hair we go again...ha ha ha ha....(okay that was kinda cornball)...ha ha ha...but I like it!
To steal an ol' "Texas" hair saying...."the higher the hair, the closer to God!"...hee hee hee
I learned how to tease my hair from one of my hair from one of my best friends.....Sarah Rico...I'd say about 6th grade....once I was armed with this new knowledge...and a bottle of hair spray...my BANGS would never be the same.......
as I worked with hairstylists...(well and beauty school-shmooty school)...and then celebrity hair stylists...you can bet I took notes on some hair dazzlery--- such as this TEASING (aka back combing trick)...
what you want:
HAIR -doesn't matter how thin or flat (I have some of the thinnest hair on the planet...refer to my video on getting your dreams and my story..for why this is...)
ROUND BRISTLE BRUSH-any diameter (2-3 inches is great....mine small one is from Aquage and is about 1 inch in diameter....I use it just for teasing!)
HAIRSPRAY- any kind from Pantene to Big Sexy Hair to whatever you like....!
get your hairspray and brushes...and let's get huge hair!!!
I love your hair! :D
kandee your thee best
thanks for this! it's so hard to find a good tutorial but this one is perfect!
I think my hair is the reason I moved to Texas. HAHAH!
Hi hi.
Random question, but what song is that playing in the beginning? It's so fun!
That's awesome you mentioned that the boar bristle brush is better than the comb. I had that question at the tip of my tongue because I've heard so many times that teasing can damage ones hair. Then again so does a bunch of other stuff. LOL
Thanks sweetheart!
dude your so pretty you don't even need make up!
I just bought a boar bristle brush. I'm excited to Volumize!
i am going to try this! Thank you so much =D
Hey Kandee, I never do this (comment or send strangers comments) but to me, you are not a stranger. I have never been so drawn to someone as I am to you. I love your videos, your personality, your advice, and well, just you I guess. I started watching your vids as I was looking up make-up related things and you popped up. I watched one vid and I was hooked. You are a TRUE inspiration. I know people tell you that a lot but it so very true and I hope you really really believe it because you are just amazing. You give me so much hope in life and it is the craziest thing to me because I've never had that before. Anyhow I was also very curious on how you have your hair cut, i.e, when you get it done how to do ask that it is done? I know you said you cut your own and I watched the vid where you had it done but the reason I ask is because my hair, from what I can tell, is exactly like yours, extremely thin, mine may be a bit thinner and it also seems to fall out more and more. I am not sure why this but it is very upsetting and I've never known anyone or seen anyone with hair like mine and it also looks nice styled. I always avoid going to get my hair trimmed now, which I used to do n a regular basis, because a. I can't find a nice stylist b. Every salon I have been to has butched my hair c. none of the stylists can ever give me good advice and finally, they always refuse to do my hair sort of like the way you have it. Yours looks layered and you have nice full looking bangs. How should I ask, any ideas on how to find a decent stylists? I've asked friends and such but no one seems to have a permanent one or one they like. Sorry for such a long comment but I just feel like if anyone can help me it is you, as I am very self conscious about my hair and do not know what to do with it. I just take a shower and put it in a loose pony tail anymore. Thanks so much for being you and hopefully responding. My email is kaseymontague@hotmail.com
Thanks so much for the tips,I've used a comb for teasing, but from now on I'll be sure to use a brush! What a difference! :)
I'm looking forward for new hair tips! :)
-Jessie from Finland
Kandee i have some video requests for you. Can you please keep doing more style break downs and do some more videos on shirt cutting and how you pin them and stuff too? Thanks! I love all your videos!
I NEEEEEED to know: How did you get your Aquage brush? Where did you get it? How much was it? Aaaah! I need a brush like that for teasing and stuff! Or is there another brush that you would recommend?
Thanks in advance if you reply!
Ciao Kandee!
I have some questions about your career: was it easy to find a job? do you earn enough(not how much, just.. enough for you)? Are you proud of it? (personal question: did you work with famous people?) Any warnings/advices?
I'm asking these questions because I was thinking of becoming a make-up artist too when I grow up, because this sector fascinates me very much and I'm so curious.
I hope you can answer me and I think you're awesome.
hey kandee i was just wondering what kind of sneakers you own :) haha. just a random thought.
love you.
kandee is relly that "tease" is bad for hair??? cuz damage a lot??? thanks for everything i love your videos and tutorials
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