This look is pretty and a bit more "wearable" without the eyelashes....ha ha ha
what i used:
EYES: MAC paint pot in painterly
silver eyeshadow like MAC pigment in Silver
a frosty pink shadow (i used Da Bling from MAC)
a frosty lavender ( i used Beautiful Iris)
a dark silver shadow like (Electra from MAC)
a shimmery peachy pink like (like Naked Lunch or Kitten from Stila)
Black creme liner...like fluidline from MAC in black
Black Mascara in L'Oreal Double Extend Tubes
False Lashes in #316 Nbs Feather Eyelashes from Naimie's (www.naimies.com)
Lips: a pale-pinky-peach lipstick....I used BUERRE lipliner (pale nude-rose) then Pretty Please lipstick from MAC (a pale frosty pink) or BUBBLES from MAC
BLUSH: Blunt from MAC to contour (a dark bronze matte)
and Golden Bronze Iridescent Loose Powder to highlight
now go get your lady gaga on....
Amazing! Hope when you have the time you can do more editorial looks. :)
Love it! XO
OMG thats so cool
u look like an angel
do a look from the hills gurls
=)that would be cool :D
hiii Kandee! i've been following your videos for quite some time now, and you're so amazing!!! thanks for all the wonderful tips, i did learn a lot about beautiful make up from you!! and you have an amazing personality as well, you cheer me up every time! i have a request though: please please do Katie Melua inspired make up! she's so pretty! here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYcsNnw1jeU
thanks a lot!
it looks so pretty...i just recently descoverd your blog and videos on youtube and im loving itttt xD...And it would be so cool if you could do like a wrelly nice brown-black smoky eyes (sorry for my bad grammer but im not from america and i speak better then i write xD)
can you do a Victoria Beckham or Jennifer Lopez glowy look tutorial? thanks!
hey Kandee just wondering if you could do a tutorial on how to repair your eyeshadow when it breaks? thanks.
wow you look like a twin of lady gaga :D nice look :)
i'm really a fan of your videos..
and i have some requests and some questions also!!
i would love to learn penneloppe cruiz make up and andriana lima's as well..
well, i live in france and i'll be in orange county cali this august,
i wanted to know if it possible for us to meet up so i could have some private lessons?
how can we communicate?
cuz i tried to send you a private message at youtube bat i never received a response!
thanks a lot
Can you do bodycare Kandee?
Hey Kandee,
Greetings from Ireland!
Absolutely looooooooove your videos, they bring even more cheer to my days(especially at the moment cause in the middle of exams and use my study breaks to check out your awe inspiring make up videos)ha. Make up is just so so much fun and you just elevate the fun factor!ha
Thank you for sharing all these tips with your fellow makeup addicts haha..cannot wait to see more videos and try out some of these looks.
woah, spectacular, great work :))
hey kandee!!! love your videos!!! i was wondering what brush did you use for applying blunt?? keep up the amazing videos, they make my day!!
hey kandee!
I wanted to make a request for the Kim Kardashian makeup that she had when she did the jimmy fallon interview! I love your looks!
I'm quickly becoming addicted to your videos! They've been a lot of fun to watch and I'm breaking-out and trying new things now :)
I've noticed in the last few videos, you use a black-handled brown-bristled blush brush. What company is this from? I have to have this brush because it looks like the perfect density that I've been looking for.
Thanks for what you do!
i love the videos!!! i just discovered them a few weeks ago but im addicted! since i found you i have cut a t-shirt (like the ed hardy one and i cant wait to find a shirt to do the white rocker one!!)
I also trimmed my side-swept bangs for the first time! eek!
and i got the l'oreal true match foundation (ive been looking for a good one forever!)
I loved that you mentioned that one in a video. I cant afford all the MAC products, so the 'off brands' are great for me :)
You are so pretty and i love that you go on camera with little to no make-up on to show us all how to get great looks!!
thanks again kandee!!
it looks awesome, girl!!
hey kandee that looks great i think this is one of my favourites!!! i think you should do a kind of Chicago musical look like the two main girls Roxie and Velma
This look is so fun!
i love lady GaGa and all of her sassy looks, but i must say, you deffinatly have this look down way better then she does! Do you think you could do a really fun "barbie" look? I would love to see one done by you! Oh and maybe you could do a video on how to curl straight hair? I learn so much from your videos it's unbelievable!!
Hope you have an amazing day!!!!
peace && love
love this look...
anyway you can do a look for hot weather...or a foundation tutorial for summer? Or some kind of review on different foundations.
I love that look. Once again, great video! I know you obviously can't reply to every comment, nor answer every question, but I was wondering whether you know how to minimize the look of stretch marks? I have some really bright ones on my arms now. At least other places aren't as visible :(
Hey Candy - I'm interested in the seminars - my email is sheilanorthcutt@gmail.com
so i totally lucked out because I live in san francisco , but i'll be in the LA area for summer school from june to july meaning i can go to your seminar!! i am MORE than interested in a seminar. :) my email is abawong@ucdavis.edu
Hi Kandee!! I'd love to attend one of your seminars! I'm actually going to school near San Francisco, but I'm in southern cali until June 20th for vacation. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have a seminar before June 20! I'd love to meet you! You can contact me at suziee_shin@berkeley.edu.
i cant find a area to respond about your glaminar....so i post here =]
I live between bakersfield and fresno and i am definitely intersted in your glaminar please contact me...although i am in hawaii from june 14-20....so i will keep fingers crossed that it is after that!!!! email addy is cmariegonz@hotmail.com
HI I'd love to attend a seminar!! i live 30 minutes away from LA. My email is Tonglindsey@gmail.com. Thanks!!
I just watched your video about your GLAMINARS! I'm very interested, I've been wanting to go to Cosmetology school, but can't find the time :/ if you can email me at angela@angelamorrow.com I'd love to know if I could attend thank you<3
I've left comments everywhere. I'm very interested in being at the glamozar. please send details at lenglish63@msn.com
I'd love to go to your glaminar :)
i'm also a start up makeup artist ... so if you're looking for an apprentice please let me know :)
super cute look!
love it!!!!
and im soo interested in your glamanars!!!! lol
Hi Kandee,
I will be coming to Los Angeles from Australia in the middle of August. I am interested in your seminar. I currently work as a nail tech and do some prom and bridal makeup but would like to take some more courses.
Could you please send me some info?
I am so interested in the glaminars my email is hellomynameismeg@yahoo.com!
Hi Kandee, how about doing some Glaminar Webinars for those of us who can't afford to fly to LA and be a part of these classes? I'd be more than happy to pay an extra fee to partake in your lessons via the internet. I've seen it done in some seminars where there are people present and then also a camera streaming live video on the internet for those who want to partake from afar. Just an idea to consider. Thanks for all you do! You're such an inspiration. xoxo
can you do a tutorial of ashley tisdale's make up in her music videoes "suddenly" and "it's alright, it's ok" ? can you please do both of them?
Hi Kandee,
I'm in S.F. and soooooo want to take part in a Kandee glaminar! Please , please, please!email @ blcuriel@aol.com.
hi, i'm very interested in the makeup classes my name is liza. please email me at liza416457@csufresno.edu thanks.
hi kandee! my name is vanessa i just watched your glaminar video.. and im VERY intrested. please email me the infor @ dingyone_01@yahoo.com
thank you & i look forward to hearing from you ;]
Hello Kandee i am very interested in makeup classes iam a subscribed to your youtube chanel and would love to attend the classes. My name is Marina, my email is dibiyaevam@yahoo.com, and i do live in LA.
Do a hills girls look
kisses from ireland
Hi Candy!!! I just discover your channel yesterday and im hooked girl! You have an awesome personality! I watched ur video about the "glaminar" [GREAT WORD!] and I am super interested! Im a few minutes away from downtown so I am super ready and excited to be part of it! My email is: piiel.canela@yahoo.com Please let me know as soon as you have more info! THANK YOU!!!
You need to come to Toronto, Canada! Your classes would be sold out so quickly, i know so many people who watch your videos down here! I'm so jelous right now that i can't attend your classes in LA...! Are you only going to do these classes one time? Or are they going to be an on going thing? If you are going to keep doing them then i think i might have to take a road trip down there lol! Also, i am so excited for your brush line to come out! When will they be available???
Have an amazing & beauitful day!!! <3
P.S i don't know if it was just my computer but your video kept going black, and your voice at sometimes was overlapping. So i couldn't really make out everything you were saying!
I would love to go to your makeup class!!! I will definitely attend for sure. My e-mail is roofusgrl@msn.com. Look forward to hearing from you thanks
hi kandee,
just wanted to know if you still had space for your makeup classes?? can you post dates and where they will be held I just cant find them on your blog. Thank you.
Sorry I didnt leave an adress my email is vega10@sbcglobal.net thank you. (makeup classes)
makeup class! i live in LA. going to the makeup show in pasadena.
Happy Friday Kandee! My friend and I are both in cosmetology school and adore your videos. We would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to attend one of your make-up classes dependent on price of course for us broke student people. xoxoxo
Margaret (misskogan@gmail.com)
Hey Kandee, I am 100% interested attending one of your make-up classes.
Please please could you teach the step by step of Brigitte Bardot makeup that 70's look !!!
I love all your tutorial and tips!!! I'm a big fan!
Greetings from Brazil!!!!
Hi Kandee,
I love all of your videos! I live in the LA area and I would love to attend one of your seminars !! Here is my email address: audreytuey@gmail.com
Good Afternoon Kandee My name is Jessica Carrillo and I am a HUGE FAN of you and your work. I am more than 100% interested in attending your Makeup Glaminars....I think that's just a Fabulous name...makes me feel fabulous just thinking about it. If you can let me know when, where, and how much...I would greatly appreciate it. I live in Beaumont CA which is in the Riverside County area...so driving to the LA area is no problem at all. Thank you for all your help...you've truly been an inspiration to me. I have followed you on youtube and on your Blog and all your videos have really been helpful. If you can get make to me at jjcarrillo07@yahoo.com. Thank you so much.
Hi Kandee:
We all know that you are going to look great in every makeover that you do on yourself. How about doing some makeovers on average people and showing us what to do to make them look spectacular! I would be interested in seeing 40+, prom and bride makeover as well as just an everyday look. Thanks.....I am always inspired by your work.
Hi Kandee!!
I love your videos!! You're such an amazing person! Please come to Toronto, Canada for a Glaminar! They're going to be such a success!!
Hi Kandee, i know you get loads of messages on here but i just wanted to say you are such a little star and i love all your videos, i have my final year prom/ ball tomorrow and love looking through your looks for inspiration and you got me through revising for my law degree as a little reward after working my ass off for a few hours lol
so keep doing what you are doing and i love how happy and bubbly you are it always makes me smile!
ps - i second the idea for body care mentioned somewhere above
kisses! from the uk!
Hi!! I would really like to se a look on the Hills girls. And your favourite brushes :)
Silje from Norway..
Kandee- you are such an inspiration and such a kind soul.. I love all of your videos, they are really awesome! Thank you and keep doing what you love girl.
OMG! you should totally come to CARSON CITY/RENO NEVADA!
i added you on facebook.
i dont have a youtube account, but i totally love your makeup style and just everything :)
Hi Kandee! Thank you so much for your videos they are so helpful. I'm really interested in attending the makeup seminar you are offering :) Anyways my e-mail is...
Thank you!
I really want to go to one of your seminars. Will you be travling to the San Francisco Bay Area? My email address is kristab1688@yahoo.com
kandee, i absolutly love you and your videos. i'm very interested in going to your seminars.
my email is
I know you mentioned something about your watch in one of your videos...where did you get it again? I would love to get something similar.
I only recently started watching your videos. you are sooooo pretty and awesome for showing us what we can do to add a little extra to ourselves.
Hi!... Um, this may sound weird but.. I need a little help choosing makeup and I wonder if you could help.
I'm mixed race (black, white, and native american) and no concealers or foundations match my skin tone. They're always too red or they cake up too easily on my skin. I also dont ever know what colors to choose when I want to do a smokey eye (or any eye) since black usually just overpowers my face and grey doesnt seem dark enough.
If you have any tips on how I can get a light/natural flawless face, and possibly a list of good colors for naturally bronze skin, i would greatly appreciate it. LOVE your blog and your videos.
can you post some vids of your make up classes because some of us can't afford to go : (
Kandee, I wanna come to your make-up class~ How do I sign up?
Kandee, what kind of information do you need in order to come to your make-up class?
heyy kandee do you think you could do a video on how to contour your face? and do you know if a spray on tan from a tanning place is ok to do and do you know if it would turn you orange lol because i have really light skin and dont tan real well in the sun and a tsanning bed is super gross for me cuz im super ocd lol but idk please make a video for me or send me an email hp2892@hotmail.com thank you soo much have a greeat daaayyy!! =]
I just love you. You are so incredibly good at your craft. I enjoy learning new and different tricks from you. I have a REQUEST. I would like you to do a shimmer brown with a touch of teal eye for me. I just bought the GET BAKED palette from Urban Decay and need ideas.
Hey, Kandee! I was hoping you could do a vid on your favorite cheapo-products...
I am very interested in your class on June 19 can you send me you information thanks.
Natalie .V.
Fake lashes ROCK ! The dark Duo eyelash glue is my fav too. I usually use tweezers to tack the lashes on the inner eye corner. They work better than my fingers :)
i was just wondering.. would you mind doing Ashley Tisdale's It's Alright It's Ok make up tutorial???
pwweeezzzeeee pwweeezzeeeee pwetty pweezzeeee (:
Thisss look is amazziin(: i was just wonderingg if youuu couldd do likeee ann outtfitt ideaa forr ladyy gagaa? maybayy sumtinn for halloweenn!? Thanxxxx(:
I just watched the video about your life story and dreams- it made me cry. You are truly a beautiful individual, inside and out, who has overcome tragedy to inspire the world. You're fabulous and I love your videos! You've inspired me to pursue my dreams, making the most of each day. Thank you! :)
K, I love your work~it's definitely nice to see someone with such talent be humble. I wanted to persoanally invite you to my blog and would love for you to follow it and also make any suggestions. I am still learning the whole youtube and blogging thing. I hope to see you on my blog. http://makeupwithgabriela.blogspot.com/
I am 13 years old. nd before i watched your videos i wasnt interested in make-up. but now i wana be a make-up artist so badd its my dream to do what you do would be a dream come truee. it is so beautiful whaa you doo. and ii wnna do it. You are an amazinqq women you are kind and generous and so bubbly i told my friends about you and how much i love you and this job they just laugh and think im stupid for lovinqq it. They just think your a lady hu wants money nd ppl to like her. i think you are a wonderful lady. and i would love to meet you. they sed i would never be able to meet you. but if dreams really do come truae i should be seeinq you soon. meetinqq uu wud be a pleasure and beinq a make-up artist would be even better.
Thankyou kandee for makinq me realise the make-up life. (:
all the best.
p.s could you please be so nice to write baack i would be so grateful? x
I am 13 years old. nd before i watched your videos i wasnt interested in make-up. but now i wana be a make-up artist so badd its my dream to do what you do would be a dream come truee. it is so beautiful whaa you doo. and ii wnna do it. You are an amazinqq women you are kind and generous and so bubbly i told my friends about you and how much i love you and this job they just laugh and think im stupid for lovinqq it. They just think your a lady hu wants money nd ppl to like her. i think you are a wonderful lady. and i would love to meet you. they sed i would never be able to meet you. but if dreams really do come truae i should be seeinq you soon. meetinqq uu wud be a pleasure and beinq a make-up artist would be even better.
Thankyou kandee for makinq me realise the make-up life. (:
all the best.
p.s could you please be so nice to write baack i would be so grateful? x
Exclusio Video: Lady Gaga Nude ( VIDEO )
Enjoy!!! She pretty sexy...
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