ha ha ha
I am soooooooooooooooooooo excited to go to NY!!!! I have never been....and to know that I get to go, because of something I love and have poured my heart out for....I can't wait....
I have left a big bundle of sleep...in order to arrange for the GLAMINARS.....we are going to have such an amazing....Glam-a-thon!!!
I am working on some very special surprises......
and we are going to have a fun-a-thon......after the GLAMINARS...( go to www.kandeethemakeupartist.com to sign up...while we still have room!) for a super fun Kandee Meet & Mingle!!!! (location to be announced soon...and yes it will be cool, hip, and fun!)
I am so excited...I feel like it Christmas eve!!! And I can't wait for Christmas morning...(which is by the way, my fav holiday!...everything is decorated to fun and sparkly and little christmas lights.....which are another fav...are everywhere......)
must go TRY to sleep at least.....and suitcases are calling my name..."kandee...fill us up.....! we're hungry...hungry suitcases!"....ha ha ha ha
Kandee -
I have had SO much fun watching your videos. In addition to being incredibly bubbly and adorable, I have admired your extensive knowledge about makeup and skincare. You give away tons of information for free, which is very generous as well. I admire your business skills, too - it's clear to me that you possess some serious brain power and drive. You go girl! I wish you tons of success in your business ventures. Anyone who puts out as much positive energy as you do surely deserves their success!
I like that you really go back to the basics with your beauty advice - plenty of water, good food and simple supplements. (And even olive oil to remove makeup!) Would you be willing to post a video on the importance of sleep to maintaining beauty? I think that's a crucial step that tons of people forget.
Good luck to you and THANKS! You're just terrific and a real inspiration!
Aviva in Cleveland
Wow... have fun in your glaminar! I wish I live in NY so I could go to your beauty seminar! I wish you all the best! I'm your fan! Keep it up! Mwah! Thanks!
- Maria
I wish I am not 12 hours...14 hours hours away heck even 17 hours (if I get several layovers) away from NY. I soooo wanna join. If you ever come over Asia, I will attend your Asian Glaminar. ;-) Have fun in NY Kandee. Wish you all the best.
Name that movie? That song if srom the Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly spectacular 'On The Town'. Love it and I bet that song will now be stuck in my head ALL day long xx
Have an absolutely positively amazing time in NY!!! I love your videos and your spirit is just amazing - such a breath of fresh air! I do so look forward to seeing pics and the videos from your trip.
Aww Kandee you always make me smile :) I really wish i could come to NY for the glam-a-thon but i'm at university so its a struggle to find money for food lol..
Have a fantastic time!! I hope to hear all about it on your videos :)However there is now a big spider on the wall that needs squashing =)
Wow this is great^.^
i hope you're just near here
well i am really having fun with ur videos^.^
Love it...
keep it up kandee!!
May God bless you always
OMG I would love love love to go... If I didn't live in another country LOL... Anyways Have a great time!!! See ya!!!
This is an amazing blog, I've been watching your vids on youtube and I have to say they are excellent! Me and my sister are completely hooked....I've just got my first PRIMER from Smashbox and its like a miracle in a bottle....I've never looked so shiny!!
This is an amazing blog, I've been watching your vids on youtube and I have to say they are excellent! Me and my sister are completely hooked....I've just got my first PRIMER from Smashbox and its like a miracle in a bottle....I've never looked so shiny!!
This is an amazing blog, I've been watching your vids on youtube and I have to say they are excellent! Me and my sister are completely hooked....I've just got my first PRIMER from Smashbox and its like a miracle in a bottle....I've never looked so shiny!!
ON THE TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kandee, I'm OBSESSED with that movie! haha I love Vera-Ellen... and speaking of, you should check out my blog sometime!
ohhh, and I forgot to say have an awesome time in NYC :)
Have a blast Kandee. You're going to be fantastic. Good luck with the Today Show on August 11th!!! Not that you're going to need luck. We all know you're going to be sensational.
The Kandee cheerleading squad is behind you all the way
I hope you all have a great Glammies 'Christmas Day,' Kandee! I know you're working so hard to make sure its fun for those lucky folks who get to go. Just make sure to schedule some time for sleep when you go home! :)
Super cute suit case!! Where'd you get it? Hope you have lots of fun in NY. I've always wanted to go there :)
Kandee you're gonna loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee new york! Once you get here, you'll never want to leave
11 kandee you are pretty nice visit my side!! you are so lockiy to be able to realease your dreams come true i really love you and envy but good just take care and be good see you!! chris: )
never alowe change that heart is the only real value on every one of usssssssss!: )
Hello, all I have to say is that I have learned so much from you as to how to apply make up and also some fashion tips by just watching you in your videos..Thank You so much.. Also I was wondering if you can make a video of how to style your hair with like vintage waves.. thanks!! p.s lov your orange shirt on your shop with Kandee video..Where u get it?? any good shops at Anaheim or Fullerton that u know of?? jiji thanks jess
Hi Kandee!
I'm kind of...new...even if I saw all your videos (they are just beautiful...without any comments!).
Now...I would really like to tell you: you are a great inspiration!
I would like to write you an e-mail and I don't really know any adress...cause I would like you to be the only one to read my mail.
So, if I am not asking too much ...can you please leave me an e-mail adress??
Keep on doing what you do! That's making people happy!
Hmmm...if you like to know why I want to write you...just ...I would like to show you how I am trying to redefine the notion of a strong woman! If you think you heard great stories...wait until you hear mine!
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