dream a big dream...
people waste their dreams...by never doing anything to make them happen! Let's be dream makers....not dream wasters!
Just like each person has their own fingerprints and likes and dislikes....you have your own personal dream...and your own one-of-a-kind-talent...no one else will say they same things you will, paint a painting the way you will, sing a song the same way...or even draw out the beauty in someone by doing their make-up, the same way...
Whatever moves you, excited you, whatever you have a "knack" for.....go after it! Go after it, big time! The small details are what will make your big dreams....come true!
And don't listen to the dream-stopper lies that try to prevent your dream from happening...
your never:
*too old, or too young....(The world famous chef Julia Child, didn't start cooking until she was in her 50's)
*not talented enough...(some of the most famous people were told they had no talent! From Frank Sinatra to The Beatles!)
*have no time...(some of the most amazing inventions and books were written when people had to do them at night, because they were busy with work or kids during the day)
*you have lost hope....(whatever is lost can be found.....find your dream and your hope..and work hard to keep it alive...water your dreams & hopes, daily....no one can make them grow except you...and God...but we have to do our part!)
*too fat or thin, not attractive enough.....(Oprah has struggled with her weight, but she became the most powerful women (person) in the media...true talent doesn't have a size or a beauty rating! I've seen some "pretty" people that were the ugliest people I've ever seen, and no one wanted them around!)
*you have kids and don't know how you'll do it....(I know of an actress, that was so desired, the studio paid for her to move to Hollywood, they paid for her house in the Hills, and they paid for her to have a Nanny service at her disposal...a lot of my friends are moms, or single moms...and they have been able to make their dreams come true, with their babies right by their side!)...everyone knows, moms have incredible work ethics, they can multi-task like nobody's business....maybe you can't answer the phone when kids are yelling...but thank goodness for email and texting! ha ha ha ha
I made small decisions to help get my "big dreams" jump started...
*I made the choice to enroll in beauty school (that's all I knew to do at the time)
* I decided I was going to talk to salons and see if I could do make-up for prom
*I made flyers and put them up advertising my make-up services
*I made lil postcards and business cards to give to people, so they knew I was a "make-up artist"
*I made a little portfolio of all my friends I had put make-up on
*I made appointments with all the local photographers and advertising agencies to show them my "portfolio"...and I started getting work!
*I decided I was going to go talk to an award winning make-up artist at a hair show...
and before I knew it....I was walking onto movie sets, into the offices of MTV with my make-up kit to work, and being listed as key make-up for tv shows and commercials...and hiring my own team of make-up artists and hair stylists for jobs!
Each small decision I made, was going to have a huge effect!

So today...or even next week...start making tiny decisions to power up your big dreams!!!
Remember, every giant journey...is made up of a bunch of little steps....
typed with huge love for you and your dreams...kandee
Amazing!!! Just amazing!!! Thank you for existing!!! Thank you very much!!!
hi kandee! i have watched your make up videos and i like those soo much and i have read some of your blog text,good work by the way. You are such a bubbly happy person :) and so cute! love it!
I heard that you have hard times going on and i want to sent to you my guardian angels, here from Finland :)
Amen! Very well said as always! Thanx for your inspiring words (~_~) Love ya!
Thank you so much Kandee!
Thanks for being the person who sets my dreams on fire and for being the person who makes me continue every day!
with love, Angel Ramirez
Kandee , you are my bigest inspiration, you always make me feel that I can achieve my dreams and I do believe in that! You like my engine. Thank you! You will always be in my heart!
awww Kandee that's so sweet, I love your honesty about all the humble n cute things you did to push forward, like "*I made a little portfolio of all my friends I had put make-up on" ha ha, awesome! That make so much sense, cuz it was work you did, even if it was on your friends for free :)
Personally, you've INSPIRED me to begin trying new things and I've just put up my new poetry site, that has mine and some friends poetry. Hopefully more of my friends and their friends will want to add some of their (clean) poems to put up. I've struggled with depression for years and low-self-esteem big time. But i have some incredible talents. I can draw like no one's business! haha, but am still shy and feel uninspired, but my poetry would come out in all times of moods, so I thought I'd put them out there...perhaps I can inspire someone to express their feelings to. Poetry has really helped me a lot!
So THANK YOU, to kind hearted ppl like you and singer song-writer Joni Mitchel (who I got to meet n she hugged n kissed me a perfect stranger!)
I'm a little bent reed, still trying to prop up other bend reeds.
LOVE ya Kandee
Great post! So inspirational :)
This is so inspiring. It really shows that by taking little steps, you can go on to bigger and better things. I love that you're so very "real" and that you share that side with everyone.
Best thing about what you say i this post....is that you're RIGHT.
I think of you often as I'm driving my big rig and try to apply what you say to my life and the things I want to do. You're always so positive it really keeps my spirits up!
Thanks, Kandee!!
Salena of The Daily Rant
Hi Kandee, you don;t know me but I'm a huge fan of yours in Utah! thanks for all your make-up videos. I already made myself a pro just doing make up on my own!! You have such a good heart and I wish you well in all your dreams. I was born and raised in the Philippines and I have made some of my dreams come true here in America, and I know anybody can as long as they are willing to grow and learn and become a fighter... More power to you and I'll keep watching your videos and reading your blogs. http:/czarinatrinidad.blogspot.com
THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS!!! I'm turning 30 this year and will be enroling into a makeup school, but still in the back of my mind I kept thinking too old, too late... I was encouraged by your words- THANK YOU!!! I needed that little boost!
Xoxo. Mel
Please don't ever stop blogging and Youtubing! You have an amazing gift to inspire people. You really do! Whilst your Kandeeland blog always makes me laugh this blog always makes me feel hopeful and pushes me. I want so much for everything to work out for you Kandee and for you to be happy. You're such a lovely, kind and generous soul. Even when you have your own troubles you are still thinking of others. Thank you. Much <3 to you.
you are so inspirational :)
I love this post!
Recently, I realized my dream to become a singer; this post just re-enforced my decision.
Thanks so much! :)
WOW. You are my inspiration. I just graduated beauty school. Have three kids and am getting a divorce. It really is hard and today was just one of those days. It's like I was suppose to read this post to keep me going. You honestly have brought me to tears. You make me believe I can do it. Thank you. You are so much more than a makeup artist.
kandee, i don't know how many you have inspired to keep trying. but that doesn't matter, what matters is that you keep doing what you doing, no matter what people say about you. in the end what matters is that you're true to yourself, and you did and are doing what is right. and that's being the sparkly you! keep smiling! your hard work will definately pay off, i know it, and so does the big guy up there.
Oh my goodness! If you were in Alaska you'd be the person I'd go straight to this year for my makeup for prom! I LOVE your videos! I do the valentines day hair style all the time now! And that teeth whitener is amazing haha.
You're my idol!
Wow, thank you so much for the post! While I am still young, I don't really know what to do with my life and I have dreams but I always think they're kind of silly to chase, you really inspire me to go for them :)
No way! Everyday I become more and more inspired by what you do and how you did it.
When I was reading this, I was like, "No way! you did Janice Dickinson's makeup?! You touched her face?!" (lol) I'm so glad I am able to know you, your inspiring words lift my spirits and encourage me to chase after my dreams, no matter how big or small.
You truly are a beautiful person, both inside and out. :D
Kandee, i always read your posts and watch your videos but never comment and i just though it was about time i left a comment among the other thousands of people and say you are truly genuine and beautiful inside out!
Thanks for the tip to use Google Chrome! I am adding you to my blog roll if ya don't mind. I have a family blog, (also a single momma)but with waayyyy less fabulous makeup!
Take a look if you ever have time to read! I am praying for your case. I have had such fun trying to get my makeup to look more fabulous!!!! Have a good day!
Thanks for the post Kandee!
Would you be able to either do a video or blog post about how you have done celebrities makeup, the experiences you've had with the different celebs and sets, and maybe some name-dropping a little bit :p
Hope you haven't already done something like this :s
your words are always Inspiring :)
KANDEE!! i been following u for a while & i swear dude..there should b mor ppl like u out there! n e ways..i went to the mall today n i got a ring like urs [srry i copied :)] but i got mine purple. there ws no pink :( . it ws 5 bucks @ sum store called cinderella.
Honestly Kandee, it sux that stuff like this happens but u noe, like they say in A Walk to Remember..if there were no pain there wouldnt b happiness. (or something like that). I really hope things get better for you..in the mean time..u best believe we r all out here cheering u on! (just like u do everyday!)..n yea..aiint no better day than today for me to get started on my dreams..n from the bottom of my heart..all the way to the top...thanks!
hehehe..it feels funny seeing my words there..(here). i've nevr commented n e thing anywhere lol. cool tho. now i have a voice (hehehe).
kandee you have such a kind heart
[i was just talking about my BIG dream today with my poppa and then i read your post...and i loved every word you wrote]
thank you for all your posts!
wishing you the best
You really make me want to dream and go after everything i want to do before i die. I love reading your blog, I sometimes think you do not exist because we can't be like this we have to face reality...your situaction is what it is and you have to deal with it. But you always make me feel if you want it that much go after it and have a little faith.
I truly appreciate your uplifting words :)
Wow this is crazy... I just listened to this song "All I have to do is dream" by The Everly Brothers and now I read your blog and you talk about DREAMS..
May all your dreams come true, Kandee!
I wasn't sure where to post this comment so most of Kandee's fans will see it. Hope this works. Just a suggestion so don't take offence but PLEASE, PLEASE don't post any more comments on that "nameless" newspaper website trying to hurt Kandee's reputation. I know people have been posting in Kandee's defence but although well-intentioned they are actually perpetuating that stupid comment section. Every time one of those idiots sees a comment in Kandee's defence they immediately jump on it like a pack of wolves and start the whole thing up again. They love it!!! Let them post their stupid comments. They obviously have sad, empty lives.
i like how you talk about things other than makeup this also just have me an bigger bost in my own aspriations :) and yes janice does have a huge personality! lol
Hi Kandee =)
I'am sorry for asking this, but, why is the "go get your dreams and my story video"(I think it was something like that) is no longer on your youtube channel? =(
I am just asking because I think its a very encouraging video for people...but if you had to take it from youtube for personal reasons, I think you are right. =)
How amazing, how motivational and how rewarding :D Every successful person I know has spent an unbelievable time and effort to get to where they are today. You get what you put out after all! Thank you for sharing your story!
Awee Kandee... i love your blogs nd videos so much, i love everythin' you say or do, so deep yet true.. i love you..!! :)
You're so so so inspirational..! eveything you say touches my heart nd help us all (your fans) to take a step foward nd take chances in life without being scared or worrin' too much..
Thak you so much... for everythin'..
i hope you and your family; parents, sister nd your little people are havin' an awesome day...
You help so many people with your kind nd sweet words, may God help you with all your difficulties..!
Love you loads..!
Your one of many fans..
-Kulsum :) <3 x
you're such a beautiful little angel! xoxo ~patty~
Kandee! you`ve made me a better person your happiness just radiates to me and makes me more confident, joyful, and happy!
Thanks so much! I am an artist: Singer,Musician,Actress,Author,Animator.
I like singing more then drawing and I want to purse that dream too! I know I can do it! thanks so much Kandee!
Have you heard of the Secret?
Another amazing post from you. And you know what? I'm gonna start chasing my dreams starting.......NOW
PS. I sent you a "love letter" recently. Hope you got it and it didn't get lost in the mail!
Thanks so much for those inspiring words! I am an Aesthetician, Makeup artist and a single mom of one... Life has not been easy so far but having inspirational people like you in the world cheering others on is such a blessing and really helps. : )
I hope you will check out my blog... Im new to the world of blogging so if you have any advice for me Id LOVE that. Thanks again, you are a doll and a truly beautiful person! XOXO
Hi Kandee!!! I just want to say that your blog, YouTube Videos, the way you are and everything you do is so inspirational!!! I visit your website everyday and watch your videos several times because I love your work. Thanks for throwing away all the negativity and spreading your lovely and crazy happiness all around. Keep up the good work!!!
Kandee, you are amazing!
You are really inspiring and the coolest person ever!
I love your YouTube videos too.
you are so right, Kandee, thanks for sharing with us!
I just wanted to add that Lucille Ball was told over and over that she should just quit because she was talent-less...but then look what happened!!! ;)
Hi Kandee! Thanks for sharing all that you do about your life. It's really amazing what you've been able to overcome. Your advice is exactly the same advice of all the spiritual teachers...follow your heart and take one step at a time to live your dreams. Thanks for being such a wonderful source of inspiration for us all!
That is awesome that you did that Kandee! What a blessing to do what you enjoy for a living. :O)
I love your videos and your blog! I have stopped visiting some other youtube channels I use to visit! I feel as I know you and you're awesome! You have expert knowledge and I am learning all this from you!
I wish you all the best! Don't stop what you're doing! Take care and lots of love to the kids!
Thank you for your inspirational words! You are so talented.
haha- YES we "can multi-task like nobody's business" !!
Its no wonder you are an inspiration to many- I am somewhat struggling with my dream at present- your blog helps me have clarity.
You really are amazing for all that you do for us all.
- and your pretty good with make up too! haha
What a nice blog, let me say that you have what some people call: ''writer's wood'', no really,
this could be the best thing i've ever read since that last post of ''Tabasco's Grill'' by Henry Townsend, i can't wait
for another masterpiece of yours!!!! =)
Vincenzo Aquafresca (vincenzoaquafresca@gmail.com)
4853 Tully Street
Dearborn, MI 48126
I love the make up because i can see my self like a super star, always beautiful and wonderful. I think the make up is the best innovation discovered. I enjoy make up very well when i have a date with a handsome man. For a moment perfect in the sexual activity i recommend you to buy viagra, another great innovation.
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