this is Pink and in P!nk....Peep the last post to see the look that Pink wore at the 2010 GRammy's......loved it! Clean, frosty, icy but beeee-uuuuu-tifullly cool!
This look is pure lovely with a dash of old time glam! Slap on a helping of rhinestones....and voila-la-la.....

here's the little gems I glued on..thanks to those clever peeps at Urban Decay...they made putting sparkles on you...easier than putting on chapstick!

enjoy this lovely look...from one of my new "yeah, I like them" people.....be bold, be brave, and don't care what anyone thinks.....like Pink! It gives a new meaning to THINK PINK!!!!
enjoy the video it was made with love...for your requests!!! have the sparkliest friday before Valentine's day! huge love, kandee
and PS...as a side note....I fell asleep on the couch editing this video and typing this blog...had to wait til today! ha ha ha...I was getting worried my computer would fall off my lap when I dosed off...so I sent myself to bed! ha ha ha
I'm wearing this out soon. Obviously I don't have the Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows... do you know when it will be out in stores?
Love you Kandee!
Kandee thanks for doing this clean look... Im wearing this look tomorrow thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us. Can you please do a cute Clown make up video please!!!! Im going to be a clown in march for the kids at my church for the second time but the first time my make up was hideous ): can you please help me (: I know you have so much talent and creativity thanks and God bless you!!! mucho amor for kandee
This is beautiful Kandee, really beautiful :) I'm loving pinks and shimmery prettyness at the moment! Beautiful beautiful beautiful :D Love youuuu xxxxx
kandee you're like an angel sent from heaven spreading all this love and joy :D and this look really makes you look like the angel that you are!!
i Love this look i am so going to wear it... thanks for doing a clean look!!!! Can you please do a Cute Clown make up video please im going to be a clown in march for the kids at my church please kandee i know you have so much talent and creativity to share with us... Thanks and God bleess you!!! mucho amor para ti!!!
What a super lovely look! I have my Alice In Wonderland shadows and now I am going to have to get some of the diamond accents. Have a wonderful Valentine's day weekend!
i loove this, it's soo pretty x
xo mw
very pretty! you have amazing eyes
This is beautiful however shimmer not pink? I want to see a bold pink look YAY!
this is soo beautiful Kandee!!! Rhianna had something similar also that night.. I am soo glad u did this look :)
Thanks Kandee... Love ya
super pretty, funny...I just did a THINK PINK post today too!
love what you do doll
beautiful! I love the way you wear your bandanna. so cute.
Love this look.
My mom has super sensitive eyes and I have been searching for a good liner for her. She prefers pencil. Do you have any suggestions we could try? I hate that my momma doesn't feel gorgeous right now.
Love this look Kandee..
I love pink.. simple eyeshadow makeup.. perhaps I cud do this tomorrow..
Thank you!!
HELP!! I have been googling for the MAC Alice in Wonderland Palette. No Luck. WHAT'S THE DEAL??? Even on maccosmetics.com there is no listing. Thanks and Huggs!!! Kelli
This pink look is awesome!!! I can't wait to try it on myself. I was wondering if you could tell me where you got your pink haired makeup brush. I LOVE IT!
Kandee the make up artist is dominating in the Hollywood history. The picture looks pretty and hope to see new pictures from your blog soon.
Term Papers
I love this! Thank you for showing me so many new looks to do with my Alice in Wonderland kit! Could you do a make-up look that would look good with a little black dress? I'm turning 21 soon and I want to look smokin on my birthday!
Well done Kandee, beautiful as always
Thank you so much for this new video, I'm off to watch it, hope you get some rest, be careful not to be sick again!
Love you , Kandee!
Hey i love u so much! can you please do a pakistani/desi/lollywood bride? if i can ill send you piks. Its an amazing look..that needs to be sculpted and i think your the only one that can do it justice
Hey Kandee, love watching your videos!
How about an '80's look - Whitney Houston in her video "I wanna dance with somebody" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC8wlKRTq4Y) - her look in the pink dress?
I saw a show about the SI Swimsuit edition, and it showed bracelets used for the shoot called Bhati Beads (http://store.bhatibeads.com/bracelets.html) - they look right up your alley since you usually have something on your wrist. They also look like they'd be a cinch to make yourself. Cheers!
love the look :D
great job
A truly beautiful, clean look! I love your videos - they cheer me up somehow :) You seem to be a very fun to be with, cheerful person!
I was watching the Biography Channel last night and there was a show called Breaking Vegas on that sounded really interesting so I watched it...and there you were!!! You were sitting at the blackjack table with short blonde hair. Are you in anything else???
YOU ARE beautiful! I love the video too! Can't wait to try it for Vday!
In the evening, I'm always sitting and waiting for you to upload a new blog. It's like, I'm waiting for my friend to text me. Distance friend. Pity, I would like to get an honest hug from you. Really need it now. :)
Yours Giedre. (gianthug)
KelliCarolina ... I may be wrong, but I think the Alice in Wonderland palette is from Urban Decay ... not MAC. :)
KelliCarolina ... I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Alice in Wonderland palette is from Urban Decay, not MAC. :)
Wow, Kandee I love this look so much! I am wondering if in one of your upcoming videos you could do Peacock color eyes. I bought a really fun and colorful dress that has really bold blue, yellow, and green colors that remind me of peacock feathers and I was hoping to try out the same colors on my eyes. I googled "peacock eye" images and found some really cool makeup ideas but I'm not sure how apply it! Thank you!!! :)
I just wanted to say that I really love your videos! You make makeup seem fun and I appreciate that you don't only use MAC for your looks.
Kandee, you are an amazing makeup artist and I believe a good human being who, like all of us, is flawed. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Most people don't have their personal lives out there for the world to see and they don't have to put up with the scrutiny you're facing.
Know this hun, you are strong and resilient and this will all end up in your favor. Whatever the outcome, it is what God intends and you and your beautiful children will make it through triumphant!
Normal people don't have to put up with everyone talking about them or everyone knowing their problems, if they did, very few would be as gracious and as resilient as you. Judge not yest ye be judged says the Lord.
None of us are perfect. We are ALL flawed.
Tell your critics that they shouldn't throw rocks unless they are perfect, and no one is perfect. Prayers to you and your 3 beautiful babies because no matter how grown up they get, they'll always be your babies.
Stay strong and keep doing what you're good at, makeup and inspiring people.
Take care and know you have so much support and love out there in the world so don't give in to despair!! <3
Kandee, I love all your videos. You've lit a passion for makeup in me I never thought I'd have-I've been a tomboy my whole life and now I would love to be a makeup artist-as well as human rights activist and campaigner/international human rights-asylum-refugee lawyer/epidemiologist with a doctorate in Public Health policy. And all with a cane/wheelchair when I get tired :P I have a chronic pain condition.
But seriously, I know you don't show the pics you're using as reference in your videos, but they fall under the Internet Fair Use policy. It's not copyright infringement in that sense. Start charging people to see your videos and reference photos, then you're in trouble.
Anyway, I would love to see you do Kat Von D a la the giant cardboard cutout photo in Sephora stores which is gorgeous gold/black eyes etc., Marina from Marina and the Diamonds (any/all videos, her makeup rules, to say nothing of the music!), and Ellie Goulding, another up and coming British music artist.
And thank you for the videos again-I learnt to cook by watching food network nonstop and now I'm learning about makeup by watching you :-D God I have so many questions to ask!
<3 you Kandee!
@KelliCarolina-the Alice In Wonderland pallette is either Too-Faced or Urban Decay, but either way, not MAC. The palette itself is really neat with standup paper figures, it's so worth it. Sephora's a bad addiction!
Kandee, you rock!
I have my license in cosmetology and i really want to get established as a makeup artist, i was wondering if you could tell in your opionion whats the best make to buy pallettes from because i recently was going to buy makeup but the agreement said things about their products being hazardous or possibly fatal if ingested or if in contact with eye or skin, so now im very skeptical. thanks so much kandee your my fave!
I loved this one!!!!!!!
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