very fun things: going to the grocery store...seeing an ELLE magazine and then seeing your picture inside! HOLY SMOKES!!! I feel like telling everyone around me...but that would probably just make me look really crazy! BUT I'm inside a magazine!!!! Who would've thunk it! hee hee
Huge thanks go out to Salena Lettera for sending me these pics from her road stop (she is a glamorous female truck driver....with false lashes in her rig...check out her blog...it's really funny...http://www.bellavenere.blogspot.com/
And huge thanks to Ian Ruhter for taking the before picture....you've all seen the after....for some reason things must have gotten switched around....because they used a different one for the after....(this was the one I sent too....)

Woo Hoo...I'm in ELLE magazine!!! There are different covers of this issue with Katie Holmes on the cover...when I bought mine she had an orange dress on....so don't be alarmed when you go out to buy a stack of 20...ha ha ha ha just kidding.....
have an awesome day....kandee
YAYA!!! I told all of my girls to check out your vids and to get the magazine!! Woop woop!! So super happy for you! ;)
you are amazing! This is well deserved! Congrats!!!
I got my subscription in the mail and am so proud of you!! Eeek!
My cover is different.
holy moly macaroni!!!! so awesome kandee! you are amazing!!! thanks for all that you do! i'm going out right after work to get the magazine!!!!
kandee im so happy for you this just shows how much of a great talent you are im about to leave and get my copy. Have to support my #1 guru!!!!!!!!!
Awwwww, congratulations Kandee! You deserve all the recognition you get, it couldn't happen to a sweeter person. Yay!
Congratulations! You deserve it. You are an inspiration to so many people.
Congratulations....wish u all the success in future....
I love to watch all ur videos...
congratulations! how exciting!
That is soo fantastic!! Many congratulations!!! You BELONG in the magazines, public spot light!! You are such a wonderful person Kandee Johnson! You deserve nothing but the best that life has to offer! Many wonderful wishes sent to you and yours! :0) Have a fantabulous day!
This is amazing! You're amazing! ;)
Congratulations. I'm definitely picking up a copy tonight :)
Awesome!!! You are fabulous =)
my copy has renee zellweger on the cover! but yr still inside!! :)
Congratulations!! You are so amazing, you totally deserve it! :)
...ain't no thing... the first of many I'm sure. Congrats!
Congratulations Kandee!!!You are my inspiration.You deserve it and I am so so happy for you.Fantastic:)))
I've only stumbled upon your excellent videos this morning after being recommended by a makeup artist friend of mine..
All your videos are so informative... I can only imagine what kind of look you'll settle on for Halloween! :)
(Oh and by the way, not to be pushy or anything.. if you have any time, would it be possible to see a Dolly Parton look? I can imagine that video would be hysterical!)
kandee gurly I am going to buy a ELLE magazine TODAY asap!! not for who ever is on the cover but for you!! I am so excited and happy for you!! You are my role model I love you SOOOO much!!!
Good job girl keep it up! You're dream garden is going to be a dream plantation soon, complete with sparkles and smiles and fun fun make-up! So happy for you!
You see Kandee, all your hard work is being noticed. Congrats and continue with your awesome videos, we will view them again and again and again.
awesome! congrats kandee, ure the coolest!!
Congratulations, Kandee! I am totally going to pick up a copy of Elle now! =)
congrats, this is so great! I'm so happy for you!!! :D
I think maybe they changed the photo because they wanted something with a more "megan fox-y" attitude. Either way, you look great! :)
Kandee that is sooo EXCITING!! :D Congrats you deserve it!! You are a superstar!!!
congrats!!! that is totally awesome. keep up the good work!
KANDEE!?!?! this is sooo exciting!
YAAAYYYYY!i'm totally buying one today!!
yaaayyyy!! imso happy for you!
you defintely deserve it!
i really hope to be able to find the american elle somewhere here (but it's gonna be tough, usually they only sell the italian and maybe, if you're really lucky, the german one)
Woohoo! Congratulations! If I were you I would not be ashamed to tell absolutely everyone. What a great accomplishment!
how exciting! congrats :)
that's so cool, congraduations<3 im buying it tonight.
That's awesome!!!!
YEEEY!!! And about time toooo! Loooots of love to you and I hope you are in the our issue to, if you are I will send you a pic of it in swedish,hihi! You go girl! /tess
That has happened to me!! The whole just picking up one of ur fave magazines and your fliping through and then...OMG!!!! its you!!!
I was in Shojo Beat Magazine December 2008 issue showing off a costume that I wore to Anime Expo 2008. It was very exciting to see me in the magazine. ^-^
Congrats Kandee!!
I don't even read Elle, but now I'm going to have to get a copy. Yay you!! Also, I have watched all your Halloween Makeup videos, and they are all awesome! Never mind the low view count, maybe it's just that there aren't a ton of people who are into Halloween. It's not necessarily a reflection on you! Keep up the awesome work and positivity! Much love to you!!
Yay Kandee!!! You totally deserve it! Congrats :)
And keep spreading the love!!!
omg congratsssss how wonderful!! love u Kandee Kane
Wow, Congrats!!!!
I just saw that magazine at the store but i didnt look in it, i should have! haha, so happy for you!
Congratulations! This is such great news! <3
You looks gorgeous Kandee! <3
That's awesome! Congrats :)
i'm really happy for you :)
You and Emily and my two favorite makeup gals to watch on Youtube, and you're both on the same page of ELLE!! Do I know how to pick them or what?! So excited for you!
Congrats! I already got my copy!
Oh my gosh, congratulations!! You completely deserve this and I'm definitely going out and getting a copy soon!
Congratulations Kandee! It's so amazing watching your career skyrocket, and I think it's really cool that you've shared every step of your journey with your You Tube and Blogspot followers. I remember when I watched your video where you shared your personal story, and it's amazing how far you've come. You are such an inspiration to so many people. Congratulations on a well-deserved accomplishment!
So awesome Kandee, congrats!!
I am so happy for u!!
i am a fan from Paraguay!
you are so beautiful!
yay you!!!!!!:D
Congratz!! For some reason, when I saw you in the magazine, I felt proud, LOL. I want to tell everyone that I know this girl in the magazine. [Well, kinda know ^^]
Congrats!! I just started watching ur videos last week, which I luv, but I have a quick story 2 tell u about ur feature in Elle.
I’m a mag junkie. Anyhow, I look thru mags 4 makeup buying tips. Last weekend, I had tagged the page u r featured n b/c, on the same page, Maura gave suggestions on smudgeproof eyeliners (tend to end the day w/ raccoon eyes).
That same weekend, I went onto youtube to get some makeup tips &, of course, there are a gazillion videos. I couldn’t decide which videos I could rely on 4 great tips. That being said, I made the connection that u were featured in Elle & u have youtube videos. Elle didn’t mention ur Youtube presence. Since I love Elle, I watched ur youtube videos 2 update my makeup look. This week, I hit the MAC store, & I got the pretty please lipstick & brule eyeshadow (luv both). Got a compliment on my new look! Thanks a ton!
Yay Kandee! I got my mag the other day in the mail and was pleasantly surprised to find my favorite makeup artist, KANDEE! You're the best and so talented. Keep up the good work! =)
YAY! for KANDEE! You looked beautiful!
Congratulations Kandee!!!! You're always an inspirations & a little sunny spot in our day.
the truth is that if you´ve got something, that´s TALENT!!! Keep on going!
This is great. Congratulations you are truely talented and so fun to watch.
Congrats, Kandee! I'm going to see that Elle article. They are so lucky to have you :)
Congrats, Kandee! I'm going to see that Elle article. They are so lucky to have you :)
Look Kandee! :D
You are not only on Ella Magazine but y ou are also in the Most Popular Section of youtube!!! I was so glad to see you there cause I did not like it when you said you were not getting enough views! I hope this cheers you up! love you and your videos are awesome!
You are a girl that God has blessed with an amazing talent and a lot of charisma and I think it's so cool what you do and how you share this talent with us! God bless you!
Congratulation i am very proud of you! you deserve it! But don't forget us when you become famous??!!! i am kidding you are already famous !! Congrats again and keep on making us gift of beutifulness and hapiness!!! lol
I am so happy for you Kandee!! Unfortunately I don't live in the US so I won't be able the buy the magazine.. otherwise I would have probably bought 100 of them.. hahahaha
I am so sure that this is going to open even more doors for you.. I bet you will soon have your own TV show or make up product line!!
You totally deserve it!!! =]
And thank you for your little "thank-you-video" ;]
Kandee Congrats! Listen, I dont know how to use this blogger thingy yet but I wanted to put in a request.
Can you do a video on how to cover Acne scars or blemishes.. I have tried everything and its ruining my life. Im very self conscious about it and cannot afford any kind of procedure to cover it. For now, I'm just packing it on. If you already have a video on it please let me know the title. Thanks.
WOW this is so great!! congrats!! <3
You're the best!Can you please make a video about this two looks? http://www.my-artist.net/ashleytisdale/fotos/2009-ashley-tisdale-official-pressefotos/ashley-tisdale-cover-guilty-pleasure.jpg
YAY!!!!! OMG THAT'S SO AWESOME!!!!!! I think you need to be on the cover though ;) hahaha
Hey Kandee!!! I so went out and bought that elle magazine just because you were in it and you look amazing im so happy for you!!!!!! LOVE YOU!!
Okay Kandee I could not afford to buy 20 copies of Elle but I went out and got one because of you to show my suppose. I am not proud and happy for you. I still think you should have won (smilez).
How I found Kandee Girl!
A few months ago Jennifer Aniston was on the cover of Elle so I bought a copy - once in a while I will buy a magazine if a celeb is on it. After reading the article I wondered if there was more on the Elle website (another usual think for me to do). I then stumble on the Elle Makeup Videos and I'm like hmmmmm what is think let me check it out. I viewed your video on the "Beachy Look" and then I saw you click at the end that you were on youtube. I scooted over there (never been on youtube before) and I have never looked back since. I looked at all your vidoes you posted over the weekend.
When I saw you vidoes I see something I want. I want to be happy I want to be positive I realized that I use to be that girl but I was a shell now. You reminded me of who I use to. I was suddenly resuscitated and I started looked at my life and wondered how I got to this bad place. I have since made a conscious effort to be happy and I made the diffcult decision to see a counselor to deal with some difficult issues in my live. I feel some much better I feel alive again. I am hopeful. Thank you for reminding me. I know this is long sorry. I just feel that I didn't stumble on your blog/videos by accident I was meant to. Thank you Kandee Girl. Much love
PS I never post stuff of ppls blog or respond to anything. I am stepping out. :-)
I just want to say how much I admire you for being who you are, so talented and lovely, I really enjoy watching your videos, I would love to have a friend like you!!
i dont read elle, but i will pick one up if your in it kandeee
SO proud of you!!! <3
And I'm off to find my copy of the magazine!!
Heey Kandee! i love what you do im studing to be a makeup artist too! but as you said on your blog , there can be unhappy days , and i was wondering if you can help me out? Thanks! xxx
i really need some advice!! plz xx
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