1. these people (see more here)
2. my SUPREME necklace (which I thought I lost yesterday! But I found it!)

...that is from a Cutlass Supreme (car)...(the one above is from a Coupe Deville) that I got at the Renegade Craft Fair in Downtown LA...you can find more like it...I finally hunted the girl down that made these awesome neckalces!!! Her name is Dust Design company CLICK here...
I love my big pink tutu....I got at Polka Dots & Moonbeams in LA....(as Jordan's bus dropped him off yesterday...I was packing my big rig to drive...it was full of pink tutu's, pink suitcases....and he said all the kids on the bus were like, "that's a lot of pink!!!"....ha ha ha ha...you know it!
wait til I post the 80's dress I bought at a yard sale.....AWE-SOME!!!!!
You are awesome!!!hope the holloween pics uploaded ok. Have a beautiful day! Lluvia
the cutie in pink! what decade do you think you were supposed to be born in? cuz i think its a toss up between 80's and 50's or so! i love you dear! your amazing! and thanks for another fun post!
The kiddies look so cute!! I love the way kids look drinking from their sippie. BTW you totally rock that pink tutu :) Safe trip Kandee
I just have to say, Kandee, that I really respect how much work you put into the videos, the two blogs and everything else we probably dont know the half of. It must be so hard as a mommy of a split home situation, but your children look very happy and like they have a creative, exciting Mama. Thanks for sharing so much with us (your fans) and Im so happy I found you on Youtube! Looking forward to future posts, blogs and vids. I got you on facebook, here and youtube. You go girl!
you gotta love them all.. they're awesome just as you are...
love you kandee so much .. you are the kindest person ever!!!
such a wonderful family! thank you for shearing! have a brilliant week-end
Your babies are as adorable as you!!
Cant wait to see your dress :D
Luv and have a super super day!!
Kandee, i just wanted to let you know that i find you so inspirational and just reading your blog makes me want to be a better person. you are incredible, talented, and beautiful. i'll try to be more like you!!! whenever i'm in a bad mood i'll just read your blog and then i'll feel much, much better. i have some problems - im trying to quit smoking :( and i need some advice how to do it!!! any tips?
Kandee, you are so awesome!!!! Your kids are so adorable and so lucky to have you as a Mom. Thanks for all your blogs and videos. They brighten up every day and I'm always so happy to see one!!! A day without Kandee is like a day without sunshine!!! Love ya girl
Hi, Kandee, I think this is the first time I've been to your blogspot. I just wanted to show my support for you. I think one of the first tutorials I saw of yours was the Kristen Stewart smokey eyes, and then after that I searched for more and more of you on youtube. I was listening to your story of how you started putting up videos and you amaze me. You are such a strong and beautiful person! I love how your videos are not also helpful, but you also make me laugh. Just by watching your videos, I feel like we're friends. I just wanna let you know that you're doing a fantastic job and I admire you so much! Take care.
Kandee could you post your top ten songs please?
I am putting my p.s. in advance
P.s. I am so sorry for this novel, u probably have things you need to do, I just really wanted to tell you this, so you don’t have to reply ill understand : )
Pss sorry if this does not make sense it is really hard for me to put feelings into words and let alone typing them lol
I was reading a blog today about what are you most humble about? I think this question was amazing! And I wanted to ask you what you are most humble and thankful for. What I am humble and thankful for is life and its experiences. How life has so many wonderful, glorious, and beautiful things that it brings, and also for the moments where it feels like your guts got ripped out. Because that makes you feel like your experiencing something great, maybe not at that specific moment but later on in life you will see it, (sorry I hope you catch my drift) That’s what I love about life and music (sorry im jumping around) how it works is amazing, how God gives us experiences and people to go through to become the stronger person that we all become. And I am so thankful for my mom I cant even explain in words how great she is!! She gives me everything and I cant give anything back besides love, and she says that’s all I have to give to her is, love and nothing more but I want to give her the world. And I bet your kids are do or are going to feel the same way with you cause of how special you are. I am also thankful for you kandee.
There are so many people out there that hate on others and bring others down and then theres kandee Johnson a beautiful and caring spirit that tells people that they are loved without knowing each them. I am thankful that there is some one like you out in the world, spreading joy and happiness where ever they go! That is what makes life amazing is seeing or reading or meeting people like you, they make you want to smile and carry yourself further and happier. So I say thank you miss kandee Johnson for being you and loving and dancing your way through life. Ur truly a one of kind, spontaneous being and I will forever stand behind you and love you even though we don’t know anything about each other. Thank you
I have to say Kandee I love to watch your vids and I read your blog you are a uplifting person and really lighten up a really bad day by keeping it in prospective. And to see a link to ETSY well that just Rocks.
Thanks for being you.
i am such a hugeeeeeeeeeeee GINORMOUS fan of your makeup and blog and youtube -- you're ever inspiring and infectious to watch!!! Keep up your amazing talents!!!
The Supreme necklace is so adorable!!
I want it so much <3
awww ur lil angels r sho cute!!!!!
Kandee everything about u is awesome!!your make-up, hair, cloths, but most of allyour personality/attitude, YOu seem like you have such a snow white soul. You are an inspiration to me and thousands of people. You have made me smile more everyday!
p.s your little rug rats are sooo beautiful!! :)
Oh, and one more thing... Can you do a viedo on making your nose look wider? i have a really slender nose and practically no nostrils..:( help!
Hi Kandee! Ur so inspiring! To pull off shaving your head & looking so beautiful. I do love your hair real real short when it was growing out :) Btw, you totally taught me how to color my own hair at home properly so THANKS!!!!
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