i once had to move...and all I could take with me was, what could fit in my suitcase...i remember I carefully packed all my little sketch books with my drawings and paintings...my little collection of pens, pencils, and art supplies...and all the things I needed for my little baby...
I remember thinking..."I wouldn't even want to bring all this other stuff with me...into my future...it would just remind me of this yucky past!"....
and that's true for everything...
don't keep dragging your past into your future...
past failures
past heartbreaks
past dissappointments...
your future is too bright to be darkened with the shadows of the past.
I love this.."strain towards what is ahead, forgetting the past"...
too many people drag this big pile of past hurts, past failures, past bad-thinking...and it never lets the beauty of newness and hope really take flight!
Who cares if you've failed at something 200 times...don't tell yourself you're a failure....you're just getting one step closer...
I've made a lot of failed attempts at things...careers, relationships, and so on...
but to be successful, at anything..never let those failures stop you from pressing on towards success in your future...
And sometimes...you have to redo something...and it could make you angry...(like me having to re edit my snow white video and re-post it to youtube....ha ha ha)...or just maybe there's a good reason that I don't know about yet...as to why, if I do it again...it will be better!
leave your past in your past....and run boldy to your future...it's waiting for you, as fresh as can be...every morning!!! this was typed with love....kandee
I completely agree.
I myself have to make a move with my family soon and we can only take with us whatever will fit in a minivan. It's tough deciding what's important and what isn't, but I know it will all be worth it in the end... because this move will bring about great things for all of us.
Thank you for your amazing post, because it just reconfirmed to me that although things may be difficult right now, it will all work out.
My sister in law has this quote on her Myspace: "It is always dangerous to have the future be held hostage by the past..." and like you, there are no truer words but those. If we keep looking back, how can we ever look forward?
Amen! You are such an amazing person Kandee!
Thank you Kandee for your wise words - I have that much excess baggage from my past that if I was headed off overseas, my excess baggage bill would be trillions LOL My fiance tells me daily to let go but not always that easy is it? You are a beautiful person, thank you x
For some reason you always post these things right when I need them the most. Thank you <3
thank you so much for your words. you have no idea how much you have helped me emotionally. oddly enough, you posted your breakup youtube video the day me and my boyfriend of 2 years broke up. it has helped me a lot. it sucks because part of me still blames myself even though everybody around me tells me its not my fault. its been two months and i still tear up nearly every day. but it helps to know everybody has gone through this, even someone as fantastic as you. thank you! :)
If you take all the bad/sad memories along with, it doesn't leave much room for all the great things the future has in store for us.
Sometimes its hard to understand why bad things happen, but I'm a strong believer that all things happen for a reason, even if it may not be obvious to us what that is!
Great post Kandee!
i love this Kandee. You inspire me so much.
Right on Kandee, I never stop to wonder what is going on in your life when I watch your tutorials...even if you are having a bad day you still edit a video and have it up for us to see. Thank you for encouraging us with your words, smiles, dancing, songs and...LOVE...you have so much love for people. Did anyone else have a few tears on the Snow White video?? Loved it, so special...thanks for sharing!
Kandee you are such an inspiration. You really do touch my heart and it is YOU who can take credit in helping me get my messy life together and on a path.
Thank you so much for being open with yourself and your personal thoughs.
Sometimes leaving all your memories behind is hurtfull too. The thing is that when we think about our past we should focuse on what made us grow, feel alive and most of all, made us happy. The past can also be the impulse needed to lead on and let the future embrace us.
We always understimate our own capabilities. The key lies in remembering who we are and what we are, never forgetting that even though everything might seem as if its falling appart, we always have a motive to continue on... that motive is life itself, cherish that gift and all the possibilities that come with it.
Que el pasado no te defina, pero tampoco olvides quien eras y de donde venias.
Love ur post Kandee.
It's sad that it can take so much effort to leave things in the past. It is incredibly hard to detach ourselves from negative experiences. And even when you do move past it, you have to be fearless enough to start new.
Part of the reason I love your videos so much is that when you do speak on a personal level, you are open and kind. Your encouragement and support of your viewers is fantastic. You'd be a great role model for anybody.
Thanks for this post. Your blog always makes me smile! You're such an inspiration and so talented, it's ridiculous! :)
you are so talented!!! thank you for ur words of inspiration ;)
I needed this today! Thank you!
I love how you can say things that make so much sense and are so inspirational without sounding patronising or cheesy...keep the words of wisdom coming.
Also, have thought this for a while now - yours is an autobiography I would purchase...and read...and read again...and again.
Do it Kandee - write your story and get it published!!
THANK YOU KANDEEE! It felt so good to woke up this morning and read you.
Sometimes i feel like i fail...a lot.
An your words are just what i need. Thank you. From de bottom of my heart.
kisses from Portugal
Hi kandee,
First of all i love your videos! The make up is always so pretty and you explain it so well but you always leave enough room for a persons own interpretation of it which is so good :-)
But what i really wanted to say is that i love your posts. Like this one on leaving behind your past. I just had a pretty tough year, with luckily some ups but also some very low downs... My grandmother passed away, my parents got divorced, a break up and the moving away of all my close friends to colleges around the world... Eventhough its so hard at times u just have to keep ur spirits up to go forward into the future or most importantly to live in the moment! I love how u say that crying "is most definitely watering the beautiful flowers of blessings that are just waiting to spring up!!!" i'm so happy for you that you decided to follow your dream because u are amazing at what you do.. I'm an aspiring singer and really understand what you mean when you say that as "soon as you start working hard for something..going after your dream..
it seems as if a sign that says "please attack me...make this harder than it is"...comes on...and next thing you know your doubting your ability and your strength..." I think people sometimes dont understand that it's already a hard decision to follow your dream as it is so unpredictable and unstable.. We need their encouragement and not their doubts on our ability to succeed or what a stupid idea it is...
I just love your "be happy, be girly, have fun, and sparkle" mentality and hope you continue enriching people's lives with your talent and thoughts...
ps im being the vampire you posted for halloween!
Kandee knows how to bring good out of everyone.
Thank you Kandee :) Your words help a lot.. x
I really needed this. I am here crying my eyes out because I failed a licensing exam to move on in my career. I feel like such a failure. I feel like such a loser. But you are so right, the past needs to stay in the past. I need the strength to keep studying and keep moving forward. You are a ray of sunshine! Keep shining *HUGS* I wish I knew you in real life. You are so positive...thanks!
it is so easy to forget simple things like this, the little things that help you get by in life when there are challenges facing you..
you are an inspiration :)
Very true Kandee.
For some reason, there's something inside of many people that loves to hang on to things. Especially those things that degrade us or show us in the lowest light.
It's so easy for many to believe poorly about themselves, than to realize how truly beautiful and talented they are.
I know I fall victim to that habit often.
But with these great reminders you post, I can recognize that and change my thoughts.
Thanks for alllll your sunshine, love and beauty :)
We all absolutely appreciate and enjoy it!
Now YOU have a beautiful, love-filled day!
thank you so much for sharing this with me. it's really hard for me to leave the past in the past but i really do try. i hope you have a beautiful day full of smiles! =)
Thank you Kandee Girl. I think leaving the past behing is on of the hardest things to do. Thank you for remind us to never give up. Much Love.
I think the second re-posting of the snow white video will be better and here's my logic...
It's shorter, and some people have really slow internet connections, so they might look at a 17 minute video and go, 'nah, that's gonna take waayy too long to load', but now that it's only 11 or so minutes they'll watch it! So you'll get lots more views and reach more people. Even though you had to take out your beautiful singing, something good can still come of your extra effort, in more people viewing!!
Hope that helps :-)
It's spooky how you seem to post these things right when I need it the most. Seriously...that advice has helped me feel so much better. I got some pretty upsetting news this past weekend, and thinking about not bringing the past into the future is so wonderful and makes me feel great. You are so wise and inspiring and such a terrific person. Thank you, beautiful, beautiful girl.
You can't change what is behind, You can affect to the future.
Every1 has done things they regret.
Me 2...
But if I didn't think positive; "I learn from my mistakes, I'll never do it again, I'll do it better next time", I would've propably lost my mind, without these thoughts.
This moment is precious, you are precious, and life is unique.
Kandee, I love you. I wish you were my friend, you're such a sweet and inspiring lady! Too often I feel that I won't ever be able to attain what I want out of life and reading your blogs makes me regain some hope for myself and for the future. You deserve all the best! You're amazing!
Thank you Kandee that has been my problem lately, I have attempted so many things that I thought I could do then failed at them. After failing at all these things it really discouraged me into doing anything else. But you are right I have to stop living in the past and start living in the now. You made my day when I woke up this morning and read this, it made me want to go after my dreams even more. Thank you xoxo
Thank you for this! I have been thinking what qualities & 'things' in my past relationships I should carry on to what I would want in my current one, but this week I've been realizing I can't do that! I have to let my new relationship flourish in it's own, natural, NEW way! And it's been so much fun! You're words made me happy because I realized that's what I've been doing, and you make me feel like what I'm doing is right! Yippeee!!!
Thanks Kandee! Have a wonderful day!!!
You are so wise and talented. Your sage words resonate with me and I feel blessed to have discovered your blog.
Thank you for this daily gift.
It inspires so many.
You are such inspiration Kandee !!
my heart melted as soon as i saw the photo in the beginning, i was listening to my ipod and i read your post, Who Am I by Casting Crowns came on. haha how perfect. You have no idea how much God is using you and your great and awesome personality. Thanks once again for your words. ^^
Lyrics to my one of my favorite songs:"The Past is all that's gone, the future is yet to come were solving things on our own we should live this way we're building up our days now is forever. And oh so true about past mistakes and continuing to keep movie after almost 10 years with music and my whole life of dancing/singing I just got my break and it's all because I stuck with it, did not give into the voice of doubt and loss. It's funny when we think of things that make us strong and empowers us and that is "Expirience" through time it builds and gives us the wisdom to trek through the haze and confusion in life no. I am trully greatful for things being difficult sometimes, if it were to be easy how will we be able to gain valueable insight from the pros and cons of "Expirience" thanks kandee for a good post
hello kandee, i am never usually one to create accounts or comment on things i view...but over time i seriously cant help myself just to create this account to tell you that you're so great. i feel as though there's a little kandee in all of us, and everything you say nurtures this wild child (haha) that holds all our inspirations..our dreams..and our heartbreaks. just reading ur blog is comforting to me in every way :)
Thanks for always being so open and honest. You make people who have never met you feel close. =)
This is so weird! It's like you know exactly what's going on in my life! Everything you've been writing has to do with what i'm struggling right now. You're awesome!
thanks for the uplift! I have a question please help! On the march 2009 for Kim Kardashian look, Kandee used
Creme highlighter Shu Uemura in Pearl
where could i buy it?I can't find it!
I would really appreciate it if anyone knew! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!
This is so right....thanks for all these wonderful thoughts and experience u share)))
Hi Kandee!
I´m from Brazil. I´m sorry my english is bad, but i want to say you really changed my life and u always make me cry... :)
I have plans to go to LA soon. I really want to meet u.
Hi Kandee,
Life is not always a fun event but you can make it through anything if you believe :)
i think you will like this song :)
i have recently ended a relationship that would have been close to 6 years, and I am a person that believes in women power and rights, I have an urge for women's success though a friend recently told me that I need to take my passion and use it for myself, that opened my eyes, because I have been living in the past. Thank you for entering this blog, it made me think much and its time to move on, thank you again Kandee and I hope that you have a wonderful day! ;)
Kandeee; i love your makeup your the awesomest . but could you please follow me back .! i just stated blogging . . .
Kandee , I seriously love you and i feel like know you sooo well and i just think your downright amazing. and I read this post and it made me think of one of my favorite quotes - "Don't think about things it your past, because theres a reason they didn't make it to your future."
- April <3
Thanks so much for that I really needed that today. Your such a great inspiration especially to me. Keep doing what you do.
Love much
When my family left to USA 10 years ago.. my parents only let me take one suitcase.. and I remember that I was really mad at them. If it wasn't for your post I would have never realized that it was worth leaving everything behind.. including my house, school and friends. =( Thanks for your post!! I love it .. and I will always remember it =)
When my family left to USA 10 years ago.. my parents only let me take one suitcase.. and I remember that I was really mad at them. If it wasn't for your post I would have never realized that it was worth leaving everything behind.. including my house, school and friends. =( Thanks for your post!! I love it .. and I will always remember it =)
I try to leave my past behind, kind of hard sometimes when family and facebook try to lure you in to the past.
Thank you for your inspiring words. I always look forward to reading and hearing your thoughts and ideas. You help me get through my days. Thank God for you.
You said it perfectly right!!! The only thing we could do with our mistakes, are heart braking past and experiences is: Learn and Grow from them=))
Letting go always seems difficult at first, but once you've made the leap, it's incredibly liberating and empowering.
Another great post Kandee. Thank you!
You are right. I read a quote somewhere that said that those trying times are like fertilizer. It feels awful at first, but it helps us grow. (That's the jist of it anyway, haha)
Seeing all these comments make me glad that there are people out there who care about you (including myself). I hope you don't forget that people will have your back.
Until next time, God bless you :)
Hi Kandee! This is Karly.
I love, love, love your videos. You have had a great influence on my hopes and dreams. Because of you becoming a makeup artist has become one of my main choices to pursue. You have shown me, and many other youtubers/fans, that being a makeup artist is so much more, and well worth it. I know you are always so busy and you probably get repetitive questions. Do you have children? I know it's not really something you would tell the internet, but I couldn't help but to wonder because on your other channel you have the video where you blow up the inflatable farm. And so I thought, "Wait....does she have kids?" Hahahaha. But thank you Kandee, for so much. You are a great person and unlike a lot of people, I can tell just by your videos. You're such an inspiration to me and I'm glad you make videos. You give me hope and your high spirits and good words truly affect my day. =]
Thanks again<3,
I don't think I can put in words how that helped me.
You're awesome, Candy - love y'a!
you have no idea how much you just helped me let go....
How are you so strong Kandee??!!
Kandee you are such an inspiration!!!! You make me feel strong when I read your blogs. You truely touch my heart with every encouraging word! It's because of you that I decided that I can still have dreams and I can be successful. So for that I thank you. We all have bad days, but when I do I read your blog and it's like I'm healed. You give me the strength to keep going! I hope you truely know how important you are to so many people. You are so talented and wonderful. Thank you for all your time and all you do!
I feel the Lord has used you to speak to me today when I needed to hear from Him so badly. Thank you Kandee.
Thank you so much for writing this Kandee! Please DON'T stop with your insprational post! They make me happy and help me remember my self worth! You're my angel!
I can totally see that you've grown to do better, I don't know why but your happiness just makes me realize that there's no point on being grumpy, sad or dissapointed in something. You make life seem like a magical place to live, or rather... I don't even know :P I guess magical is the right word. you're always giggling, smiling, and just a joyful person. I can tell you can bright up a person's day just as you show up into their life. You're a mega inspiration, and you are def beautiful from the inside out! and I think you deserve what you have right now :) keep doing what your doing cuz u've inspired me as well, you made me realize things i've never thought of before =) I love & respect you girl!
Hey Kandee,
Words I live by since 1996: "Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass; glory of the flower, we shall grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind. "- William Wordsworth
I never needed to hear those words more. Thank you Kandee for giving me hope when I thought I had none left.
I have been reading your blog and following you on youtube for some time now. I really appreciate everything you do, you are truly talented, funny and most of all you are a beautiful person!
Thanks so much for writing this. I was having a really hard day on Monday and I found myself reading this.
Reading these words changed something that day, changed all the negativity I was feeling into motivation, into hope for the future. It changed the disappointments and doubts I was feeling into a realiszation that my past has made me what I am and I am proud of who I am.
And all that caused me to take some steps that I can feel will change my life for the better!
Some things have been set in motion and I can feel the brightness, happinees and joy coming towards me..so just wanted to say a heartful of thanks!
Keep doing what you are doing!
You touch and love far too many people than you will ever know :)
Very true!!! You can never really move forward carrying all of the baggage of your past with you. It will only weigh you down and prevent you from reaching your goals and dreams!
I'm reading this for the first time today and thought it was a strange coincidence that when I clicked the link to read Ian's blog- he had just written about you today!! It almost made me feel like this special connection to each of you, because what he was saying about you is so true. You are a light for many Kandee-- thank you shining for all of us!
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