Monday, October 4, 2010

Look how skinny I WAS!

I almost stared in astonishment as I looked through some photos (mind you , this photo was only about 7 months ago!)...I was like, "what the hecklers"...."look how skinny my legs looked!"
If graphic pattern leggings made my legs look that thinny....I'd invest all $50 of my dollars in graphic print leggings!
BUT alas....not geometric pattern can slim down my "plumping" thighs now.....
my last appointment at my midwife's last week...sent me into a face grabbing-state-of-shock...
"Ummmm....I think your scale is broken.....these numbers on here are all wrong.."
ha ha ha ha
I know, I know...I'll breastfeed and all my weight will fall off...but, sure it was fun when I saw my boobs growing to unusually large size..but when your butt and hips do it-
it doesn't seem as such a gift!
the only thing that's the same size in this photo as the one my phone case is the same size! Notice how I tried to hide my "leg-awareness" by drawing the attention to my awesomely graphic, Keith Haring top! ha ha ha

So instead of "pimp my ride".....I'll be "plump my thighs" ha ha ha ha
Here's to awesome new curves....and then hooray when I get to run like the wind, after baby is and my double jogging stroller are gonna log some running miles for sure! ha ha ha

It's ok...with Jordan my first...I gained like 50 pounds! And I got in the best shape of my life after he was born!

big thighs and cupcakes.....your kandee


Chavon said...

You look fabulous! Enjoy the Mommy glow and grow!!

Anonymous said...

your so cute kandee, your healthy with your new soon to be cupcake! thats all that matters. i was so excited for miami glam. but im unable to make it. i hope you have a great time!

raelinjanis said...

Whatever ya big silly! You look awesome and your to cute to be mad at for saying that your getting hippy! I understand though! Don't worry when toddler time rolls around you'll look back on this fondly!

Kate said...

You look lovely both ways! And you're a vessel for new life now!

Doni Brown said...

I'm so happy for you and you still look amazing. You inspire me everyday! xoxo

Check out my blog

Unknown said...

Awe kandee you look so c,ute.... ur thighs may be plumping but remember it's only to make you look that much more gorgeous! said...

You still look beautiful Kandee!I heart you and your amazing style!

joselle said...

i think you look gorgeous either way! you are amazing! :D

Unknown said...

Celebrate your curves! :-)

Unknown said...

I love your top! So cute!

Miss Cupcake said...

YOU are always beautiful! You look great sweetie!!!

I hope you're having a great day!!!


The Mintuit Mother said...

I just found out last Tuesday I'm preggers with baby #2. I'm 4.5 weeks and already want to unbottom my jeans. Bye bye size 5! LOL!

And I'm SO glad you're going to breastfeed! That's how I lost my weight with my first and it's SOOOO good for baby. =) Be happy and healthy!

Erin B said...

You look amazing...but I'm about a month behind you (I think) and know totally how you FEEL....cause it doesn't matter what anyone says: its how one FEELS that matters! I also blog about beauty and LOVE your sites!!!

Alauna said...

I wish I was half as gorgeous as you are on your "plump" days! Love and lipstick!!!

cyndee said...

I have 2 kids a 1 year old and a 3 year old I gained 40 lbs with my daughter and 50 with my son. it was a lot of work but the weight did come off. You look amazing for having all your kids. I only wish I could look that amazing.

luis said...

You are lovely and charmed as always. You are almost perfect because the perfection don't exist.

Samantha said...

Kandee you look incredible!! You are having a beautiful pregnancy!! You are bringing a little life into the world! Just remember your heart is getting bigger for this little lady that's on her way!

Any names yet??

BottledBeauty said...

You've done it before you can take the weight off again! I'm up so much weight right now at 31 weeks. I keep waiting for my Dr. to give me "the talk". I can't wait to breastfeed and burn some calories! You look wonderful :)

funkymacgirl said...

i also gained 50 pounds with my son..sheesh lost in all in about 4-6 months..

Heidi said...

That is one orange bathroom you're standing in, Miss Kandee! Love that color shirt on you!! Your sweet baby cakes is much anticipated & is so worth every pound, like you said!

** the approval word for this comment started w 'flab'. Meanie heads!!

Melissa said...

Awww Kandee...don't worry about your legs and hips, you're glowing and carrying a beautiful human being insid of you!! You'll get your size back in a jiffy!!

Unknown said...

you look amazing Kandee! I gained 50-60 pounds with my two boys each time!! still haven't lost all the weight from the second one! but im working on it!! :D


Anonymous said...

You look great! My sister gained 70 pounds with her kids and lost every bit of it.. I only gained 23 pounds and it was so hard for me to lose it.. 14 years!! lol

Love your pics!!

cheri :)

Unknown said...

Kandee you look great both ways. I wish I was as skinny and normal looking as youy when I have a bun in the! Such a bautiful preggo woman you are.

Tie Dye Face Masks said...

You look great Kandee! I just found out I'm having a cupcake of my own! My first! I'm excited, scared, hungry, in shock etc. But I know I'm blessed. Oh and i have to pee every 10 minutes. Not sure how u make it through your glaminars lol. Today I ate the refrigerator and the kitchen sink. Hahaha. J/k.
Hugs from one cupcake to another!

Anonymous said...

Just keep showin' off that baby bump! <3

.blushfully. said...

Love the black & white top!! That's hawwttt! hehehe... Stay gorgeous, gorgeous!

Modest Blessings said...

I can't see an ounce of extra weight on you anyway (except for the actual cupcake bump). You are beautiful and healthy and simply glowing. Enjoy this magical time =)

Myriam said...

Kandee you look absolutely stunning. I think you are one of the most beautiful mothers on this planet right now !!! Not only looking to your body, but also into your soul... you spread love and shine around you by all the laughs and smiles you're giving us everyday : that's really amazing.
Take care of yourself and all of your precious family.

- Myriam

Christine said...

Kandee, i think you look gorgeous :)

x Christine

Lily Blue said...

you're a beauty !!!!!!

Unknown said...

Whateves! You are one hot mama! You look fab with or without a little plumping and yes, as you know, that breastfeeding helps. Celebrate that you are doing the most important and amazing thing us women can do, bring forth new life! YOU are beautiful inside and out and all of your babies are fortunate to have you :) Peace, Meli

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I really hope I don't need to tell you this, but you are one of the last people on earth that has to worry about gaining a few pounds. You are BEAUTIFUL just as God made you, even as you carry around a few "extra" pounds because of the baby (which, by the way, I can't for the life of me see any "extra" pounds on ya in that second pic anyway).

God bless!

Nicoline said...

I love your blog! and I hope you will visit or follow mine:)

Anonymous said...

You know its funny because generally when Black women get pregnant they get happy about more curves, bigger butt, bigger thighs, bigger breast. But when women of other ethnicities get bigger in the hips butt & thighs they are upset about it! I love curves, be happy! And congrats on the baby! Your beautiful!

AIrons said...

Kandee - you hardly look any bigger than the other picture! You're beautiful!! You don't look big at all.

SaraGibbons said...

I'm sure you hear this all the time but I feel the need to tell you again....YOU LOOK AMAZING! I know it's hard to look back and see pic's of yourself and see how little you were, pre-cupcake but remember....not only do I and all your fans think you are beautiful, I'm sure your kiddo's think the same thing! They know better than any of us, what an awesome and amazing person you are, not just on the outside but inside as well! I know my kids always lift me up when I'm feeling down and not looking my best and no-matter what, are kids love us unconditionally! So, take it easy lil Mama and enjoy baking that cupcake!!!!!
God bless you & yours-


AndBerry said...

Your going to a midwife!?! Oh yay, that is super awesome!

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I don't think you can have a bad day you always look sweet as a peach :)

Thanks for the advice on the Mama Mio, I think I will try a few of their products. They sound fantastic!

Unknown said...

Growing a healthy baby is the key! You look great! My baby is almost 3 months old and I have 20-25lbs to loose! You're right...breastfeeding burns a lot off! Best Wishes...
Love your YT vid's and blog!! I have learned a lot from you! :) xx

MARTA said...

Kandee, after reading your post, all I can say is that you are and look amazingly beautiful :D

Unknown said...

Kandee u are such a haute mama lol. I gained 57 lbs with my daughter and lost about 35lbs, but I love this lil bit of weight I still have lol. U look great mama don't worry about it

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