Well you're about to be! ha ha ha Or at least
wear a necklace that says so!
Me and my SUPREME necklace!
(like me and my adidas- if you're old you know what I'm talkin' bout!)
I love this necklace...it is like my uniform! I got it at the RENEGADE CRAFT FAIR in downtown LA....it is made from the emblem on a CUTLASS SUPREME car...
that's what I'm talking about...
you don't get much cooler than mixing old school muscle cars with fashion!....
they're each one of a kind and the girl that made it doesn't have anymore SUPREME necklaces...BUT I get asked all the time where to get one!
I wear it with everything!
(see I even wear it in elevators to take pictures on the reflective mirrors for you all for my outfit of the day!)

I even wear it to try on really old hats at the Vintage Clothing show in Santa Monica donning my SUPREME- FYI: I did not buy this piratey-captian-y beauty! I know, I know....I could wear it everyday!
Long chain necklace, story short: This is probably my favorite necklace in the world...I get aksed by everyone from little old ladies, trendy hipsters...to the fancy salesperson at Bergdorf Goodman in the Chanel boutique (where I bought nothing!)...where did you get your necklace!?!?
Well NO WHERE anyone can get one...until now:
PLEASE note: this is NOT my company, I am not selling these necklaces, and I can't answer any questions about the necklaces (as much as I wish I could! ha ha ha)...but, MISSY, who is the biggest sweetheart and started this small business on her own (let's help support her!)...had these made and is selling a very limited number of them.
*If you order now at her pre-sale price it's only $25.75 (it will take 4-6 weeks for them to be ready)
*If you don't order them now for the presale price, they will go on sale for $34.95.
HURRY the race is on: get one before they are gone! And help support Missy's business! (Go girl business power!)
email: pinkyloco@ymail.com
please if you have ANY questions (I know nothing! ha ha ha) email Missy at: pinkyloco@ymail.com
Happy Supreme-ness! We are all supremely-wonderful....it's just fun to wear a necklace that says it...I usually think it makes people think I'm craftier than I am and went to an auto-part place and pried it off of an old Cutlass Supreme and made my necklace myself! ha ha ha ha
supremely, your humble old car lover.....kandee
I need to email Missy to get the details of how to order the necklace?
that necklace is dope!!
I need it! I've sent her an email as I live in the UK! Fingers crossed she will ship to me!!
That's so awesome, Kandee! YOU'RE supreme. :)
kandee fam lil sis
I just emailed her! I've been constantly on the ETSY site and everywhere! Im so happy that Missy is making them!! :] Thanks Kandee for letting us know!
Haha I thought it looked familiar. I used to have an Olds Cutlass Ciera. (not really a muscle car, but still a "man's" car, according to my brother.) I love their lettering!
Awesome! Thanks for the tidbits, as usual!
Haha. I knew that the symbol looked familar. By boyfriend drives an '83 Cutlass Supreme.
I am really tempted to make my own necklace out of the emblem from his car.
It's so wonderful of you to help her promote her business. Way to pay it forward, Kandee!! Love you!
hanks Kandi! Love that necklace. I shall be contacting her! :D
I've been dying for that necklace!!
you're the best!
that necklace is the coolest!! I will have to see if I can get one too!!! thanks for letting all of us know!
Been looking for this everywhere as I have been admiring for quite some time ;) I emailed her and anxiously await her reply!!! Thanks Kandee for sharing and helping Missy ;) BTW I just bought my 23 mo. Old daughter the CUTEST RUN DMC tee. I'll post a pic of her in it on my FB soon. I just asked the older sis of one of my students if she knew that song because she was commenting on my daughter's "Who's That Girl" Madonna shirt. She had no idea, I felt old as I sang to her and she shook her head, "No Clue". You made me feel better!!! Peace, Meli
I decided to just make one on my own! I found the car emblem and I am just going to make it myself!! I am so excited
aww thanks so much!
i'm excited! i totally want this necklace... e-mailing Missy now :)
Kandee, you're the best!
I bought an emblem from Ebay Motors. Gonna fix it up and make one of my own, too!!! ;0)
I have a 95 cutlass supreme
Love that you support handmade artists..I'm also on etsy and design jewelry! I'm about to order one from Missy and try to be as supreme as you are Kandee!:) xoxo
haha when I couldn't find this necklace, I made my own. Thanks though its awesome someone is going to make these
hey kandee i LOVE your stuff!
please follow my blog to keep up with the latest trends
I've always loved that necklace :) XOXO
Ahhhh Kandee you are simply the best! I just got in from SD and rushed out to read your blog! I love it and I love you!!! :)
I'll be getting to the gobs of emails that I have as soon as possible and yes! Everyone will get your own necklace!!! Thank you all for supporting Pinky Loco!! Oh and I will ship international so if you want it shipped to the UK mmonroemaniac I'll make sure you get your little piece of Supreme Kandee! :)
Missy aka Pinky Loco
cool necklace! love it!
I love that necklace. Like almost two years ago love it!!! lol I want to get and am going to order it. It's been on my mind on how to find it and how perrrrfffeecccctt I can now! Thanks Kandee for putting thte info- out and Thank you Missy for making it possible!!-Erin Michiels San Diego, Ca.
i emailed and have not heard anything back, has anyone?
Nope, I haven't heard a thing and I emailed her early yesterday. I'm UNpatiently waiting ; )
Yesss I got one!!!
Sooo happy.. lov you Kandee..
I'm so happy! I've been checking for that necklace for months. Thanks for the info Kandee. You're the best!
New follower here! Do you have any video tutorials on doing make-up for blue eyes?
I drive a Cutlass Supreme! Unfortunately it's not very cool. "1992" is the grandpa era in Oldsmobiles :(
Woot! Woot! Reserved mine! Thanks, Kandee Kane! : ) Guess you've probably heard that a million times! : ) xo Hopi
Pinkyloco said we would all get one, but here I am worrying because I see mandie says she got one. I am afraid I am missing a detail somewhere. I emailed right away but haven't heard anything and don't know if I was supposed to do something special to reserve mine? I don't mind waiting patiently for a reply if this was all I was supposed to do, but am not sure if I did reserve just by emailing. I am sure pinkyloco has a lot of email and work ahead!!! Peace, Meli
I don't think anyone has heard from her yet!
I heard back from her. You have to e-mail her AND go to PayPal and send money to pinkyloco's e-mail address (see above in blog for more info). Hope everyone can get one! :)
Thank you Tennell for your directions. I sent her money
Thanks Tennell for the info!! I did it super easy and fast!! Can't wait!! lol
I love your leather cuff so much.. I wish they were made still! :(
hi Tennell,
can u please help me how to do this?
I am new to this blogger thing and I am unble to find her blog. thanks so much. I emailed pinkyloco but no answer yet.
I have a question??? Is her email GMAIL or YMAIL??? i copied and pasted it into my email and she never responded..hmm im wondering if you meant GMAIL...can you tell us if it's gmail? thanks! :)
Hey gal pals! Glad you found the info helpful. Fennyvalka and Olivia, go to: www.paypal.com If you haven't created an account with them, you'll need to do that. After you have an account with Paypal, you can send your money directly to Pinkyloco by typing in her e-mail address at Paypal. The e-mail address to use at PayPal is pinkyloco@ymail.com. Just make sure you've also e-mailed Pinkyloco directly using the same e-mail address to tell her you want one. I had never heard of 'ymail' either, but that is the address I used for mine, and it is what Kandee has posted. Be supreme! : )
P.s., Fennyvalka: you can find lots of Kandee's recent blogs by just going to www.kandeej.com and scrolling down! : )
hi kandee!
i read your blog all the time and think you're wonderful. i just emailed missy and will be getting a supreme necklace too. thank you so much!
Hi Tennell,
You are such a sweetie. thank you so much. I just sent Missy the money via paypal.
Have you actually heard back from Missy? Since till now, she has not replied to my email.
thanks so much. Fenny
Hey Gals!!
WOW!!! Kandee has kept me busy busy!!! In a wonderful & Supreme way! :)
I think I've gotten most of the emails replied too but you guys crashed my server! LOL :)
If you haven't received a response yet...email me at pinkyloco@ymail.com with answer me please in the comments lol That way I'll know you are posting from this. :)
You guys are amazing and I love you all!!!
Kandee you are the best! Big hugs!!! You know I owe you!! :)
Missy - aka Pinky LoCO as in going LOCO! :)
And thank you Tennell for helping out! I owe you too girl!! :)
Fenny...I'll look for the payment and respond if I haven't :)
Olivia....I think I emailed you but if I didn't email me at pinkyloco@YMAIL.com
HUGS To you all!!!
Oh and also...You should at least get an auto respond message I set up to get the info out asap since there were sooooo many emails coming in. I'll stay up all night again emailing if I need too! Gladley!
thanks so much, Missy for your reply.
I sent you back an email. Hugs for Missy and Tennell.
Yah! You're both very welcome! : )
I just emailed Missy and am waiting anxiously for a reply. I'm hoping she has necklaces left because I NEED one! So sad I'm a few days late to this post.
Hey Hannah! I just sent you an email hun! Thanks!
Also, I thought I would put the link to the fb page with all the details in incase anyone wants it. :)
You may have to copy/paste it in your browser...I have no idea if it's gonna work. :)
Thanks again gals!!!
Missy - aka Pinky Loco
Kandee, do you wear the sample Supreme necklace you were sent or do you wear the one that you made?
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