Monday, August 31, 2009


this is what I look like in a chair at a hair salon....
"what salon you ask?"....
7769 Melrose AVE. L.A, Ca 90046
here's their facebook page CLICK ON
and myspace CLICK HERE
Jerry Park

he's the hair wrangler that cut my hair..(and let me say...I LOVE IT!!!)..he has perfect hair, is uber stylish, and no, he is not gay....just a killer sorry boys!
he also is the creator of the Barracuda Salon...a hip salon right on Melrose Avenue.... and yes I have cut my hair myself for YEARS........this was the first time someone had cut my hair in almost 5 years....ha ha ha ha.....actually, I have only had my hair cut in a salon, like, less than 5 or 6 times...(my grandma was a hair stylist, then I started doing my own hair in high school...I even did my own head shaving...ha ha ha)...I have had bad experiences in the hands of other stylists....! Hair trust issues!

i get a lot of peeps in need of a hair cut askin': what does your hair look like from different angles...please keep in mind these were taken fresh out of bed...and sans make-up! don't be scared.....hee hee hee

side shot of me hair....(said like a pirate)

extreme side shot
more of the back- you can see how thinned out the ends are
i don't wear my bangs like this...but this will show you how they look forward
fluffing up the back to show the layer-action
then you can watch my vid on blow drying and straightening my do......

PS if you are in the LA vicinity....get your hair done by JERRY....and tell him I said hi......and it never hurts to add Barracuda Salon to you tribe on Facebook!
Happy hair days!!!!! Kandee-Cut


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! your hair cut is the one i have had invisioned in my head for years and never been able to find anyone or any pictures till now, so now i can finally get it done! your sooo beautiful, you never need make up, your natural beauty just radiates! keep smiling and brightening peoples day, you sure brighten mine :)


Ruby Woo said...

Thank you Kandee <3 funny enough I want your hair cut and just yesterday I send some of your pictures to my hair stylist and with this today you made my day Loveee you <3

Onyx said...

Love the hair-cut, and I know exactly what you mean about hair trust issues, lol I'm exactly the same! xXx

Jaimee said...

you look good with your bangs down like that.

Kell said...

ahhh i love this! when u grow my hair out, i want layers just like yours.. the fringe is super cute. he did a fantastic job, you have every right to brag :D!!


For the Love of Makeup said...

Hi Kandee I was wondering if you except gifts, I would love to send you a ring and a bracelet that I think you'll love!!! ;)))

For the Love of Makeup said...

Sorry duh, if so e-mail @

luliisb said...

Kandee, great hair! Love it, you're absolutely amazing and brightened my day. :) Btw do you have freckles? They look so cute!! :D

zgirlkirk said...

Your hair is awesome. Love it. I have to ask about more skin stuff though. I need HELP. I put on makeup today for an interview. I use quality products, but when I did the concealer "triangle" under the eye my eyes ended up looking all crepe like and wrinkly. Must have done something wrong, but I don't know what. Aside from this and the large pores, which look more enormous with foundation (as I mentioned before) my makeup looked great. Super duper eye makeup. So, hopefully no on noticed the under eye issue and were stunned by my Kandee-fied eyes ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee...this is SO weird...I blogged about my favorite salon in the SF Bay area an hour before you blogged this!!! The owner of the salon I blogged about ADORES you. I turned her on to your YouTube channel! :-)

Anonymous said...

Kandee!! thank you so much for posting this. i (not exaggerating) literally saw this post from my phone while on my way to get my hair did. :0) i seriously had your pic on the screen and in hand the whole time. this is the first time in a long time i've had a hair cut i liked and actually came out EXACTLY as i wanted. i love everything you do. keep it up girly!

Purpurina Cor de Rosa said...

As I told you in the begining, I'm an hairstylist student and I've done a million haircuts but your haircut suit me just fine!

Anonymous said...

Ahh I've been looking for this forever! =) Now I have things I can show my hairstylist. <3

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