so here's how to open up shop in your bathroom or kitchen...
what you need:
1.latex or any kind of rubber gloves or plastic mixing bowl
3.flat hair color brushes (get them at any drugstore, in the hair color department)
4.some Un-Petroleum (my fav, google, or un-petroleum to find it)
5. hair color (semi-permanent is the way to go)
6. developer (unless you bought it at the drugstore, they all come with developer)
7. a dirty old shirt that you don't care if you get color on...same with an old towel to wash hair
I really like L'Oreal, and if you want a permanent color...FERIA by L'Oreal is great...
I like semi or demi-permanent hair color, because it won't leave a funny line in your hair when it grows blends beautifully everytime you color it....
This is L'Oreal's demi-permanent color:

now if you can get to a beauty supply store....
these are my favs....
Paul Mitchell's PM SHINES...they are an awesome color with lot of glossy shine...but I think you have to be a professional hair stylist to buy them.....I know....I know
Then I like CHI's haircolor....and the PRAVANA one that I use in the video.....
RUSK also makes a nice one called COLOR ID.....(But again......these might be pro-only colors)
The L'Oreal ones are really great too though!
The colors I use are dark...level 3, 2, or 1....the closer to 1, the blacker you get! ha ha ha
I like cool or ash blue, violet, or green based colors....unless you want lots or red in it, then go for warm colors....
now let's get coloring!!!
Thank you for all these awesome tips!
Would you ever do one on home highlights? :)
Thanks, Kandee! Love this tut!
And oh - would you suggest semi or demi permanent for covering greys?
Thank you Kandee!! I dye my mom and grandma's hair all the time and have never thought of sectioning off hair! That would make it a lot easier and even. Thanks for dyeing your hair for your viewers. How awesome are you?!!
hi i left u am comment on ur youtube video but dnt knw if ull read them. so im writting here too. i really want blue black hair but without bleaching it first. What do you recommend me to do to get this sffect. i have dark brown hair to begin with, i dye it black, but fades to a redish brown in weeks. i really just want that black blue effect. like it looking blue outside in the sun typr of thing. i really hope you respond. love all ur videos!!! keep them comming.
you're so adorable! you're my favorite! :D
I have some questions how to have a new look. I have long medium brown hair and i want to paint it but i do not know what color.I have very very white skin with a tendency to red and i have dark green eyes.what color sould i color it? I also want to cut it and i love your cut style, do you think i can do the same with curly hair? the fringe can be done in curly hair? Due to treatment of acne my lips are very very very very dry and the skin torn, when i put lipstick the skins are up and gets very ugly. Can I use lipstick, what shot i put? Because of this treatment my eyes are very dry and sometimes the makeup irritates them. that makeup can I use?
good news: I no longer have acne ....
I apologize for the huge questionnaire , but I have many questions ...
Luv your work
From Portugal with Passion
to the question about grey's - only permanent hair color will cover grey, typically demi or semi won't do it.
Thanks Kandee! You are wonderful and inspiring as always. Hearts <3
So, I've been on a Kandee video watching marathon because you are just so helpful, down to earth and most of all... You know your stuff girl! I know this question doesn't belong here, but here it goes... How much running or exercising do you do to stay in such great shape? Are you a daily runner who goes out and runs miles and miles (b/c you seem so fit.)?
OMG, I was in Austin, TX earlier this week and HOLY HUMIDITY!!! I wasn't used to being in such humid conditions. I was so grumpy b/c my hair and makeup looked so bad. DO YOU HAVE ANY TIPS ON HOW TO KEEP A HAIRSTYLE IN HUMID CONDITIONS? HOW 'BOUT MAKEUP? I mean, I could just feel my pores plugging up the entire time I was there. Yuck. I wanted to clean myself off with alcohol just to get the slimy-ness to go away.
Anywhoooo. Love ya' Kandee! Thx for all your help!
Totally agree with "I Hate Humidity's" pore plugging experience. Short of wearing a ponytail, no makeup and looking like a 12 year old on hot humid days, is there anything we can do in pea soup weather ?
...Aahh, the million dollar question...
Freakin' hate humidity!!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing I do sometimes, instead of doing the old shirt thing, I do a zip up hoodie or button up shirt and put a towel over it, b/c then I can just unzip or unbutton when I rinse my hair out. Tons easier than trying to pull a shirt over dyed hair or getting it wet leaving it on to rinse.
Another trick I learned was that if you still end up with color on your forehead, you can use rubbing alcohol to take it off. It's cheap and works well!! Windex also works. I believe it's the ammonia that does it.
Fantastic video K!! I definitely learnt some new tips and now I want to try moving away from the color in a box. Thanks for sharing.
Hey, Great tut!
Question for you (cos you seem to always know everything :)
Have you heard of perming your eyelashes, like a permanent curl to them? Does it work? Should I try?
Keep up the good work!!!
Hey Kandee! Watched the salon hair at home video and I just have a question I can't find and answer to: I really want to dye my hair platinum blonde from my current color of red. How exactly should I go about doing this? Do I bleach the hair first and then dye it or do I use a lightener? Please help me!!
Can u do Heidi Montag Makeup??????
Hi there! I was wondering if you have any tips on keeping your hair color from fading or washing out cause that's a problem for me. Thanks! Love your videos and blogs!
How would you do it, if you have blond high lights? if you have time to respond back to me at thanks!!
could you do a video/post on how to bleach your hair??? please???
because i really want to go blonde but im terrified about it turning green i also dont trust hair stylist enough to go to one to have her do it for me.
I love your blog!
I check in everyday to watch your new videoes.
You always get me in such a good mood :)
Wish you all the best!
Smiles <3
hey kandee,
I have a question, I dont really dye my hair but when i do, the color doesn't stay on very long it usually last only a day or two after i dyed you know why it comes off so easily (i dye it at home)?? it'll be helpful if you can answer why..thanks!
I just found all your tips and loving loving everything so much! I love your hair can you put recommendations for hair colour for fair people???
thanks for the tips!
Hey so your videos are so helpful but I have a question that I was wondering if you could help me with. Ok my natural hair color is blonde and I've been coloring it a dark brown/black since 2007. I have always used permanent hair color. I feel dumb haha! Well everytime I do it the darker hair just becomes darker and my roots are always lighter than the rest of my hair. I don't know if there is a better way of doing it, I was just wondering if you could maybe help me out with it so it could turn out better. Then only way it ever works is if I color my roots black. But sometimes I want it to be lighter than that. Sometimes I choose a red based color and my roots turn pink and orange which is kind of inevitable, because my roots are blonde. AHH, it's so hard, but I really prefer having dark hair over light.
Don't forget you can always get the Paul Mitchell hair color on ebay. I love that I finally have access to the things that used to only be found in the beauty supply store!
hey i have natural ginger hair i was wondering if ice blond would suit me what do you think ?
She looks amazing and totally up to date! I also love the contrast of color from her brows! But I agree with dgm, to keep it up, it looks to be a lot of day to day maintenance!
semi permanent make up
Just one question, i had my hair bleached about a month ago my hair is a light brown right now and i want to color my hair black. Do you think it's a good idea to do so i wan to do my hair the darkest i can.
hei!i really admire your work. u are a beautiful girl.
I have a question for u... cuz i am tired to dye on and on my hair because my roots are darker.My hair is light brown and i dyed it light blond.i want to change the color to a honey blond so now the difference between my roots and the rest of the hair is huge! so my question is how can i get my hair entirely honey blond even if my roots are brown now and the rest of my hair is light blond?? pls pls help me! i hate it this way!...than's!
Hi. Your blog is great. I have a question for you. I colored my hair demi brown/black. I was told not to go all the way black because I could not color it any other color after that unless I cut it all off. So anyways I used demi. I want to color the underneath of the bottom of my hair purple but not bright purple. The color in the bottom of the RAW is what I want. How do I do this. I bought purple it is RAW purple from spencers is this a good brand or ok? I don't want to bleach it to make it damaged or is there a better way?
What is your recommendations.
Thank you.
hey kandee!
i decided i wanted to dye only my bangs. my hair is brown. do you have any tips on what colors would mesh well together?
thanks so much! your videos are very helpful.
Hi Kandee! I noticed you love trying to use more natural/organic products. Maybe you have already heard of it but there is a cleansing conditioner called WEN by Chaz Dean that is free of harsh detergents like SLS. Ive been loving it and thought I should tell you about it if you havent already heard of it :) Keep Posting!
hi kandee! im your number 1 fan here in the philippines! i just had my hair colored with my moms help(ive had a hard time colorin my hair at the back part so she did it fot me) unfortunately it didnt came out as i expected it to be because it went out un even, some parts were colored, some parts werent. but when i saw how you did the hair coloring yourself, was just amazing . i might do my hair coloring myself and see if can get a good even result within the next 2 weeks.. thank you so much for the tutorial kandee and more power!
Hi Kandee,
Thanks for the awesome tips! I have a few more questions though... how does the ratio of the developer and hair dye affect the color outcome? When I dye my own hair I often have the problem that my color doesn't come out the way I wanted... they're always a few shades different (I'm Asian so I have super black hair haha) How do you mix the developer/hair dye so it would come out exactly the same shade you want??? Any suggestion??? Like should I put more developer for lighter shade or something like that???????
Thank you so much :)
Hi Kandee,
Thanks for the awesome tips! I have a few more questions though... how does the ratio of the developer and hair dye affect the color outcome? When I dye my own hair I often have the problem that my color doesn't come out the way I wanted... they're always a few shades different (I'm Asian so I have super black hair haha) How do you mix the developer/hair dye so it would come out exactly the same shade you want??? Any suggestion??? Like should I put more developer for lighter shade or something like that???????
Thank you so much :)
Kandee!! Please help!! I have black hair and a few months ago I dyed it a dark brown color with a permanent dye. Yesterday I tried to dye my hair a lighter medium brown color with a permanent dye but only the roots turned medium brown - then I read somewhere that you cannot color a dark permanent dye with a lighter permanent dye. If I try to dye it a darker color with permanent dye now will the lighter color turn dark or can I not darken light permanent dyes??
I was curious about the hair dye and sells the Pravana Chroma Silk Creme Hair Color
around like 40 seconds you talk about having red hair like what color red was it and how would you pick the right red and how would you do it??? thanx for your time
Kandee..thanks for the hair coloring tips..awesome!
Need you help please. My natural hair colour was black and few years back I had it bleached(blonde). Now it has gone back to it's natural color but there are some grey hair as well and the end of my hair still have a bit of the blonde color from the bleach. I am going to cut my hair just few inches below shoulder length, layered and wanted to color it again. i have brown complexion and black eyes so what hair color would you suggest? Should I bleach it or colour all the hair?
Thanks in advance
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