Oooh Valentine's Day...I know some people don't like Valentine's Day...but I love any chance you get to celebrate love or any extra reason you get show someone...anyone, that you love them!
It doesn't have to be a significant other..it can be your kids, friends, parent, brother or sister...grandparents...
Everyone loves being told they are loved...and especially being shown that they are loved. I love giving people little love-gifts, whether it's a card, cupcakes I baked, or a little something that I think they will love...
Here's an extra "glammy" make-up look for Valentine's Day....whether your at school, work, or for your V-day Night out...here's a pretty look for your v-day date...
and if it's a Valentine's day Girls-Night-Out....you will feel extra cute...and maybe you'll snag single guy on valentine's day...who knows!
Instead of hating Valentine's Day...celebrate love and everyone that you love this day...and let it be an extra special day to celebrate someone, kind of like a birthday....but a love day!
Enjoy this video...and pass a little extra love on to someone today...give a compliment, tell someone you love them, give someone a little gift, or offer a little bit of your time, for a caring phone call, text, or just offering to spend some time!
Love and smiles, kandee
Oh my, your lips look stunningly beautiful in this picture!
Everyone needs to show love... Change this world, only love can set it right!
PS. You always look lovely he
I extra <3 <3 you! hehe
You are too beautiful!! Is there anyway you could do looks for those of us who are of darker skin tones? I know you've been goin through a lot latey and your strength through this is all has been amazing to watch. you are an inspiration. my friends father also lives near tahoe (minden) and he's a lawyer..his name is nathan tod young. you should look him up, i'm sure he'd give you a great deal. feel free to delete this comment if it's too much info.
Wow, this is a very lovely look! Thank you so much for taking the time to share something wonderful with us, your fans. I know you're going thru some hard times, but we all love and appreciate you. Lots of love!
I absolutely adore Valentine's Day personally and think it's rather silly for people to be hating on it. It's the day to spread the love and joy out. Oh and that Valentine's look is just gorgeous hon! :D
Hi Kandee... I absolutely *LOVE* this look! I cannot wait to try it out. I would have never thought to start with a black shadow as a base on the lower lid, but it comes out beautifully! I have to tell you, I came across your videos on Youtube while I was searching for some how-to ideas for Halloween makeup a few months back. By now, I have watched almost all of them and I am loving all your tips and tricks! From teeth whitening to skin care to makeup, you have some great advice for REAL women! You are so talented! You have really inspired me to get out of my "funk", try some new looks, and feel pretty again! Keep spreading that positive energy. You really brighten my days! Thank you so much! :)
loooooove it!
Hello Kandee :) I just love watching your videos... My husband likes watching Conan, but I could watch your videos every night! Thank you for being a positive influence. You have a gift of encouraging people, but I want to encourage you that 99.9% of the viewers know that you are nothing but sweet, so let the .1% of negative comments go in one ear & out the other. Your fans love you dearly & have your back. So just keep being yourself, the fun, kind & honest person that you are and I believe that doors of opportunity will begin open for you!
hey kandee, don't know if you're familiar with this line of cosmetics or not, but in case you're interested they're having a sale: $1 on many many cosmetics until Jan 25th and the colors are gorgeous!!
loveeeeee the look so awsum.
please kandee fans. join my blog im gonna host a valentine giveaway SOON :D
Kandee, cute look, I wish a had Urban Decay cosmetics to do that, but I'll try another way. ^.~
That was a brilliant look and such a change from all the pinks that come out for Valentines. You're a lovely person and I hope all works out well for you. A NOTE OF CAUTION FOR YOU - be careful with who you think your friends are! A lot of YT so called "gurus" have suddenly started following your Twitter account since you shared some personal info with your regular followers about your recent problems. There was a lot of bitchiness and a lot of them are following you for the wrong reasons! I just find it strange they have offered no support but snide remarks and are only just following now to see your tweets and keep up their direct message bitching! BE CAREFUL KANDEE <3
hi kandee
i hope, many-many of ure fans donated for u!!!
u give us so much, so now its time for us to give you something back...
i send you power and hope..
i hug u..
XOXO toni
Hey Kandee!
Really pretty make up!!
I got say that i´m not a fan of valentine´s day but any change to use this look is ok with me hahaha
Hugs filled with love,
ok so im not a big fan of valentines day bnut i do loveee this look :]
I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! your lips look amazing! I also LOVE how you think about Valentine's Day and that it is not just a day for couples but for spreading some LOVE to the world..
..sending all my LOVE to you..
As always Kandee, lovely lovely lovely! Hope you have a wonderful and blessed week!
Hi Kandee I love watching your videos. When I first started watching You tube last year I found you! and you are just so informative in your videos and I've learned alot from you.. This look is really pretty I would be so honored if you followed my blog.. Thanks good luck with everything, I know it will work out for you, keep smiling and everything will be alright. :)
I wish I was as pretty as you! I just never have time to look good! It's a sad thing being in high school...
anyway, you look really great! I love you, Kandee!
Hi Kandee, I feel so bad asking you anything right now, but do you use the new St Tropez Brone Mousse? They do not sell the one you love anymore and the new one just came in the mail to me today. Thanks for your help!
Hi Kandee!!! I just love watching your vids your so full of LIFE even when you're through some trials in life. You're such a MAD inspiration for me!
Keep your heads up!
Hello Kandee! Comment & Question:
1. I love the blue/green look and you do such a lovely job!
2. Being a redhead, some of the techniques/colors I've tried upon your suggestion just seem way too harsh for my blue eyes and fair skin. Is there room in the future for you to address this for people like lil' ol' me???
Thanks and keep up the nice work!
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