Sometimes it feels like our dreams, our hearts, our future has been shot to pieces...
Left to lay lifeless...without hope....BUT
What sometimes is even more beautiful...is the imperfection...all the holes make it more beautiful, so more light can shine through....like a beautiful piece of lace, or a beautiful sky filled with clouds...and through the holes and spaces in the clouds is where the most beautiful beams of light some shining through.
If your heart feels injured or your dreams feel dead....know that...the most amazing stories came out of things that didn't seem possible. A plant can grow out of a rock...that seems impossible!
You can plant a bamboo seed...and it looks like nothing is happening...the first year nothing happens, but the root is growing deep (that's our lives, the time we keep believing, the emotion we go through)...still above ground it looks hopeless..you'd give up on that plant that never popped up!
After that the bamboo plant can shoot up over 4 feet in 24 hours, that's almost as tall as a 10 year old!!! That's how our dreams and hearts can be....even if it looks like nothing is happening...life and everything we go through is getting us ready to "catapult" into extreme growth like the bamboo!
Keep your hopes alive and your heart and chin even higher...no matter what is going on...think of it as getting you stronger and more prepared for greatness!!!
I believe in you and love you..if no one else tells you that today! I did!
huge love, kandee
golly, you just picked up my spirts.
you are so amazing. :)
Kandee, I am sorry that this comment isn't related to your post, but I really need help with my skin! I moved to Chicago from the South, and my skin is freaking out! There are many cracks in my skin at the corners of my mouth and it is extremely painful. In the morning, I wash with MyChelle Fruit Enzyme Cleanser, then follow up with Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Toner and Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Moisturizer (both are for very dry skin). Then I put on Un-Petroleum under my eyes and on the cracked areas. Finally, I put on MAC Strobe Cream and then all of my makeup. At night I wash with the MyChelle cleanser again, follow up with the same toner, and then apply the lowest level of Retin-A Micro. I've also tried using the Retin-A just every other day. Oh, and I'm also drinking the cod liver oil you suggested twice a day and drinking 2 liters of water. Any help you can give me would be much appreciated! Thanks!
your ways of expressing things are so beautiful. The language used to portray your feelings is magical.
You have taught me to chase after my dreams no matter how far away or Impossible they feel,
My dream is to become a writer.
For people to read my feelings. Whether they are MY feelings or a characters'.
I have already written two novels and I am just writing my third!
I think I love writing as much as you love doing make-up!
I'm 15 and know exactly what I want to do so I feel honoured.
I'd also like to thank you for your many make-up and hair tips, I only found you on YouTube two days ago but I have already subscribed rated and watched all your videos.
Thank you, you are a rare treasure to me, but one I'll keep close and cherish!
Xx jasmin :)
Hey Kandee,
I sent you an e-mail around summer time, in it I wrote about "Be faithful in the small things", by Joel Osteen. He used this same example of the bamboo, that when it seems that nothing is happening,our roots are growing and we can't see them, but we are actually being prepared for the growth of greatness that will come into our life.
Check it out, it's really inspiring!
I've decided you need to become an inspirational speaker/makeup artist guru! I've been trying for the last 6 months to get myself into beauty school. But balancing, childcare (all of which is volunteer since I have no money to pay) My family needing to move out of my sister in laws house so my sister can come live with us (volunteer :P) and getting the work my husband needs situated so he can go back to school too...... It's all been very exasperating and I definitely feel like I'm being shot at!
I'm not my sunshiney self but your inspirational thoughts remind me of... well ME! You are helping me hold on to my inner happy self and seeing the good stuff in all. Thank you Kandee.
You always have me anxious to read your blog & watch your videos. You exude a positive light - we're like moths to a flame! LOL You are an example of how God rewards wonderful people that have faith in the paths they choose. Keep inspiring us all to be happier people!
@Millason -Hi there - I read your comment & Kandee referenced this ointment that I find works great. It's called Alba Un-Petroleum Jelly. Yes it's an ointment however (I live in Chicago as well) & my skin gets very dry in the winter so what I do is dab some on my fingers, rub them so that the ointment "warms up" before putting it on my face & I dab it (kind of like you would with concealer) on the dry areas of my face then gently smooth it out. I let it sit on my skin for a few minutes & then apply my makeup over it & you don't even know it's there! As soon as I saw her video suggesting this stuff, I googled it & Vitacost website sells it for $2.51 & the tube will last you for a LONG time! Hope this helps!
I really needed that. Not only do you help me with my makeup, but you have all sorts of priceless gems in that noggin of yours! Hope you continue to have a wonderful day and thank you!
To MissJanet79- Thanks, but that is already one of the steps I am doing every morning, and my face is still cracking!
Gee you always have something worth saying. You inspired me to love what I love more.
Hi Kandee..You should be a poet!! Thanks for brightening my day..By the way..Do you live in New Mexico? I have been thinking about relocating and the landscape looks like NM:)
Millason..I am no expert but I would stop using Retin A products immediately..They are very harsh on your skin and are probably adding to the dryness and irritation. I have very sensitive/dry skin and when I started using anything with Retin A/Retinoids my skin became very irritated and red/patchy. I feel like you need soothing products that are gentle on the skin. I would try using cetapil face wash and moisturizer..only...and see how that works...
you're such an inspiration kandee! thanks for the words, i needed that today! just to let you know...i saw your blog with the leopard case for iphones....did you know that they sell hot pink and grey zebra "glow in the dark" covers on ebay for iphones? haha! that's what i have! take care doll...xoxo ~patty~
ur such a sweet one...... ur words always always help me so much. Its like exactly the sort of inspiration i need...
God bless u!
P.s. this is my first comment , i hope it rchs u;-)
this helped me & encouraged me to never give up :) thank you sooo much for sharing this<3 :) GOD BLESS U!!
I love this =)
Please be careful out there Kandee. It looks very peaceful but there could be anyone out there lurking. I hope you're carrying some kind of protection with you. I saw the post before this was called protection. Haha! I got all excited and then saw it was for your phone.
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