On my friend's comment: "You have to go see this movie!"......I told myself.."okay, we will"...
the "we" consisting of me, and my two closest companions: MYSELF and I!
Above is what I wore to my hot date....
I was WITH myself...NOT BY myself!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha
I talked to my sister on the phone while I drove the 40 minute drive to the only theater playing "500 Days of Summer"....and as I whipped out debit card after debit card and none of them would work (i know I had money in the bank! ha ha ha)......the manager finally let me go in for FREE...because none my cards would work!!! AWESOME!!!!
And as weird as you think you're gonna feel going to the movies by yourself...(like why didn't I just bring along 30 of my 100 cats that I live with..to enjoy this with me! ha ha ha)...I just pretended I was this cool, artsy person...that does this all the time! ha ha ha ha....I actually have gone to the movies with myself (I will no longer say BY MYSELF!!! ha ha ha) a lot....this first time was to see AMELIE....one of my favs!
After the movie...me and myself were hungry...first we got some frozen yogurt at a copy-cat of Pink Berry....but it was not nearly as good! then we got some SOOSH (sushi)....it was so good...I got all the rolls that were somehow "tempura-ed"....ha ha ha......we had an awesome night....
me and myselves......
PS. and yes I started to cry in the end of the movie.....and I had to dry em' up real fast...they turned the lights on when the credits started rolling! I was like, "No, I am not with myself at the movies AND crying!"....ha ha ha ha
I am such an awesome date!!! ha ha ha ha ha
Well, you couldn't have found a hotter date! That's tough competition. :)
Awesome! I love Amelie too, it's very near the top of my list of favorite movies. :) Glad you had a great time!
Love this!!! So cute--and what are those amazin shoes ya got on your tootsies!? Rad. xo
I always go to the films "WITH" myself, I think it's fun and it's not like you're talking to anyone in the movie anyways! You look awesome, your top is so nice.
You did not say Amelie was your favorite movie!!!! naha!!! Thats my favorite movie it encourage me to go to Paris. When I saw it I told my self if u don't go to Paris to have an experience u are a fool. And I did and it change my life!
About going to the movies with myself it is awesome to know I am not the only one. Once my bestfriend told me don't u feel akward going by yourself and I said naha is the best!! u decide what movie u want to see without compromising with what your friends wants to see, plus it time for me, myself and I, and we all need that!!! Well thank you for all the goodness that u r giving us all!!!!
I don't mind going to movies by myself, I mean I watch them at home by myself so it's no big deal. but I think from now on if/when I do go to one all on my own I will think of it as going with me haha. and of course get all the candy to myself haha.
Kandee, you are so adorable! This made me smile so big! Here's to girl being strong and independent and enjoying a night out! :-)
Going to the movies with yourself is definitely not bad at all! There's no one talking, you may have extra room, and you have all the popcorn to yourself! I use to go all the time before. It's nice to treat yourself once in a while!
Oh i went to watch AMELIE with myself too!!!
And i think i enjoyed it much beeter than going with my friends ;)
lol.. u r so cute kandee. WITH urself huh? :D :D
Amelie is AMAZING!
I go see movies solo all the time! Seeing as one of the coolest people ever, why not spend time with myself eh? That and sometimes I really don't feel like hanging out with people! Hahah!
This made me smile after a bad day (:
i think i may go to the cinema with my self now (:
I cried at the end of 550 days of summer too!!! Wasn't it the sweetest love story from a guys perspective? I though it was a happy, funny, sad movie, i would def go see it again!
hahaha oops i meant 500 days of summer lol
love the jeans!
and im in the mood to go with myself to the movies now!
Good way to put it with "myself" I have treated myself to a movie and it didn't not feel awkward at all. I was quite content =D
I have to give you props for going to the movies by yourself. I could never bring myself to do that because I would feel so out of place and self-conscious. I am glad your enjoyed a date with yourself!
Kandee - you are such a beautiful, positive, ray-of-sunshine sort of woman. I only recently discovered you - thanks to a friend's recommendation - and think you're absolutely awesome!
Kudos for being brave enough to do things 'with' yourself rather than miss out because of fear or feeling awkward. You are as beautiful on the inside as the face you show to the world.
I think it is great watching a movie that you are crying to alone. None of that weirdness or disbelief that you are crying over such stuff. My 14 year old son is still amazed when I cry at movies. How could he still be surprised?? LOL!!
Hey Kandee, I watched your web video of how to your jeans up like that and the belt but I was wondering what style and type of jeans, and if you're willing to share, what size are they. I love them and they look like 501 button fly levi's sort of. Anyhow, I have the sandpaper and have been working on mine. They are a bit darker than yours but, they are getting pretty cool.
You look amazing and I love your style. Thanks for continuing to share. Hope your kids are well.
Heather in Mid Missouri
omg.i just went to watch a movie with myself the other day for the first time.at first I felt kinda depressed but after reading your post,I feel so much better!
Here's to many many more movies in the future!
you are so cute Kandee! i want to see that movie so bad but nowhere near me is/was playing it. i'll have to wait i guess. isn't Zooey Deschanel the sweetest little pixie?
hahaha i started going to to the movies 'with' myself ever since I was 18 and my friends would think I was so weird, but I think its nice and its just about being comfortable about who you are
Glad to know it's not just me that goes to the movies by myself lol I do it too if there is a movie that I want to see. A movie is a movie lol
Love the shirt by the way. Where did u get it?
HA! I do that all of the time! Sometimes I have these spur of the moment trips to a movie and Its at a time when I know my friends are working. Its kind of nice not having someone there to make noise during the movie...and you dont even have to share your candy!
lol kandee you are so cool
I love going to the movies by myself. Especially if it's a movie I've really been wanting to see. A matinee is great, too. You get to have the movie experience all to yourself. It feels somehow luxurious to have a movie date with yourself.
haha I have never done dat. but will surely try. btw u and ur outfit looks awsome.... hw cn u stay sooo happy chappy all the time? :D
Hi !
as a french person, I feel soooo happy to read that other countries ppls like french movies ^^
I personnally LOVE the realisator Jean-Pierre Jeunet, he's just so talented.
the color atmosphere is always very well thinking. (sorry for my strange english..)
also, I wanted to say how your outfit was cool !
Do you know the website
http://www.chictopia.com/ ?
you should subscribe and post your outfits overthere ! I think a lot of girls will thanks you to share your amazing sens of fashion ! I found this site few days ago and I like a lot !
well, anyway, I'm always talking too much sorry ;p
I don't know the movie you're talking about, I will look for it ^^
have a niiiice day Kandee and every girls here !
Amelie is my fave film ever. :) xxx
awe. :D you are so cute! and your outfit is adorable
Hey! I always go to the movies WITH myself but ppl never understand it! :(
Where are those jeans from? They are uber.cool!!
awww :)
I love movies! I wanted to see that movie! you sound like an awesome person :)
i have totally gone to movies with my besties myself and i! the first time was great expectations. i think some friends were supposed to meet me and bailed but i really wanted to see it so i saw it anyway then after i saw it i was like, well its not like you are supposed to talk during a movie anyway! so i've done it plenty since. ts great when you actually want to WATCH the movie isnt it! hahahahaha.
very nicely done tutorial. i've debated over and over on the silver dusk, afraid it would look too glam on clients. durn it, now i'm gonna have to go buy some! :)
i have totally gone to movies with my besties myself and i! the first time was great expectations. i think some friends were supposed to meet me and bailed but i really wanted to see it so i saw it anyway then after i saw it i was like, well its not like you are supposed to talk during a movie anyway! so i've done it plenty since. ts great when you actually want to WATCH the movie isnt it! hahahahaha.
very nicely done tutorial. i've debated over and over on the silver dusk, afraid it would look too glam on clients. durn it, now i'm gonna have to go buy some! :)
i have totally gone to movies with my besties myself and i! the first time was great expectations. i think some friends were supposed to meet me and bailed but i really wanted to see it so i saw it anyway then after i saw it i was like, well its not like you are supposed to talk during a movie anyway! so i've done it plenty since. ts great when you actually want to WATCH the movie isnt it! hahahahaha.
very nicely done tutorial. i've debated over and over on the silver dusk, afraid it would look too glam on clients. durn it, now i'm gonna have to go buy some! :)
I can't believe it! I thought that I was the only one that made up characters so I wouldn't be afraid to do things alone!
When I was in my 20s, I would pretend (in my head, of course, I didn't want a "free lunch" so to speak) that I was a food critic or a film critic or whatever so I would be more confident when I walked into places alone.
Now, in my 40s, I am confident enough to do it without much thought.
And I LOVED LOVED LOVED 500 Days of Summer--what an awesome movie. I loved how it was a "mixed media" film: graphics, vintage films, modern story, drawings, collage, montage. Very clever and funny.
As for Amalie--well, we are decidedly the same.
In fact, we are decidedly the same in many ways. When I was your age, I dressed much like you do now.
In fact, we used to dye our jeans; which was totally rad. I had a very favorite pair of ripped and thrashed Levis that I died green. I used to sew up the ankles to make them more fitted (like cigarette pants). I also tore t-shirts all the time. I loved the more feminine fit that better suited my curves!
You know what? We are both Cancers!! :)
There you go Kandee.
We (me and myself) are the greatest lovers and we (REALLY!) enjoy doing things together :D.
Seriously, it is so good to be able to go out alone, feel free..
Ones live happily when he is feeling good 'by' himself..
:).. I hope this makes sense since I speak French usually!
(Thank god there are some amazing role model like you !)
Ohhh my goodness Kandee Please come to San Diego, because of you im going to enroll in MUD for a make up course in Nov, but i cant wait i need to learn everything nowwww!!!!please
Aww, I went to see 500 Days of Summer with myself too :) So good!
I love your outfit! Your style is so fun and care free, it's awesome. Where did you get the black chain necklace you're wearing?
I used to go to movies "with" myself all the time! I actually used to enjoy it. My husband has a nasty habit of talking to me while I'm trying to watch the previews. : )
Amelie is my favorite movie. I named my daughter Amelie because I loved the character and the movie so much. 500 Days of Summer was soooo good. I loved the Hall & Oates musical number.
I don't visit your blog very often but when I do I always smile. You are so bubbly and positive. It just brightens my day!
Having a movie date with oneself is sometimes necessary!
your comments about upgrading to dried grass from dried flowers made me laugh so hard!! hahaha
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