yes, I posted this bad boy a while ago...but I just ran across it again...so for those cute lil' eyes of yours that didn't take it all in...here's the dirt on how i got started...am i a real make-up artist...all that jazz........ voila: CLICK HERE FOR INTERVIEW
Hi Kandee
Just wanted to send you a quick message to say that I really enjoy watching your videos and tutorials.
I'm currently studying beauty therapy in Australia and find your videos really informative and engaging.
Keep up the great work and I look forward to watching more of your videos.
Thanks so much!
Hi Kandee
I wanted to say thank you for taking time out to write your blogs, film your videos, take photographs, provide help & advice and all the other great things you do for us!
It is so great to see how far you have come, I have followed you for a long time and I am so proud and happy for you...
You have inspired me so much, before I found your videos I was suffering for social anxiety, house bound and extremely bored, now ive discovered a talent which Im hoping to turn into a career, Ive started going out and meeting new people after being asked by so many people to come do there make up. Im by no means over my anxiety but you have helped me so much!
Make up is deffinatly the way forward for me and whenever I feel down and that im never going to make it, im to shy, im not qualified you always have the right words and videos to pick me up and make me think...you know what I will be a make up artist, I will be discovered and work in my dream job!
I love you kandee & everything you do In life, you are 1 in a million!! XXXX
Lots of love
p.s (sorry its such a long message, just had to tell you!)
yaay kandee!! you are SUCH an inspiration to me ... :D :D :D
Hello Kandee!
I look forward to reading your blogs and watching your videos. I was feeling a lil down today & one of your Q&A (including some dancing) made me laugh and really brightened up my gloomy day.
Since I started subscribing to you, you've inspired me to dance to my own beat and stay positive no matter how crappy the situation is.
With my recent breakup and this gloomy fall weather approaching, you give me something to look forward to everyday. I've been learning from your videos and making myself look and feel so much more confident! A million thanks!
Keep doing what your doing. You're truly making a difference and leaving a footprint.
Have been following your videos for a long time, so I have seen this video :S
I love the pic because it took me back to my acting days ...
I quit acting once I discovered the amazing world behind the scene ...
Hi, everyone
do visit my blog
click on my name ;)
I wanted to post a
:D face
NOT a :S
silly me
you are so beautiful and a total sweetheart, and I got my hair cut kinda like yours today! Love it!
Yeah! totally do a tv show! you should be in movies and tv anyway!
Kandee thanks for sharing this interview! It was so fun to read and, your doing so well. I am looking fwd to anything you put your name to, bring on those brushes!!
Hola Kandee!
That life story video, it made me cry like crazy and realized the sun does come out after the rain. It pushed me really hard to see that I can do anything and be who I wanna be no matter who is really there to support me. Even if its only me pushing myself.
Thanks for putting your story out there and showing us you're human just like the rest of us and that anything is possible.
Just wanna say THANK YOU for all your hard work, you are amazing. I am from Brazil but I live in Seattle for about 3 years, and I was always into sports while living in Brazil, and not into make up and stuff. After watching you videos I started to buy some make up products and learning how to do it with your videos, and now I feel confident about myself and my husband is loving the new me. Love yas
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