Saturday, October 2, 2010

We cut off all my moms HAIR!!!! (before & after)

My mom has basically had the same hair my whole life...we had to free her inner fashion-style-diva that was just hiding underneath a few piles of unruly hair!
So in NEW mom (shannon or if you ever see her you can just call her mom too!)...said let's cut it all off!
Because she has curly hair...we went straight to the CURL MASTERS at OUIDAD...they have even have a patented way of cutting curls...amazing! Her stylist that cut her hair was: Mirsada and the her hair styling when it was done was Sondriel (they were can call them at: 212-888-3288 or find a Ouidad specialist that specializes in curly hair at salons across the country at: were amazing!)
BEFORE- we walked into the salon
AFTER- on our way out!

I love her new sassy-chic hair! And so does she-that's the best part! My mom is so fun and creative, it's so great to see her with a matching hair do!
THEN since I wanted her to have a cute little "french-looking" bob with straight hair....I did her her and cut the front so it would do a cute curve forward to frame her face (I used to have my hair like that and I love it!)
MOM, My sister TIFFANY, and ME with short hair!
so here's mom's before and after again!
I just love it, it's cute straight and look how cute she looked coming home from NYC in the airport with her little 20's hair and chapeau! (in ENGLISH: head covering or hat!)
I love my mama so much...she planted creativity in my heart and watered that little garden of art and fashion and sparkled in my life since she had me. Her gentle spirit, excitement for life, and adventurous spirit make her so fun to be with! I adore her...and I am so happy to see her sparkle! I love you are my best friend (and my sister too!)...and I had so much fun getting to play make-over with you....I'll always remember our trip to NYC and to Oiudad...and your smile seeing your hair!!! I love you...

haircuts....your kandee


Elisha said...

I love the new hair...looks so wonderful and she looks sooo young! What a hair cut do not only change your appearance but it also his self confidence.... :)

Risa said...

She looks great in the new hair.


Chelsea said...

Awh she looks realllly cute and fashionable with the hat! You guys look so much alike.

Veronica Glam said...

So beautiful, She looks gorgeous!

Cindy Swanson said...

She looks absolutely gorgeous...I like it curly and straight, and I love what you did with the front.

I love when you blog about your mom...I absolutely adore my mom as well.

I know you hear this all the time, but you two look SO much alike!


funkymacgirl said...


Eliza said...

Her hair looks absolutely AMAZING!!
It fits her well :)

Stevista said...

She looks great with short hair!!! ;)

erika said...

What a fresh look for her! It looks amazing on her. She really I beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love mama's new haircut!! She is amazingly beautiful!

Lupescupe said...

Wow, your mom is gorgeous! :O And she looks great with her hair short.

Just Being Z said...

your mom looks awesome!!!!

The Little Country Chick said...

Your mom is beautiful before and after! I love her new hair...sooooo cute! She is adorable! You look so much like her....your pretty too! Such a sweet, beautiful family! God bless you guys!

Unknown said...

LOVE the new hair! It's so cute on your momma!

Heather said...

Love it! I thought, "Oh her hair looks good before." but then I saw the after and wow! Now her hair looks AMAZING! Absolutely beautiful! said...

whoa!! your momma looks amazing!!! love that new hair on her but to be honest she looked great even before lol take care kandee :)

Hannah Chuo said...

She looks so sophisticated in that hat with her new hair! She must be pretty happy about it rite now hahaha


Okay, so you and your mom are officially the prettiest Mother/Daughter ever!

Sunny said...

Aww, such a great post... Its wonderful to go on these life journeys with moms... your mom looks gorgeous!
CHEERS to you and your family!

BelieveandHope said...

Your mom looks wonderful! I wish my mom was as fashionable as yours haha!

Elena said...

Looks great :) She is really pretty woman :)

Modest Blessings said...

Your mum looked sensational before the haircut, but after....what a HOTTIE!!! She is smokin'!!! Especially when it's done with the curl in it. I love that look :)

Christine said...

wow she looks stunning with her new hair. You are both so beautiful Kandee :)

x Christine

Unknown said...

Wow honey she looks amazing, one hot mama. I know how it is with curl hair too, it's not fun sometimes. Tell your mama she looks beautiful and very chic with her new do

Izabell said...

Wow! Nice new hairdo!
Very pretty.

MeganAlexC said...

wow .. she looks even more like you now .. she is stunning , i love it .. very sassy

Milla said...

In this pic with you and your sister, your mama looks like Andie" MacDowell :) and please don't cut your hair sweetheart :) Love Camilla

evie said...

you are very similar

Estefania Lovelifefashion said...

She looks great with her new hair, well... she looked great before too. But.. u know lol
She's beautiful, as beautiful as you Kandee :)

blogger said...

hot mama! :)

Jesi said...

your mother is so beautiful! please tell her I said so! ha-ha
And your sister and you! Everyone in your family is beautiful! Inside and out ;)

Unknown said...

So beautiful!

Navibug said...


I love the short hair with the curls, looks so chic and sexy! If only I had curls-wimper!

Lovely to see mother and daughter sharing some pampering time together

Blessings xx

Nikki said...

She looks amazing (and younger) with her new hair!! I love it!!

You seem to have a great relationship, really special :)

Anonymous said...

Your Mom, your sister and You look just like you are all sisters!!! It's just amazing how your Mom looks young! she's such a lucky person!! Im French and I love the way your Mom cut her hair... So fenchie!!

Love you xxx

Kristy said...

Your mom is so beautiful! love love love the cut... Have a great Sunday! hugs*

Meg said...

love her new hair cut, i have hair just like hers and it is nice to know how mine would look if i were brave enough to cut it off! she is beautiful!

Melissa said...

I love your mom's hair!!! She's so pretty! Reading about you and your mon make me think about my mom and miss her so much!! :( Mom's are the best! :)

rainydayreader said...

I LOVE it! Now I totally wish I had naturally curly hair so I could get it cut like this. Love ya Kandee.

Eden Angel said...

ooh very stylish! x

carley said...

Your mom looks gorgeous! I love this haircut, too, because it looks good both straight and curly!

Marimoy said...

She looks so hot! I really love her curls!

Stephanie said...

Your mom look so young & gorgeous! Cute haircut :)

Theearcticfox said...

Aw Your mama is so pretty :)

Tiffany Marie said...


Candice said...

Your mom was already pretty, but she's a knockout now!!! What a difference!! Love the new do!

Hopi said...

I love it, Mama Shannon! Beautiful look for a beautiuful lady! xo Hopi

Fleur said...

I LOVE her hair! I wish I could have the same -- it's so timelessly stunning! <3

Katalina said...

Wow! What a change! Your mom looks so beautiful!

Jess said...

Ah! Gorgeous! I might have to make my mom get the same cut :)

Anonymous said...

Omg. her short curls make her look so youthful, glowing, and BRILLIANT. i don't dig the pin straight short hair on her, but I'm sure if she teased it a bit to get more volume, it would look fabulous! :)

sarah said...

LOVE IT!!! u look sooo much like her! awwww, lol.

Unknown said...

OMG she looks super young!! Such a beauty queen! It's so obvious where you get your good looks!!


Anonymous said...

Your mom looks so fabulousssS!!!
They did an amazing job!
Take care :)

emalyce said...

I love the versatility of this's so pretty!

Betssy said...

She looks so beautiful, her hair cut really brings out her gorgeous eyes.

Fit By 2009 said...

Kandee, please tell mama her hair looks FABULOUS! I love it!!! She is gorgeous and this cut just accentuates her face!

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I love your mom's hair curly!!! Her hair looks great either way, long or short. I love it, love it curly though. So cute with the hat. You both look so much alike, just beautiful.

Mand3rz said...

Aww Kandee! Your mom looks so adorable!! I always thought she looked quite young but now She looks suuuper young! Like 20's!! I'm sure they'll start calling you and her twins! hahah mega awesome!

Unknown said...

Aw you're mom's so beautiful :) She looks younger! She looked young before but especially with it short and curly- so much younger :) The Kandee Family has the good genes!

Unknown said...

Your mum looks really beautiful, I love the short hair!!

Bang said...

she looks beautiful! you've got great genes to look forward to <3 keep it up kandee!

Anonymous said...

your mom looks great !! amazing how you all look so much alike wow !! and your sisters YT channel is so amazing and so inspiring !! you guys are a great family !!!

xo Jess

check out my blog and follow please *hugs*

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee, I just want to let you know that I love you and the things you do so much! It is very cool of you sharing alot of your little secrets!
Lots of love, Daycy

Lindsey said...

Your mama is so adorable! I want to look that good when I'm wiser!

Unknown said...

Love it...what a hot mama! Peace, Meli

Selena said...

I LOVE that look with your mum's new 'do and the hat!! It's so cute =)

How old is that photo with your little cut? You, your sister and your mom all still look the same!!

Unknown said...

Cute new do!!! she looks soo good with her new short hair!!


Anonymous said...

ADORABLE! She looks GREAT - especially love it with the hat!!! Nice choice, Shannon, for being brave enough to take the plunge and cut it off!

...Live.Love.MakeUp... said...

Very pretty, your mom looks GREAT! :)

Mayara Harumi Kudeken Oliveira said...

Hi Kandee (:
YOur mom looks great with her new hair style =D
I'd like to say congrats to you...I really like your videos and your funny way, everytime that I'm feeling upset or need some advice I watch your videos or read your blog I't makes me feel better. God is using your life in your own way, I hope you keep doin this great job and God bless you n your whole family!
best wishes, Harumi- Brazil

Catherine said...


SheilaGombya said...

You mum looks so young and really pretty ..can u believe am as far as Uganda a small country in the continent of Africa and l access your blog..just lovely

Ohh and kindly advice me on how l can purchase Mac Makeup for a chocolate skinned person...

thanks for the inspiration gal...

HisBrownie said...

ohmigosh. I can't say this enough... you and your mom are sooo adorable! her new haircut looks great!


AnnieV said...

I just took my mom to Ouidad in NYC this past weekend and she got a total hair makeover too! She is 55 and thanks to the Ouidad professionals she now looks 10 years younger. I took lots of pictures and one in front of the Ouidad salon like you did. It made me feel SO good to see her SO very happy. You mom looks wonderful too!

CraZyPiXie said...

I love your momma's hair short like that! It looks so chic and sassy!

Luciana Barbo said...

She´s so beautiful

Unknown said...

I love it!!!!! I have sort of the same cut... and it is so much fun! You look amazing Kandees mama! Very classy!

Anonymous said...

Before the cur your mom hair she was looking old style women but after cut new style she is looking really pretty.
hair and makeup artist

Mama Laura said...

Love it! She looks fantastic! Totally updates her look and makes it look younger.

DSnacks23 said...

Momma is so hot! you all are so beautiful!

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