YAY! My favorite place on Earth!!!! And the happiest!
I will be donning my classic "incredibly visible and bright" t-shirt...so that everyone can easily spot me.....I wear a neon-ish shirt everytime I got there, for this reason! HA HA HA
I will post pictures later.......or maybe update pics on twitter!!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Disneyland!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!
And Happy Birthday mom!!!! We are gonna have a "forget-I'm-50-fabulous" Day!!!
And I'm off to get dressed!!!!!!!!
FUN! I've never been there, only been to Six Flags and Hershey Park in PA.
Can't wait to see pics!
Aw im jealous!
so so jealoussss!!
I'm going to disneyland too.
Disneyland Paris!
Are you going to paris or california?
And when are you going to fly?
so i think i should go to disneyland and look for you so we can meet! :) i love love love you so much...you've changed my life for the better really. im turning my life around because of you and i am so thankful. i hope i find you (i hope you dont freak out about me looking for you, im not crazy lol i just want to meet you :) im so glad you're here!)
yay for mom! Have fun all of you there, wish I was around I love disney land and trying to play catch with Kandee in her neon flashy clothes would be so much fun! haha
have the best bday ever~
@christophe-lol im gonna try! it will be tough but i do believe it will be fun, like you said :)
aww I wanna go too!!!
Have lots of fun, can't wait for those pics! :)
Have lots of fun with your mom there!!! And share some pictures with us later ;)
I hope you and your family have a fantastic time in Disneyland!!! Woo hooo... tons o fun! :0) Have a blast Kandee!!!
Have funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Have fun! We will be there next week for my twins' 2nd birthday. I LOVE Disneyland! :)
I love your site by the way. I get so many great tips from your videos!
Gretchen (jakeandmatt.weebly.com)
You are too cute for words...but I will try. Happy Un-50th to your Mama...fun times! I am practicing and re-watching your pin-up tutorials on you tube so that I am the coolest chick this Halloween...in fact every day!
Have fun! Love all your updates and vids!
The closest thing we have to a DisneyLand is Six Flags here in Chicago. Although I have gone to Disneyworld in FL and it was truly a blast. I can only think of one thing (in this case a person) who is as happy if not happier than the happiest place on Earth..YOU!! Have fun and wish your mom a very happy birthday from your fan in Chicago. Take care Kandee!
I went to Disneyland once. My great-aunt almost got into a fist fight with someone, and she wouldn't ride anything more exciting than "It's a Small World". Hope you're having more fun than I did! lol Nice thing you're doing for your mom.
happy birthday to your momma! have fun! get some inspiration for disney looks, especially villians *hint hint* lol
Have fun! Disney's so much fun!
Aww too cute! This sounds like fun. I've never been.
Stumbled across your youtube channel while having lunch :P~ Love your attitude toward life :) Have a good time in Disney !!~
Have a great time Kandee!!! Celebrate the life that you have! You deserve it, your wonderful!!
i loveeeeeeee disney land!!!
If you love Disneyland...You would LOVE LOVE LOVE DisneyWorld. I love that place and feel like a princess when I am there. If you haven't been - you should!!!!
Me & my sister saw you! we were at disneyland as well! bright pink shirt!?!
Kandee have you ever done a makeup video on how to make round shaped eyes, look more almond shaped? If you have could you direct me to it. Thanks!!!
Have fun with yo' momma
Kandee, since you're in Disneyland can you do some Disney Princess make up looks?? I've always secretly wanted to be one, and Halloween is the perfect opportunity! You are so talented and I really enjoy your expertise and personality :)
OMG kandee! i was there that day! it was my birthday! sucks that pirates of the caribbean wasnt working... ahhhh wish i bumped into you <3!
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