Friday, December 18, 2009

random thoughts: glaminars, ebay & throw up

Mr. Sandman didn't visit me very long last night.....
click here to see why:
I'm a little behind in my daily tasks....ha ha ha
yesterday was filled with shopping in the mall....and oh so much more....
where Nicolle made my day, by recognizing me and coming up to say hi and get a picture...
thanks Nicolle for coming up and saying hi!!!! And she had awesome green eyeshadow on!

I was supposed to work on my GLAMINAR schedule...yes, I will try to be coming to a city near you teaching make-up wonder...yay!!!!
I just wanted to get some updated feedback on where I might be "wanted" the most....
some cities might be:
Chicago, LA, San Diego, San Fran, Toronto, London....Dallas or Houston.....Seattle.....make your requests....I'm gonna plan the schedule out for the new year!

And next, I have some things I was thinking of selling on that my friend made, like mine, some things I needed to just try to sell anyway....would anyone want to buy some treasures from my closet and beyond!?!

I am so tired...but one true thing are going to have to do things no matter you might as well be happy and merry while you do them. Two people can do the same happy and one complaining....I guarantee that the one who does it happily won't mind it nearly as bad as "el complaino"...ha ha ha ha

So remember today whether you had grumpy people at school, rude drivers, a difficult person, or a not-fun it "merrily"....because it's going to get done one way or the other...and it might as well be the happy way!

huge love and candy canes, kandee
PS. I promise I'll have a better blog post tomorrow! ha ha ha ha


Jaybee said...

pleeeaaseee come to seattle!! that would be so amazing!

hope you have a wonderful holiday!
thanks so much for your always kind and encouraging words.


laurennotoe said...

Hey Kandee! You are such an inspirational person and artist! If you can, it would be amazingly awesome if you could do a Glaminar (anywhere) in Michigan :) or even Ohio( my mom supports my love of makeup artistry and she thinks your awesome too!). If you came to Michigan it would make my . . . well it would make my year! lol

Happy Holiday!

Meredith said...

Kandee! I love you so much! Ever since I started reading your blogs and watching your videos my life has had so much more focus and it has been much brighter during a very stressful time. You make my days so happy! I would absolutely love it if you would have a Glaminar in Houston, but I would totally travel to Dallas to see you!

ktalarczyk said...

Kandee, I would LOVE it if you could come to Detroit! If not, I'll totally come to Chicago :D
I hope you have an amazingly wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

UTAH SLC SLC SLC SLC!!! I find that people underestimate SLC. I can think of some sweet places and things for youbto do while you're here. It would make my world for you to come and pass along some of your inner beauty along to me and the rest!

Kirsty said...

London please its the closest to me and thats still 4 hours away although i would love to learn off you and see you in ´real life haha´ maybe we could take a trip on a open top bus :P hope all is well love kirsty x

Unknown said...

San Francisco and YES on Ebay! :)

Leighanne said...

Kandee! Come over to Albuquerque, Nm!
It would be so amazing to be able to meet you coz
you are such an inspiration to me:)!

And i'd love to be able to buy some of your
treasures! Most definitely that watch:)!

If you end up not coming here then i'll moat definitely go to LA for you and also Detroit, MI!

Leighanne said...

Once again please come over to Albuquerque!
It's only a 1 and half hour flight I believe :)!


The Poop Diaries said...

We need you in the Pacific Northwest!! Please come to Portland or Seattle!!! Being able to attend one of your Glaminars is on my wishlist : )

Sarah said...

Don't forget us here in the south! Atlanta would LOVE to have you here!
I dream of glaminars with Kandee!

purplecupcake said...

Hi Kandee,
Could you please come to Guam? Lol
I know, that is sort of far fetched?!?!
Yes, I would definitely support your ebay sales! I am planning on buying one of your mugs too? ; )
Like so many of your readers, you have inspirex me to become a better person, a happier single mommy, and a more spiritual follower! Thank you.
I have just recently come across your youtube videos thus leading me here and I find it quite meaningful like God lead me to you.
You have a very great gift and I admire that!

SAMARIE*** said...

We need you down south....I have like 10 friends who would love to go to one of your glaminars...We live in Orlando. But if you do one in Atlanta we would def make the trip. Thanks for all you words of encouragement...

Love SAM!

Isispandoramoon said...

Please come to St. Louis or KC!

Kate Gene said...

I've got to second Jenny's request. Seattle is where it's at! There are tons of cool places to eat, shop, walk, etc. We've got a lot of diversity... You'd get to meet all kinds of crazy people!

Thank you for always being a bundle of sunshine! :)


Kate Gene

Kate Gene said...

Oooh, I see "S" also requested Seattle! WA state hearts you!

Miss Priss Morgan said...

Las Vegas!!! I know you were here recently, I hope you loved it sooo much you can't wait to come back???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Salt Lake City, UT! It's where it's at... sort of, not really, actually. But I'd still love it if you came to Salt Lake!

And for sure keep us posted on your eBay items. I'd love me some Kandee!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Those were a lot of thing to do! haha. What about coming to Mexico? n_n
anyways choose the city you like the most! and then we can see the pics!! woohoo!

a better blog post?!! All your blog posts are perfect Kandee!!

luv ya so much <3!


Anonymous said...

Kandee where ever you have it im coming all the way from New Zealand . Im coming in June but whatever whereever ill come twice . I just hope i can get a ticket you are so popular .
Love ya xxx

Kitsune said...

For the Love Of All Things Glam, you have GOT to come to Miami! We've got the beaches (South Beach really is a blast, even when its covered in tourists), the most aMAzing Cuban food on the planet - I'll take you to my favorite restaurant - sun, sand, sea, what's not to love?

Michelle said...

Kandee! I am SO bummed. Last week we travelled from Georgia to Las Vegas. I get home, see your blog post about being at the airport in Vegas and realise we were there at the EXACT same time!!

You can imagine how mad I was when I mention this to my husband, show him the photo of your little setup at the airport and then he says "yeah, I thought I saw a girl that looked like the one on the videos you watch" DOH I could have strangled him!

I can't tell you how much I'd love to get a second chance to meet you - please, bring your fabulous glaminar to Atlanta - or even the amazing Savannah, I have a whole bunch of friends who would love to come!!

Unknown said...

Definately come to Dallas!!!! You have become an inspiration to me, more than you'll ever realize. I would love to bring friends and family to a Glaminar!

Unknown said...

Oh, and placing some watches and things on eBay would be an awesome treat for me (although my hubby and his wallet may disagree)

Vixen said...

I would love for you to come anywhere in California, i live centrally so id be pleased to go anwhere to attend your glaminars!

Lula Flor said...

Please come to VANCOUVER, BC, Canada...hey!
We would LOVE to have you here, yey!!

Naiomi said...

LONDON........ Kandee you must go to london, i am in Switzerland but it is easier to get to london, love you X

Melissa Dale said...

My #1 vote would be for San Francisco, #2 LA. Also, 'yes' on Ebay.

Beebs said...

come to seattle :-)

Anonymous said...

Chicago!!!!! Pleease so many would come and be blessed by it!

Maggie said...

Seattle! Im surprised by how many other people here that want seattle too!

Aberdeen said...

TX, baby!

Unknown said...

San Fran has been waiting for kandee for evah plz plz plz, ebay thing do it girl :)
luv ya

Unknown said...

Please come to SEATTLE!!!!!!! That would be amazing :)

You're a wonderful person and I'd love to learn your wonderful talent


Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee, please come to Richmond, VA!! That would be amazing!

Olivia said...

Please come to Portland, Oregon!!!!

Anonymous said...

London, London, London! Please come to London!
Also would buy ebay things if they can shipped to the UK x

Laura Lenexa said...

Hey Kandee!
You have to come to London! and yes on the ebay stuff.

Anna Maria said...

can you come to Amsterdam??? that would be very cool =D

Jessica Bennett said...

Kandee! I think you should come to Washington DC! I would love to see you! Dc loves Kandee :) please?!

Unknown said...

NYC! That would be great! Would love to meet you and learn amazing things!

Naomi said...

Please come to Toronto! I would love to take one of your glaminars. I love learning new things about makeup.

Nicole&Laura said...

Heyy ..
Can you please come to London or somewhere in england i soo soo soo want to meet you and learn more of you make up magic .

Stephanie Fox said...

i love your make up but i learn so much better in person and my sister doesn't know anything i want to take her a present one day please come to toronto !

younglove said...

Wow! Kandee! Please come to Toronto! That would be amazing.

Smiley and optimistic said...

Yes yes yes to ebay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really want the watch!!!!

Hearts and Hands for Nepal said...

Please come to Doha, Qatar. Ok...well...Maybe Dubai...

ALRIGHT, I will settle for LONDON. It looks like London will win before those other 2 requests...sigh.

Just Being Z said...

i would looooooove to buy something from your ebay site. and come to chicago!!!! i might not be able to go your glaminars, but it would be awesome to meet you!

mimi said...

london london london please please please will fly from ireland to see you please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mimi said...

did i mention london purleaseeeee?? xxxx

Jessi said...

Hi Kandee,

If you come to Ireland my husband can organize the entire event for you. The last one he organized was in Dublin and before that was the Audience Conference in NYC. Google it to see his handy work. His name is Anton Mannering. Dublin would be your best bet for largest population in Ireland. He could also arrange London if you preferred that. Email me at if you need help organizing it ok? Would love to meet you and help you out. Jx

christine.evans279 said...


Anonymous said...

Thank You Kandee!!!! I must remember to do all these tasks MERRILY!!! BIGG HUGGS & MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Christ is King!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Come Down South!!! Atlanta, Richmond...even DC. Lord Knows they need Glamour there!!!! Bigg Huggs!!!

Dannygirl said...


Unknown said...


Faith said...

Come to San Luis Obispo!!! Would love one of the watches.. I haven't been able to find any close to what you have and I think they are great!

Anonymous said...

Consider Florida!

(C'mon, admit it, it's tempting to take an off day to go see Disney World or explore Miami! ;) )

Unknown said...

Yeah!!!! Seattle's in the lead! We need some sunshine in Seatle and you are it. I love watching you, you are so cheery and truly joyful. You are a breath of fresh air. My parents have a loarge facility that you could use for free! It holds about 200 people.

Unknown said...

Dallas! I have a friend who wants to be a makeup artist and a few other friends who just love makeup and we'd all go!!!!!!!! Dallas, please!!!!

Unknown said...

HOUSTON, TX IS WHERE ITS AT KANDEE!!!!!!! OMGAH you have to!! MY BEST FRIEND and I are completely in love with your make up tricks of the trades!! PLEASE COME AND VISIT!! THAT WOULD BE IDEAL!! POR FAVOR!!!

Colette said...

It would be super rad if you came to Kansas City!!!

Unknown said...

Seattle! I live in Alaska, but Seattle's not too far away... I would totally fly to learn from the master...yes to ebay! i want one of those watches!

pink lilie said...

Pleeeeaaaase come to London... we would love to have you :-) xoxox

Anonymous said...

L.A all the way and yes on Ebay xoxoxo

Unknown said...


Jo said...

Come to Boston Kandee!!!

Caroline Lamothe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caroline Lamothe said...

You could come in Montreal (Quebec) Canada! I'm pretty sure I am not the only one who just love your blog and videos!!!

Beadsbox said...

I would love to travel to London, from the Netherlands!!!

Otherwise maybe Houston (easier to fly from Europe) but soooo expensive!

Love your blog!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Kandee, Please come to Phoenix. We need you!

Anonymous said...

you wont regret coming to boston!!

Anonymous said...

what is your ebay name? I would LOVE to get my hands on a couple of those watches

Anonymous said...

Chicago!!!!! I live in Iowa and would def drive to Chicago!!!

KCel said...

Toronto :)

HeatherRyann said...

Vegas please!! And yes yes yes to Ebay!!

Anonymous said...

COME TO DALLAS!!!! such a neat place!! and yes to ebay <3

backwards and in high heels said...

Hi Kandee!! I would love to come see you in San Francisco, where I live. My second vote is LA, where my family lives!

lindseyroot said...

Hey Kandee! Please come to Dallas! We would love to have you here! :-)

Brittany said...

Kandee, we would love to see you in Kansas City! I've noticed several others have commented for KC. Can't wait!

Viva La Fran said...

Hi Kandee! :) i love ur stuff! everything, ur videos, blogs, pics, style, and ur awesome and inspiring self :) ... i would love to buy one of the watches ur friend makes, they are awesome! and also, i would love to go to one of ur glaminars.. im near miami, FL though.. so if u consider coming here, keep us posted please, id hate to miss it! :) best wishes to u and ur cute babies!

Anonymous said...

Kandee! Pleasssssssseeeee COME TO TAMPA. :) :)

It would be AMAZING! hope you and your pretty little youngins are doin well!

Rosa said...

Come to Houston!

Unknown said...

Man, the moment you offer yourself to people, everyone takes advantage don't they? GEEZ! 86 comments this time but normally there aren't that many :( sad. But I still love you Kandee!! I think any girl would love to buy your "treasures" hehehe because you have great style and like fun things aaannnd you're an honest person, I know I'd be interested!
Hope you have fun planning your Glaminars! What a blast!

Blushme said...

Chicago!!!!! Come Come!!! The windy city needs Kandee!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow how exciting.You should try to come to Tulsa,Ok.I used to live near L.A (born & raised)then i moved to memphis and now im in tulsa.I miss L.A style n fashion so much,and would love to ee you come here!Oh and btw just thought if you can do a video about eyebrows?You know like pencil vs powder and shaping and all that? Im pretty sure theres more that can be done but would just like to see some other interesting ways on doing eyebrows?Thanks
New subscriber

Donna Marie said...

KANDEE you NEED to come to TORONTO!!!! You would LOVE it here for sure! I'd definately sign up for your Glaminars! There's so much to see and do in the city of Toronto. PLEASE make TORONTO your next stop!!! ;)

Debora Spencer Photography said...

Please come to Seattle!

natalie75 said...

Kandee, you are such a joy to watch my hubby's agrees! :) Have a wonderful Christmas with your family. I didn't see a vote for KANSAS, yes, I realize it's a long shot but what the heck! ha ha

katie said...

anywhere in tx please please please!!!!!! i want to go to a glaminar sooo badly! ill use all my christmas money!

love you!

kry5tyles said...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME TO SAN FRANCISCO! i'm only 40 min from there and would love to attend a glaminar by you!

Bree said...

I would love to go to one of your Glaminars! You should go to Sacramento or San Francisco! I would love either of those locations! PLEASE COME TO ONE OF THOSE!

gleamogirljoelle said...

Kandee! Please come to DC and/or Baltimore! It would be amazing to learn from you!

Sirenazul said...

Ok, you have an appointment in Spain, in the south of Spain!!! Please come to Granada or Madrid and as I am a professional translator I will help you!!! LOVE

Krista said...

CHI-TOWN! Please come to Chicago in 2010...the mid-west is a central and convenient location!

Unknown said...

Oh, Seattle Please!!! Although, for you I would consider traveling...

Anonymous said...

KaNdEe come to El Paso Tx and we will treat you like a queen!! He he love ya lots and hopefully you can make it to EPT : ) I would die of happiness if I could meet you! Looooove ya!

pennylynn said...

Kandee, Pretty please come to Kansas City!It would be so amazing to get to meet you and hear more of your tips and knowledge! we love you and all watch your videos and check your blog everyday!consider KANSAS CITY!!!!!

hijabinista said...

Chi-city is where it's at!! Please come to Chicago! There are tons of Kandee fans here!!!

Carla-Bom said...

WASHINGTON DC pleaseeee! well actually, anywhere in VA works, I would totally drive out to see you!! PLEASEEEE,hahahahaha :D

Char said...
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Char said...

San Fran and San Jose !!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sweet Kandee. Miss you <3 Char

beautyfreekz said...

Come to the east coast so we can get some Kandee love. Anywhere in VA or Washington DC.

shadoweloc said...

Baltimore or DC!!!!!!!!

Adriiii said...


Erika said...

Please please please come to Florida!! (Orlando, Miami are both driveable distances for me!) Please!!! That would be so awesome.

Anonymous said...

FLORIDA :)!!! my friends and i love you and want to come! we live in Orlando but anywhere in Florida would be amazing!

Mallory Doss said...

I would LOVE for you to come to Kansas city!! you are sooo inspirational and i get so excited when i see new videos posted!!! if you cant come to kc, Chicago would be the next best!

Mallory Doss said...

I would LOVE for you to come to Kansas city!! you are sooo inspirational and i get so excited when i see new videos posted!!! if you cant come to kc, Chicago would be the next best!

Unknown said...

new york! i beg yoU!

Francesca said...

Merry Christmas!!! Hope you're having a great holiday:)
Come to Chicago!!! and teach me fun things haha i watch your videos non stop

Unknown said...

kandee youre my favorite make up artist, and i think you should come to orange county for a glaminar. hehe i love that word.

Unknown said...

kandee you have inspired me to follow my love of make up artistry. i came across one of your youtube vids and it made me realize this is something i would like to pursue, youre amazing and i cant thank you enough for helping me realize something i would love to do. said...

Hi Kandee! Love your videos & blogs! Hope you come to Chicago soon & definitely looking forward to your "ebay store" that'd be great! Keep us posted & keep up the great work Love from snowy Chicago, MissJanet

Unknown said...

You should come to Phoenix! :) Altho if you do San Diego, that would be ok too. Thanks for all that you do!

Anonymous said...

Please come to Chicago!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Chicago! I will save up for this!

mcruz said...

Please come to San Francisco or San Jose...if not my sister and I will just have to take a road trip to LA

Felicia said...

PLEASEEEEE come to TORONTO!!!! xoxox

thekiwibex said...

LONDON LONDON LONDON LONDON LONDON please! Then all your UK and Europe followers can attend :)

glitter in my veins said...


Mark.Girl Candy said...

Kandee....Please come to Ontario, California...that's right I said Ontario, California not Ontario Canada...I am so looking forward to Glaminars... I can't wait

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