hats are.....a wonderful style element & they are the best thing to make your hair look good when it really doesn't...as was the hair case for me.....ha ha ha (i got this head-topper at good ol' Target...I love Target...but I think I just went in there for like toothpaste and came out with a way bigger bill!)
moving on down the road....I have my orange shirt from Urban Outfitters....
my "boyfriend" cut jeans...(note...these are not my boyfriend's jeans...because I do not have a boyfriend...ha ha ha...that's just what they say inside the seam!)...from H& M...
and my good lo' trusty chuck taylor (converse) in black....
whoa...i just noticed I didn't even put on my watch or wrist apparel in this pictures....what the what!?! ha ha ha ah
have the most awesome, dream filled day.....
I had a very sad discovery last night...tears started spilling and my heart started hurting.....
and both my dear friend and my mom both told me.....just think about your dreams and your future and it will help your heart focus on something....
so today..my heart is going to make a lot of dreams.....so it can run wild in dreamland....
if your day is feeling sad and lonely or hurting.....
I pray it will be filled with dreams so large...that all your hurts will get lost!!!!
the biggest of love.....kandee
OH kandee I hope you are OK - you are so wonderful and so inspiring. Much love babycakes.xxxxx
Thank you Kandee. Your words always make us feel better, and may you be surrounded and filled with love, light, and peace.
Thank you Kandee, so much. The love of my life broke up with me last night.. I take a lot of comfort in everything you say and the videos you make.. You always make me feel so much better and now especially I am thinking of all your inspirational words. I think I'll be watching your "breakup bootcamp" video many times today :( I hope you are okay soon, you are loved by so many. Take care, xxoo
I love your outfit. It's so cool. You have great ideas. And your videos are the best. I just dicovered youtube make-up gurus and saw your video about making dreams come true. You really make me feel like I can do it. I have this little dream-to become a makeup artist. Everytime I feel down or like I can't do it, I think that I can, 'cause Kandee said you can. I hope that you're OK, even if it's not OK now, it will be. I've had some rough times, I know that life is all about ups and downs and this is what makes it worth living. I hope you'll have a good day, and you really can make your dreams come true. :)
BIIIG HUG!!! Life's great because you never know what happens. Things will always sort out. You're amazing Kandee, you can make it through anything!
I hope u're fine Kandee,I would hate to know if ur unhappy. Cuz no one deserves to be unhappy in any certain way in this world. Exspecially such an insperational and wonderful person as you. Big hugs from ur fan from Norway.
Cheer up chubby bunny! I had a simular night and I woke up this morning feeling yucky so me and my 2 yr old went to a family yoga class! I highly recommend it!! being a single parent isn't easy, if anyone understands, I do! but at the end of the day its people like us that are miracle workers! Just remember that after every dark night there's a bright day, so no matter how hard it gets, hold your head up, stick your chest out and handle it (borrowed that from Tupac)! much love!!
You look adorable! I could never pull that outfit off the way you do!
& I hope you feel better soon! Sad discoveries are never fun.
Sending good wishes your way,
I usually don't comment, but I wanted to say I hope you feel better soon. Your sweet thoughts and words always make me feel so much better, and I hope all your readers can do the same for you. I hope you have a great day despite the sadness.
I love your outfit! You are an amazing person and awesomely creative.
Dreams are slippery creatures. We strive everyday to hold on to our dreams only to have them slip away from us. One of the most important things is life is to always chase your dreams. They will try to slip away and some will succeed, but those who get away will always reinvent themselves as you reinvent yourself.
~Dream In Color
So sad to hear that you are going through a rough patch. You can borrow some of my happiness until you recharge yours if you would like!! I don't mind sharing :D Remember: dreamers are always happy because they never stop dreaming!! Wishing you all the best and kind thoughts.
Let's all have this big hug for and with Kandee, yes?
I hope you and everyone around you are ok. Really, you're the best.
Kissses from Potugal.
hey Beautiful Doll! i just found your videos on youtube not that long ago maybe a month ago and oh my god your my idol! I been a makeup artist not for so long but im trying my hardest to get started on my Portfolio and when i saw your videos and how you are always happy you made me realize that you can do anything that you put your mind into. In the some videos you show your house and your leaving my dream and i just want to say that I wish you the best! always and forever! This planet needs more people like you always giving a smile and making people laugh.
One day i will be like you (if god lets me of course) You are awesome! stay safe girly girl!
Love all your amazing work! and hopefully one day I can get to meet you and even work with you ;) you never know =)
Love ya Doll!! and I hope all your dreams come True for you and your wondeful Family!!!!
Maria B =)
Hi Kandee I was hoping to view your Twilight twist video which I love but i cant seem to find in on Youtube or anywhere else. Please help i need to watch it again for my holloween costume...Thanks Your the greatest
Loves A
Nooooooo, dont be sad dear! You are to amazing to be sad and blue. I hope you will fell better soon and remember that you have so many friends around the world that loves you for all that you are, let us all carry you throu whatever makes you cry! BIG, BIG HUG FROM ME!/tess
Reading your words is like a big hug everyday Kandee. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart and soul with us. We all appreciate it!
I've been following your youtube videos for a long long time and it's wonderful to see how far you have come. You deserve it more than anymore I know! Sending you massive hugs from the UK xxx
Reading your words is like a big hug everyday Kandee. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart and soul with us. We all appreciate it!
I've been following your youtube videos for a long long time and it's wonderful to see how far you have come. You deserve it more than anymore I know! Sending you massive hugs from the UK xxx
Hi Kandee. I hope you're okay. You are a wonderful shining light. :) Hugs! Wendy
OMG! this was perfect!! My day hasnt been good till now. Thanks
Hello, precious thing! You're so wonderful, don't be upset! Everything will be ok! You encourage so many people. you must be proud of yourself. There are so many miracles waiting for you! you have your three angels around you! they will always love you, because ( I'm sure), you are the best Mom in the world! keep on craeting! it's the best medicine! Hugs and kisses!
I hope everything is ok. Its hard to think of you being sad or hurt because your such a cheery beautiful person. My heart goes out to you. You've certainly cheered me up when i've been down. I can only hope I could do the same for you someday. :) Ashley
i wish i had more words to say, but only "thank you" comes to mind. thank you, for the last paragraph.
if today sucks, that means tomorrow has to be a better one ^^
I'm sorry Kandee. Sad things are so hard because sometimes escaping or focusing on the positive is o so hard. But it is possible. It's always good to be reminded of our "positives." It's great that your family is there to help map it out. Moms are great! Kuddo's to your mom and to you. It takes strong people to smile during the tough times to help those who aren't quite as strong keep chugging along. Smiles!!
Heather in mid-MO
poor kandee : ( you are too wonderful a person to have to feel sad! I hope everything turns out beautifully for you. Until then, we'll pray for you too!
hugs hugs hugs!
BTW congratulations on being in ELLE! You deserve it!
kandee, i hope you're ok. life is full of these roads where storms come.. since i'm a song person, i hope some of these links to these songs will help you out.. feel better!!!
those are my top 3 songs that i listen to. feel better kandee cuz you're seriously an inspiration to so many!!!
with much much love,
Keep your head up and fill today with bright colors everywhere.. apparel, food, you name it. Bright colors always cheer me up... they're happy and remind me of summer! (:
love you, Kandee!!!
much love, Ashley (from Disney)
kandee I hope you are feeling much better! I just wanted you to know I really enjoy your bubbliness and you've inspired me and motivated me to do much more with my life other than work and take care of my little family. I forgot there was a me for the longest time. For the first time in a very long time, I went to the store to buy me some protucts in your videos instead of diapers or things for my husband and it felt sooooooo good. I have such a great respect toward you. Keep in touch!!!!
I love Target too. The same thing always happens to me... I go in for one thing and leave with 20.
Kandee! I need your help!!! I am being octomom
for Halloween and I can't make her face and
lips right! I know you are the expert!!! Please help!
Hi! Kandee you are a beautiful person, you have helped inspired me to realize my true passion and love. Makeup! I'm young and I don't exactly know where to start out, but I'm learning and your a big help! You make me smile everytime i watch your video's. I can tell you love what your doing, and it's beautiful. I hope in my future to meet you one day!
Written truly from my heart to yours,
Sorry to hear about your sadness. For the last few months I've decided to just SIT WITH THE SADNESS. Just sit with it and not run from it. I'm not sure I could the extremely joyous times would be possible without the opposite side of the coin. Ya know?
As far so as the "boy friend" look. I like the white t-shirt test. You look good in a plain, white t-shirt YOU LOOK GOOD.
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