i'm wishing...for the one i love.....to find me...to find me...today.....
that is one of my favorite songs from Snow White....and yes, I filmed my snow white video a couple weeks ago (complete with a surprise)....but I haven't had time to edit it yet... but it will be here soon.....here's a quick peak....
may your prince (or princess) be on their way to find you...and if not...maybe you can have 7 seven dwarfs to keep you company...or a little bird...ha ha ha ha
i love it!!
omg im so excited kandee!:D
i wanted this looke
Kandee! this is sooooo amazing. you have so easily become all these characters and it's just so unbelievable! I hope you come to philly someday soon!
Kandee, did you get that costume while you were at Disneyland with your family?? LOL It looks great and I can't wait to watch!!
oo i love it! you should do the little mermaid :)
Im so exited because Im planning to use this costume!!!!! please post it soon because I have a costume party on friday
thank you
Your so amazing! I love all your looks, but this one steals the cake.. for me.
Gypsy look next?
Awww I thought I would be the first to comment on this post, oh well. Kandee Girl are you still editing MJ's video? I am hooked on watching your videos are reading you blog. You made we smile and inspire me to have the courage to step out and do something different.
Ok no matter what look u do u ALWAYS look amazing!!! I think it's ur perfect bone structure! Ugh so jealous! But in a good way lol. Looks beautiful Kandee, as always! Can't wait for the video! : D
I, and I'm sure other suscribers would love it so much if you could post a video on how to put your hair up for under a wig.
peace and love, Kelsey
You look positively adorable!!
This is soo cute!! Good job, I LOVE YOU!! Best ideas ever!
That is so pretty!! You are an amazing makeup artist!!
I just found your blog and videos and I'm super hooked! I even watched some with my daughter who fell in love as well...she kept telling me "another one mommy". Thank you so much for putting a smile on our faces and keeping my daughter intrigued for over an hour!
Oh, Kandee, you're the epitome of Snow White! I can't wait to try this look!
can't wait for it!! =)
I love Disney princesses!
one of my favs is Snow White :)
I can't wait to see the video!
and Kandee, I dedicated a blog post to you! hope you enjoy :)
here's the link:
This totally reminds me of the movie 9 to 5, when Violet is dressed up like Snow White after she accidently poisons Mr. Hart. [[=
Hey kandee!!
I love watching your videos! They make my day ! I was wondering if you could do a zombie look . You have no idea how happy that would make me! Thanks so much.. your amazing! love u!! xoxo
So many original looks for Halloween! I love the look, it's so right on. Practically perfect.
omg you are so talented! wow i love all your looks.
SO pretty!
Kandee you are absolutely amazing! And you are going to be set for costumes for say, the next twenty years!
I hope your prince finds you soon too, and where is mine! At least you have 3 cute little dwarves to keep you company.
you look more like cruella de vil than snow white. uglllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy and scarrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy
wow you look so pretty as Snow White! can't wait for the vid!
as for ^Cindy's comment you are totally wrong.
Awww - looking forward to seeing this! =)You are the cutest!
I can't wait for the tutorial! All your halloween looks are THE BEST =)
I was just thinking the other day that is I was a super fab star I would have to have Kandee do my make-up everyday..luv your style and used your 80's Cindy look for a party last week at Disney and had tons of comments, thanks for the inspiration!
oh my, oh my, oh my!!!!! THANKS Kandee! My heart skipped a beat when I saw this. I requested it! xoxoxoxoxo
OMG OMG OMG hey kandee im fourteen and i love your vids i just luv the way u did the queen of hearts ... can you please please please do alice u look so b-e-a-utiful in the snow white picture i really thinkyou post more pics of your work arter you vids on youtube i just love the way you use glue to cover you eyebrows in that queen of hearts that is so smart Just to say you are amazing i really look up to you ...... ps i love the song you did for poison ive , ... my hair looks just like shacira ... hhahahahahahahahah that was so funny well ya have a beautiful and simley day
-love your biggest and youngest fan crystal
You went from MJ to Snow White, from the Mad Hatter to Poison Ivy!!
My god, you're a genius!!
I was wondering if you would do a GREEK GODDESS look, that would be so much fun (in your hands, you make everything fun)..
Kisses from Argentina!!
wow! i Can't wait! you look so beautiful!
I've been waiting!!
I am going to disneys trick or treat tonight as Snow White.... I wish this was up now!!!!
hi kandee! sometimes i think you read people's minds because my sister sooo wanted to be snow white and needed some advice on the make up.....and VOILA you created the perfect look. seriously, thank you for brightening people's day, making people feel pretty....just by being YOU. btw, my bf and i got in a huge fight because all he does is watch BASKETball allll day and he retorted with "well you watch kandee johnson allll day and i never say anything!" lol....good point!
-----/------<3 i have to include my signature rose heart so you remember me amongst the millions of fans!
Hey kandee i cant get enough of your vidoes there so great, i was wondering if its possible if you could do an 80s hair style. your
80s cindy look was great and i wanted to do that for halloween but since you did yours with a wig i just thought you could do one with out since i have no idea on what to do with my hair, that would be great and you would really help me out alot thank you!!
"Mirror, mirror, who's the fairest of them all?" "Snow White"
And don't eat the apple!! LOL
Please follow my blog too?? www.xmaterialgirlsx.blogspot.com
Thank you so much!!!! I can't wait until you post this video. Where did you get the costume?
You transform into everything so perfectly!!!!!!!
You are such a great make up artist and your personality makes it even more the better :D
Kandee you are amazing!!! I have told all my friends how amazing you are because they are always asking me how to do stuff just because I am obsessed and love art on your face!! They are all watching your stuff now too! I was wondering if you could do a wedding day makeup (if you have not already, that i can find?) because my friend is gettin married next summer and wants me to do everyone's hair and makeup and I just want to give her what she deserves! thanks so much!!
That is my favorite song from the movie also. It makes me cry, actually. I have been watching this movie every day with my 18 month old; she loves it! I was going to have her be Snow White this year for Halloween, but I couldn't find one in her size around here. I love the look, btw!
Hola Kandee, soy de Argentina, siempre veo tus videos en You Tu, sos fantastica! gracias por todos los trucos de make-up y tu sonrisa hermosa!
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