I just found out (from Catherine...thank you!!!)) that I was on the GLAMOUR magazine blog today!!! And I'm the little "yellow-ish" image on the beauty button link!!!!

(I didn't even know....I'm glad they used the fun bubble picture, my photographer friend, Ian Ruhter(his profile pic on his blog..has him holding the very Hello Kitty bubble maker we used) took this! thanks ian! so much better than the yellowy one I took myself, below! ha ha ha)

check it out: (in a size you can actually read! ha ha ha)
I'm so happy for you, Kandee! You so deserve it! ♥
That's awesome Kandee!!! Congrats!! Next thing you know you'll be on talk shows all over the place!! I'm so happy for you! You deserve to be recognized for your talent and great personality!
Aww congrats!!! You totally deserve it and much much more!! It should say "how to transform yourself inside and out...just ask Kandee"
Congrats! I'm one of your subbies on YouTube and you are officially mine and my bff's fave make up guru lol. Keep it up!!!
You totally deserve it kandee!! CONGRATS!!!!!
Congratulations Kandee.
This is what happens when you take your own talent and share it with the world. You deserve this, and I am glad to see that your talents have been recognized by everyone including bloggers and magazines alike. :)
that's so exciting! thanks for sharing sunshine :)
WOW!!!i m sooo happy to see this. i was waiting for this . and m so sure so many more on the way . and u sooo deserve it . u ARE a celebrity to me. ur so awesome. i wish i can meet u some day. <3 u <3 u <3 u :) God bless ya!!!
Congrats grl////
a talented artist like u deserves this....
stay good
Yay! Just found you through Glamour today and I'm hooked. Could you please do some fairy makeup for Halloween? I'd love to see your tips!
Kandee, you and your videos are amazing! I stopped watching them for a while because I had been really busy but I have started again and now I realize how much I have missed you! You always brighten my day and I am so glad that even though you are semi-famous you are still really down to earth. You are so cute and keep posting videos because I love them and you always seem so happy! Thanks! :D -Cori
You deserve Kandee!!
That is way cool!!! Congrats Kandee! :))
Congratulations Kandee! <3
I agree with the article! <3 you have such great tutorials and videos! <3
Yay! You go, Girl! :)
YAY for Kandee! They put a great photo of you btw =)
Because of you, I discovered my new found love of the blush color "Blunt" by MAC haha. Keep up the good work!!!
Woohoo! Go Kandee! So proud of you, trust me this is just the beginning :)
Yay! Congrats, Kandee! You totally deserve it! I've started my blog too after you inspired me to do something more creative. I also tried recording myself but those mostly end in a bunch of laughter, mortification, and awkwardness. lLolL. I am remarkably camera shy, I guess ha ha
YAY!!! That's so awesome!! It's weird that they didn't inform you though haha
Kandee, I think your a STAR-straight up. I had a feeling you could sing, act, along with being a very skilled and fabulous makeup artist. Your last few tutorials are really showing us all your multi talents. I can see you going very far-way beyond YT if that's what you want. YOU GO GIRL! Oh and on top of all this your beautiful, insightful, wise, and encouraging of others.
IT IS ABOUT TIME YOU GET RECOGNIZED!! The thing that makes you POP and STAND OUT is your beautiful personality and how fun and wonderful you make evrything seem!! You are more contagious than the flu virus going around except I wouldnt mind catching you spunk!! You are addicting and glad your getting your time to shine!! Keep doing what you do and have a blessed day!!
wow Kandee! This is amazing! Just the fact that your dream has come true is incredible! And very inspiring! I'm still praying for my dream(s) to come true, but I'm also okay if they never do. I've placed my trust in God and know that He works ALL things work together for my good and His plans for me are what matters. He has truly blessed you! Carry On! :)
yay kandee!! congrats! you really deserve that recognition with all your hard work and sleepless nights posting videos for your blog&youtibe family:) I'm so happy for you! wow, being on glamour is BIG!
have an amazingly fun day:P
Congrats! you deserve it you're amazing :) xox
That's so cool!! Congrats Kandee :D
Kandee I'm so proud of you! You deserve iTT! :)
Congrats girl! You totally deserve this honor and more:) BTW that Ian friend of yours is mighty fine haha :D
Kandee your amazing and any of your videos gives me happiness!
WAY TO GO KANDEE! You definately deserve it, you put so much effort into your videos that to get recognition like that is great! Thanks for all the costume vids too they are great fun to watch! xxx
Kandee, you should start modeling again. You are stunning. As for the wig, you could do a Brett Michaels look..Or Daisy of Love..That would be funny!
I'm so happy for you Kandee. You deserve so much success. You're so talented and such a lovely person. I've learned so much from your videos and you have really changed my life for the better. Totally selfish request but please don't ever leave Youtube.I would miss you so much. Lots of <3 to you Kandee.
Good morning Kandee,
That's so cool that you are on Glamour! Woo hoo! Kudos for you. As the previous blog family members have stated...you deservethis and more. As for the person on YouTube complaining about the sound of your voice, that is her opinion but..."haters love you". :-) Keep being the beautiful, positive person that you are. Thank you for always writing something inspirational to brighten our days.
Many Blessings,
Kandee, You've kept me entertained and inspired me, yes you inspire guys! I'm VERY excited for you, and I know those long hours and hard work are paying off. I absolutely 100% love you because of one article written the other day before the Queen of Hearts video that basically I can do anything. I needed to hear that now in my life and I'm glad that you giving so much of yourself to your fans is paying off for you. So...the cover of Glam mag next? Fingers crossed over here!!!
p.s. Your Queen of Hearts video is MY FAVORITE. I love your little acting snippets...you're a trip! xoxo
Kandee, You've kept me entertained and inspired me, yes you inspire guys! I'm VERY excited for you, and I know those long hours and hard work are paying off. I absolutely 100% love you because of one article written the other day before the Queen of Hearts video that basically I can do anything. I needed to hear that now in my life and I'm glad that you giving so much of yourself to your fans is paying off for you. So...the cover of Glam mag next? Fingers crossed over here!!!
p.s. Your Queen of Hearts video is MY FAVORITE. I love your little acting snippets...you're a trip! xoxo
WOW That's AWESOME! Congrats! :)
That is great. You deserve it! I am so happy for you!
This is so great....I am very glad for you!!!!
Hey, just wondering Kandee, don't they need to ask you/tell you before they can publish an article about you? Always wondered about the technicalities of such matters.
And do they need to pay Ian Ruhter for using his photo, or at least mention that the photo was courtesy of him. Give credit where it's due, no?
thats amaaaaaaazing!! :)
you should do like a little Kandee Johnson banner or something to put up on our own pages
awe! kandee your the cutest. your glamour shout out is amazing!
you've inspired me to start videos and i have been practicing to get a vibe with my camera! i'm almost there!
i also go by candi! candishoppehair.com COMING SOON!
im a stylist and i love working with makeup artists! anywho! thanks for the inspiration!
oh kandee that' such a great and wonderful thing! i'm so happy for you coz you totally deserve it!
you're beautiful inside and out!
Wow, this is so cool! I'm so happy for you, Kandee! I
Think God is prospering you because 1.) He knows and sees you taking the talent he's given you and using it and 2.) you are so humble and appreciative of the success that has come your way.
God Bless you ten fold, friend! Keep keeping on! You're such a great example! :-)
Good for you Special K haha get it special K for Kandee. Sorry, I'm a dork. <3
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