this was me....
about 2 months, post-shaving-my-head-at-a-commercial-break...where I saw Erika Badhu with a baldy head...I thought she looked stunning...and very un-britney spears....
at home: I stood and stared at my head....for a long time...and rubbed it....it felt wonderful!
at work: people screamed
at home: "what did you do!?!"...came from everyone's mouth...ha ha ha ha...but that's been a theme in my life...ha ha ha (what did you do to your pants? what did you do to your walls? what did you do to your hair?")
i've been trying to grow it out since then.....many a bad haircuts (not by jerry...by some "nameless" salon in san diego..where I left with yellow hair in an unwanted asymmetrical cut) and accidental scissor-mishaps...
to today...where I take you with...a butterfly on the wall....to get my hair cut by Jerry Park at BARRACUDA salon
7769 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(323) 852-7179
click here for more info at facebook:
click here for more info on myspace:
Jerry is super sweet and really cool...tell him i said hi!!!
now let's go get my hair cut.....
PS..... thanks to my friend, Ian Ruhter for filming it for me...way better than me doing it myself!
i love the new do. and i think ever girl should shave her head atleast once in her life. it's liberating and freeing. and it's just hair. it grows back. :)
awh this is great, Kandee! thanks for filming for us! :D
totally hot kandee! I love love love it
Love you Kandee...did Ian finally ask you out ;) you too are perfect together <3
Awwww... this gives me hope! =) I am feeling a little frustrated growing my hair out. (I shaved mine too, for a girlfriend who thought she had mastitis.. and it ended up being Breast Cancer)
And now--->
Woo hoo for Cindy Lauper! haha. I started feeling like my hair was NEVER going to be back to the way it was... (down to my lower back)... but this leaves me with hope! =) Thank you! =)
Kandee I love it! It's just like mine only I have full forward bangs and part in the center - think Katy Perry. It's a great cut for girls with fine hair. You look gorgeous dahling!
Oh and P.S - Ian did a great job! He's so talented!
hahah omg i thought for as sec you shaved your head!?? i love the new haircut he did a great job. i sooo wish i lived near LA or NY {sigh}
Great hair do. =)
Question... Who watches your kids while you go out and do all this stuff? How do you have so much time on your hands with 3 kids? I only have one and I hardly ever go out because I am the one who has to raise her. (Single mom as well)
You looked stunningly gorgeous with your hair shaved! I could never pull something like that off..I would look like a boy. lol
is barracuda crazy expensive?
Ms. Kandee:
You look great no matter what you do to your hair!
You look great with no hair. I never got more complements on my beauty in my life than the periods (yes, I have done it a few times) I had no hair. People always complemented my cheekbones, my eyes, whatever... it was great. Now, hardly ever.
By the way, who won the video response thingy with the cool bags for prizes?
Hey Kandee !
i can't believe you've had your head shaved ! that is SOOO inspiring to me.
your truly amazing <3
Thanks for posting this video, as well as all of your incredible make-up tutorials on Youtube! I've been watching them for a while now, and get so excited when you have a new one-it always look so flawless and perfect!
Also, thank you for including the words of encouragement on both your videos and your blog. For everyone that's in a difficult situation, sometimes it's nice to have a reminder that things aren't always as bad as they seem, and that there is some good that will come out of it. In my case, it's having to juggle multiple chronic medical conditions, which has led my life in a completely different direction than I thought it would go. If it's okay, I was hoping that I could possibly post a link to your blog on my blog, which is at http://hnbain.blogspot.com, and my website at http://sites.google.com/site/hnbain but I wanted to ask before I included the link to make sure it was okay.
Thank you again for posting all of the valuable information, and for allowing others to learn from your experiences. Please continue to post your videos and on your blog-it helps and inspires so many people (including myself)!
Thank you,
Heather Bain
Heather's Miracle Dog
I love the short hair!! You look like Annie Lennox! Super cute!
I <3 you & your new hair cut!! :)God bless you & have a AWESOME day!!
Ohhhhhhhhhh thank god i thought u shaved ur head ... Ahhh .. ok fewww...
..... btw i just saw the video .. and lovez ur hair...
Very cute haircut, Kandee!! I love getting mine done.. it's so much fun! Yours looks great!
And ps - "the doctor"
She DID shave her head!! Not this time but in the past.. she posted a picture too! It's a wonderful look for the bone structure!
Kandee - your short hair looked VERY chic and elegant, the lighter color looked good too (or is that just the lighting?) To be honest you would probably look gorgeous no matter how your hair is styled... thanks for sharing! *HUGZ*
Ooh! Your end result is the look I was thinking of going for, next, when my hair grows longer and when I saw it I'm like "Oh!! hey!! That's the style I wanted!" lol... thanks for sharing! Awesome hairstylist!
I couldn't really hear him explain the style cut, though... =(
I want to shave my head now.... :)
You look gorgeous with a shaved head, Kandee!! Not many people could pull that one off!
wow! I'll never be brave enough to shave my hair like that...
I don't think I have a nice head shape if I were to be bald anyway haha! :P
I'll look like an egg! :P
you still look beautiful with or without hair Kandee!
Wow, never would have pictured you with short blonde hair. You look gorgeous no matter what hair you have!
I am SO glad I found you- your such a great gal. I LOVE ALL your ideas, we were searching for Halloween make up at Halloween time and I found your blog and you on facebook, your such a beautiful girl. Love everything about you, Thanks for sharing your info with the rest of us.
You look like a doll.
You look pretty with longer hair and with shaved head! not many ppl can pull off shaved, i would try but i dont even look good with semi short hair. Keep rocking it missy! :)
Oh My Goodness. You in the photo with the shaved head is absolutely breathtaking. The color, the length, the light shining on your gorgeous face. You look like a little pixie, all happy and shining light on the world. Kandee you inspire the world every single day. You are like a vivid daisey flower peeking up through a field of weeds. The bright, warm sun shining down amidst heavy, grey clouds. You're a beacon of love and hope and laughter, for this led-astray world. So beautiful and generous, whole-hearted and loving. Go get 'em girl. I feel as if you're going to change the world, one youTube/blog fan at a time. =D
I also cut my hair quite short (not shaved, but it was very short at the back, and then longer from the front), and really liked it for a while, but not I'm growing it longer... but sometimes I do dream about really short hair - though my naturally wavy hair could be a bit (or not just a bit) hard to manage if it were really short...
PS check out my brand new blog! :)
and Kandee; you are truly inspirational! (and I'm finnish and we dont say that to anyone around here, hahaha:)
Kandee, you are truly amazing! I just love watching your videos, and when I have time, to come read your blogs. If I had one wish, it would be to meet you, but of course, you are busy in California! Just wanted to let you know you've really touched me!
OMG when I saw the pic with your short blond hair i was like
its suits you but I think your more catish with your dark long hair :D
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I hate flying too!!
And I had a really REALLY annoying flight attendant last time I flew. He actually GASPED because I used my barf bag to put in my garbage.
Like gasped loudly and clutched his heart.
Can we say drama?
Love your new cut!!
I have always wanted to shave my head, but I have come to accept that I will never do it. After cutting my hair very short about 5 years ago and hating it, I don't think I will love growing it out from shavedness.
I love your new cut. That was a great idea to film it. As a hairstylist myself, I love the idea!
Gorgeous, as always, Kandee!! Love your videos. Makeup and hair are my two loves, and it was great to see you getting your hair done.
You should pop on over to Rate Your Hairdresser and list your stylist, Jerry. It's fast & free. :) www.rateyourhd.com
I love your hair!!! It looks amazing!
I love the song, and I cant find it on that website!! What is it called?
Thanks!!!! You are more beautiful than YOU know!!:)
Love this Style!!! Can you post some pics of your new hair style!!! I love it
Hi Kandee,
Thanks for showing this I recently got a similar cut you had with bangs, I swear I thought she didn't know what she was doing you stylist is so nice for showing us!!!
PS I am a DM freak and noticed in the salon they were playing it LOL is that sad?
Thanks Kandee you are so beautiful happy hair dayz to ya!!!
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