my amazing mama (shannon)...my pretty aunt...and me trying on hats at the Vintage show in Santa Monica...California....
My Nana was with us too, but I'm not sure where she was when we took this picture...
I did feel like it was Christmas because my Nana gave us each some money to buy some treasures...(thank you so much Nana...if you are reading this...i love you!)...
we had so much fun...we tried on hats, jewelry...and had so much fun wandering through the decades of fashion!

me with the biggest, blingiest earrings...ever...can you say CLIP-ONS!?!

I asked this guy if I could capture the amazement of his super-tall pompador hair....!!! whoa tall!

this was an awesome headband that I would have like to have bought...except that it was $195......
I'll have to do a tutorial on how to make one on the cheap! ha ha ha

my favorite pirate / napoleon hat....i think she we should all start wearing these hats...

I fell in love with these white leather boots......and yes, they did end up leaving with me....I don't know when, or where, exactly I'm going to wear them....but I loved their "pretty woman"-esque-80's-rocker feel.....
It was so fun....I wish I loved in the 40's...could wear extraordinary hats everyday, and clothes that simply dripped with style...it made me want to go through my whole closet and wear only vintage pieces!
(oh, and I got a killer gold biker jacket with fringe on the back....and I mean, shimmery gold, baby!)
Love love LOVE the napoleon hat! haha! Vive le France!
Very cool! Thanks for sharing all this! Looks like it was fun. God bless your Nana. (PS You look a lot like your aunt!!!)
Our work just got back from a shopping trip in new orleans and they said that the vintage shopping there is AMAZING and super cheap! lots of victorian stuff and "glampire-esque" goodies. Sorry, we're stealing "glampire" for our trend forecast. u are sooo ahead of the game! =)
Fabulous! I love vintage clothes too. Sounds like you girls had a lot of fun!
OMG AWESOME headband!!! PLEASE make a how-to video!!!! :)
Kandee I love your great Spirit!!! You are very amazing! Thank you for making every day a BRIGHT day full of positivity!!!! More people should be like you and I. LOVE YOU AND KEEP PAYING IT FORWARD WITH YOUR POSITIVITY!
Headband = AWESOME!!!
Thigh-high boots = HOT! I want some. ^_^
lovvve the headband.
We really should dress like people from the victorian era. Everything was much more classy and upscale. I'm lovin' the pirate hat, girl! Anything reminiscent of Johnny Depp is good.
Cool stuff! I just have to say that your mommy is sooo beautiful! You take after her!! I love going shopping with my mom, it's the best times! <3
OMG!!! Yes!! Make that headband thingy its freakin' awesome!! Pleeease Kandee Pleeease!!
Love the hats and the boots! I thrifted some awesome riding boots the other day...I don't have a horse, but I'm wearing riding boots anyway! Because they're aweseome :)
wow you look so much like ur mom.. she is soooooooo pretty still....
LOVE the boots!! SO HOT ;)
...and the headband too! Looking forward to you telling us how to make one!
Stay Gold Kandee!
Ashley from Canada....
i wish i lived in the 40s too! amazing dresses, hats, pin-uppy makeup. let's go back in time! ;)
There are not many people that can rock those boots...but you are definitely one of them!! Can't wait to see how you style them into a look - you have to post pics when you wear them!
where did you get your necklace from??? i love it!
love that head band!!
just a quick suggestion if you could make a halloween tut. on Beetlejuice! it would be fun!!
Those boots remind me of the Barbie from the 80's Barbie and The Rockers (She was my most favorite barbie ever)
That headband is amazing! Please please please do a video for it :)
Your family is beautiful! And you could totally rock those boots with what you have on in the pic...LOVE 'em!!
Could you please do a Dolce and Gabbana Spring/Summer 2010 look with dark red lips. Thanks!! :D
ooh la la, those white boots would make a perfect accessory for a JEM costume!! hmmmm... :-)
Man, those boots are HOT!!
Looks like you had so much FUN!
There are so many things right with this post :D!!!!!!!!!
Hi Kandee, I remember mentioning the Vintage Expo to you in a blog comment a couple months ago.. That's SO great that you ended up going and had such a good time. Maybe I'll see you at the nxt one in Feb.. :) XOXO
Awesome boots! Your mom and aunt look like they are great friends as well! =)
i love thigh high boots
yours look great!
i just bought thigh highs in black today too!
Love the 40s.so classy. The headband is gorgeous and hats are so fun. I bought one at second hand store and have been trying to find a chance to wear it..ha! I think at some point I will have to throw a 1940s party. That would be a blast!! I wanted to see if you would would do a dalmation look to go with the Cruella look. I was thinking about dressing up as her and taking my nieces and nephews out as dalmations. :)
OH MY GOSH U LOOK SO MUCH LIKE YOU'RE PRETTY MAMMA! haha you must get that all the time.
Hi Kandee
can you do the b-day hair and make-up video for me? i really like you ideas and i have a b-day in 17. November.
I am from estonia and i can't write so well
wow, gorgeousity runs in your family kandee! holy hell..! love your supreme necklace and those boots are killer
Amazing! I wish I was there! I loved your white boots, I would've bought them too.
I've been following you for a while now, I really admire your work Kandee! I think I'm going to post some of your tutorials in my blog but translated to spanish, they're very useful for I do: cosplay!
Kisses from Chile~
You're so fun! Lovin the blog and all the tutorials. Thanks so much for it all! I think the boots looked cute with the outfit you had on that day. :)
OMG those boots are KICK ASS!! I found a pair of white boots out here in Ireland but my calves are too small to hold them up.haha! I LOVE white leather boots. So sexy. And you wear them well chicka! Rock on!
Kandee I love the boots. I wouldnt know what to wear with it either. And the hat is amazing....
hey kandee!! your sooo darn cute you make me smile even on those horrible days home from work!!! but im one of your newer fans and ive been looking around and i was wondering if you had a video of how you do your eyebrows!!! love em!!! i got a eyebrow helper thing but its not really doing the arch like yours!! HELP! :) heatherann
HI KANDEE; first of all, i really loooooove your videos : ) ... and i saw this one about barbie costume, and im going to try it but i need help with the hair , i cant get a wig, so , i was thinking, if you can tell me if i can do anything else with my hair? seriously i'll appreciate it soooooooo much :$ .. my msn is luzde_@hotmail.com TNKS !!!!
i'm having so much fun watching your videos! gotta start looking for the right makeups (?) to practiceeeeeee :) thank you so much :)
Buenos Aires
Oh! I like the Egyptian styled headband with the sparkles... yes, the one that cost $195. Wow. I wish I had money to burn - I'd collect so many things and I know I'm not the only one that would! lLolL
Adore those Boots! Yep they'd be walking home with me too - if I had those long legs - or maybe not - cuz they'd sure look good just sitting in the corner of the bedroom huh! Sexy!!!
and everyone at achool laughed at me when IIIII wore a fannypack!
Saw this on amazon.com Kandee, people are totally buying everything you recommend, myself included!
Lots of Kandee Johnson fans on Amazon!, May 31, 2009
By Garden State (Tallahassee, FL) - See all my reviews
I love how all the products listed here (customers who bought this also bought this...) are stuff Kandee recommends on her blog and on YouTube! Un-petroleum jelly, lemon cod liver oil, hemp shakes, fruit enzyme cleanser, night cream... it's great! She knows her stuff and it's so awesome people are buying the things she recommends. Un-petroleum jelly is awesome, by the way!!!
LOVE the headband! Please do a tutorial!! <3<3
You are so adorable!! I have to mention how inspirational you are to everyone! People just love you because you are amazing. So I posted something on my blog, and gave you a Kreativ Blog award.
Loving the boots, xxx
Hey Kandee! Love the boots!! :)
Question: I wanna be a troll for Halloween (not the scary kind, but the cute ones with the gem for a belly button), I know they don't really have make-up but I was wondering if you could maybe do a video on how to make my face look more like a troll, and also the best way to get my hair to stand straight up?
Thanks so much,
Love love love that headband!!!! Very art deco (my fav jewelery time period!)
Also love the "supreme" necklace youre wearing.
Just wanted to say too that I love your blog, my makeup skills arent a patch on yours but I love looking, thinking I might do a Cyndi Lauper look for Haloween. Just have to find the right wig!!
wow your look exactly like your mom!!! she's equally as gorgeous as you!! she could be your sister! love the boots!! love the hats!! love all your tutorials!! love love love you!! =)
i want this headband!! please show us how to make it!!!
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