half since we last were together, by the time he gets here. I'm only thankful he's not in danger, as our soldiers are. But I do know, in a very small measure, how their spouses feel. God bless our men and women fighting for us.

Barbie said...

My boyfriend and I only get to see each other about once a month (roughly) because he's away at school. We've been doing this for over 2 years now, and it only gets harder!

I can't imagine how people can handle their SO going away for so long at a time. :( One month is bad enough.

Praying for all of them!

Claudia said...

Oh lordie, this just made my heart squish!
My fiance is only leaving for 3 months in the summer. I am nervous about it since we've never been apart for more than a weekend. I can't imagine how other families do it. I can only pray that God gives me the strength. Goodness, it's going to a tough one.

ps: I LOVE the makeup you are wearing! Tutorial? :P

miann.marie said...

Kandee... I'm in the Navy and know what its like to be overseas (in Naples, Italy... which is not as awesome as you would think with the schedule i work) and not see your family for over a year... I'm in that boat right now. Luckily I have the most amazing boyfriend here with me (he's Navy also). My heart really goes out to those who have loved one in the middle east that is harder than you could ever imagine... thank you for your post showing that you know it is a hard thing to go through. I read your blog and watch your youtube videos. It gives me a little peace of home and brightens up my day.

This little navy sailor
Miann Marie!

Anonymous said...

hey kandee! i started watching the videos on the website after i watched your first video about it. I cry EVERY time i see a new video, i cant imagine going through something that these families are going through every day, however, i do have on little complaint, the videos arent up when the schedule says theyre going to be and it makes me so sad when i cant watch the videos that i have so very much been looking forward to!! Kandee id also like to say that you are one of the most beautiful people i have ever witnessed in my life, you have such an awesome outlook on life and it makes my heart smile every time i watch one of your videos!! thank you for being so beautiful both inside and out!!! also... there was a quote on your before and after video that im thinking about getting tattooed on my shoulder, just to remind myself that its the inside that counts and that im beautiful even when i dont have all my make up on (which isnt that often) have an awesome day!!

Unknown said...

I've e-mailed crownbrush twice but they haven't answered yet. Is the e-mail address really correct? Causue I would really like to order those brushes.

Sunshine said...

Dedde_ said...

I pray for safe return for those who have loved ones that is coming back for the holidays. Feel the love!

And... I just had to thank you for the brush-video, Kandee! You just made my entire year by posting about those Crown-brushes. I ordered them just a few minutes ago! YAY!

Have a great day, everyone reading this! Much love from me to you!

Czesława said...

My daddy's a sailor and there where times when I haven't seent him even for a half of a year, so I know how those families feel.

gods-masterpiece-me said...

Hey Kandee.. I am one of those unfortunate ones!! I am studying in Canada, and been away from home (India) for 6 yrs... It sucks big time.. But I gave my parents a surprise visit 4 yrs ago on their 25th anniversary and they were sooooo shocked to see me!! My mom literally jumped in excitement!!! hehehe... Its those moments that make me stronger to get thru life everyday... :)

Raluca V said...

Hi Kandee! I wish all the best in 2011 for you and your wonderful kids!
I've been reading your blog for over a year now and last night you appeared in my dream. You were searching for a make=up assistant and I got the job and I was soo happy 'cause it was my first time in USA (i'm from Romania, it's in Europe in case you've never heard of it) and I got to work with you! This nightdream really made my day!

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