(me, my mama "the birthday princess"...and my sissy) in front of the "50 magical years" sign for my mom's "magical" 50th birthday! ha ha (ps. i told ya i'd wear a bright shirt, huh?!?) ha ha ha
hi everyone!
so i think of you all...all day long..i think of cool pictures to take...to show you guys, so it feels like you got to be a butterfly on my shoulder.....
I am tired. Very tired! So tired I almost fell asleep in Disneyland today!
I have an awesome post with cool pictures...but I have almost fallen asleep twice now.,...and who knows if I'll hit publish, before I even type something good.....
oh yeah....
the geisha video is uploading to youtube, as I type this! yay!

number of times i've fallen asleepw while trying to type this...then my laptop slides to the side and i wake up!!!! 'gotta get in the shower, I got thrown up on, sweated, and other things..ha ha ha
new fab pst coming soon!!!! i love you all.....and ASHLEY!!!!

I am so excited that you did the Geisha I want to be that for Halloween and I asked you to do but didn't think you would....Thanks and have fun in Disneyland....WE are excited we are taking our 4 year old daughter to Disney World once we get off this rock called Guam damn USAF!!!LOL
you are amaizing, lucky girl that met You! i think i will never have a chance , because i'm from Poland :)
Kissess xoxoxoxoxo
Im glad your having a fab time at Disneyland... never been but it sounds great! Like Beata said I wish I could meet you just for a day, with you around things would never get boring!
kisses from uk
Beta, never say never,, if u see it, it can be......
:) how nice!!! You girls (mom, sis and you) look so beautifull :D
Have a great time in Disneyland!!
Little sweet kandee, dont forget to get some sleep. Dont burn the candle in both ends! Take care and we Will all be here even if you take à day of! Love Love Love
I think Disney knew it was your mom's birthday so they set that up just for her haha. I love that pink shirt! and I'm going to Disney world today so I'll think about you and all your fun! east coast and west coast Disney fun haha! now go sleep for a day :D
We'll be waiting for more pictures coming up eh :) I don't think I'll ever have that chance too lolx I'm from Singapore lolx. ½ the world doesn't even know it exist lolx
Oh I miss Disneyland...wish i could be there right now instead of the office haha
Have fun!!!
<3 Dani
awww i was there at disneyland yesterday too but I had to leave at noon cause my sister was picking up my niece. I wanted to meet you but maybe next time. I'm glad you had a wonderful time there and Happy Birthday to your mom!
:) Thanks Kandee! I was so excited when I found you! I was saving up money to go get some make-up this saturday.. (I dnt ever where any, I started watching your videos, and I loved that you showed us how to do it. So I think that's all I needed, was to be shown how)..for Kristen Stewarts style that I like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxbJgf3bY68 but when I heard that you were going to be here at Disneyland, I just HAD to see you! And it was worth using that money :D and I am so so happy that I did. I love you so much! I look up to you alot.. you're so beautiful inside and out and I just love it. I love that you're so happy and cheerful...it's really my favorite thing about you. I'll stop rambaling lol I put a picture up of us too on my page :) love you!! -Ashley
I think your wonderful Kandee, for me your as famous as an a-lister. what makes the biggest difference is your positive, change the world, attitude. Its a blessing and i wish we could be friends. Anyone that has you for a friend is lucky beyond compare. You inspire me to finish school so that i too may share this love of makeup as a profession.
Hi Kandee I'm new to your blog, having stumbled across some of your youtube vidoes. You seriously do some awesome stuff. Just wanted to introduce myself. Live in Mass (yuck it's cold i know). Work as a receptionist and do nothing but watch random videos on youtube and watch hulu all day hahaha.
Lots of kisses!! :)
Miss the out-of-the-day!! You're an inspiration Kandee! Who else could get by on barely any sleep and still look amazing AND have a positive attitude!
Oh. my. gosh. You are going to need a vacation after your vacation!:) Looks like you're having fun, though!
Yay Disneyland! Hope you and your mom and sis had a great time. I'm not surprised you're tired. You should have a good long holiday. We'll all still be here when you get back no matter how long you go. You know you have the most loyal subs in the Universe and nobody messes with the Kandee Mafia. Ha Ha =D <3 to you Kandee.
Did I miss it or have you not posted the Cleopatra makeup rules yet?
Ok so Im super new to the blogs. I thought they would be super boring but I came across yours and I am addicted you are so fun and informative I love you videos. SO I didnt know how to navigate the site and didnt see any videos on how to color hair on your blog so I went to YOUTUBE to find a video and to my surprise there you were!! I was so greatful and after watching it you are my official glamour guru!!! I just wanted to say thank you and keep posting all the info you have because it has help me out a lot and I have only been watching for a short time!!! Thanks again!
guess what? It is mismatch day at my school on Monday. How awesome is that? Have a spectacular time in Disney! I love your costume videos.
Hi, I was just watching Sex and the City and i know you have done looks from that before but carrie in the sixth season just looks so pretty, so glowing, prettier than any other season. so i was wondering if you could do a video or give some tips? Your wonderful!
Happy Birthday to your Mom, Kandee! I hope ya'll had a fantastic time in the greatest place in the US! :0) hehe Looks like ya'll had fun!
I've been wanting to try some of your looks out and do a 'video response' to them, but too chicken to do so. lol Oh well I WILL ANYWAYS!
Totally love the new Geisha look. I did one when I was pregnant.. lol I went to work as a PREGNANT GEISHA lol funniest joke in the office. lol Anyways.. you look awesome!
Hope you get some beauty rest! Take much care and Sweet Dreams Kandee! :0D
kandee! I love your vids, your blog and everything! I think you are an amazing person.
I was wondering if you could give my friends and I a hand 'cause we are planning to disguse as famous 80's female singers as Cindy Lauper and Madonna...but we are five girls and we haven't been able to think anymore singers...we were born in the 90's...lol
thanks a lot!
love you!
PLz do a greak goddess look next
luv luv ur blogs and vdos xx
I'm so happy for geisha look and Disney princes
luv luv!!! You are amazing girl
Hi Kandee, I love your posts! This time I'm writing to suggest a look!
The bronze beaaauuuutifullll make up of J-Lo at Love don't cost a thing video!!
Take care! ;)
Hi Kandee. I'm a girl from Estonia. It is really small country near Russia and Finland. Anyway, I have looked so many videos and I absolutely adore you. I just wanted to ask you smth. Q: My problem is, when i go to school, my face goes like wet (sweaty) and red. I have sensitive skin. So, i put in the morning just concealer under my eyes and little mascara, sometimes little foundation on my cheeks but nothing more. Can you give me some tips, that i wouldn't sweat anymore. I would be very thankful. It is really biiiiig problem.
Thank you
OMG, i go out of town for a week and a halk and look at all the KANDEEEENESS i missed! There are some fun makeup videos i need to get caught up on. Can we have halloween everyday this month?
Also quick Q for you, i'm getting a MAC order together and i wanted to try out that super fab hot pink blush... cant remember the name of it for the LIFE of me. And nothing looked familiar on the pro site? Can ya help a girl out?
Omg you, your mom and sis all look so alike! Me my mom and sis don't look that alike! Hehe 50th banner, your mom turning and the glasses all so fitting :D great pic!
Hey Kandee!
I've been watching you for a long time on youtube and I absolutely love your blog! Can you do a Twilight vampire look?
On that note, I really want to be a vampire for halloween, but I'm Indian and I don't know how to get my skin to look pale (but still look Indian). Can you give tips for people with darker skin tones for a vampire look? Thanks!
oh wow i LOVE disney.... it soooo happy and great! i went to disneyworld a couple months ago... and even as an adult i was more excited them most of the little kids! haha i ran around to meet all the princess'! haha
Awesome pics Kandee and I agree w the rest. Ashley is one lucky girl to have met you. You 2 look so cute in that pic! peace & love
Wow, Kandee Your mom and my mom have the same birthday! My mom turned 50 too!
Looks good! <3
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