I have a big surprise...for later.....so check back later tonight).....
did I:
a) cut all my hair off into a really cute boy hair-cut (again..ha ha ha)!?!
b) did I find a boyfriend?!?
c) am I gonna be on tv!?!
d) something else that I can't mention......
until then...here's some DAILY KANDEE-ness:
let the words that come out of your mouth...encourage, inspire, compliment, and brighten someones day!
When you speak positive words into others...you'll be surprised how it actually "speaks" positivity into your own heart and spirit...
never let a compliment rot in your heart because you felt funny telling someone....
set your compliments free the moment you think them....you never know how many times that person will replay what you said in their mind...and it can really change their outlook on themselves....and their world!!!
Spread compliments, love, and something positive today!!! I'll do it too....let's sweeten up the world!!! can't wait to tell you the surprise.....
I'm guessing you're gonna be on TV!!! I'm hoping anyway :)
:)))) my guess is haircut!
I want to say all of them? But if I pick one, it's TV!
you're killin' me smalls!!
I'm guessing the haircut :)
Ooooh, I hope it's a boyfriend! you deserve the best guy in the world
I'll say you have a boyfriend who cut his hair super short and you're going to be on tv, to mention something unmentionable. hehe
Can't wait to find out what it is! :0)
You are great!! You have a beautiful spirit, you have helped me so much.....
Either the boyfriend or TV...I really hope not the hair; I love your hair! Though, it doesn't matter what it is, if you think it's a good thing, then it is! I'm so happy for you! <3
I think its the hair. Or you're gunna be on TV. :D Cant wait to find out!!!
my guess is your going to be on tv :)!!! or you cut your hair :) thanks for you beautiful words:) have a good day! cant wait to find out what your hiding :)
kandee you do know you were also on here
and here
love u!
I'm thinking haircut, but hoping it's a fabulous boyfriend you met on the TV show you did! You should have everything!!
I'm going to guess that you are going to be on TV
I hope that you didn't cut your hair. ;D Hopefully B,C,D but then I get worried about D...no mater what it is it will be fun and wonderful and full of spice and everything nice.
TV !!!!! TV !!!!
"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I say...all of the above!
either a haircut ..or going 2 b on TV..hoping its the second one ^_^
I'm guessing it's not the hair, unless the picture you used is old...it's not something else you can't mention because why would you tell us! so it's either TV or a boyfriend or maybe both!!!!!
Oh my gosh! I can't decide. But, like they teach in those long courses about multiple choice exams... I don't think you cut off all of your hair... That leaves me with three, and they all sounds brilliant!
Best of luck for whichever it is!
I am thinking TV!!!
i love you kandee! your the person who puts a smile on my face when things in my life arent going to well, id love to say thankyou for that, you desreve the best on life! lots of hugs and kisses x
i really hope its tv you have to tell us id loeto watch you!! xx
I'm hoping and praying its that you'll be on TV!! You deserve it!!!
I hope your gonna be on tv that would be awesome!!!! But if it is the boyfriend I bet your really happy so that would be good too!!! The hair would cool too I'm always changing my hair so I can understand if it is the hair!!! WHatever it is I am EXCITED to find out!!!!!! Lots of love <3 Courtney D <3<3<3<3<3<3
You're going to be on TV!
Today...I was not feeling my usual self...Usually I am little Miss SunShine...but not today. Agh! But My Coolest guy friend sent me this..."That isn't good, I'll just have to shine brighter to keep you nice and toasty till your Sunshine comes back! I'm sure it won't take long you are too bright and cheerful to be this way for too long. Enjoy the rest of your day :)"
This replays in my head...it is starting to bring LittleMissSunShine back!!!
I'm guessing tv. You need your own show. I would LOVE that. lol
You're gonna be on TV I'm sure!!!
why would you do this to us?! suspense!!!!! AHHHHHH! boyfriend?! TV! ..... UPDATE!!! :)
You're going to be on TV!
I love you Kandee, you're the best.
all three??!! :D
let's hope!
OMG you know the meaning of life don't you??!! seriously now Im all excited!
Fill peoples buckets, dont take from their buckets. LOL. It's a kid book about being nice.
You found it! You found it! But that's all I'm gonna say, and I hope that doesn't give it away.
i'm super ansious now.....
and i'm super happy for you
i hope it's the most amazing boyfriend eveeeeerrrrrr because you deserve it but i also hope that you're gonna be on tv,you should have your own tv show,that would make my year!i've been living some tough times and feeling down but you're always the best part of my day and you put a smile on my face and my heart so thanks or everything and god bless.
Aaaahhhh! Which one is it? Which one is it? I can't wait to find out...I'm sooooo excited! =]
Aaaahhhh! Which one is it? Which one is it? I can't wait to find out...I'm sooooo excited! =]
I wonder what it is! :P Ah! the suspense!!!
I'm exctied!!! :D
IM rooting for TVVVVVVV cos ur inspire me to stay single and proud lol....
LOL..maybe she found out she was going to be on tv...so she cut her hair really cute/short (since we were all saying how hot she was) and well sure enough..she met this great guy on her way out the door of the salon...hmm...that would be a great kandee-tale huh?? Whatever it is...must be super-exciting...
I'd say TV like most here, and yet (and even though I'm like super jealous haha) I'd say you've found a fabulous boyfriend that will cherish you and take good care of you every single day! or so I hope cause you really deserve the best
but in the end as long as it makes Kandee happy I'll be happy for you!!
Love & kisses
my guess..you're gonna be on tv!
kandee,have a beautiful cheery day!
we love you!
If you find a boyfriend you won't be as much active as you are now on your videos...so I'm hoping you didn't lol
I am guessing TV,,, Isn't that what you were aiming for with all these videos, and the singing... I mean we know you've been working hard to show you have talent, but why don't you just go back to doing wearable looks, that we can try doing,,, I used to love those, and they used to inspire me all the time... I just don't see when I am going to be dressed as GEM or anybody else from that series of halloween looks
I LOVE this Kandee! I'm going to print this out and hang it on my wall!
"never let a compliment rot in your heart because you felt funny telling someone...."
your totally going to be on TV!!
You are totally gonna be on tv and it was only a matter of time!!!!!
Your button-cutness-full-of-positive-and-beautiful-energy will embellish all TV screens!
Stay real dear Kandee!!
We love the way you are!..
Hey, loverly! I know how you like really cool different "items" to wear and I found this site that gives most of the proceeds to different charities like cancer and the rain forest and animals. They have really cute stuff in my opinion! Check it out? LOVE YOU!
i adore your inspiring words. they really are so helpful!
just last night, after reading some of them, i finally realized what i want to do for the rest of my life. i'm going to be a writer of some sort. of all sorts. all i know is that i just wanna write and you helped me realize that! thank you Kandee! you're super awesome! :D
Oh my gosh..."the anticipation is killing me..." LOL! I am not sure what to guess. D'oh!
When are we going to find out??? The suspense is killing me LOL!!
You are sooooo going on TV!!! :) <3
Whatever it is it's gonna be fun yaaaay ...you were in my dreams Kandeee hehe funny :)))) Love you and thank you for beautiful thoughts :)
whatever it is I'm sure it will be awesome....
p.s. did you find your lost yellow ring?? or is that an old photo
What the what kandee?? (I am a nerd/wierdo)I have been so excited and yappin my husbands ear of about your big news that you were supposed to have tonight and there's nothing here yet!! Ahh! I hope by "tonight" you didn't mean 6:00 am when you finally go to bed after editing yet another fanfabulous costume video!! :)Come on come on! WHAT'S THE WORD MOCKING BIRD??
I am dying to know what it is!!!! Tell us : )
(sigh) I am a whimpy mama, mine is only 9 months though. . . I must go to bed now and make mimis :( Plus I am in Colo so I think you are an hour behind me? Night night, can't wait to go to work tomorrow, log on to your blog and see what the big news is. Yay for you Kandee in advance for whatever it is! :) again...night.
Grrr-neessss... Im going to bed and still dont know the BIG NEWS! I agree, later tonight in Kandee Land is 5am-ish...
Well I wlll be on when I get to work, thank goodness for the cell phone =]
OHH THE SUSPENSE!! I think you're gunna beon TV! You deserve to be on TV so I go with that option!
Cant wait to hear what it is!!!
I guess is Tv!....see people good things happen to people that think positive...not like dos girls that been talking bad things about Kandee!....no one is perfect and everyone can be beautiful outside if you take care of the inside... best luck in all you do Kandee....
someone got a hairrrr cutt lol I duno! m excitedd to knw!
My guess is TV! But may all your dreams come true, as you make many others dream, and their dreams attainable, you also inspire us to believe in ourselves. Thank you so much Kandee. Cant wait to see what it is.... :)
i think u're gonna be on TV :)
Be on TV!! It would be fantastic if you were... however if it is one of the other things then congrats to that as well! Oh it could be that you have been asked to play jem in a new series that has actors in it instead of cartoon charaters.. that would be kl, especially if they did it all with the fun voice you have in the vids!
Have a great day and never stop what you are doing girl its GREAT!
Kisses from the uk! xxx
So I was listening to one of my cds yesturday and come across a song called Someday Soon by an aussie artist called Natalie Bassingthwaighte. It is a very inspiring song about following your dreams and I thought of you straight away since your such a cheerleader for all our dreams.
Here is a link:
with lyrics like - Someday soon
You're gonna catch that dream you've been chasing
i thought it was right up your alley
: )
This must be an old pic...because you are wearing your favorite yellow ring that you lost! Soooo...I am guessing TV!!!!! It has to be!!!!
Or it is this something else....YOU DID FIND YOUR YELLOW RING!!!!!
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